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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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The quasinatural cavern expanded out into the distance and the Fringers dwelt in a settlement carved out of the walls. There were balconies, doors, ramps, windows, statues, murals, drains and much more. All of the suncrystal warmed and lit suncavern floors were given over to the cultivating of crops except for some pathways and such like. Somebody had put some old cars, motorbikes and other machines on a wide, long balcony as a kind of decoration. There were splashes of colour and balcony gardens. There was fertile green and promising nutritional browns. There were plenty of busy workers and basic robotic roboremotes along with other machinery.


The group wound its way across the great cavern until they were at the settlement. Wary Fringers watched them including some snipers with laser-rifles. Danzie hoped that none of them remembered that he had been there before and had killed one of their leaders, a very popular leader. He had barely escaped with his life despite all of his special skills, training and other extras that made him so special. One of his arms had been replaced thanks to heavy laser damage.


The Sister Compassionate walked right in front of him and it was not until later that Danzie was to learn why; she was there to stop him from being killed on the spot.


The travellers came to a big chamber and there they unloaded large backpacks. Robots were opened. Canisters were stored to one side. Rhonda Rhodes went off to talk to somebody important in Fringer terms but nobody else was allowed to leave the chamber. Rations were passed around and the making of coffee began. Jasmine and her friends staid in one area but to his surprise, they invited Danzie to join them. The Subwayers also seemed to keep to themselves.


It was going to be an interesting time getting to TekVault100.



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The small montages I put in both to entertain people, hopefully, and as inspiration for myself as I am working out story directions, characters, etc.








The door was open and when they went into it, with the dead man and the rotting thing still clinging to him, the door closed rapidly behind the three of them. They found themselves to be inside a large metallic stone chamber far too big to have fitted in the building that they supposedly went into. They were in the CosmosTARDIS. Around them a dozen androids were busy in tight metallic silvery suits being human in appearance of both genders and many races. The androids were assembling devices of various kinds with amazing speed and precision, using a variety of tools.


In the background Ginacos was busy checking over Bessy, the yellow vintage car that in truth was far more than a yellow vintage car. With her was K9a2, a robotic dog that looked like a German Shepherd dog.


Sherlock Holmes looked around with sharp, miss nothing eyes. "Amazing. The doorway was an illusion, then."


"Not an illusion. The warehouse is an empty shell we bought so that we could access the TARDIS from that part of London. As you can see, my people are assembling autorifles, autoshotguns, autopistols, submachineguns, light machineguns, medium machineguns and heavy machineguns to assist in the defence of London. Such weapons will not do more than slow down the dinosaur people." Professor Cosmos shook his head. "Soon we must return to the outside. Please come over here."


They went to a shiny metallic table and placed the body there. Ninacos seemed to pop out of nowhere, so fast did she come to assist. The TimeLady and Doctor Watson were soon busy working on the parasitic control creature together. Doctor Watson soon realized that Ninacos was way ahead of her when it came to knowledge and was soon quietly learning what she could.


Sherlock Holmes frowned. "I was amazed enough when I helped to deal with the Doctor Jeckle and Mr Hyde Case. Then there was that supposed Time Traveller who went far into the future, came back, stored up a lot of stuff and went back again. We have begun doing subcontract work with Torchwood, a very secret British Imperial organisation. Perhaps you should talk with them. Yes, it would be a logical net step to take."


"I suggestion that I have heard before." TimeSage Cosmos responded. "Aaahhh, yes, the creature is a biotech weapon of the kind normal for surillan genetic engineering technologies. "As if somebody badly wants me to meet with the Torchwood people and yet, where are the Torchwood people?"


Then he told Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson a few things that shocked them, amazed them and educated them a great deal. Their universe opened up and their world became both a great deal more exiting and fearful for them.



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They took Bessy out this time, now renamed Bessy #1 as Bessy #2 was being designed as an upgraded model of the original. They pulled a trailer full of weapons and ammo. In the front rode Professor Cosmos and Sherlock Holmes while in the back were K9a01, Doctor Waston and Tinacos. Why, because this was the way that British Imperial Society would expect it to be and they dared not attract too much of the wrong kind of attention. The Brigadier met them, with some British Redcoats, and the Redcoats went of with the trailer of gear. They had a steamtruck fuelled by snowcoal bricks of very clever design that burned far more efficiently and cleanly than even the highest grade of black coal. The elite soldiers were very pleased with their new automatic weapons that mostly used the .303 calibre (7.7mm).


The Brigadier got in the back when Bessy altered her shape and added more seats at the back, two more wheels to the rear and more storage space. The British Officer found himself sitting next to the robotic hound but soon proved that he liked the company of dogs very much. He was astounded to learn that the dog was a kind of very efficient sentient machine. K9a01 thanked the officer with a gravelly voice and licked him when the Brigadier showed his fascination.


Again they followed instrumentation and again they were in the Docklands. Fighting was mostly savage urban warfare now between militias of volunteers, many of them women, and surillin forces. There were also Greencoats and far fewer Redcoats fighting in tight units. The parasitic controlling creatures had been unleashed by the sirilluns but something strange had happened; they had turned against their former masters and now the sirilluns were fighting them along with the humans.


They would halt Bessy, open up the large storage compartments and hand out canned food, powdered food, medicines, bandages, bullets, guns, blankets and other items to both soldiers and civilian fighters or even civilian non fighters. All of it, except the new automatic weapons, were perfect copies of British Imperial stuff. The flow of such items might have seemed endless but it was not. Certainly the people who gained the stuff did not know that it was alien stuff coming from the TARDIS itself through a clever teleportation system.


It was then that they came to the British Imperial Zoological Gardens for they were led to that very spot. Soon they would be fighting to rescue not just humans but a whole lot of animals from around the world.



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Professor Cosmos stepped out of Bessy #1 at the big, partly closed entrance to the huge, famous British Imperial Zoological Gardens that were not to be confused with the London Imperial Zoo on the outskirts of the city which was in a human controlled zone. This was a great sprawling Victorian style park dotted with large zoological enclosures linked by buildings at the back of them. The TimeSage looked at the dead bodies of two schoolchildren and he grimaced with a mixture of rage and sadness. In the distance, though, he noted the dead bodies of surillin younglings scattered across a grassy lawn. They had dropped revolver-pistols, revolver-rifles and exotic biotech weapons such as toxic-flamers, spinedarters and ultrasonic-screamers. He was surprised to note that most of them had the more human style weapons and for the first time he started to wonder if the dinosaur people were indeed working with human traitors.


In the distance appeared the hulking shape of Mr Hyde but only for a moment as he sprinted with amazing speed and agility across and open area to dump a thrashing crocodile into the safety of an empty enclosure and to clang the gate closed to keep it in. A young woman in grey coveralls ran after him clutching a double barrelled shotgun. Then she was out of sight as well. Cosmos opened the big, well oiled ornate cast-iron gates and then leaped back into Bessy #1. The excotic vehicle roared through the gap, skidded as the TimeLord partly controlled her and Bessy #1 mostly controlled herself. As she shot towards where Mr Hyde and the mysterious young woman had gone, a pivot-machinegun rose from the bonnet, turned and unleashed a volley of bullets at a mixture of raptor beasties and younglings.


The vehicle halted close to a grey brick double level building and they all leapt out. Tinacos spoke as they did so. "Father, the CosmosTARDIS has gone into hiding from both TimeLord and StarLord probing sweep scans. We will have more difficulty reaching her and no more will she be able to teleport equipment and supplies to us."


"The TimeMaster and Professor Greening at work, I suspect." Professor Cosmos did not sound happy. "Why would the surillans wish to focus their efforts here. Unless, of course, they wish to take many samples of a wide diversity of current Earth lifeforms, both animals and plants. The surillans are far from being total barbarians. They had zoos of their own but they would also be seeking to gain data to base new biotech on, including biological weapons. It would not be wise to allow the surillans to take too much life from this place."


Mr Hyde leapt through an open window on the second floor and dropped down to the ground. He grinned at the Brigadier who had almost shot him in surprise. "Careful, British Officer, that big gun of yours just might tickle me."


Brigadier Stuart scowled at the monstrous man. "You just be careful, Mr Hyde, there are guns out there big enough to put a hole even in your thick, ugly hide."


Mr Hyde laughed and then nodded. "True enough, Brigadier, true enough. If you are looking for Torchwood, some of those fools are here except they are playing tricky tricks."


The young woman in the grey coveralls came out and she proved to be Chinese. She spoke then. "An amazing mixture. Professor Cosmos, I take it. One of your daughters. Sherlock Holmes. Doctor Watson. Brigadier Stuart. What an amazing looking vehicle. Please follow me. There is an elevator this way for these zoological gardens is the London Torchwood Base, which is mostly underground of here. Please hurry."



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Helene quietly observed the convoy of refugees flowing along the highway from her vantage point in a small, abandoned floral-coral tower once built for some cultish god or goddess. Such minor cults tended to rise, flourish and die in Giaga but in the Mageadom they were more dangerous to openly follow than in either the Queendom or the Republic. At least this one had left a nice tower for her to both rest in and conceal herself in. But she had put something special in the hidden large basement chamber.


The Mageadom had been taken by surprise and yet had struck back savagely at the invaders it had always feared would come one day. Musketeers, needleteers, dragoons and other forces now moved towards the enemy in careflly organised manner. Mageadom magical wingcraft swept through the air overhead, scouting the enemy, as did other devices.


Yet the daedra were also many. Not just the humanoid dremora but swarms of scamps, of taller thinner scamp like scards who used armour and weapons, the small to hulking large clannfears, dragon like daedragons flying through the sky above, spider-daedra, low flying winged scamp like scorts, and many others. Dremora mages summoned special daedra monsters but not the undead. The daedric invasion was one great force led by Lady ChakaNu Dagon, demigodess daughter to Mehrunes Dagon himself. Lady ChakaNu Dagon was savage and brutal but she seemed more intent on enslaving people than butchering them and more intent on capturing property than destroying it.


Most of that was happening a good distance away from that place. The refugees were on their way to the fortified town of FarmWise but they were going to allready overcrowded camps. They might even be turned away to fend for themselves as others had been. She had other plans. Then she sent out a subtle but powerful psychic set of impressions to these people. In moments the refugee column, including wagons and handcarts, was coming up to the tower. Not long after that they were in the big basement chamber, surrounded by stupidly guady figures of the crazy cult goddess and were sorting out and handing out the many goods found there. It was no accident that they were the same sort of stuff that came from the new dispenser devices in Sanctuahaven itself.


Amongst the stuff were many small rolled up invitations for folks to go and settle in Sanctuahaven in a place where there was no Mageadom but semiautonomous self-rule. At first there was much resistance but it wore away with surprising quickness. When Seerisha opened a gateway to Sanctuahaven, the whole group of refugees went through it, taking all with them including the stuff given to them by Helene.


Seerisha: "I hope you know what you are doing but I see the long term planning in building up your own power base in Sanctuahaven. Grateful refugees will remember you in a positive manner, hopefully, at the right time."


Helene: "It is not about that, Seerisha, but simply about saving people both from the daedra and the damned Mageadom."


Seerisha: "I am very glad you said so, Helene, and I continue to serve you faithfully."


Helene thought that Seerisha could do what she liked for she would not admit to herself that she had come to both want and need Seerisha's special form of support. That is most of the time. She had one more look around the foolish but briefly useful tower and laughed scornfully before setting out for the settlement of FarmWise. There was a long way to go on foot.



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Helene struck aside the banditlord's desperate attack with a spikeclub and thrust her sword point into his chest. The slimethug leader of slimethugs died violently just as he had lived. This fool had led a band of bandits attacking refugees. The Mageadom was more intent on destroying the enemy than protecting refugees and while some columns were guarded, many were not. This had not been the only bandit band by far but had been easily the largest and best organised. Helene had sort of run into them by accident. That is she had sensed them fairly close and had hunted them down.


Through entangled marshy forest she had followed them and then had begun to pick them off one by one. The banditlord was quick to realise something was wrong despite the stupidity of his men and fewer women, most who were camp-followers kept for cooking, cleaning and sex. The captive women she had released, given stuff to and sent to Sanctuahaven. A couple of reluctant bandits she had done the same for. But most of the bandits she killed.


Now she went through the corpses and property in the long, oddly shaped cave the banditlord had made his homebase in. Much of it she ignored, some of it she took for herself, the rest she sent to Sanctuahaven. Once this was done, she slept curled up on a thin stained mattress concealed behind a small, carefully placed set of chests, boxes and other objects. Then she slept for a few hours but when she woke, she was surrounded by elite Mageadom Guardsmen in black and red power armour who would not be so easily killed as mere bandits were. She did not fight but quietly surrendered and they made no effort to hurt, question or do anything to her but escort her to the primary three rulers of the Mageadom.


Soon they were sweeping through the skies in a beautifully elegant skyboat consficated from some wealthy owner and converted for military use. They flew across the outskirts of a major battle and some daedragons briefly tried to catch them but soon fell behind. The battle was over some great big hill and the Mageadom forces were heavily entrenched in and around the top of the big hill. A larger daedric force surrounded them and had cut them off but was having a very difficult time in trying to take the hill.


It was at that moment, as she glimpsed that great and horrific conflict in which both sides had put a large amount of effort into, that she realised that the Mageadom was most likely going to lose the war though it was likely to be a long and bloody one. That is as long as the Mageadom refused to accept assistance from others and they tended to be very bad at doing such things.



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