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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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They did not take her to the one big city of the Mageadom named Mageapolis but to the mysterious concealed Mageaglobe hidden deep inside the central mountain of the island, tall and jagged but with a series of taptop like extensions to the north and south. It was a mountain shaped by both natural and magical forces. It was a strong reminder and left over of the powerful entities that had once dwelt on the island but who had vanished as mysteriously as they had come, lived and influenced Giaga. They were not to be confused with native peoples and others who had dwelt on the island before Helene's people had arrived as refugees from a smashed empire.


The Mageaglobe had been brought to the island along with the STARTOWER but it sat amongst an ancient, long abandoned city in a vast suncrystal lit and warmed cavern. It was a city that reflected the ooman temple cities in Sanctuahaven to some extent but the step-pyramids here were far larger, more powerful sophisticated and made of amazingly hard metallic stone. Only Mageadom guards, researching scholars and a few moved amongst it now.


Helene knew what this place was as soon as the skyboat flew into the great cavern through a magical gateway that vanished behind them. She was not happy at the strange and deeply buried memories that came to her from a previous life for this city was a place of fading evil that reflected a vanished people of truly horrific evil. They had been so powerful that it had been they who had really created the daedra, even the Nine Daedric Gods known also as the Nine Daedric Princes and Princesses. Now she knew that as much as Mehrunes Dagon might be invading because her people were here, that he was also invading because this city was here. So it was very ironic that the stupidly arrogant Mageadom Leadership should choose to put there secret base of leadership in the place that Mehrunes Dagon would be most seeking.


As for the Mageaglobe, she had never seen it before except in her troubled dreams and reflections of past lives. Now she looked upon the great floating sphere, looking as if floating was the last thing it should be able to do, with an odd sense of familiarity that was growing stronger. She felt like grinning and laughing but she did neither. Instead she went quietly and passively with the guards who had stripped her of her own gear, replacing it with a barely modest simple cloth tunic. They moved past scholars arguing over ancient picture text, the petite woman getting it correct and the pompous fat man getting it very wrong.


They entered a curious metallic tube that ended in a globe. It extended out from the Mageaglobe itself. As soon as they were inside a metallic globe shaped chamber, and the door was closed, they all vanished with a sparkling shimmer.




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Danzie was confronted by an angry mature aged woman who slapped him hard across his face. It was the wife of the popular leader he had assassinated once. It had been the only time he had gone out of the vault proper to carry out a mission. For the first time, as he sensed her deep grief, did he truly begin to regret his past actions. Informing this woman that he had no other choice seemed somehow more than an weak answer. Then she thrust a document into his hands. He realized it was a demand for some kind of compensation for the suffering of family, friends and community. But what could he give these people? He certainly could not bring back the dead man.


Or was that true?


Danz000: "That is a very dangerous idea and one that could easily backfire."


He said. "I am waking up to what I really am. Back then I acted almost as if I was sleep walking. I did the bidding of another in my head who I have long ago evicted. I took genetic samples from your poor, dead husband. I might be able to bring him back in the form of a clone."


The woman spat. "The excuse of 'I was only taking orders' is not acceptable and we do not want another monster like you around."


But then Rhonda Rhodes spoke up. "Danz007 was not just taking orders, he was under the total control of another entity. He was little more than a puppet whose strings were being pulled by another."


Clearly neither the woman, or the others clustered behind her, were in a mood to listen or believe any of this. In that he could hardly blame these people for it was clear to him that they had gone through a great deal of pain including a pair of children standing grimply behind their mother. Danzie nodded, took out a vaultcredit smartcard and did something to it with a hand-unit. Then he passed it to the woman. "$25,000 as demanded."


The woman snapped the card out of his hand. "You have not heard the last of this."


Rhonda Rhodes frowned. "Do not break the agreement."


The mature woman scowled even more. "We will not break the agreement." Then she smiled in a not very pleasant manner. "No, of course not, for unlike this man we will not betray our word."


Danzie looked puzzled. "I am not a clone."


The woman laughed sourly. "The poor monster does not even know what he is."


Danzie stepped back in shock, his normally calm face twisted with dark emotions. The woman smiled in pleasure at his obvious pain. Then Rhonda Rhodes stepped up and slapped her with amazing speed and power, throwing the other woman backwards. A tall, broad shouldered man who was clearly related to the woman, stepped forward in an aggressive fashion. Danzie stepped forward in a blur of motion and then the big man was falling unconscious to the floor.


The Sheriff came rushing forward with four deputies and broke up the meeting which had supposed to have been a mediation, a chance for forgiveness. The Sheriff and her Deputies ushered the family and their friends out of a big doorway in a great hurry.


Danz007 turned to Rhonda Rhodes. "How could I be a clone? I grew up in TekVault101."


Rhodes shook her head. "You did not go to TekVault100 with the expedition from TekVault101 but you did come back with the expedition with your head full of false memories of having being born in TekVault101. You are, in truth, a very powerful and sophisticated clone and you are only about five years old instead of twenty years old as your false memories tell you. You have no family, no childhood friends. They are all illusions."


Danzie shook his head. "The woman had her revenge after all."


Rhonda Rhodes nodded. "She broke an agreement to say what she did and both she and her people will suffer for doing so but that is not your concern. Return to our chambers here in this settlement and soon I will come and talk with you. It would be good if Jasmine was there also but I will have to explain why to both of you later."



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My old bad habit of making things too complicated from the very start, got in the way. I hope to bring back all the characters from that old story into this one, a few of which were Oblivion characters anyway. It was a very hard decision to make and took hours of mulling over. Even when my decisions seem quick and arbitrary they are not, far from it. If people disagree with a decision and want me to go back to an old story just message me. If enough people do so, I will do so. Hopefully the Moderators will unlock any topic for me. Thank you.


Oh yes, please think it through first because I am able to only support so many stories at once since I am only human.









"You are both clones." Rhonda Rhodes smiled at the scowling Jasmine. "You are not the real Jasmine. She is now in the Wastelands with Professor James Ashworth. She does not know you exist but as you sense her, she senses you, and you glimpse each other in your dreams. I know this because I am both a clone and part of the Unity. The Unity is a network of humans, clones and natural borns, who share a secondary mentality, the UnityMind. We are not a full hivemind as some peoples are. We are not primitive humans with a sickened and broken secondary mentality, who are part of an evolutionary dead end."


Jasmine looked both stunned and betrayed. Danzie, who was not feeling much better, felt only compassion for her. "Professor James Ashworth is a driven man, an exhausted man, who most likely has not stopped to consider the consequences of many of his actions. Project Purity is the main drive of his life, what ever that is. Perhaps you can help us. You have knowledge in your mind, do you not?"


Jasmine the clone shook her head. "No, my false father carefully removed anything of use but I can always sense the real Jasmine and I can follow her. She and James, along with a few others, are on their way to TekVault100. We should be on the move as fast as we can. They are travelling an old subway tunnel abandoned way before Doomsday itself. We could follow them directly or find some faster but perhaps more dangerous route to go."


Danzie turned to the woman. "Perhaps the Unity can assist us?"


Rhonda Rhodes sighed. "The Subway Unionate is dealing with a series of problems right now. Resources are scarce to assist us. There is an AntiUnity rebellion going on. There are swarms of zhouls and bands of savage ghouls to deal with. Then there is the Earthnet, the PreDD counterpart to the Skynet, its servant here on-in the Earth. Earthnet has been attacking us with a mixture of robots, androids and clone-cyborg Terminators and Infiltrators. Terminators are less human but are more powerful. Infiltrators are more human but less powerful. We are dealing well enough with these and other threats but progress is steady but slow."


Jasmine-Clone frowned. "So we are on our own."


The Unity woman shook her head. "Not totally but we will have to mostly do with what we have. If we can assist the Unity to solve its problems quicker, than the Unity can more quickly assist us. Perhaps TekVault100 will hold some hope for both of us."


Danzie looked around the chamber nervously. "Very good. So let us get out of here before somebody else has a go at me."


To his surprise both women showed signs of overt sympathy for him, which he was not used to.



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My old bad habit of making things too complicated from the very start, got in the way. I hope to bring back all the characters from that old story into this one, a few of which were Oblivion characters anyway. It was a very hard decision to make and took hours of mulling over. Even when my decisions seem quick and arbitrary they are not, far from it. If people disagree with a decision and want me to go back to an old story just message me. If enough people do so, I will do so. Hopefully the Moderators will unlock any topic for me. Thank you.


Oh yes, please think it through first because I am able to only support so many stories at once since I am only human.


I understand, and I did think it through, I just wanted to be sure. One story is a lot of pressure for me; I don't blame you for your decision. :happy:

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The expedition left the Fringers behind and travelled along the same very old and long abandoned subway tunnel as the real Jasmine had taken along with James and some others. They made good time until they came to a part of the tunnel that was collapsed. It did not take a genius to realize it had been done deliberately by James and his people to stop or at least slow down anybody who might be following them. Yet the move backfired for the second group found another subway tunnel, much more modern, sealed up and in very good condition, relatively speaking. They sealed the tunnel up behind them and were soon using a maintenance vehicle with extra trolleys to move quickly along a secondary monoline. Earthnet was active in the area but only at a low level and they were able to easily not only take over control of the vehicle but to cut it off from the influence of Earthnet.


Earthnet? To Danzie the discovery of the existence of Earthnet brought forth many complicated feelings and uncomfortable ideas. Was he one of the creations of Earthnet? Did Earthnet have some kind of link with TekVault100 that he did not know of? He was a clone-cyborg with subtle concealed cybernetic network-systems but was he an Earthnet Infiltrator? He shared his fears with the others but neither Jasmine or Rhonda thought he was linked with Earthnet. As for the TekVaults, they were only distantly linked to Skynet and its subnetworks of Earthnet and Aquanet because the TekCorps had had nothing directly to do with the design, construction or finalisation of the Quadnet was called being all four networks for there was also Spacenet as based in-on the moon.


The Quadnet had been more closely linked with the Worldgov of the New World Order that was also known as the Enclaven of Enclaves. In turn they were linked to the huge Worldcorp that had designed, built and finalised the Quadnet. Neither Quadnet or the Enclaven or Worldcorp had a relatively strong presence or influence in the region. The Subwayers were just damned unlucky to run into the one area where Earthnet had any real remaining strength in the region.


The maintenance vehicle moved fairly slowly but steadily along the tunnel and Danzie sat near the front, his eyes closed, and focused on his Mindeye. He reached out carefully ahead of them to try to sense any hidden dangers or other factors of importance. Yet he was taken by surprise by what he sensed ahead even as the monotrain, with its extra trolleys, began to approach it.



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The young oriental woman was named Toshiko Sato. Being from China, she had some difficulty fitting into the society of London that was quite racist so she spent nearly all of her life in or below the great zoological gardens where she was far more accepted. She was a genius with her hands and with working the new electromechanical mechanisms arising in the Empire from typewriters to small motorcars to small tractors and telegraphic systems along with much else. Toshiko had helped install the secret telephone network that ran between key parts of the great capital city. The network was also right across the zoological gardens.


She stood in a control bunker chamber looking through a periscope at what was happening above. Then she lowered the periscope and looked around to the others. In the great big grey concrete and stone chamber was parked Bessy #1 in one corner that Toshiko badly wanted to examine more closely. She pushed back her dark hair and spoke in fluent but oddly accented English. "Aliens have come to the Earth before. Too many of them, really. Captain Jack Harkness, our commander, is an alien. He was a StarLord before he fled from their oppressive stupidity and ignorance or so he says. Now he is nervous that there are StarLords here in London."


The tall, handsome, charming and deadly Captain Jack Harkness came striding into the room. "Toshiko, please leave some mystery to my name. Do not give all my wonderful surprises away. Aaahhh, the TimeLord known as TimeSage Cosmos. We met once a very long time ago when I was but a StarLordling struggling to prove myself valuable enough to be allowed to live with out being reduced to the status of an expendable StarLordite as so many StarLordling failures are. They are not all killed, far from it, despite stupid stories stating otherwise."


Cosmos nodded. "The young would be seducer. Yes, I remember you and I hope you remember what happened last time that you tried to behave improperly towards me."


Jack Harkness smiled charmingly. "From memory you picked me up and threw me through an open window. Not very pleasant considering we were on the twentieth level of a building at the time. TimeLords, male or female, tend to be such prudes. A TimeLady, ooohhh very nice."


Tinacos smiled sweetly at the Torchwood Commander. "Perhaps later I will choose to breed with you but not now. We must focus on other matters at this moment."


Jack Harkness looked disappointed. "Where is the seductive play in such words? Where is the challenge? Oh, well, I suppose StarLord sperm is good enough for TimeLord needs since we are distant cousins, genetically speaking, though we StarLords can not bend time as you do. Yet again, I am not really a StarLord. We have a small sphere that turns everything that comes to it ice cold, an ice coldness that lingers for an amazingly long time. It is great for freezing perishables before sending them across the city for they stay cold even with out refrigeration."


Cosmos frowned. "Bring me the sphere at once and please stop playing games with it for it is incredibly dangerous."


Jack clapped his hand and two soldiers in strange exomechanical power armour marched into the chamber. Each was armed with a portable Vickers Machinegun looking powerful and impressive. The power armour would make them highly bullet resistant if not bullet proof even against fairly high powered guns. "We call our boys and girls Greycoats. Now, please have the sphere brought here from deep storage and escort it here. Escort it with four Greycoats."


The soldiers departed in a hurry.


Jack turned to Brigadier Stuart. "I want you to take command of the Greycoats. They also want you. You have a fine but well earned reputation as an officer. Actually you have no choice. This is an Imperial SubEdict. Don't salute me."


Too late! Brigadier Stuart saluted him and did not seem apologetic for doing so. "I will go at once to begin my duties." Then he was led away by another armoured Greycoat.


Mr Hyde grinned and farted.


Jack sighed. "Mr Hyde will you please allow Doctor Jeckle to emerge. We need to talk to the genius that you so abhore."


The monstrous man grimaced but then nodded. With a strange shimmering and ugly looking shapeshifting, Doctor Jeckle was suddenly there. He looked sore, tired, hungry and thirsty. Somebody led him off to his new quarters where he would have his needs met.


Matters seemed to be going smoothly but they all knew matters were going to become much more troublesome, far too soon.



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The Greycoats were former Redcoats and fewer carefully chosen Greencoats, Bluejackets and Redjackets. They were equipped with many new type weapons be they battlecrawlers, the exomechanical power armour, Vickers machineguns, autorifles, fixed wing biplanes, gyrocopter style aerocopters and many other devices. Yet they were as yet not properly tested in battle as a new unit and were itching to be so. Brigadier Stuart soon had them burning off some steam with a series of exercises, work programs and other efforts. Patrols were sent out and were soon fighting savage firefights with the parasitic controlled humans, with surillan forces and with other threats that had emerged.


Anarchists, communists and other political misfits had taken over part of London or so the British Imperial Government would describe the situation. They were refusing to acknowledge martial law or the Edicts of Empress Victoria. They were not a major threat but they were a thorn in the side of the Empire and were tying up valuable resources that should have been used to deal with the surillan threat and the ever increasing number of parasite-zombies.


Doctor Owen Harper was soon astonished by Tinacos' amazing medical knowledge and skills as Doctor Watson had been before her. The two were soon quietly assisting and learning what they could and Tinacos was turning out to be an excellent teacher.


The TARDIS materialized in the great big chamber. It now looked like a very compact Disco Dance Club from the outside, which puzzled everybody there for nobody knew what disco really was. It was a fully functional nightclub complete wiith androids to staff it and some android customers to give it a homely feel. It had two dance floors, various other comfortable rooms, toilets and much else including a large diner. The disco club zone was actually seperate from the CosmosTARDIS proper for quarentine and security reasons. People were soon going to the club area for time off, for drinks, for meals, for socializing or just to sit alone. Some were even brave enough to dance.


Owen examined the internals of a dead surillan youngling. "Dinosaur! Warm blood reptile you say."


"Yes, distinctively different from cold blooded reptiles." Tinacos gently moved an organ to one side to expose an interesting display of more biological structures beneath. "Dinosaur people. The Multiverse of multiple universes does have intelligent cold blooded reptile peoples but they are not like this, not at all. The surillans, like the dinosaurs that we are more familiar with, are the products of extensive genetic engineering carried out long ago by a long forgotten people, a whole lost civilization. They vanished as a people long before the dinosaurs or the dinosaur peoples did. the surillans recorded them in their legends and feared them greatly, which was most likely wise of them. Dragons are genetically engineered dinosaurs taken to a new stage of development, as are surillans."


Doctor Harper of Torchwood nodded. "Amazing."


Tinacos smiled. "If you do not wish to lose your right hand, Owen, then I suggest that you move it very quickly."


Owen gulped softly and did as requested. "So I can't get you to come to the Disco with me later."


Tinacos smiled. "Maybe later. We have an important puzzle here, a mystery, that you might not see because it is right in front of you."


Doctor Watson nodded. "Some force has done extra genetic engineering to these surillans beyond that done by the original people who created the surillans. I suspect it was done to the surillans even as they hibernated in deep augmented sleep and that the surillans themselves may not be aware of what has been done to them."


Tinacos smiled at the beautiful companion and sidekick of Professor Sherlock Holmes. "The TimeMaster interfered with the sirillans but with the assistance of the renegade StarLord and his followers, that is the renegade StarLord who calls himself Professor Greening. They must have gone back in time in the TimeMaster's TARDIS to stop the hybernating surillans from becoming extinct in their hybernation chambers, must have altered them and then returned to the present. But something has gone wrong for them, has gone wrong with their plans. There is at least one other major player in this game. That is apart from TimeSage Cosmos, his followers, Torchwood, the other forces of the British Empire and such like."


Beautiful young Gwen Cooper walked in, she being disguised as a British Policewoman in typical constabulary gear. "Very disturbing news just came in from other parts of the world. Large surillan and other dinosaur people armies have emerged in the Americas, in Continental Europe, in Africa, in China and in Australia to launch major attacks against human civilization. There are aquatic, amphibious and flying versions of the surillans to cope with. This is World War. Fighting has begun around the world. Old human enemies have become allies because they have to do so."


This was very bad news indeed.



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