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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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Helene made her way through the teaming crowds of diplomats, merchants and others in the great entrance foyer to the Grand Council Tower. There was something about her that caused people to make room for her, to open a path before her. So it was that she approached the tired, overworked clerks behind the great, long, polished wooden counter. A tall woman turned and frowned at her, she noting how Helene had somehow gotten ahead of long line ups.


The clerk spoke. "You need to wait at the end of a line. Many have been waiting for hours to be seen."


Helene frowned and she sparkle shimmered. Now there was a slim, white-golden crown on her head and she wore a supple metallic white golden robe. The clerk woman looked shocked and seemed unable to speak.


Helene smiled. "I am Empress Helene, great enemy of Mehrunes Dagon. Please inform the leaders of this city that I wish to speak with them soon. The sooner this happens, the sooner that I can assist the people of Magaepolis."


Others noted what was happening and a nervous wave of responses went through the crowds. Some openly scoffed at this young woman's claim but they sounded half hearted for they all sensed something powerful and subtle about this beautiful young woman. They somehow knew she was of the True Dragonblood. The clerk hastily picked up the end of a magically enhanced voice-tube and spoke into it. She informed those at the other end of what was happening.


But when Mageadom warriors appeared in magical power armour and with magical power weapons, Helene knew at once that something was wrong. She could sense about the nine warriors the residue of daedric magic, of the dark influence of Mehrunes Dagon himself. So she pointed the middle finger of her right hand at them and spoke out aloud.


"Mythic Dawn! Traitors to humanity."


At once the Mythic Dawn warriors shimmered to take on their real appearance in exotic Mythic Dawn Warrior armour. With dremora magical swords and shields they charged towards Helene as the crowded parted before them. But they were not to make it far. From Helene's finger spat fireballs that zipped across the chamber but also others attacked the Mythic Dawn fools from the crowd, blasting at them with intrinsic magic or magical devices of varied sorts. Quickly the Mythic Dawn Followers fell and then they all lay dead upon the cut stone block floor.


The crowds turned almost as one to Empress Helene and then, almost as one, they bowed to one knee before her except for some younger children, of course.



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They came out of the ground close to Megaton with its walls made up of the recycled, reused parts of PreDD airships and super jet-airliners and jet-freighters. The appearance of Megaton was crazy with its great inward sloping walls and sections of aircraft protruding through the walls and above the walls. Great big aircraft engines were there and were still. Danzie and Justine both sensed that there were sentries watching their group approach the settlement but those sentries kept wisely hidden. The Troopers of Steel led the convoy of 6-wheeler ATVs up to the great big outer power-gates were the protectron Deputy Weld met them as was tradition. Between the outer power gates and the inner was Outer Megaton, the free trade zone that was relatively easy to get into. Beyond the inner power gate was Inner Megaton where access was much more stricter for outsiders.


Danzie and Justine, formerly Jasmine02, were amazed by the harsh, exotic and dangerous landscape of the DC Wastelands. So were all but the Troopers of Steel, who of course had experienced a good deal of the Wastelands and not just in DC. In the distance lay the ruined city of Springvale which was said to be infested with gangers, bandits and scavengers, many of whom were wild ghouls. As if to prove it, there was the short lived sound of a gun fight that came from that direction.


Knight Captain Gallows spoke to the protectron robot, Deputy Weld. "We wish to go to the Orderhood of Steel Outpost in Outer Megaton."


Deputy Weld responded with a metallic robotic voice with some odd cowboy influences. "Welcome to the fine settlement of Megaton, folks. Hombres, bandits and other no goods are not welcome but as long as you keep the law, you are welcome to Outer Megaton. Thirtsy? Go to the Girls'N'Games for a fine cheap beer? Need equipment, go to Craterside Supplies to meet your basic needs. Remember, Sheriff Lucas Simms will have his eyes on you."


Knight Captain Gallows grinned. "Please use your 2-way to message the sheriff. I would like to meet him, if possible, at the Vehicle Parking Yard in Outer Megaton."


The robot responded seconds later. "The message has been sent by 2-way. Sheriff Lucas Simms has sent a response. The sheriff will meet you at the yard but he warns you that he has no intention of getting involved with one of your missions or plots."


Danzie smiled. "Deputy Weld, you look a little dented. Perhaps I could do some work on you."


Deputy Weld responded. "Thank you but Deputy Gizmo takes care of all of my needs. Please take a look at the Atomic Bomb Shrine where the Children of Atom pray. Confessor Cromwell assurres all that you too can achieve enlightenment and be freed from the coils of drab non atomic existence."


Justine snorted. "Are you sprouting advertisements?"


Deputy Weld turned towards Justine. "Yes! Reasonable fees gained from such advertisements help fund the Sheriff's Office. Please feel free to advertise with me if you have any legal goods or services to sell. Prostitution is both regulated and licensed."


Justine frowned. "I am not a prostitute, you silly tin can on legs."


Deputy Weld. "I apologise but I give the message to all, men and women. Now, please move on as there is another group approaching that I must attend to."


There was no other group coming and it was clear to Danzie that Deputy Weld did need some work done upon him.



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"So what do we do now?" Justine sat with Danzie and Knight Captain Gallows in the Brass Lantern, the popular diner in Megaton. "The Unity is chasing us. Other forces are operating in a secretive fashion. Earthnet is operating out there and is using controlled supermutants as soldiers but is fighting Skynet. Unity tried to take over Earthnet but failed, which might explain why Earthnet and Skynet are now fighting each other."


Typical patchskin, roughskin and even some smoothskin Wastelanders moved around them or sat at the big, bent counter or at various round tables like the one that the three of them were using. Leo Stahl was behind the counter along with two waitresses. Andy Stahl owned the Brass Lantern but he also had another business that he ran and was often away from the diner. The place was fairly crowded but far from being overcrowded. People were wary of the Trooper of Steel but far from hostile. The Troopers of Steel helped make Megaton safe and in return they got a free outpost plus some other resources including piped low rad water, brahmin milk, the services of Doctor Church and a small weekly amount of supplies. It was what Megaton could afford to give.


Knight Captain Gallows responded. "The Orderhood of Steel will need to take into account Earthnet and the supermutants as a threat. We have fought supermutants before but they were under the control of a mutated psychic monster known as the MasterBrain. That was in California at the Mariposa Military Research Development Base. Actually it was one individual, known often as the Vault Dweller, who really defeated the MasterBrain. The history after that is confused. Supermutants even joined the Mid Western Brotherhood of Steel. There is much else that is partly known and, we suspect, unknown. The link between Earthnet and supermutants is a most disturbing one. We need to find where Earthnet is creating supermutants and turning them into soldiers."


Danz007 nodded but he had his own concerns. He wanted to, needed to, learn more about his true nature and that of all the Danz Clones that he now sensed the existence of, including the voice of Danz000 that sometimes spoke to him in his mind. Justine also wanted to learn more about her origins, which they suspected were linked to those of Danzie. Then there were the biovire children to deal with, those children being victims of experimentation who had certainly not asked to be born the way that they were.


Gallows surprised them by what he said next. "We need to return to TekVault100 and infiltrate it to find out about your true natures and to gain any vital data that the Unity have have about the Earthnet and the supermutants they are controlling."


With the Subwayers on the look out for them and with Earthnet being busy down there, along with other threats, that would not be easy but this was the Wastelands and they could expect nothing more or less than that.



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Moira Brown bustled around her Special Goods and Services Emporium. She pointed to a display case showing some of her amazing inventions made up of odd bits and pieces found in the Wastelands. There was a dartgun, a railspike rifle, a deradder, a food refiner and many others. She showed the wall display that portrayed how far she had gotten so far with her Wastelands Survival Manual. There was her donation box, now carefully armoured close since some young thugs had tried to steal the few coins found inside it.


Danzie spoke. "Professor James Ashworth and Jasmine Ashworth came to Megaton?"


Moira nodded. "Why yes and he spent a good amount of time here looking at my wonderful inventions and listening to my ideas. So did Jasmine and the other three. Odd lot, those other three. One of them looked like you, could have been your twin. Also Jasmine looked like your twin, Justine."


Justine smiled and spoke. "What about the other two?"


Moira shrugged. "One was a ghoul wanderer named Ernest Egg Cooker. He didn't look like a cook to me; more like a killer. Then there was a very pale white man who didn't seem to like the sunshine much. There was something a little disturbing about him. Do you like molerats? I love molerats. People say they are dangerous but I think they are just misunderstood. There were others with the Ashworths in Megaton but I never met them. A Sister of Steel came and met with Professor James Ashworth. Star Paladin Cross is her name. Like all Paladins she can use those big mechawalkers but she came only in normal battle power armour. Do you think that boiled rat meat or fire coal roasted rat meat would taste better?"


Justine responded. "Fire coal roasted rat would be better. We want two of your dartguns and some darts."


Moira smiled even more, a slightly crazy gingertop with flashing eyes, and clapped her hands in joy. "The workshop has recently finished making five dartguns and I have a good supply of darts. Now, where did I put them?"


Danzie pointed to a display of dartguns for sale. "Over there."


Moira Brown giggled and then nodded in a melodramatic fashion. "Why yes, that would make sense, wouldn't it for I always put there all dartguns for sale."


Danzie and Justine both smiled. To their surprise they very much liked the eccentric but surprisingly brilliant woman.



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Bullets exploded off a brick wall and Professor Cosmos dropped down with amazing quickness as he held his normal looking but very special revolver-pistol in his right hand. Two Greycoats in power armour were crouched further over and were shooting miniguns at the strange two metre wide, one metre high, biomechanical deathspider that had come striding out of a metal garage door that had come open suddenly. Except it was not just a garage door any more than the garage was a normal garage. They had tracked down a hidden outpost of the TimeMaster and Professor Greening with some difficulty. Now they were finding that actually getting into the outpost was going to be more difficult and dangerous than they had hoped it would be.


Brigadier Stuart was not far away and was in radio communications with the Area HQ. The 2-way radio was new technologies as was much else in the British Empire. The British Officer knew that preperations against the Martian invasion were in full swing but he was still asking for reinforcements. The other Greycoats were busy on an important mission elsewhere. He wanted, hoped for, Redcoats and maybe even Redcoats in exomechanical armour.


The deathspider was not the only one. Another two had become before it and two more were coming from where it had come from. Each deathspider had a minigun and death-rayguns, light flexable armour and flickering energy deflection screens. Yet the bullets of the human soldiers were managing to knock down the strange defenders of the hidden outpost base.


Professor Cosmos had thrown out all of his previous conclusions about the TimeMaster's goals, his plans of how to gain those goals, and realised that he may have jumped to some dangerous conclusions. Was the WarTardis really linked with the TimeMaster? Was the TimeMaster really after Captain Jack Harkness? What was the alliance between Professor Greening and the TimeMaster really about?


He aimed his special pistol, fired once, and a deathspider exploded dramatically, blowing apart as if a 1-pounder cannon shell had hit it at close range. Then he sighed for he hated to kill even such deadly monsters as these deathspiders were.


Was he missing out some very important pieces to this puzzle?



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The outpost was a network of altered chambers and added ones, tunnels and other spaces. The deathspiders were all destroyed by the time Professor Cosmos got deeper into the depths of the complex. They came upon a scene that surprised the TimeLord. Five dead StarLordites and a dead StarLordling who had commanded them, sprawled around a bit control chamber in their energy armour. There were other dead there but they were creatures of a kind he had he had never met before. Each was a strange machine rounded off with an oval shaped base, a sucker tipped rod and a weapon, a specialised stem with an eye-bulb but also other eye-bulbs and senses. Daleks they were called!


Yes, he had heard of daleks. They were supposed to be a ruthlessly evil species with out conscious who would deal out death, destruction and enslavement with out hesitation. They were hard to kill for they had their armoured shells and a few special tricks such as the ability of short range teleportation, hovering and phasing. Yet this dalek, like the StarLord Lessers had died very quickly. What had killed them all was a kind of energy weapon that caused Professor Cosmos great concern. It was a forbidden TimeLord weapon, a left over from the dreaded dark times.


The Brigadier looked around the control chamber that was largely made up of StarLordish technologies. He shook his head in wonderment. "This is amazingly advanced stuff, Professor, we of the British Empire could use this. What is that horrible smell?"


Professor Cosmos picked up a silvery metallic sphere, a reality alteration device identical to the one that Torchwood had found. This one also made things cold but had no effect upon him. "The StarLord technologies have been self destructed, Brigadier, to stop you humans from copying it. Another reality effect sphere but why just leave it here? These devices have great value in the Multiverse and yet it has seemingly been discarded. The TimeMaster was here and not so long ago. I can sense it as one TimeLord can sense another. The dead StarLordling and StarLordites could have been either for or against Professor Greening who was also here, or so I sense."


He closed his eyes. "We TimeLords can pick up impressions of past activity but the ones I am picking up are weak and fragmentary because TimeLords can also blur such things so as to make it harder for other TimeLords to track them. Aaahhh, yes, there was some other powerful TimeLord force in the control room. Now matters are becoming even more complicated. I will need to identify the other TimeLord that was here and as soon as I can."


Then he found something, just a trace of something really, a tiny splash of silvery substance and as he examined it a dark frown covered his face. He cursed softly for the situation had indeed become most complicated for the traces he found were off his wife, a TimeLady who had gone rogue a long time ago and the woman who had given birth to Tinacos, Ginacos and Ninacos. Had she intended for him to know she was there? It seemed rather clumsy for her to leave even such a small trace behind herself.


They continued to search the complex.



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They found what were datafiles on what could only be called a loose plan of sorts. It outlined the need to track down somebody called the TimeThief and also somebody called TimeSage Cosmos, to deal with both of them. It detailed an alliance between Professor Greening and the TimeMaster that included finding out who had altered history to cause the surillans and others to survive until current times and the surillans to invade the surface, starting with London. The plan also indicated the need to find Factor X1, to find and deal with Factor X2 and to be careful of Factor X3.


Datafiles in the same databank showed that the WarTardis had been built by a TimeWarLord in the Dark Ages of Gallifrey who had sought to escape to invade and pillage 'primitive' worlds through out the Multiverse. Razzilon had destroyed the TimeWarLord and her followers but the WarTardis had been randomly launched into time-space in such a way that even Razzilon himself had not been able to find it. The TimeMaster had found it in orbit around a great blue ultraviolet star and had sent it to the Earth (Terra) so he could later reclaim it. For some reason he never did but somebody did and hid it in the normal furniture store in London.


So neither the TimeMaster or Professor Greening had interfered with the surillans. They wanted to 'deal with' Cosmos himself and the mysterious TimeThief in a fashion that sounded ominous.


Professor Cosmos found signs that another Third Generation TARDIS had been there and by its signature it was that of the TimeMaster. The signature indicated some modifications, amongst them the additions of exotic external weaponry and other tricky intricate devices that were just the sort of thing that would be attractive to the TimeMaster. His lack of wisdom showed in this as it did in many of his actions.


British soldiers and specialists were soon examining the outpost for any technological tidbits they could find. Professor Cosmos made sure they did not gain access to the StarLordling, StarLordites or the dalek or their equipment for he teleported all of it back to the CosmosTARDIS.


Which was when a soldier found something, an odd and rather basic clue, being a box of matches with the name of a club printed crude and cheap on the front on it with what was supposed to be an erotic woman dancer dancing erotically. The artwork was cheap and terrible. Could it be a trap or had the TimeMaster and Professor Greening overlooked such a simple clue.


Professor Cosmos knew he would go to the club but not alone. It was time to call upon the services of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson again.



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