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The thirty tigerchimps, the thirty hyperlons, the thirty skulltroopers, the thirty life-elementals, the thirty flesh-elementals, the Club security guards and the airbase defence guards all formed a defensive parameter around Mahargia. The Anzacs, muttering in anger at the stupidity of the Central Australian High Command were excluded from the Clubs as were the British Officers. Brigadier Stuart was annoyed that he did not get to spend the night with a beautiful, sexy young barmaid.


Graham Maharg calmly met Marshal Tangerine at the edge of Mahargia. The rather self important Anzac Officer thrust out his chest and stared Graham in the eyes, which gained no real response at all. He spoke. "Under Regulation 435H21-897H of the Australian and New Zealand Unified Commonwealth Emergency Act the Clubs are now the property of the..."


Graham Maharg turned his back on the marshal and walked casually away to sit down on a deckchair under a large beach umbrella. Marshal Tangerine looked as if he was going to burst some blood vessels. A whole platoon of power armoured Skulltroopers were acting as his bodyguards. They had more fighting power than a whole Anzac tank regiment and everybody there seemed to know it but the stupid marshal who had arrived in the DC3 along with some other officers, some aides, some journalists, a newsreel crew, some other Anzacs and even some women auxillaries.


Marshal Tangerine had warned that a large Anzac force was on its way from the city of Alice Springs in a big convoy of trucks, halftracks and big semitrailer trucks hauling armoured warmachines. They would be getting there any day and they would make sure that Graham Maharg learned the painful truth that he was in ANZUC Territories and under the jurisdiction of ANZUC law. Graham Maharg knew the truth of what was happening. It was called corruption. Some nasty organised crimelord by the name of Arthur Pingle wanted to gain control of the Clubs with out spending any money. He had some friends amongs the highest ranking officers in the Central Australian High Command. It was theft and Graham Maharg would not allow his people to fall under the ruthless, exploitative control of a monster like Arthur Pingle. Arthur Pingle was not just linked with corruption but with organised crime across Australia and New Zealand.


Graham Maharg had opened up one of the big leather bound books after simply thinking about the name 'Arthur Pingle' and he had found a whole lot of very valuable information there including photographs, maps, diagrams, copies of accounting ledgers and much more. He knew where Arthur Pingle's skeletons were buried. Now he reached out to a black telephone that sat on a small wooden table next to the deckchair. It had no controls on the front but all he did was to pick up the hand-set and think of Arthur Pingle.


There was a ringing noise and then somebody answered. "Yeh, this had better be good. Who is it?"


Graham Maharg: "Is this Arthur Pingle, the one and only Arthur Pingle?"


Arthur Pingle: "Yeh, who the hell is this. Lucy, go and get me a beer, that's the girl. Now, you, you had better speak quick. I don't know how you got this number but it is supposed to be private."


Graham Maharg: "My name is Graham Maharg. I own the three Clubs in Mahargia. You will stay away from them. You will stay away from me and mine. I know a great deal about you, Arthur Pingle. I know where the Tudor Brothers are buried which is under the concrete floor of your garage. Talk to your friends in the Central Australian High Command and tell them to back off."


Arthur Pingle: "You damned punk, you don't know who you are talking to. Nobody threatens Arthur Pingle, nobody."


But suddenly there was an odd choking noise from the other end of the phone line. Then a young woman's voice spoke. "This is Lucy Lee, Graham Maharg. Arthur Pingle will no longer be a problem. I will see you in Mahargia."


Graham Maharg smiled. "Very good. I will make sure you have a nice room waiting for you and a good deal of credit to spend at the Women's Club."


Lucy Lee spoke. "Why thank you, boss."


Then the line went dead. Graham Maharg put the hand-piece back down and sighed. He turned his head and watched as the promised large Anzac road convoy began to arrive, a great lot of trucks, half-track trucks and big semitrailer trucks with armoured warmachines on the back. Buffy the Slayer was suddenly sitting on another deckchair next to his and she wore only a rather skimpy string-bikini.


She frowned softly at him. "You really can't help yourself, can you?"



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The Central Australian High Command had changed its tune. Mahargia was semiautonomous and certainly not under the control of the military. The Clubs were big enough to house many officers and NCOs. The privates grumbled when they got to barrack down in the basement levels but soon stopped when they realised they had a fair few comforts that they had not expected to gain. This included odd extra services of various clone women. Brigadier Stuart got to spend time with a beautiful young barmaid. None of these men seemed to realize that they were part of a greater scheme and that they were meant to make the women pregnant. The soldiers did not spend all their time at the Clubs but only days off according to a strictly kept schedule.


Graham Maharg was not sure he knew what was going on but he was having a hard time caring. He went out with a platoon of Skulltroopers in power armour and wore his own power armour as their commander. Along with an Anzac tank brigade made up of LTs and sentinel battletanks, plus a whole lot of Anzac infantry in brengun-carriers, he led an attack on an underground daedric base. The underground fighting in a series of cramped, dimly lit cave tunnels and chambers was rather savage. Fireballs throwing scamps, with their retractable venom-claws, were at an advantage as were the small dinosaur like clannfears with their fangs, claws and spinedart throwers. But he and the Skulltroopers went first, killing the scamps and clannfears with out much trouble.


They ran into their first dremora, a kind of humanoid lesser daedra in odd metallic body-armour who fought with exotic flamerguns, pulseguns and yet also bolt-action rifles that looked identical to the Lee-Enfields as used by the British Imperial Army through out the world. Graham Maharg blew away a dremora trooper with a blast of 20mm shells and then carefully inspected the SMLE rifle. To his great concern he realised that it was made in Great Britain. How had dremora, fanatical followers of Mehrunes Dagon, gained weapons from Great Britain? It was a SMLE Mark-III which was the latest type being manufactured in the British Empire. He came up firing and killed another dremora racing towards him before she could use her exotic pulsegun, a weapon that looked like it was partly manufactured by human factories as did the flamerguns. He closely examined the pulsegun, which was about the size and weight of the SMLE, and noted that many of its parts were identical to those of an SMLE.


She showed Brigadier Stuart the evidence. The British Officer became most grim. Using Graham Maharg's magical telephone he made some telephone calls to London, to some people that he knew in MI5 and MI6, but he soon ran into a stone wall. To his extreme surprise nobody seemed to want to know about what Graham Maharg had discovered. They had a war to fight, according to them, and did not need any foolish distractions. Brigadier Stuart soon smelt a rat, as he told Graham, and he was not the only one.


Brigadier Stuart paced back and forth. "Dashed, you know I smell a rat."


Graham Maharg nodded. "You are not the only one."



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Helene walked through the big mansion. She passed through debating circles where scholars argued over obscure theories. She wandered through groups of playing children with pets. She paused at a big workshop where people were making useful things for a fair wage and conditions. She passed through a gymnasium where people were exercising with odd machines and on mats. She paused to speak to the siblings, Hadra and Erisha Hooms, were doing some alchemistic experiments in a laboratory of sorts.


It was strange to know that she was in three places at once, that there were three Helenes in action. One was in the Mageadom on her way to Mageapolis, the Emerald City, another was being Empress Helene on her throne in the Mageaglobe and there was her right there in Sanctuahaven in her mansion estate in Scattered City. She was three but she was one. It felt even odder physically than it did mentally and yet she was comfortable with it.


Fort Freedom was only about fifty kilometres from Scattered City and was where her Army of Freedom was being built up by her followers. Yes, she had followers. They seemed to be coming out of nowhere, coming from all walks of life with a wide range of experience, knowledge and skills. At Fort Freedom a large Sapper Corps was also forming with the intention of building and repairs such as roads, bridges and telewire networks. The army was forming with its various regiments, brigades and special units.


Helene met with SilverDixa in a semi-enclosed balcony high on one side of the main wing of the mansion, a great low hulking structure. The semi-enclosed balcony housed many plants in deep filled gardenbeds. Helene was slowly drinking sweet flower wine from a silver goblet. She spoke to the silvery woman who now looked like her true self. "So have you made your decision?"


SilverDixa nodded. "Somehow it does not surprise me that you would know. I have decided against betraying you. You are in a precarious position. You are strong enough to make many powerful folks frightened but not yet powerful enough to deal with them collectively. If enough of them form an alliance, they might crush you."


Helene nodded. "I have been giving incentives to various groups to support me, to even protect me."


The silvery woman nodded. "Yes, I have noticed that but will it be enough?"


Helene shrugged. "We will see! I intend to spend a fairly long time at the mansion estate here. I want to see its capacity expanded in various ways. I want to have some workshoptories, a small factory, a small hospital, an expanded school, a small university, some more guards and a few other things I would wish for."


Which was when, with a sparkling shimmer, the young woman stepped out of nowhere. She stood there in a black leotard tight against her body and she bowed. Then she bowed. "We are here to assist you. We are yoga experts, healers and martial artists."


Another young woman and a young man appeared to join the first woman. Now the three stood there, all slimly muscular and the women lightly voluptouus, seeming eager to serve. Helene smiled at them and responded. "You are welcome."


Which was when SilverDixa cried out and attacked Helene with amazing speed and agility. She cried out. "You are not logical so you must die!"


Helene fought back and the two of them danced around kicking, blocking, punching and doing other actions as one continous action. Then the silvery woman vanished with a sparkling shimmer as if she was realizing that she was not only getting anywhere but that Helene was taking it easy on her.


The newcomer woman spoke again. "Will you send people to hunt her down?"


Helene shook her head. "Poor sweet SilverDixi just has to sort a few things out in her mind. Come with me. I have plans to create a new mixed skills academy and you three are going to be its first staff members."


Soon the four of them were moving through the big, crazy mansion.



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Yillie was sleepy but excited as Helene knocked at the cottage on the edge of a large walled village fairly close to the great city of Mageapolis. A sad faced young woman opened the door and then looked stunned as Helene put the neobaby into her arms. Yillie made much noise of pleasure to be back with her mummy, as much as she did love Helene. The young, drably dressed woman wept softly with happiness and relief as she hugged the small one to her bosom.


But then there was the loud, aggressive voice of a man. "Talina, get away from that damned door. What did I tell you about answering the door? You talk to nobody but me, do you hear, nobody." The big thuggish husband came out from the cottage's kitchen. He was holding a leather belt. "It seems you need another lesson in who is boss."


Which was when Helene touched Talina and made her vanish with a sparkling shimmer, along with the neobaby. She walked over to the astonished husband, reached out and placed her finger tips of her right hand on his forehead. He cried out and fell thrashing to the floor. Then he lay still, quite dead.


Helene sighed and then she began to go through the collage. By the time another man, a thuggish friend of the husband who brought a keg of strong local brewed drink, got to the cottage it was totally empty of everything of value except some items on the dead man. The dead man had been looted of his money, most of which he stole from his hard working wife. The dead husband had also had nice gold rings and a neck chain bought from the same stolen monies.


In Sanctuahaven the young woman was looking with astonishment at her new home. Sleeping in a pouch at her front was a very happy Yillie. Talina had already accepted the Dogsons' invitation to live with them though they were oomans and she was a human. They were kind to her from the start, respected her, and that was what counted. The stuff taken from her dead husband and the cottage was neatly stacked near her. Talina turned to Helene with a look of concern.


"My husband was a high ranking member of the Mythic Dawn, the treacherous followers of Mehrunes Dagon." She sighed. "Three times I escaped from him and that damned village which is dominated totally by the Mythic Dawn. Three times he had Mythic Dawn Followers and Associates track me down and take me back to him. One day he decided that he did not want a neobaby in his household and he actually sold the sweetie. I have three other children but I do not know what my ex-husband did with them."


Helene nodded. "I promise nothing but I will do my best to find them."


Tashia was there, the old woman sleeping comfortably in her rocking-chair with a puppy and a kitten sleeping on her lap. The Dogsons were in the background finishing the construction of a new cottage with the help of some other people. A village was growing into existence where Tashia and the Dogsons normally staid, where Helene had first brought the triplets, the two siblings, the silver woman and the neobaby.


Talina smiled and nodded. "I know you will."


Helene nodded back. "You will in turn tell me everything you know about the Mythic Dawn including how you, once a high priestess of the Mythic Dawn, was brought crashing down."


Talina frowned. "I began to doubt the ways of the Mythic Dawn and the sanity of following Mehrunes Dagon especially when I learned I was to be impregnated by him and that I would most likely die a painful death while giving birth to his demonic baby. Selfish, I know, but the fear got me thinking. I began to think about the fears of other possible victims and those who had become victims of Mehrunes Dagon, of the daedra and the Mythic Dawn. Then, foolishly, I confided my fears with another priestess that I trusted. In order to take my position as high priestess from me, she betrayed me. I was forced to marry a monstrous man as punishment and to bear his children. The children are gifts but he was never such. Why I am telling you all this when I hardly know you, I do not know, but there is something about you that impels me to do so."


Helene nodded. "I am Empress Helene of the True Dragonblood."


Talina went pale. "The number one enemy of the Mythic Dawn as listed even above Emperor Uriel Septim VII of the Cyrodilin Empire. They say that he also is of the True Dragonblood."


Helene smiled. "Very good! What you have told me is most useful. Please write down everything you know. One of my people will stay with you as your bodyguard and assistant. That was a nice story you told me but it was a half truth only. Now write down the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I will visit at times to be with Yillie, yourself and others in this new village."


Talina gulped softly and nodded. "I will do that. You really have the Truth Sense of the True Dragonblood."


"Sometimes to my regret, yes I do." Helene responded and kissed Yillie on her small, warm back before she left. As if sensing what was happening, Yillie gurbled a warm goodbye.



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It was Danzie and Jasmine02 who tracked the wild children down and quietly convinced them to come and meet their group. Jasmine02's friends and the Troopers of Steel were quiet as Danzie and Jasmine02 did the talking.


Jasmine02 spoke, "The Subwayers will come and they will force you to follow the rule of the UnityMind."


The teen-woman who had run away, scowled softly. "Okay, okay, we will go with you. You two are deadly treadly and so are those big tin soldiers of yours."


Danzie sighed. "They are not our 'big tin soldiers', they are of the Orderhood of Steel. Please give them some respect for they make the world of ours a safer place to live for many common folks by putting their lives on the line every day."


There were fifteen children and teen-adults in the group along with some robots and a single adult type android. The android was a basic kind with yellow hair and skin that was clearly synthetic. It was a product of AndroTek. AndroTek had been linked with both the RobCo and RoboTek Corporations but even basic androids had not taken off in the USGA as robots had, not even more basic cheaper type androids. The robots were all trons, being a protectron, a portertron and a servotron. One resource of great value that they had to offer was a good deal of knowledge about the area that they were in which included the site of a garage-workshop where five lightly armoured-armed hoversleds were stored in large status-containers for long term preservation.


They went into the bunker that was part of the same complex as the garden-park. It was largely run down but they managed to salvage a few valuable bits and pieces. They found the skeletal remains of some adults in lightly armoured ahazmat-suits and these were examined very carefully. It was Jasmine02 who noticed something odd about the way that they had died. No conventional weapon had killed them. Instead it was as if their very life substances, their life energies, had been sucked out of them.


It was Danzie who began to have doubts about the group of children and teen-adults that they had found there in the garden-park. When a Brother of Steel found a heap of dead animals that had died the same way as adults in the bunker had done, but far more recently, both Danzie and Jasmine02 went to confront the other group. But the other group had vanished. Trouble was one of the Brothers of Steel had been vamped to death, that is drained of life energies and other resources. His power armour had done him no good at all.


Knight Captain Gallows was understandably very angry. He crouched next to his dead comrade with his helmet removed and with a grim expression on his face. "Vampires?"


Danzie nodded. "I have never met any before or I would have detected their strangeness earlier on before they could kill anybody. Not true vampires but so called living vampires. True vampires are of the undeath."


Gallows snorted. "As in horror stories."


Danzie shook his head. "They exist but only in dimensional realms where they can exist thanks to different laws of nature."


Jasmine02 frowned. "We will track these living vampires down and bring them to some kind of justice."


Which was when the living vampires attacked and there turned out to be far more than just fifteen of them. Nor were all of them children or teen-adults or even human shapeformed.



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The living vampires came in waves all screaming out in crazy hatred and while most were older children or teen-adults, many were disguised as androids. Yes, the android had been false, had been in truth an older living vampire but of a different kind than the children and teen-adults.


The Troopers of Steel raised their guns and prepared to blast the attackers but then Danzie cried out. "Shoot the fake androids, only the fake androids."


There was something very influential about Danz007 and the Troopers of Steel did just that. The minority of possible targets were the fake androids and these very experienced fighters quickly targetted them and blew them apart. Strange purple-red synthoflesh like substance exploded and burned as fake androids struck the ground. The heads of androids would explode and the rest of the bodies would vapourise. Danzie and Jasmine02 aimed their own weapons and shoot down more of the sun yellow haired and skinned entities.


Then the last false android was gone and abruptly the children and teen-adults all collapsed to the grassy ground, almost as one.


Danzie carried a boy child across the concrete chamber of the bunker and placed him on a bunk. "The whole set up here stinks of being some kind of sick experiment of the kind so beloved by the TekCorps but not just the TekCorps. The Enclaven, the Brotherhood of Truth, the Church of Scientology and others all were involved in some bizarre experiments during the Age of TechnoMadness. The truth may or may not be hidden here in the bunker somewhere but I suspect that those carrying out the experiment would have only been given need to know data. There is a kind of distorted logic or rationality behind these kinds of secret experiments that were run in the hundreds during the TechnoMadness. But this one has an extra additive of sickness, of unnaturalness to it. Vampiric androids? What sort of mind even thinks of creating vampiric androids?"


"Nobody meant for the special kind of androids to be vampiric." The teen-woman who had spoken to them before, walked in. "Not us clones either. Doctor Smith, he tried to kill us all but the vampdroids killed him and the other adults. Then they took over our minds using implants after they knocked us out with stun-gas. You have to remove the implants."


Danzie frowned softly. "Living vampires, biovires, would not be welcome in normal settlements but if you come with us we will find you a home. Try to betray us and Jasmine02 and I will kill you all. How do you know about the UnityMind, the UnityElders?"


The teen-woman frowned hard. "Because UnityMind has something to do with biovires. They mind-linked with us for a moment and before they could stop us, we looked into their depths. Then we all dreamed the same weird dream that I told you about, about you and that Jasmine02 killing the UnityElders but being sad about it. Okay, we won't betray you and we will survive together until we can find a new home. What we told you about the hoversleds was not true. There is just so much wreckage in that place. It is going to take longer to get anywhere we are going. Where are we going to go from here?"


Jasmine02 suddenly spoke out. "The settlement of Megaton. From now on you can call me 'Justine'. I do not want to be a number two version of somebody else even if I was cloned from them."


So Jasmine, alias Jasmine02, became known as Justine.


With some difficulty they removed the implants from the living vampires. Then they gathered what resources they could from the bunker and departed on-in six semi-enclosed six wheeled amphibious all terrain vehicles that they found hidden away. Not all of friends of Jasmine had not come to terms with the fact that Jasmine02 was not the real Jasmine that they had known when they were younger. The neobaby didn't care at all. DJgirl thought it was exciting. The others were not so accepting. The Troopers of Steel were very wary of the biovires, which was understandable, though it was explained that three of the vampdroids had actually killed their comrade. So it was a far from totally united group that set out for Megaton.



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Ginacos was on Mars, with the demiTARDIS, and was assisting the amazing John Carter to run a campaign against the tripocs, the so called Aquatic Martians. She was doing a good job but she would need all the resources that the demiTARDIS could provide for her.


Since the first green flashes had been seen on the surface of the Red Planet, the British Imperial Government had officially begun to make preperations for some new kind of invasion. The truth was that the British Imperial Government had been badly damaged by recent events, as had the British Empire. The British Imperial Navy, the pride and joy of the British people, had been badly damaged. London itself had been both invaded and largely conquered. Even the Empress herself had been threatened once.


The surillins had gone back to their underground cities, including the ones beneath the continental shelves. Negotiations between the British Imperium and the Surillin Imperium were just really starting though some small practical steps had been taken.


Professor Cosmos made his way through a city that was struggling to get back to some semblance of what it considered to be normality. Around him refugees were returning to London and were trying to get back to some form of life that they knew. Shops and markets were opening up again. Buses full of normal passengers were moving in the streets again. He had obtained the reality sphere, its more basic name, and had stored it away safely in the CosmosTARDIS but since then he had come to the conclusion that the sphere had only been one reason that the TimeMaster had come to that world during that time period. Of course he could be wrong. The sphere being there might just be a coincidence.


Or was the sphere just a diversion for him? Had the whole surillin crisis been just a diversion? If so all that death and destruction had been done just to divert him from his major goal, to make it more difficult for him to track down the TimeMaster and Professor Greening. So what of the zylons and the coming invasion from Mars? Were they just more diversions? Just how much meddling had the TimeMaster done in time-space?


Just what was the TimeMaster up to? What did he want so badly that he would go to so much effort to get it?


Professor Cosmos drove Bessy #1 through city streets as he did various types and ranges of sensor and scanner sweeps, passive sensor readings and anything else that he could think of. Two TimeLordites were with him, two young women who quietly observed everything around them. He was dressed as an old scholary type, most likely eccentric, and they as nice young ladies out to escort this old man for some reason or other. They were there to assist him though in truth he did not need them. Still, when they were passing a broken fronted shop with weather damaged goods spilling out the front, and a subtle response came to the scanner sensor sweeps, he was glad they were there. For they staid in Bessy #1 and kept alert to trouble but also supported his story.


For Professor Cosmos got out of Bessy #1, after parking it of course, and went over to the shop to peer into it through thick glasses. The glasses were not normal, far from it, and he could see something that normal sight, not even normal TimeLord vision, would have picked up. He stepped gingerly through the broken front of the window and amongst the ruined furniture. Then he saw it, a wooden wardrobe that looked like the stuff there that had been exposed to the elements except this one piece of furniture looked in amazingly good condition.


Then he touched and at once he knew, with a shock, what it was. It was a TARDIS and not only that it was semiactive. He could sense around it the fading residue of complicated time-space travel and some kind of fading violence of energies, that is great violence of energies like a big battle of some kind. How had that TARDIS got to be then and there?


He looked around and after seeing nobody around, after sensing that none were observing, he got into this TARDIS after some difficulty. He was expecting to find a typical TARDIS but what he found was to be a great shock to him despite his long age and many exotic experiences.



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