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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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Thanks for the compliments and the feedback, Herculine, but it is not so much multiple personalities as trying to put myself into each story in a focused fashion but then again... It's not your turn Fred...









Danzie went to what was officially just one more government depot but in this case a largely empty one reflecting troubles in the vault. Except that inside the depot was a hidden place, a big chamber full of goodies, many of them quite deadly. A middle aged looking, solid, craggy man sat there in a blue vault-jumpsuit with some soup and sauce stains on the chest.


Crunchilunch, not his real name of course, sat behind his metal desk and security grillwork frowning almost in a friendly manner at Danz007. He pressed a button and a slim, compact case slid down the chute. "Fools in Security Intelligence want you to go out there with not enough, as per normal, but this is our latest development in xdartguns. Selective fires stun, explosive, armour piercing or flashburn xdarts. Weapon is largely solid-state and interference will make it internally melt. Along with this you will get a standard survival exosuit, battered looking but in good condition, a 10mm caseless slimshot autopistol and an old style cased cartridge firing, that is 5.5mm 2020s type cartidge, bolt-action rifle with a fixed ten shot magazine fed by stripper-clips. You have your pipboy, of course, a gunboy, two outdoors vault-jumpsuits and some other gear. I am sure you have your own stuff which I will carefully not ask about."


Danzie nodded. "Your bonus is on the way."


But the other surprised him. "Not this time, Danzie. The fukes upstairs are setting you up for something nasty. I don't know what it is but you have become too good at what you do, you know too much, including about them. Worse than that, whispers are out that some kind of shadowy puppet master is out to get you. Except he also wants you to complete your mission successfully. I strongly suggest you get out of the main vault soon. Go see your weird little friends."


Danzie nodded. "Knew it was coming. You take care also, Crunchilunch because I am not the only one with the red spot on them. A nasty power play is going on between older factions and a new, rising faction in and behind Vaultgov. The Fifteen Familes are all of the Old Factions but who or what is behind the New Faction, I have no idea. Nobody I know seems to know what is really going on."


The other man frowned. "Then its time for me to use the back door for the last time and you can have these on the house." Five more cased items slipped down into view. "Very nasty stuff. Use only with extreme care. Now for something of much more use to you than me." A single small but high quality 20g datacard slid down into view. "Perhaps I will see you in the Rimzone."


Danzie nodded. "I suggest the Markets of Fabulous Bargains."


Then they were parting ways but they were never to meet at the Markets of Fabulous Bargains in the Rimzone for Crunchilunch never made it that far.



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Danzie made his way through the vault using an elaborate route using transvators, elevators, small electric trams and just walking. He stopped at a cramped cafe, little more than an open alcove with some built-in booths with bench-chairs and tables, to absorb the 20g datacard's conclusionary briefing. It was data on not only the Ashworths but various people they were linked with along with organisations, chronological events and other stuff. It was not just done to inform him of the facts but to give him more of a feel for those he was hunting.


After passing through subvault barriers he came to the Inner Rimzone, in fact the quieter and supposedly more civilized part of the Rimzone closer to the vault proper sectors. There he made his way to the Market of Fabulous Bargains, being great open chambers dotted with stalls not only on the great floor but on a network of metallic columns, cables, webworks, rampways, platforms and other structures going upwards three levels towards the great roof. The stall he went to sold a whole lot of basic gadgets, ornaments, toys and other items. Officially that was all it sold but he was allowed into the tent like strcture that was actually stiffer and sturdier than a normal tent.


Danzie sat down on a plastic three legged stool, mass-duplicated as many such items were, and looked across at the beautiful mature woman who sat apparently staring past his left ear. She was in a very comfortable chair and was cyberlinked into a datastreamer module. Datastreamer modules were used to seek out datafiles but then those datafiles would be accessed more directly by other means. Suzanne Sazio looked at him and frowned softly. "Something tells me that this visit is different from others."


Danzie nodded. "I am departing from the public service; I am going AWOL as many like me are doing who wish to live. I am going to carry out my mission because my gut tells me that it is important that I do so. I am seeking both Professor James Ashworth and his daughter Jasmine Ashworth."


Suzanne shook her head with a clear expression of bemusement on her face. "Professor James Ashworth is a dark sheep in the big happy vault family that we officially all belong to. He has been sneaking into forbidden areas of the vault and even some that officially do not exist. He sold some data he found in his highly illegal forays in order to obtain the equipment and supplies he needed to escape from TekVault101 and to make his way out to the surface that supposedly nobody has gone to since the outer vault doors were closed and locked. The last expedition to leave the vault went to TekVault100 and returned from there roughly three months later to speak of a vault in worse trouble than us but you know that."


Danzie nodded. "I was in that expedition. We gave them some vital medical data so hopefully the virus that was causing them so many deaths was solved. Professor Ashworth was also in the expedition. His research work helped create a viable vaccine but we had to leave while the TekVault-100 people were still developing an antidote. Bloody expedition was officially badly organised, poorly equipped and supplied as if it was meant to fail. I don't think our worth Overseers wanted to have us return to home-vault. They wanted to use our failure as a warning against people leaving home-vault. Unofficially people improved the expedition's chances of survival. We took better equipment, more supplies and some very handy robots. We used a special subway train but not to speedily. We ignored official instructions, planned a new route to get to TekVault100 and we all survived."


The woman nodded. "You never told me you were on that expedition. Tell me more and I will take it as a part payment for information I have for you."


So he did in a quick, concise manner. The old VaultWays, the specialised hidden Subway Network linking TekVaults and other facilities, were in surprisingly good condition most of the way to TekVault100. The only life they met were radraoches, molerats, molemice and other, smaller critters. Then they came upon an open VaultWay utility-hatch to one side. Shortly after that the train was attacked by zhouls, a pack of the creatures that came screaming along the tunnel. Zhouls used to be humans, being unnaturally long lived, or were the offspring of other zhouls though generally zhouls had low fertility. They had simply outraced the zhouls who had quickly enough given up the chase so they could go back to trying to catch and eat radroaches, very big mutated cockroaches. In many ways TekVault100 was like TekVault101. Indeed the similarities far outnumbered the few notable differences.


He finished off with, "Go talk with Expeditionary Supervisor Samual A Smith if you want to learn more. He will be able to give you both a good deal of data on the expedition."


But she shook her head. "Samual A Smith was killed in an unfortunate accident last month along with almost everybody who went on the expedition to TekVault100. The only survivors are Professor James Ashworth, two women and yourself. The women fled and are hiding somewhere in the Outer Rimzone but reliable word is out that they are being hunted by somebody like you with the initials of SJC."


Danzie did not like the sound of any of this. It was indicative of nasty, complicated stuff and he always hated to be tangled in nasty, complicated stuff. He scowled. "I am nothing like that slimethug SJC. He is an incompetant fool, is too quick to be brutal or even to kill and he is clumsy but he is blood related to one of the Fifteen Elite Families. Why would 'they', who every they are, want to kill off all those who went on the expedition?"


She shrugged. "Perhaps they are going to try to convince people that it failed."


Danzie nodded as if responding to something in his own mind. Then he grinned. "Odd idea considering that many Vaultfolk already know about the expedition." I have a datachip you may want to see." He reached down but then flicked his hand and wrist in an odd fashion, put his hand into a fist and lowered it so the now exposed wristgun was aimed at the woman. There was a soft thunk noise and the fake woman died with a look of surprise frozen on 'his' face.


SJC toppled over and the holographic exosuit flickered and then jumbled up. It was a man, of course, it always had been but Danzie wanted to be certain. He would have kept SJC alive to question but already knew that the fool would know nothing of value. Despite his own overly bloated sense of self value, SJC was always considered expendable as was Danzie himself when it mattered.


He found the dying woman in a plastic modular closet and took her quickly to where she could be helped most, the fastest.



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The Orderhood of Compassion arose seemingly out of nowhere. Sisters and Brothers Compassionate began to serve the needs of people in the Badways of the Undervault, the Rimzone and the Cavezone. The Vaultgov did little or nothing for people in the Badways; if anything they often made matters worse for many. The brutal Military Police bullied people, the Security Police were worse and the Civil Police out there were often criminal misfits sent there as punishment. In a big metallic room the Orderhood of Compassion had set up a hospital of sorts with what ever equipment and supplies that they could get themselves or have donated to them. Danzie had been very highly paid for his various missions and had donated vaultcredit, vouchers, equipment and supplies but also some odd items gained from the Cavezone and the Undervault.


Danz007 sat on a plastic chair, mass-duplicated off course, and studied the woman sleeping nakedly but firmly wrapped in a thick, white sheet. He sat surprisingly still as his mind went over everything that he had learned. When a Sister Compassionate entered the screened off area he was in, he turned his head and smiled at her. The mature woman smiled back, looked briefly at the 3Dscreens on the one and only basic multiple purpose medical machine and then back to him. "You saved her life. Suzanne Sazio has been a good friend to and supporter of the Orderhood for many years now just as you have been though you have kept yourself more at a distance than she has. The dead body of the assassin has been fed into a meat-boner and anything that could be salvaged has been. You asked to go through his items."


He nodded at her and felt yet again an odd mixture of wariness and warmth to these people. "Very good though I suspect most of it I will give to you for disposal or recycling but not for sale or use. It is too dangerous to do the last two."


Attractive, mature brunette Sister Compassionate Rhonda Rhodes nodded. "Do not concern yourself about such matters. The Orderhood has enough experience to look after itself though it pleases me that you are concerned for us. You told a Brother Compassionate that you are seeking a Professor James Ashworth or his daughter Science Cadet Jasmine Ashworth along with her companions. Perhaps you sought to gain information from Suzanne."


Danzie nodded. "Amongst other valuable resources. Mostly information, I grant you that much. I am going AWOL from the public service and yet I wish to find the Ashworths though with no desire to kill them as I was ordered to do so by the High Overseer and the Security Overseer in person. I wonder who is going to take over my apartment and if they will look after my plants properly."


Rhonda Rhodes sat on the edge of the bed and held one of Suzanne's hands in her own. "Suzanne will be in no condition to answer questions for a good deal of time. What will you do now?


Danzie gave her a mild grin. "Seek out her sister, Sanzie Sazio, and gain access to data and equipment that will allow me to better to survive up in the Wastelands and to pretend to be a Wastelander of the Jagged Craterlands. Three scouting parties have gone up to there from TekVault101 in the last few decades. They went to Megaton, a settlement based around and in one of the Jagged Craters. A couple of the scouts went AWOL or so it seems; truth is they simply failed to come back to the vault. All of this has been kept secret from the vast majority of Vaultfolk."


The Sister Compassionate nodded. "Sanzie moved her business to a new location. I will take you there myself as I need to talk to her about something imporant. There is something we need to discuss further when we get together with her."


Danz007 nodded but hid his surprise and curiosity with a grin.



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Helene watched as people lined up at one of the small new vending devices and bought from the metallic box infused into a metallic stone wall, many useful items. There were stored preserved rations, blankets, clothing, shoes, boots, basic hand tools, tents, various kinds of serums, handlamps and other items. One man was inspecting a musical harp that he had just bought. Two women were inspecting full sets of clothing being basic hats, longpants, hookshirts, undershorts, undershirts, socks and shoes. The great suncavern stretched into the very far distance and closer at hand was a small settlement that was quickly being enlarged so that the locals could protect and supervise the use of the new facility.


The list of items that could be had some odd limitations and additions. Helene had refused to listen to any demands directly but had asked people to write down lists that she would then read through. As per normal she stood off and away from most of the activity of most of the people. She picked up gossip about what was happening to Greg Dogson but pretended that she did not do so. She had already extended the Agreement to cover how the new dispenser were to be used.


Oomans and humans mingled as did some wozzles, gnomes, elves, dwarves and morlocks. Morlocks and dwarves were the mining minorities. Wozzles lived in warrens as did gnomes. Elves were elegant forest dwellers. Oomans and humans were easily the majority in numbers. There were other peoples but none there at that time.


A scuffle broke out over placement in the line and a Sheriff's Deputy raced up to deal with the trouble. The trouble maker, a young bully man, was hauled away.


Seerisha: "You observe from a distance; why do you not get closer and mingle with the people?"


Helene felt uncomfortable with the idea and annoyed that Seerisha should suggest it. Then she surprised herself was walking towards the group and stopping next to the two women who were examining the sets of clothing spread out on a cottage industry blanket. The older appearing women looked up at her in surprise even as Helene spoke. "The basic set of clothing can be but the first of many sets. Perhaps a belt with pouches can be made part of the same price in future. Or perhaps shortpants can replace longpants in a set."


One of the women, an attractive mature human, responded dryly. "So you are talking to the little people now."


Helene frowned sharply and turned to walk away but the other woman spoke quick. "Trisha, you apoligise now, right now. Please come back, Helene. My sister is a fool who operates her mouth before she thinks with her brain. Longpants are better because if we want shorts, we cut off the excess material to use for other purposes and make a new hem."


Helene turned back. "My mother would do the same." Then she looked uncomfortable. "That was a long time ago. About a hundred years ago at least." She smiled at the other woman. "Your name is Elina, is it not? You have two children, Alice and Alina."


The woman sighed. "My mother is Elina. I am Alice and this is my adopted sister, Trisha, whose parents died to the Red Splash."


Helene nodded. "I know of the Red Splash that killed over two thousand people. It was foolish and should not have happened. The leaders of the human villages effected refused to take ooman assistance. The oomans already had the cure but at that time there was friction between the two peoples. Only when the humans gave in to wisdom did the cure get to the sick. If your mother was one Alinca Red Robin, then she was the victim of the pride of the village mayors."


Trisha scowled. "You killed those mayors."


Helene sighed. "No, they committed honourable suicide before I could even deal with them. Anyway it is not my task to deal with that form of justice unless I am asked to do so or there are very special circumstances as outlined in the Agreement. Who told you that I killed them?"


Trisha looked surprised. "It is common knowledge."


Helene frowned. "Then this common knowledge is common stupidity. The new serums will make it much less likely that future plagues will take place. Perhaps it is time that there were more changes taking place for the better here in the Sanctuary Realm. A central university, a training hospital, a training military base and a big meeting place for leaders. Perhaps a series of conventions and conferences could be held for the various peoples to discuss in a fresh way all of your ideas, fears, hopes and other issues. Oh, yes, the dispenser items are going to steadily but slowly expand in variation and subvariation. New sublists will start to appear. It is beyond my control to change it. As it was I ordered all of this to happen over thirty years ago."


Trisha looked surprised again. "You did this?"


"Myself and Sanctuahaven itself, who else?" Helene nodded, smiled. "Live long and prosper."


Then she turned and walked away being glad that the conversation had not gone on for too long. The neobaby stirred and the monkeycat stretched, gave the neobaby a lick and then went back to sleep. She looked down at both of them and envied them for just a moment before kissing each one.



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Helene sat with Ratty on a stony hill and watched Greg Dogson struggling up the side of that very hill with a heavy backpack on his back. He was cursing softly and he was clearly feeling sorry for himself. Then he was coming to a halt and he was dropping his backpack down on the ground. Instead of looking surprised that Helene was in the Suncavern of Dustlights, he dropped down his backpack with a frown. "You could have chosen a smaller hill to meet on."


Helene shook her head. "Sorry, Greg, only this hill will do. Where are the snarks? Oh, I sense them now."


Three sleek furred cat monkey like creatures, but not like the monkeycat being far more like panthers, shot into view up out of a small cloud of floating, glowing dust of odd but not dangerous minerals. The snarks came to a halt with amazing speed and agility. They had guarded Greg as he had made his way to where he had picked up the Kstone and from there to this hill. Helene had spent her time visiting various public places where she could be seen not only by the common people but by the conspiracy spies she knew were amongst the crowds.


Oddly enough the conspiracy was not amongst the oomans and others who had been in the Sanctuahaven before she had come to it but was amongst humans who had arrived there since she had come, with humans that she had rescued. What was the conspiracy about? She was not sure but knew it started out with taking over the Sanctuahaven. Who was in it, she had a few names and faces, a few netowrks, but not enough. Who or what was behind it? She as yet had no idea.


But the conspiracy was linked to both Mehrunes Dagon and the Mythic Dawn, the stupid human followers of Mehrunes Dagon. That was the same Mehrunes Dagon who had destroyed the ancient homeland of her people and who was now trying to invade Giaga. She doubted any of this was coincidental. Somehow there was a link between her, her people, the Sanctuahaven, the Mageadom, the Daedric Gods in general, Mehrunes Dagon in particular and in the Mythic Dawn. Trouble was that she had no solid picture only a whole lot of poorly connected bits and pieces, clues and strong possibilities.


Kstones were of magic power in that they could store information of various kinds in the form of light that could be internally projected, reversed, onto one side to be seen there non-reversed. This one was stolen by the newly rising Crimesters Guild in the Sactuahaven. Greg took the translucent crooked cube of a Kstone out of his backpack, it was quite heavy, and passed it to her. She took it as if it weighed almost nothing at all and then she focused her mind on it.


Pictures, words and symbols appeared and disappeared as she flickered through hundreds of pages, more than many big books could carry. Then she was done. She looked up with a frown on her face. "I owe you much, Greg, and it seems you will catch a young snark early on and drop him down the Great Shaft." She smiled for the snarks in truth loved the Great Shaft where they slid down the side and then into a big lake for the shaft slanted downwards into a lake on the edges of which many snarks actually lived.


Ratty gave a mild grin. "Snarks are fantastic looking."


A snark stretched her subtle, powerful body as she showed off to Ratty and the others. The monkeycat poked her head out and, taking one look at the snarks, darted back in again. The neobaby pointed to the snarks and spoke. "Pussies!"


The snarks all looked amused and a big male snickered in an odd feline manner. Then the female snark came over and was soon fussing over both the neobaby and the monkeycat.



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The two women and one man went into an antechamber of sorts that had collected some odd bits of furniture, a pile of coats and a fair deal of dust. Then Ninacos touched the Brigadier and Doctor Dickens. They all three vanished with a sparkling shimmer and appeared three seconds later in a large chamber of the TARDIS. It was decorated, curiously enough, in a neoVictorian style with some odd touches for the walls, floor and ceiling were all of fine hard wooden squares. A big fake but very real looking fireplace burned merrily. There were comfortable armchairs, a couch, a great big fish aquarium that filled a whole wall and a great big chandler of silvery fineness hanging from the ceiling. In the air floated transparent spheres and in each was something from London be it a jar, a hat, a house brick or something else of a great range. There were many of these floating spheres going up all the walls except the one with the fish aquarium.


Both visitors looked shocked. They looked around and Beverly gave a small jump when a fairly large shark showed up in the aquarium. The Brigadier was looking at some rifles and other guns in a cluster of the spheres.


Ninacos spoke. "The items in the reality relativity reflectors, in the transparent bubbles, are part of a process in which the TARDIS stabilizes itself ultimately to local natural conditions. It is a form of transdimensional anchorage which is but one tiny part of a greater transdimensional anchor. The explanation is crude but will have to do as neither of you has the necessary intelligence, training or experience to even begin to comprehend the truth. You are inside but a tiny part of the CosmosTARDIS of the TimeLords. I am a TimeLady though in truth I would rather be a TimeLord proper. Father may not be pleased that I brought you here but the TARDIS let you in so you got past the first security barrier. Our world is called Gallifrey and it is very far from here in more than one way. Oh, our ancestors were humans but not your kind of humans."


Doctor Dickens nodded. "Amazing, amazing, I could..." She looked around. "Something deep tells me that this is no hallucination, no dream, but somehow more real than real."


The TimeLady nodded back. "A side-effect of being inside the TARDIS. It has been steadily growing bigger inside, has been adding new chambers, hallways and other spaces. There is a door over there in that wall but it is too concealed. TARDIS, sweetie, will you put in a neoVictorian style wooden door, please."


There was a sparkling shimmer and a door appeared in the wall that looked like any wooden house door of good quality and with a fine, ornate brass doorknob.


The Brigadier spoke then. "Amazing but what can all of us do for the British Empire? We could use new weapons."


Ninacos shimmered and now she wore her tight body hugging silvery jumpsuit. She frowned softly at the British Officer. "There is a chance we will help you upgrade your arms and armour plus other technologies, including medicines and medical processes but the Sirilluns are far more advanced than you in many ways and the StarLords far more advanced than both your people and the Sirilluns. Still, a few enhanced weapons will hopefully slow down the Sirilluns and perhaps even the StarLords."


She turned to the British woman. "StarLords are enemies of the TimeLords. We have the same ancestors but that was a very long time ago. The Surilluns should not have survived long enough to rise out of the ground to threaten the modern world. Somebody interfered but perhaps not the StarLords. There is one other who is a rogue TimeLord who goes by the grandious title of the TimeMaster."


The woman Doctor sighed. "Ninacos, could you... how do I put this delicately... put something less revealing on? I am sure the Brigadier would feel better."


Brigadier Stuart shook his head. "I spent years in Africa surrounded by bare breasted African natives. After that, well I am not so easily shocked."


Ninacos smiled at the Dickens. "I am sorry, Doctor Dickens, but inside the TARDIS is our realm and we will dress as we will here but out there in London, well there we will respect your customs. In a few decades on your world, if it survives, my outfit will seem rather tame. Now, please follow me. I want you both to meet my father, Professor Cosmos."


The British lady blushed a little. "Tame in comparison? Oh dear."



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Professor Cosmos turned and smiled as Ninacos came in with Brigadier Stuart and Doctor Dickens. He was wearing a tight silver jumpsuit showing of his tall, slimly muscular bodyshape.


The normal seeming door they had passed through was in fact far from so and had sent them straight from one zone to another. Cosmos was in a great big brass looking metallic chamber facing a great console of brass metallic appearance with dozens of switches, dials and small read-out plates. At least that is what the Brigadier and Dickens saw. Professor Cosmos had hid the truth with a very clever psychohypnotic projection. The truth was that the chamber was a revolving field of rainbow energies and the console was a plate of such energies, either of which would have caused the two humans to fall semiconscious or worse.


Cosmos frowned softly at his daughter. "Protocols, my sweet, protocols."


Ninacos nodded. "I beg your pardon, father, but the Brigadier has already seen much of our ways and Doctor Dickens has been part of a local scientific gathering to deal with the Surillan invasion. It is being held at the British Imperial Museum."


The TimeSage nodded. "Then, as always, Ninacos you have shown wisdom." He turned to Doctor Dickens. "So what is your theory of the Surillin appearance?"


Doctor Dickens smiled and blushed at Professor Cosmos' outfit. "That they are somehow related to the dinosaurs, just as Professor Greening stated before he vanished, and that they were hibernating beneath the ground. Professor Greening spoke of cities of some kind and having heard of the weapons that the Surillans monsters are using, I intend to consider the idea has a great deal of merit. The problem is that there are many fools in the British Imperial scientific circles and now the fool clergy have started declaring that the dinosaur people are really demons unleashed by the Devil to punish humans, or by God to punish humans, they can not seem to make up their minds. They especially seem to want to blame poor old Charles Darwin for his theory of evolution. Empress Victoria has failed to use her position, her influence, to clarify matters. The old Prime Minister had a nervous breakdown and has been carted off to a wealthy asylum and the new Prime Minister is a fool."


Professor Cosmos nodded. "You are correct about the Surillans. They are dinosaur people, they have great big organic cities deep underground though they also use other technologies and they resent you humans having taken over what they see as their world."


Ninacos nodded. "I told them about the StarLords." She turned to Doctor Dickens. "Professor Greening is a StarLord." Then she turned back to the TimeSage. "Doctor Dickens is a consultant to a super secretive British Imperial organisation known as Torchwood. They deal with the paranormal, the alien and the mysterious threats to the Empire. There was a werewolf threat to the Empress Victoria herself in a place in Scotland called Torchwood Estate. The Brigadier was there and helped save Her Majesty. Empress Victoria began the Torchwood organisation then and there."


Doctor Dickens nodded. "I am a consultant but in truth I know very little about them. Only the core people seem to know anything and I do not even know how many of them there are let alone who they are or where they are or any details as such. I work through some laison officers who give me information to review and to write briefings on or questions to answer. I should be getting back to the British Imperial Museum or I will be missed. I suspect that the people at Torchwood will very much like to meet you. I would like to come along with you when you go to do so."


Cosmos nodded. "Of course, my dear doctor, of course." Then he raised his arm and a jet of fine mist shot out from his fingers and the woman froze into position. "I would like to show Torchwood what a StarLordling is like, a young StarLord apprentice eager to prove herself to her people and her particular power faction, family and caste."


"Dashed, I was getting to like her." The Brigadier sighed. "Well, what now then?"


Professor Cosmos smiled. "We find out what this StarLordling really knows and if it is of any real worth."



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