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The smells and noises of the stockyards drifted to where Helene, with neobaby, and the triplets were making their way through the outskirts of the temple city. They had been there for some days, had rented a house in the settlement that was to the side of the ancient city proper with its step-pyramids, but she had managed to learn little of real use. The oomans of the city were wary of strangers in general and seemed to be particulary wary of her. Her paid informants in the city seemed to have vanished from communications reach and her secret agents were finding nothing of use.


Except for one whisper that the Mythic Dawn, the deluded and dangerous followers of Mehrunes Dagon, had been glimpsed in the area in their red hooded robes. It had been late at night, almost midnight, when some nervous security guards of the Cattle Guild had glimpsed the fast moving cultists. The Cattle Guild followed the rules as imposed by Helene and the cattle were selectively killed in a peaceful, merciful manner. The numbers of cattle grown and killed were fairly small because the demand for red meat was fairly low for it was fairly expensive. Cattle Guild attempts to change this had failed miserably so far because of community attitudes as much as for the intervention of Helene.


AndroDixa, the silvery woman, came out of seemingly nowhere disguised as a local human cowgirl. Even her skin and hair colour and texture was changed. She was now a tall brown skinned, black haired woman in basic, tough cowgirl gear including a big holstered revolver-pistol. She was smiling grimly and was holding a red hooded robe. "The previous owner did not really want to give it to me so I had to persuad him somewhat. He is buried up over a bit beyond the last wooden fence towards the big old bell-tower."


The big old bell-tower chimed the hour, every hour, as a kind of clock for the whole area. It had become part of the culture of the area and when some newcomers had complained about the noise in the middle of the night, they had ended up leaving to live elsewhere so unpopular did they become. The bell-tower was old but it had been built in the time after the fall of the dreaded priests and their elite butcher soldiers.


Sam, Sal and Saz spread out clutching revolver-pistols. The neobaby stirred slightly in her sleep and resnuggled against Helene. Helene's attempts to find her mother had so far come to nothing. The night was coming fast. The evening of twilightish quality was starting to come to an end. In the distance some cowboys and cowgirls were riding on horse back as they brought in a herd of cattle for some kind of mass medical treatments, probably a soak in antitick substances.


Sal, a male triplet, spoke out. "Where are the Cattleguards?"


Cattleguards were cowboys and cowgirls in special body-armour and with military style autorifles. They served the Cattle Guild but in theory they were meant to serve the law before the interests of the guild. Helene did not trust to this and neither did anybody with any real understanding of the local political situation. Had the Cattle Guild been stupid enough to make some sort of agreement with the Mythic Dawn? She hoped not for their sake.


They came rushing towards the group, five Cattleguards, but the way they moved was wrong for Cattleguards. These fakes moved like people who did not regularly ride horses. They had autorifles, these Mythic Dawn assassins, and aimed them at their targets. But then came the thundering noise of automatic fire and bullets riddled the Mythic Dawners, killing them abruptly as their bodies shuddered and they cried out in shock and agony.


Real Cattleguards emerged into the open, eleven of them, revealing that it had been an ambush and that Helene had been used as bait for the trap. She was not pleased at being used in such a fashion and yet she was glad that the Mythic Dawn killers had been dealt with.



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Helene stood looking out of the stone tower through an armaglass window even as rain drops spattered against it. The rain was luke warm, the day was fairly dark with clouds and the cattle had been taken into shelter in great underground chambers where they were well cared for. A whole Mythic Dawn coven had been slaughtered or so it seemed. She had the Cattle Guild to thank, or so it seemed. Trouble was she did not trust either the Cattle Guild or the council of five wealthy, powerful and influential humans who ruled it.


Lady Tashmire sat behind the great big elongated desk with two Cattlelords on one side and two on the other. She was beautiful, sharply dressed and was holding a small letter-opener knife as if she was trying not to stab Helene. "I hope you do not take offense, Helene, but you are being most stubborn..."


Helene cut her off with a wave of her hand. "What more do you want from me that is fair to the whole of Sanctuahaven? You would have me give you unfair advantage in exchange for what? Take care in what you say and even in what you imply, Lady Tashmire. You have now my permission to double your cattle number and cattle facilities. The demand for meat will rise as others begin to arrive in Sanctuahaven as refugees. They will be mostly human and they eat more red meat than do oomans."


Lady Tashmire visibly relaxed. She even put the silvery bladed letter-opener down. "Well, that is most welcome news."


Helene snorted. "I am not going soft, just you be sure of that. All the old rules are still to be kept. I will send you a hundred thousand goldsworth of resources to assist with your expansion."


It was odd that Helene, who looked so much younger than these five powerful figures, was indeed much older than any of them. She wondered if they would take the bait, if they would think she was going soft and do something stupid. She hoped not for despite Lady Tashmire being a pain in her a***, Helene liked her. She even admired the woman but Lady Tashmire was dangerous, especially because she had never forgiven Helene for killing her father.


Helene went on. "I need you to triple the size of the Cattleguardia. I will make sure they get new, improved equipment and supplies."


Cattlelord Rashanu, a dark skinned muscular man, spoke with a soft growl of doubt. "Why would you do such a thing when you have never trusted us. We are not fools. We know you have secret agents amongst the Cattleguards."


Helene shrugged as if that did not matter at all, was not even worth talking about. "A dark and dangerous enemy is going to attack the Sanctuary Zone. You will need to take your part in defending our fine and wonderful domain." She turned and bowed briefly to the five humans. "I must go now. Live long, wisely and prosper."


Then she vanished from that chamber with a sparkling shimmer. Even as she did she knew at least two of the individuals there were traitors, were linked to the Mythic Dawn, but to catch them she needed to make it easier for them to come out in the open where she could terminate them.



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The Mythic Dawn had been wounded by the lost of their coven hidden amongst the cattlefarms outside of the temple city but the the wound had hardly been a mortal one. The Cattle Guild began the expansion as the promised resources began to arrive. Helene and her group travelled via dragon to Scattered City that lay fragmented and yet somehow organised along one shoreline of the Grand Riversea. It was a river big enough to be a fresh water sea in its own right, being over a hundred kilometres wide at any point. Most of those who dwelt in Scattered City were oomans but there were large minorities of humans, elves, gnomes, neands and others. Helene had a fairly quiet visit and settled into her urban mansion estate with those who came with her. Despite being a mansion it was not very deluxe and there were plenty of sheltered folks living there such as escaped wives from promised marriages, orphans, the mentally ill, political radicals and many others.


Greg Dogson was living there for a while, having started attending Scattered City University as a first year Helene Scholarship Student. The university was a sprawling barely organised set of campuses, university collages and selective scholarhsip guilds. It was ooman dominated and Greg Dogson fitted in quite smoothly as he and others attempted to hunt down and mark groups of Mythic Dawn Associates, those who supported the Mythic Dawn with out actually joining it.


Helene rode a fine horse through the cobbled streets of Scattered City. The neobaby rode in a pouch at her chest and was fascinated by everything her little eyes could see. The triplets rode horses of their own with fine skill. AndroDixa ride a fine gelding of her own purchase. Though they tried to blend, many locals soon knew that Helene was in the city and that she would be staying for an unusually long time this time. How could she explain that in some amazing way that now she both existed inside and outside of Sactuahaven.


At the edge of the great big sprawling Scattered City Markets, in a rainbow coloured dining tent, they drank very warm drinks and ate toasted bread-sticks that they dipped into melted cheese with finely diced vegetable mixed in the carefully melted cheese. A trio of gnomes entertained the mostly ooman customers with lute, drum and horn as bought from one of the new amazing dispenser machines.


One of them had appeared in the Great Central Square of Scattered City and the Manufacturing and Artisan Guilds had not liked this. Before this they had happily held a monopoly on many kinds of manufactured and crafted goods which they used to keep many kinds of goods both fairly scarce and very expensive. In other words they had created artificial shortages in order to keep themselves in high profit. Overnight Helene had smashed their monopoly and had forced them to both increase manufacturing of needed goods and to reduce the prices of them.


Helene was not surprised to hear that certain Guildlords were so angry with her that they had tried to hire assassins to kill her. They had failed for the Assassins Guild had a nicely profitable agreement with Helene to make herself and her people untouchable and the Assassins Guild also had so called antiassassins protecting Helene and her people. The Mythic Dawn was already trying to kill Helene and they had no interest in doing the bidding of any stupid Guildlords.


Helene, outside of Sanctuahaven, was sending through more human and other refugees escaping from the daedric invasion of the Mageadom and from the Mageadom's new, even more oppressive, martial law. Many were arriving at the edge of Scattered City to take up residence in a large and expanding refugee camp there. Rows of tents and quickly but well built buildings were rising into place along with small cultivated crops, small gardens and areas of preserved semiwilderness. The newcomers were adapting with surprising speed and efficiency to their new lives and many had brought resources with them, including many fine skills and much needed experience.


Helene played with the neobaby as the gnomes played music and the triplets scoffed down more toasted bread-sticks dipped heavily in cheesy stuff. AndroDixa quietly observed Helene while pretending not to do so.



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Knight Captain Gallows stood in power armour holding a big, powerful tripleguns as he confronted the newcomers. They had halted the monotrain vehicle, had carefully stepped out and Danzie was the first one to approach the Brother of Steel. Five other Brothers of Steel, along with three Sisters of Steel, were in the background in their power armour. Their armour was lightly burned in places, lightly dented and these soldiers were tired. They had fought hard many times. In theory their tripleguns could fire 20mm caseless shells, pulsebeams and rocket-minigrenades but they had run out of ammo and only the pulselasers now worked. They had some robots with them, most of them being carrierbots that were armoured transporters of extra equipment and supplies. The problem was that the robots were mostly empty of both.


They were in a small subway station designed for maintenance purposes only, it seemed. It was partly rubbled but the rest of it was in surprisingly good condition. A small heap of dead zhouls were what was left of a futile attack that the creatures had made on the Troopers of Steel.


Knight Captain Gallows showed off a hard, lightly scarred face of light brown colour. "Vault scum come crawling out of the ground to see what you have been missing all of these years."


Danzie gave a mild grin. "Cloned assassin who until recently thought he was a real human, who was created with false memories in TekVault100 and who is now going to TekVault100 to learn the truth. Does that make me vault scum? I do not really know."


The Brother of Steel blinked and then grinned right back. "Orderhood of Steel have come to the great quasinatural island of Centralis out from the old USA, from the area where the old Washington DC once stood. Information for information. What will you offer next?"


Rhonda Rhodes sat with Knight Captain Gallows while Danzie and Jasmine Clone sat to one side of them. None of them knew it but it was the very start of what one day would be a very strong alliance between the Orderhood of Steel and the Subwayers though at times it would not run very smoothly. The Subwayers had with them some usable 20mm caseless shells that the Troopers of Steel more than welcomed but nothing like the rocket-minigrenades to offer. New plans were being made soon.


There would be a detour to take them to where there was a major Orderhood of Steel base that was designed to carry out many purposes including more peaceful ones. The Orderhood of Steel was attempting to discover the secrets of the past. They were also attempting to deal with a new enemy, one that was appearing in increasingly large numbers. They were supermutants and the Orderhood had fought creatures like them in California and other parts of the old USA Mainland. These supermutants were not identical to those that had been a menace in the past; they were more stupid and not as well equipped but were in far greater numbers.


They now larger group would soon again be using the maintenance vehicle and its extra trolleys to travel with.



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A huge bullet exploded a hole above Danzie's head even as he shot across the concrete ground and dived into cover behind a chunky block of broken machinery. The supermutant fired bullet was energetically but poorly aimed. Dazie came up into a crouch, aimed his xdart-pistol, and blew holes in the supermutant with explosive tipped xdarts. The creature collapsed dramatically to the ground and writhed terribly. Trouble was there were many more to take its place.


Knight Captain Gallows and his soldiers had reached the upper platform but were trapped behind a makeshift barrier of metal benches and bits of other stuff put there, the evidence indicated, by gangers. The gangers had probably not been there for a long time. The barrier they had left behind was now assisting the Troopers of Steel to survive. A Sister of Steel aimed her triplegun and burned down a supermutant megamoth with a very well aimed pulsebeam.


The supermutants launched the attack from the top platform of an abandoned subway station. Most fired big powerful bolt-action rifles like elephant-guns. Indeed they were commonly called elephant-rifles. These reinforced weapons had big bayonets at the end and the supermutants liked to charge into battle with them, berserker crazy and roaring stupid battle cries. Other supermutants used basic 20mm autoguns that used cased calibre shells more primitive than the Orderhood of Steel's caseless ammo. A couple had miniguns firing 5.5mm cased shells or flamers that spat short duration jets of deadly liquid fire. A few also had rocket-grenade launchers.


Jasmine shot up a concrete wall and hurled a grenade before she dropped down again. The grenade landed in the right place and as it blew, so did a whole lot of ammo. The explosion was a nicely big one and many supermutants were killed by the blast. Large bodies were hurled through the air.


Then, with amazing suddeness, the battle was ended as the surviving supermutants were departing in a great hurry. Picking up only what they could carry, they moved with surprising quietness and efficiency, indicating some kind of tight external control.


The battle was over. By the time Danzie and Jasmine Clone got to where the main body of supermutants had been, they were gone except for the dead. The dying supermutants had been killed by their comrades. They checked for booby-traps but found nothing. The Troopers of Steel were soon busy looting anything of value that they could find, they being much more experienced at doing this.



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The monotrain and trolleys were on the move again and with it the group, of course. A smaller number of them sat in a bare chamber to discuss matters.


"Earthnet controls these supermutants." Danzie carefully and fully removed the bloody modular unit from the head of a dead megamoth that was in a plastic box. Megamoths were smaller than behemoths but bigger than the massemoths. There had only been megamoths in the attacking group. He wiped the unit clean. "I do not know how I know what I do but this is indicates that these supermutants are some kind of basic cyborgs. Earthnet controls them and probably makes them but there is much I do not know."


Gallows sat with his helmet removed. He had slept some hours but still was visibly tired. "Would that explain the rather strange strategy and tactics the supermutants seem to use?"


Rhodes yawned and carefully took the modular unit from Danzie. Then she popped it into some kind of portable scanner unit and began tapping on the keypad. "Worldcorp copyrighted design with some odd variations. Very much Quadnet utilised technologies in nature. Earthnet robots and cyborgs used against the Subway Unionate have also shown some unusual behaviour patterns. It is almost as if there is some kind of testing or training process going on. Earthnet is learning, is experimenting. Does it have so many units that it can play expendability games with them? We have no proof that this is the case but we have no data on the areas that we compute that Earthnet dominates."


They had made a vital breakthrough as far as intelligence data went but they had ended up with many more questions than answers.


The monotrain shot past a big old military transport, a robotic thing with many robotic turrets and much armour. Danzie looked out through an armaglass window and noted the massive, silent machine and sensed nothing but death there, noting the scattered power armoured bodies of long dead soldiers. Rhodes had told him that Earthnet had betrayed many human soldiers linked with it by turning their power armour against them. Earthnet had massacred millions of people on at the start of World War Four. Yet its main aims had failed and it had been destroyed in most places around the world by means both brave and cunning.



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Scottish army forces went northwards on the Flying Scotsman. The sirilluns were having far greater troubles with the colder climatic areas than in others. Daxraptors, dazwings, dazserpents, younglings, adultinglings on their battlesteeds, were driven southwards more by the winter than by human soldiers. The Battle of the Castle began as the dinosaur people laid siege to Ediburgh Castle. Refugees flooded into the castle keep as cannon and howitzers bombarded the surillans moving through the city proper. In new exomechanical power-armour, Redcoats of the Scots Guards drove deep into the city, led by steam-electric battlecrawlers bristling with small cannons and big mechanical machineguns.


Tinacos stood on the battlements of the castle and swept the area with her binoculars. She was impressed with the great courage of the Scottish people as they fought hard to defend their city. The blast of shotguns was a common sound that came drifting up to her. She noted a dazwing falling from the sky even as a couple of falcons struck at it again and again. Local soldiers, Greencoats, were busy bringing guns out of the castle armoury be they gattling-guns or 1-pounder pom-poms. None noticed that she was there in her tight green jumpsuit simply because she did not want them to. That is until Captain Stuart came up to stand beside her.


Captain Stuart was the oldest son of Brigadier Stuart and very much like him in many ways. He frowned heavily. "Father told me that you would be coming. That power armour is certainly helping to turn the tide against the dinosaurs. Father told me how he has become the commander of the Greycoats. I suppose you are here because of what we found down in the castle basement. Torchwood already has two people down there taking a look."


Tinacos sighed. "Arrest the two of them and throw them into cells. They are StarLordites."


Captain Stuart did not ask any stupid questions. He relayed the orders through the castle telephone network. But by the time that Tinacos and the soldiers had got down to the big basement complex, the two spies had escaped. What had they been looking for? There was a massive experimental communications system apparently used to communicate with surillins. There were offices with desks, filing-cabinets and typewriters set up as part of a HQ. There was a large map room with a big map table spread over with a detailed map of Great Britain. There had been some attempt to shred sensitive documents but enough remained to speak of a conspiracy of sorts partly involving the British Imperial Military. Sleeping in a dormitory they found a drunken Scottish clerk who confessed to taking orders as part of a secret military plan. What did he know? Not much except that he had been sent orders to shred many papers. He had soon got bored and, finding a hidden stock of spirits, got nicely drunk instead.


They found some odd evidence that Professor Greening had been there in the laboratory workshops and that he had slept on a basic bunk there. The clerk remembered Professor Greening only too well.


The man sat nervously on a wooden chair, having drunk his third mug of hot, black coffee. Then he grimaced. "Man was mad as a hatter but smart, very smart. He was better to be around than his friend was, the dark eyed man in the Victorian Gentleman's get up. Those dark eyes could go right through a man. He called himself Professor Time when we mere mortals were around but Professor Greening called him the TimeMaster a couple of times."


Captain Stuart was writing down some notes. Clearly he considered that the clerk would not be of much further use as a witness but Tinacos had other ideas. She looked the man in the eyes and began to ask questions. The man shivered and began to visibly sweat. Soon he was grinning as from his mouth poured an amazing torrent of every single little bit of information that he could remember. It was soon clear that it was one Field Marshal Harold McKenzie who had secretly equipped and supplies the hidden base down inside the castle. He had hand picked the soldiers sent down there himself except that the clerk had been sent there by mistake, he was the first to admit to it.


Field Marshal Harold McKenzie was quite insane. Recently he had been quietly removed from command because he had verbally attacked the government for being weak and the British people for not being prepared for any real invasion of the homeland. Once the hero of the people and supposedly a love interest of young Empress Victoria herself, McKenzie had been a great war hero. He had successfully defeated enemies in South Africa in a contraversial campaign involving both conventional and special forces. He did not fight 'like a gentleman' as many British Officers complained and the Afrikaner soon came to hate him.


McKenzie was in charge of the military forces once again but this time through out Great Britain itself. To the people he was a hero. What would happen if they were to learn the truth about him, that he was the traitor who had helped start the surillin invasion in the first place. The people needed a hero. Captain Stuart was understandably agitated. He had richly admired the man himself but like his father, Brigadier Stuart, he had always been wary of McKenzie's dark side.


Captain Stuart stood up. "We will have to go and meet with the Empress at once. Her Majesty will not be pleased."


Tinacos grabbed the captain by the hand. "Come on, Captain, we go now or we don't leave at all." Then both of them vanished with a sparkling shimmer.


Seconds later in rushed soldiers fanatically loyal to Field Marshal McKenzie. The field marshal was not far behind for he had chosen to return to the castle to make it his main headquarters.



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Empress Victoria was far from pleased at the news that Field Marshal McKenzie was both insane and a traitor. Nor was she in much of a position to do anything about it. The Field Marshal and his loyal military forces were busy dealing with the enemy in Northern England, Scotland and Wales. He had used this as an excuse to refuse her orders for him to come south under the escort of the Military Police. Indeed the last Military Police officer sent to arrest him had just arrived as a head in a fine woven basket.


The beautiful, tall, proud empress was looking at a great map table from a throne and was looking most peeved. Good news had come that the industrial cities in Northern England were now manufacturing new lines of warmachines and weapons to deal with the invaders. Bad news was that McKenzie was grabbing up most of these even as they came off the production lines.


Good news was that the Greycoats and Loyalist forces in London and Southern England were making many inroads against the enemy. Surillins were being driven out of London. London factories and workshops were recaptured and were even once more busy producing goods for the defence of London. Much of the Tube was back in military control. Refugees were returning back to London and were trying to do what they could for the war effort. The parasite-zombies were dying as winter came and they became exposed to the environment. Others were being saved by new cures as brought forth by Professor Cosmos and his daughters.


Professor Cosmos bowed to the Empress again. "We can offer 500 .303 gattling-guns and 5,000 cases of .303 ammo for them. They will be ready in three hours and will be delivered to the Trafalger Square area."


The Empress frowned. "Please, Professor Cosmos, you really do not have to bow to me every five minutes. By the way the buttercheese wheels you provided are most delicious. It is a recipe that British Farmers must have."


He nodded at that. "Of course, your Majesty. We can also offer 50,000 .303 autorifles with 500,000 cases of .303 ammo. We TimeLords do not normally provide weapons to people in this manner."


The Empress snorted in mild disdain. "Then I am glad you have made an exception in this case but the question is, what do you want from this? You are giving us much. People rarely give away so much with out expecting something in return."


Cosmos sighed. "The British Empire must survive or time line disruption will become dreadfully problematic. The fate of the British Empire of this world and the fate of future worlds are closely linked. 100,000 blankets, 10,000 tripod-lamps, 100,000 litrejons of lamp oil, 10,000 ten person tents, 100,000 daylong rationpacks, 10,000 basic survival sets of clothes with shoes and caps and, yes, 10,000 litrejons of healing serum. The refugee camps outside of London will need all of this, of course."


Empress Victoria smiled. "Of course and in my name they will gain all that they need." She sighed. "I need servants, soldiers, workers and specialists with skilled experience. Why do I get the feeling that you can provide these but that the price will be a high one."


Professor Cosmos nodded. "Clones! We can provide you with 100,000 human clones but they will be heavily protected and they will take our direct orders. Yet we have another offer to make as well that play please you the more."


Empress Victoria leaned forward to show off much rounded bosom. "Well, spit it out Professor, spit it out."



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