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Professor Cosmos was rarely astonished after so long a life but when he went through what could only be called an advanced WarTARDIS, he was both astonished and apalled. True, this TARDIS was a very early model, was actually of the First Generation while the CosmosTARDIS was experimental of the Third Generation, but it was still amazingly powerful. In the almost endless hallways, chambers and other spaces of the WarTARDIS he found advanced control chambers that accessed a very wide range of offensive weapons, defensive weapons and other offensive, defensive modes. Inside the WarTARDIS was a whole fleet of impressive military and other machines from demiTARDISs to battle robots to machines that could clone thousands of super-soldiers in a very short time. There were workshops, manufactories, research-development centres and much else.


There was also what could only be called a city buried in the guts of the WarTARDIS. It had one chamber that was so big that one could barely see the far wall and this was filled with beautiful gardens and was dotted with amazingly graceful buildings. Clearly the city was not warlike, was an odd contradiction in constrast to the general design and purpose of the WarTARDIS.


Who had created this TARDIS and why had they done so? Why was the WarTARDIS not to be found in any official records and why was it that he, a TimeSage and former TimeWarden, had never learned of even a hint of its existence?


Was this what the TimeMaster was after? It might be linked with his goals but somehow the TimeSage doubted that the TimeMaster would want an old, lost First Generation TARDIS despite its great power in relative terms. Unless this TARDIS was just part of the plans of the insane TimeLord criminal.


In the Central Control Chamber he carefully sent the WarTARDIS into a special storage zone of the CosmosTARDIS. The wardrobe vanished with a strange thumming noise even as Professor Cosmos emerged from the shop to find himself confronted by an annoyed bobby, a British Imperial Police constable. The bobby lectured him about trespass, especially into what was most likely a dangerous environment. Professor Cosmos played well the role of an eccentric though brilliant old intellectual.


Back in Bessy #1, with the TimeLordites, he drove through London again but found nothing more, not even a subtle hint of anything unusual.



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Torchwood, the Greycoats, Tinacos, Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Watson and Doctor Jeckle formed an unusual but surprisingly effective alliance of sorts.


Doctor Jeckle was to reveal the hidden secrets that lie behind the creation of Mr Hyde. The truth was most strange for the serum brought out different alter-egos in different individuals. Tinacos studied his formerly hidden journals and samples of the serum itself. What was the unique ingredient behind the serum? A strange, tiny white mushroom that grew under odd conditions. It had been showing up over the last couple of decades or so in the London area. It grew in clumps and in strange places. Doctor Jeckle had found some growing in his small back garden of his double level terrace house. He had studied it, noted that it had unusual qualities and then had added it to his experiments.


The tiny white mushrooms were from a different period of time. They were from the far distant future. So how did they end up growing wild and scattered through out London?


Tinacos walked through Doctor Jeckle's house that had been closed up for some months. Everything was stored away that could be and there were white sheets over furniture. When Doctor Jeckle was put into comfortable prison as he lost control of when or where Mr Hyde might take over, the house had been closed up. The tall angular man looked around with obvious regret as he walked ahead of Tinacos.


"So you think that the mushrooms are some kind of important clue?"


Tinacos nodded. "They were brought to London and somehow they got loose or at least somehow they started growing outside of any confrol they might have been under. You, yourself wrote that they have amazing qualities, these ghost-mushrooms. My own studies of them and the serum, of your notes, more than backs up your claims. These ghost-mushrooms are genetically engineered by very advanced means. They could easily be the basis of many types of serums or medicines. The creation of your alter-ego was only one effect your alter-serum had on you. Your life span has been elongated. You will most likely live much longer and stay youthful much longer. I suspect you will die when you are about three hundred years old."


Doctor Jeckle nodded. "It would explain why I look younger and feel younger than I did before I started using the alter-serum. I fear what will happen if word of this gets out. There will be far too many people willing to do terrible things for extended life and especially for extended youthfulness. I, myself, am a fine example of that sort of stupidity. Mr Hyde did so much evil before, for reasons unknown to me and to Mr Hyde, I suspect, he suddenly mellowed. Mr Hyde joined the fight against the surillin invasion to partly make up for his past deeds. He is still huge and crude but smarter and far less aggressive or dark minded."


Sherlock Holmes was already ahead of them in the abandoned but carefully stored away laboratory-workshop. He did not look pleased. "Somebody has been going through this place, searching for something in a most professional manner. Only my great experience and knowledge in detective work had me find a few clues that this was the case. I think they took something from beneath these floorboards. There are no clues who took what was down there or when."


Doctor Jeckle suddenly cursed softly in Latin before he knelt and carefully took up the now loose floorboard. "I forgot, damn it, I forgot. During my madness when Mr Hyde was becoming dominant and out of control, I got a whole lot of notes, some of the ghost-mushrooms in a jar, and some other items and put them under the floor board. I have no idea why I did so. I was not in what one would call a very sane state of mind at the time."


Suddenly Tinacos gave a look of surprise. "Ghost-mushrooms from the far future? Was there not a story about a British scientist who invented some sort of time-machine and went into the far future?"


Doctor Jeckle nodded. "Yes, I even met the man once at a large convention held by Professor Greening in which many extreme scientific theories were addressed and discussed. Many people went to and fro from a wide range of lectures, debating circles and even demonstrations. The Time Traveller was one of them. His theories were fascinating but rather eccentric. Then again many people said the same about my theories and we both know what my experiments led to. Do you know that the government was hoping they could use samples of the alter-serum to create an army of super soldiers to fight the surillins with. The erratic effects of the alter-serum has caused them to be less keen."


Now there was no war with the surillins but instead the start of a peaceful alliance including the exchange of various resources, including knowledge, through trade. It turned out that the surillans, having checked out what surface conditions were like on the modern Earth, had decided their underground cities and farming caverns were much nicer to live in. They were way ahead of current human knowledge and technologies in many ways but were gaining from humans anyway. For it turned out that humans did some things better than the surillans did, especially the industrially advanced British.


It turned out that many surillan invaders, upon reaching the surface, had died of exposure to conditions that they simply could not adjust to. This had killed far more of them than the humans had done. Previously unknown to humanity, thousands of surillans had died during the invasion of London simply because of the cold. By the truce, more surillans had died during the invasion than had humans. This was true around the world. This knowledge surprised people and mellowed the desire for revenge.


Tinacos turned to Doctor Jeckle. "Tell me more about this Time Traveller man."


Sherlock Holmes sighed. "I suggest that we return to the Torchwood Complex. There is something there you will most likely want to see."



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Professor Cosmos and Tinacos examined the exotic and beauitful time-machine as designed and built by one Professor Cronos. They noted it was built like a strangely enclosed car in that it had four wheels and an electric motor that could drive it around. It had a enclosed body with a thick glassed wind-screen. Behind the windscreen were two seats. One was the time-machine controlling position with the controls. Behind them were two more seats and then a cabin area designed for storage or other uses. Behind the cabin was a great bowl shaped dish that faced forward. It was made of some strange alloy of metal that reflected the light strangely. It was designed to spin while the time-machine was in operation. One direction and the time-machine went to the future and the other direction, the time-machine went towards the past. It was streaked with rust, was dented, was scoured and one wheel was broken. Inside were a middle aged man in Victorian style outdoor clothes and a young, attractive woman in strange, translucent clothes of much skimpier nature. Behind them were two other young women of much the same appearance. Behind them was an odd collection of stuff that seemed to be of many ages, some quite exotic, much of it quite advanced.


Sherlock Holmes spoke. "About three months ago this was found in a long abandoned basement chamber of an old mansion just outside of London. The owners of the mansion had no idea at all how it happened to get there. They quickly learned that though one could approach the object, that one could not quite touch it. With some difficulty Torchwood, having investigated, brought the time-machine here. We were hoping to get your assistance but the urgency of the surillan invasion overwhelmed us, perhaps to our future regret."


Professor Cosmos took out a device from a pocket and aimed it at the time-machine. "What is happening there is a result from a particular kind of time paradox. Luckily for the people in there, including Professor Cronos we TimeLords long learned how to deal with this sort of problem. Professor Cosmos built that curving dish from metal that is far more advanced than anything the British Empire could have built or can build now. It is even beyond the technologies of surillans. But a StarLord could have provided Professor Cosmos with the particular metal. That is Professor Greening could have given to Professor Cosmos just the sort of metal he needed to complete his time-machine. The metal has unique properties. It is not found on this world but only on some very alien worlds. Professor Greening wanted Professor Cosmos to travel far into the future and then to run into trouble. Why? He knew it would create some kind of specific local time-space distortions. Professor Cosmos was used. Look at him there with three childlike Eloy women. Professor Cosmos clearly did not mean to return to this age. I suspect he saw himself as fathering children and being part of a brave new civilization. Hence his three young wives to be."


"Dirty old man." Tinacos snorted. "Father, didn't you help to end the morlock control of the eloys?"


Her father nodded. "The morlocks were never meant to be in control. It was another product of historical interference. Now we send Professor Cosmos, his three young female friends, and his time-machine full of stolen goods from history, to the far future. He will arrive in a world where the eloy are not childlike any more, where they have regained much of the old technologies and where they will not put up with Professor Cosmos' attempts to dominate their society. Why not? Because I will make sure they know he is coming. Then his time-machine will cease to function. This is the only way to end this particular kind of time paradox in this particular situation."


Then the wheel began to spin, the people inside started to become active, and then the whole time-machine vanished with a sparkling shimmer.


Tinacos nodded. "Very good father. Will you send the warning message?"


He nodded. "Very soon. From now on Torchwood is not to hide from us anything of such importance."


Captain Jack Harkness strode into the chamber and smiled. "Sent the dirty old man into the future, then. I was hoping you might do something like that. Everything I tried failed to solve the problem. As you both know by now, I was a StarLord but I escaped from them. I have always been careful just how much I have influenced the flow of human history with my knowledge but that was an emergency. I met Professor Greening once. I informed him that I knew he was a rogue StarLord like myself. I hoped that there might be some empathy between us. He tried to kill me and he vanished that very day. The next day the surillan invasion of London began."


Professor Cosmos nodded. "Captain Jack Harkness, I have done some checking on you. Yes, you have done very well but I am afraid that now you need to start helping to greatly enhance the knowledge and technologies of humanity of this world. Why? Because this is now a divergant Alternative History in its own right. You can do no harm. A terrible invasion is coming. The Aquatic Martians are a very terrible species that have committed many terrible crimes against each other and against other peoples. Ginacos is on Mars with John Carter, an American from California who somehow travelled to Mars back in the mid 1800s. Seems that there are not only canals on Mars but there are many civilizations there. Now, I have some important questions I want to ask you since you are no longer managing to avoid me so much."


Captain Jack Harkness sighed. "Okay, okay. I was dreading this moment but go on."


Professor Cosmos sighed. "When did you change? When did you stop dying? Why did you really think that a very old TimeSage like myself as never met your kind before, as rare as you are. What happened that turned you into one of the so called Deathless Ones?"


Captain Jack Harkness looked shocked. "You mean there are others like me?"


"Unfortunately, yes, for your very existence causes profound disturbances in the life patterns around you and to time-space." Professor Cosmos sighed. "Still, I doubt that you were given any choice in the matter just as I doubt that you ended up here in the British Empire at this time, as you are, by mistake. Somebody made sure you became one of the Deathless Ones and that you ended up here in Great Britain but the question is why? Another good question is, how did they do it?"


Captain Jack Harkness frowned. "I became one of the Deathless Ones while I was a StarLord. When the other StarLords found out what I had become, they tried to exploit me but when that failed, they tried to destroy me. I fled and became a so called rogue StarLord. Another StarLord helped me by sending me to this primitive world to hide. He was the same StarLord who later took on the name of Professor Greening."


Professor Cosmos laughed suddenly and shook his head. "Now I know what the TimeMaster wants or at least one of his goals. He wants to examine you, he wants to learn how you became one of the Deathless Ones and because he yearns for immortality, he wants to become one of the Deathless Ones. For your kind is potentially immortal even beyond we TimeLords who can live for thousands of years and totally rejuvenate ourselves."


Then he told the others about the WarTARDIS with the amazing city hidden deep inside it. Somehow the WarTARDIS was part of a very elaborate plan but, hidden as was it was in a normal looking furniture shop, had become exposed when the shop was badly damaged in the surillan invasion. The fake wardrobe had simply not been damaged by the weather when the real wooden furniture had been. So Professor Cosmos had found it and had taken it. He wondered how long before the conspirators realised that the WarTARDIS was gone from where they had hidden it.


Just what was the purpose of the WarTARDIS and just where and how had it been built?



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More Oblivion Gates had opened and lesser dremora had struck across the harsh but beautiful Australian landscape. In the darkness there showed up the burning warmachines, both human and dremora. So called winged human, hyperlons, had retreated because they were not good fliers in darkness. Tracer fire arced through the night beneath a cloudy sky. The fire-elementals had also retreated because in the darkness they made good targets.Tigerchimps crouched behind sandbag walls and prepared for another enemy charge. Too many of them had died but the enemy dead were heaped up before their battlements and also behind, for the tigerchimps were amazingly savage close order fighters. Life-elementals were to be found to the rear where they cared for the wounded, of course.


Graham Maharg and the Skulltroopers were moving slowly forward along a series of ditches dug with amazing speed by non-fighting daedra sappers known as daedrigens. They were attempting to rescue a bunch of Anzacs that had become surrounded by the enemy earlier on. Daedrigens were armoured and fairly quick, fairly agile, but they retreated from danger.


The dremora warmachine had crashed and crunched into the ground, its two great glistening metallic double jointed legs failing beneath it, the strange flat globe shaped main body being burned and broken. Half hanging out of it was a dremora in a curious metallic suit with tubes running from it back into the biomechanical device. Graham Maharg warned the Skulltroopers to be careful as he led them away from the mechanism and then around it. Why, because the fluid leaking from the weirding machine could even be dangerous to those in Skulltrooper power armour.


Then they were coming to a halt for before them crouched Buffy the Slayer. She was in a tight suit of flexable thin armour and she was holding a shimmering power knife. Around her were eight dead nocturnal dremora like attack warriors known as dramara. Basically they were dremora who were nocturnal.


Buffy the Slayer frowned softly. "What took you so long?"


Graham gave her a mild grin, knowing that somehow she owuld see his face through his armoured helmet. "Oh you know how it goes, war can be so very inconvenient."


A Skulltrooper snorted and growled. "Do not make sense. War bad and war good. We go forward. Now we fight. We not tarry with silly words."


Graham sighed. "Come on, Skulltroopers, please do not be offended by silly words. If you are here then are the two others?"


Buffy stretched inside her very tight fitting armour. "You really can't help yourself, can you." Then she sighed. "Crocodile Dundee and Jacky Jackson are out there scouting but trying to stay out of trouble. They killed dramara earlier on but Jacky was cut. A life-elemental healed him but he has to go slower now. Amazingly weird warmachines they are that the enemy are using. You have an amazing imagination."


Graham Maharg frowned. "I have no idea of what you are talking about. My imagination has nothing to do with it. There are specialist lesser daedra and dremora specialists who grow such biomechanisms in special vat network-systems. Now, we will need to take the enemy by surprise. I take it that you have marked their positions."


With a sigh, Buffy came closer to him and then brought out a map seemingly from nowhere. She shown a pale light on it that allowed it to be read while having less chance of showing away their position to the enemy. "This is going to be as difficult as I feared it might be. I suggest that you bring forth the surviving tigerchimps and have them come along some ditches that are here. You and the Skulltroopers move along this way. There is an intersection of two zigzag ditches there where you will find a small cave bunker. After that I do not know."


He nodded his armoured head and studied the map in quiet thought.



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Graham Maharg managed to manifest nine brand new condition Sherman tanks with turret fixed 105mm howitzers. The Anzacs began to use them at once, the howitzers turning out to be a fine compliment to the 25-pounder howitzers that the force already had. Graham Maharg even managed to manifest a large supply of ammo, spare parts of other useful items for the new warmachines. There were Unionard forces of the USA in Australia but they were still a goodly distance away. They were coming by road and rail as fast as they could as were more Anzac and some British forces. Along with the soldiers were coming some new type helicopters, sappers and two MASH units. ANZAF squadrons would soon be arriving to assist the two squadrons already at the small airbase and plans were soon to be carried out to extend the airbase.


Graham Maharg and his own exotic forces, or what remained of them, went on R-and-R at the Clubs for the new Anzac force took on the daedra invaders with satisfying results, driving them back right up to the Oblivion Gates. Trouble was more Oblivion Gates had opened and more lesser daedra had come through. With them came dremora in Nazi Stormtrooper body-armour and with Nazi Stormtrooper autorifles. They also had such as Tiger battletanks, Panther battletanks and other Nazi German warmachines.


Graham Maharg lay nakedly in bed with Buffy the Slayer while the ceiling fan whirled quickly above them. A house fly hummed through the air. The air-conditioning made the hotel room cool but not cold, which both of them preferred.


Buffy sighed. "Do you really know who you are?"


He shrugged. "Graham Maharg. I like being Graham Maharg. What more could I want or need to be?"


She turned her head to face him. "You could be yourself."


At that he frowned. "Be myself? Oh no, I am not sure I like that idea at all, at all. I am a real hero here and look what I did for my home world, I improved it with that light thingy that went around the world at the speed of light. Not bad if I say so myself."


"That light thingy, as you call it, has brought problems along with solutions." She slipped out of bed and walked nakedly to look out the window at the desert landscape stretching towards distant Ayers Rock. "Your subconscious, your dark subconscious, has a dark influence upon this reality projection of yours."


Graham Maharg sighed. "I do not know what you are talking about."


But she only smiled at him in a way that caused him to feel uncomfortable.



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The next time Graham Maharg tried to manifest reinforcements there came four fighting wings of battledragons, four fighting platoons of battledroids and four platoons of angelic guards. They joined the fight to defend the fortified military positions around Mahargia against a large, powerful new daedric offensive. The previous offensive against the invaders had come to a crunching halt and had been driven back in a bloody fashion. The Anzacs admitted to taking a heavy beating in which they lost too many soldiers and too much equipment. The nine 105mm howitzer Shermans had been of great value and had helped to slow down the enemy enough to save many human lives.


A burning Tiger battletank lit up part of distant desert as tracer fire arced through the darkness. Night-fighters came through the sky overhead shooting rockets at the daedra. A row of explosions lit up part of the distant trench dotted landscape. Daedragons flew through the sky overhead and tried to chase the fast flying night-fighter aircraft but they had little chance of catching up with them. Soldiers were fighting and dying in trenches at the edges of Mahargia. The 25-pounder and 105mm howitzers kept pounding away at the enemies, causing yet more flash blasts of explosions.


When the Azorine warriors began to arrive in battlegroups in their exotic power armour and with their portable machineguns and other big weapons, the Anzacs were wary of them but what could they do but accept the assistance. Then came other Azorine warriors, stealth fighters who slipped through the darkness and along the ditches to kill the daedra with great efficiency.


The battledragons battled the daedragons savagely up in the dark sky, burning and clawing, biting and smashing at each other. The battledragons were more powerful than the daedragons but the daedragons outnumbered the battledragons.


Graham Maharg did not like it when his fighters were killed or even wounded. He was glad that his life-elementals were still going strong. Now he was making plans to bring forth other assets. So he did, pulling special items out of special storage. So it was that he managed to manifest five 12-pounder antitank gun equipped Sherman battletanks. Again the Anzacs grabbed them up and sent them straight into battle. In truth they were put more to static defense than to mobile attack.


Driven by uncomfortable guilt, Graham Maharg began to heal the wounded with his special abilities and he turned out to be very good at it. It was tiring but very satisfying work as he saved many lives, both exotic and human ones. The Azorine warriors seemed to be wary of him but their wounded gladly accepted his healing touch. Before the sun came up he was sleeping, having exhausted himself by saving over a hundred lives.



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Helene missed the neobaby already and she tried to focus on reaching the great city of Mageapolis, which they managed to do surprisingly soon. They did so because Helene used a powerful teleportation spell and thankfully nothing went wrong. The city was under siege by lesser daedra, not only the various creatures and both dremora and scard soldiers, but strange war-machines and siege-engines. The siege-engines hurled great explosive projectiles or magical destructive energies at the high, thick, strong city walls. Fortunately for the defenders the walls were magically protected and the battlements bristled with big weapons that threw projectiles and destructive energies back at the enemy.


The city was filled with refugees that had come in from the countryside, from settlements that had been destroyed or were being threatened by the invaders but also from many plantations, farms, ranches and mines. Which meant that much food that normally got to the big city had failed to get there despite some efforts to gather up what could be taken in a hurry. This included livestock now overcrowding certain sporting ovals and other large areas of green lawn.


The great city harbour was still clear and both ships and flying vessels were entering and leaving the city that way. Fishing became even more important a source of food as did seaweed farming and other ways of gathering food from the ocean.


Helene and her companions took up residence in an apartment meant for one person and even then Helene had to pay five times the normal rental for the place. Landlords were making a fortune from refugees despite government attempts to stop the practise. Some Landlords were even trying to evict their normal tenants so they could get newer, higher paying ones. The conditions were crowded but all of the group were used to enduring such. As for the animals, the horses and pets, Helene sent them temporarily to Sanctuahaven.


Helene realised that she was not sure what she should do next. She was also Helene the Empress in the Mageaglobe and Helene in Sactuahaven but both those aspects of herself were very busy, were taken up with heavy tasks. Yet there she was knowing she had to do something to help Mageapolis where at least half the people of the Mageadom were now to be found. So she meditated as her followers prepared as best they could to do what they could to assist her.


After she woke, Helene gave what funds she could spare to her five followers and sent them out to gather information through out the city. She wanted reports, she wanted maps, she wanted books, she wanted what every she could get. When the five humans were gone, she focused on trying to find any particular power that she might use to make some kind of important gain.


As for Mr Straw, he staid in a closet in the new apartment where he did the animated scarecrow version of a much needed sleep.



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The landlord came to the apartment block, eyes gleaming with greed, to demand that rents be doubled. Helene picked up the fat man and hurled him over a balcony wall so that he fell to his death five levels below. Oddly enough when some local law officers came, nobody had witnessed anything at all. Nor did the law officers seem much interested in finding out who killed the landlord who was infamous even amongst his kind. Even his family made no attempt to call for justice or revenge.


Helene gathered all of the information that Talfu the thief, Shallis the battlemage, Ceslie the fletcher, Randz the scholar and Beant the assassin had gathered for her. Now Randz began to stay in the apartment to help read, sort and analyze the information they were getting. Then Helene sent Beant the assassin to provide the Mageapolis Government with information exposing a Mythic Dawn coven. Instead of examining the evidence, the Mageapolis Primary Investigator tried to have Breant killed. Breant assassinated the Prime Investigator who turned out to be a high ranking member of the Mythic Dawn.


A secret war had begun between the Mythic Dawn and other forces. The Assassins Guild and many other dark forces had decided to take on the Mythic Dawn free of charge because they simply did not want Mehrunes Dagon to destroy them; a very practical reason. Truly loyal forces in the Mageadom and Mageapolis Governments were also starting to track down traitors, be they Mythic Dawn members or associates or even those who had sold out to the Mythic Dawn in a more casual fashion. Killings became common. As Mythic Dawn people were rounded up and were often poorly represented, innocents began to be punished. The new Prime Investigator of Megaepolis began to try to protect the innocent victims of the backlash against the Mythic Dawn.


All the time the siege was taking place. Daedragons attacked through the sky and then other flying daedra. Along with lesser daedra came now some greater daedra as great hulking monsters who stomped along on two or four or even six legs. Mighty flying greater daedra flew slowly through the air. The only good thing about the greater daedra was that they were few in number. The weaker forms of lesser daedra were still the most common for they were the quickest to breed, grow and to be trained.


Helene set out to meet the Prime Council of Mageapolis that had taken leadership of the besieged city. Yet as she made her way through the city she began to let lose tiny sparkling dots of glowing energy that flew away from her in all dirctions, they being micro-elementals of life. They would undermine the magic of the Mythic Dawn operating inside the city to try to open Oblivion Gates inside the walls and to do other nasty tricks in the city. They would help heal the sick and injured. They would help to nourish the hungry. They would multiply.



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