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I am putting the GRAHAM MAHARG on hold for now.

I hope nobody minds but if you do, please tell me so.


:D ;D :yucky: :ninja: :teehee: :biggrin: :verymad:

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Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson knew the ROSIE LANE well enough, the tavern where scantily clad dancing women pranced awkwardly on a fairly rickety looking wooden stage while tough, poor Dockland workers drank cheap beer and gobbled down bubble and squeak, floater pies or such like. They had dressed down, had disguised themselves, and Professor Cosmos had done the same. They sat down at a small corner table and kept alert to anything that was happening while pretending to do the very opposite.


Just by listening with his enhanced sense of hearing, the TimeLord soon learned that many men and women had been getting well paid jobs recently smuggling items through the city. Why smuggling and what were they smuggling, they did not know or care. All they knew was that small cart loads of goods in odd wooden caskets, boxes and barrels were being hidden in various ways and taken from the Docks area right through to a large warehouse that seemed to empty as quickly as it was filled. Nobody knew how it was getting emptied.


Sherlock Holmes nodded. "I had heard of these jobs earlier on before the surillins began their invasion but did not have a chance to start to investigate."


Doctor Watson frowned softly. "The amount of diseases in this place could keep me busy as a doctor for a month at least. The poor remain poor while the middle class get richer, the rich get even richer and the nobility slowly go into decline."


Sherlock Holmes smiled at his female side-kick. "Still the socialist but perhaps you have a good point. The new technologies do not seem to be favouring the poor."


Around them most of the people were not involved in the particular jobs of smuggling but a fair few were. The trick would be to choose the right person to follow. They ordered mugs of cheap beer and Professor Cosmos dropped a tiny pill into each mug that improved the taste. They drank the improved beer while the women kept dancing on the stage, none of them looking greatly attractive, and a fight broke out in the back of the big taproom.



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It was a very cleverly laid trap meant to draw in somebody like the TimeLord.


Professor Cosmos crouched behind a wagon, raised his ever special revolver-pistol and fired. A floating wide metallic cone of a dalek exploded, bits of it spinning away in all directions as the green mutated thingy inside was splashed in all directions by the impact. He had materialized heavy rifles for both Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes who were using the elephant guns with careful but devestating effect.


It seemed that Doctor Watson had grown up part of her life in distant darkest Africa where she had been taught the use of a wide variety of guns by a famous British man called Allan Quatermain. Many did not know he was more than just a great hunter and explorer but had a mysterious aspect to his existence.


Where did the floating armoured cones of daleks come from? They had risen out of some wooden crates, smashing up through thin, false tops and blasted away with machineguns to massacre the poor workers who failed to get away. They had been brought into the warehouse in the very cart that the TimeSage and his two companions had been following. It was a bitter twist to the irony of the trap that they had been drawn into it with their enemies so close.


They could have escaped to the CosmosTARDIS earlier or have brought in reinforcements but now mysterious forces were stopping that from happening. The TimeSage was only too aware that his companions were steadily running out of ammo. He tried again to make contact with the CosmosTARDIS and again he failed to do so. Yet more daleks exploded up out of wooden crates and now a full thirteen of them were flying low towards them, zigzagging now in an attempt to avoid being shot but making their own aim harder in the process.


Which was when a brick wall exploded inwards and Ninacos led a rescue group of Greycoats and Torchwood Officers including Jack himself in his grey trenchcoat. As soon as they were able, the newcomers blasted the daleks to shreds.



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The big skyship soared through the air as its forward cannons and machineguns released volleys of shells and bullets. As the big, slower firing cannons let loose, a shudder would run through the aging but well cared battleship. The Helium Third Fleet had been sent to help assist the war against the Aquatic Martians, the tripocs. The current monarchs of that Citystate refused to sent the Home Fleet, also known as the First Fleet, or the Second Fleet, known as the Helium Amarda. Why, because the Citystates of the Red Martians feared each other and the Green Martian hordes more than they did the tripocs. Still, the Third Fleet was quite powerful especially as it was augmented with squadrons of skyships, skyboats and fliers from five allied Citystates. Not their best stuff, no, but good quality fighting material.


Ginacos was annoyed though. She had hoped for more but then again, unlike John Carter or her father, she had little experience with the convulutions of politics.


Tripocs were moving in swarms, in tripodic power armour, in mechatripods and even in fliers now of odd bulberous shape with metallic fins. The tripocs were struggling to defend one of their major surface domecities even as Green Martian hordes attacked across the landscape along with Red Martian warriors. Ginacos watched as newly built biplanes attacked the enemy, being made of very tough but light materials much more resistant to damage than were the biplanes of Earth. Their engines and other aspects were better also.


A landcrawler with tracks and cannons on the side and a cannon turret on top, rumbled across the ditches and sandbag walls dug by tripocs. Like the biplanes, it was crewed by a volunteer force of White Martians who had come a long way to fight this war.


Explosions rose up in the distance. A tripoc flier exploded and burning, smoking bits of it spiraled towards the ground. Warriors fought armoured tripocs closer up. The sounds of shooting and the clash of energy blades was coming from many places on the wide spread battleground.




Note: Green Martians are tall, green, alien with tusks and two sets of arms while Red and White Martians look like the humans of Earth.

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How Herculine ended up in the cell in the Imperial Prison, on the edges of Imperiarna the Imperial City, she was not sure. Her memories were clouded from the point she had gone to meet somebody who had sent her a message. Herculine was an adventurer of sorts, a fighting scholar who researched the ancient ways of the Mythic Age and later periods. She was also an exotic mage of sorts whose magic was not truly arcane and certainly neither of the necromancers or the Mythic Dawn fools. No, she was of the druidic mages but also more, of the elemental summoners and evokers. Though she was certainly living on the edges of society, she certainly had done nothing to deserve her being in such a place where only the worst of criminals were sent.


The orc prisoner in the cell facing her tried to provoke her, telling her that she was going to die, that that the Cyrodilin Empire had turned against her, but she had no care for what that fool thought or how he was trying to take his own fears out on her. So she ignored him after once going to the bars of the cage in her basic, rough brown prison clothing. Orcs were only a small minority in Cyrodiil for their homeland were the Wrothgarian and Dragontail Mountains of Tamriel, the super continent.


There were changes, though, in the form of two silver rings that she had not had before, one being on the middle finger of each hand. They were tight on her fingers and each had a disk plate fronting it with only blankness for the moment. What the rings meant, Herculine did not know. They were comfortable and felt quite natural being there as if they belonged to her and always had done. Then it came to her that her range of spell ability, her spell-powers, were extended and so was the power of her magic. She was no wizard yet but now she could throw true magical elemental projectiles or summon small elemental entities to do her bidding or even do some other interesting tricks. She had also varied drudic abilities that worked better in natural settings but which she could use there if she had to do so.


There was food in the form of fairly nutritional gruel in a wooden bowl with a basic wooden spoon, a clay jug of water, a clay cup and small sourbread loaf that was lightly stale. She ate the food and drank the water but not too quickly. She gave a large cockroach some bread crumbs as a tribute to nature. Then she lay down on the wooden bench that was also her bed, and waited for something to happen. For Herculine sensed something important was going to happen.


Yet when it did, it still took her by surprise as she met somebody that she never expected to meet.



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When the sound of approaching warriors came to them, the orc jeered that Herculine was about to die but when the Blades came into view, the elite Order that guarded the Emperor himself and di other special duties for the Imperial Throne, the orc retreated in fear to the back of his cell. He was ignored and the leading BladeGuards in their traditional magical armour, stopped and peered into the cell where Herculine was. The sergeant did not sound pleased as she spoke to those following, BladeKnights and BladeMages but also the Emperor himself.


"What is a prisoner doing here? This cell is supposed to be kept clear."


The BladeKnight Baurus, who had just earned his knighthood, came forward and peered through the bars. "A mix up in the prison cell roster. There is no time to do anything about it. You, prisoner, get back against the wall or you will be made to suffer. This is none of your concern."


Herculine, being no fool, backed up against the wall. She noted the Emperor himself and a shock went through her system. Septim Uriel VII was standing there on the other side of the bars along with a nervous aide and a hulking flesh-golem equipped with a big backpack full of equipment and supplies. There were also five BladeGuards, three BladeKnights and two BladeMages. The BladeMages were battlemages in armour but with magical quarterstaves.


They came into the chamber, the long and narrow cell, Baurus frowning at her. Then suddenly he arched his eyebrows in surprise and gave a mild grin. "Herculine, what are you doing here? Why would you be locked up in a cell?"


Yes, she had worked with some Blades before and Baurus had been one of them. Back then he had been a BladeGuard but also a secret agent of sorts often working in Imperiarna, the Imperial Throne City itself. They had hunted down and dealt with necromancers and other dark mages who were part of a plot against the Imperial Court. She had been useful in various ways, especially in her knowledge of the ancient arcane and necromanic spells that the conspirators were trying to utilise. Herculine had freed some goblins from a terrible sacrifical death and, ironically, goblins had assisted her and the Blades to destroy the conspiracy. Since then goblins dwelling under the city proper had a treaty with the Imperials and Commoners of the metropolis.


She smiled at him. "I have no idea how I got here. Somebody sent me a rather mysterious message to go and meet them in an isolated chamber in the Undercity. I went there and though I was very careful, I walked straight into a very skillful and powerful magical trap. Next thing I was waking up here."


The Emperor was a great and wise leader who knew much as a head of an empire but he tended at times to be removed and rather mystical in his ways. It was said that this was because of the True Dragonblood that flowed through his body but those who knew did not easily speak of such matters. The Emperor sighed. "My two sons are dead. Eriel and Uriel have been taken by the Mythic Dawn assassins despite our many efforts to protect them, including the hiring of Dark Brotherhood assassins to hunt down the asssassins." Then he turned to look at Herculies. "I know your face, your name. You are Herculine and you are supposed to be here. In my dream I saw you bathing in a bath of warming water that turned to blood and then back to clear cool water. What this meant, I do know, but you are very attractive."


Herculine blushed. "Your Majesty, I thank you for your compliment. I offer you no threat."


The Emperor nodded. "I know that and Baurus has confirmed it. I saw my death today but perhaps now there may be a ... yes it is possible. We must hurry now. The enemy is closing in. There are many traitors amongst the Prison Guards and many of the loyal ones have been killed. Aaahhh, yes, they poisoned you as they did many prisoners like the now dead orc in the cell across the hallway but you tasted the poison and you have lived."


Yes, the orc was dead, his body twisted and his face also in the agony of his death throws. But then the body suddenly lurched to its feet, a zombie, and began to shamble quickly towards the cell bars. The poison was far more than just that but was something far more evil. She sniffed and knew the zombies would not last long but they would be filling the prison now and attacking anything that was alive. This was not daedramage work but the craft of a clever and cunning necromancer.


It was time to leave the cell and move on but how?



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The Blades opened a secret door that was part of the cell wall. In truth the cell was never supposed to be occupied by prisoners for its only real purpose was as a disguised escape route. A BladeMage killed the orc zombie, shooting it with light pulses of the anti-undead kind. The undead orc shuddered and fell dead, became a normal corpse. Even as it did, along the prison hallway came lurching and shambling zombies that had once been Prison guards, servants and others, including some pirsoners for most of those zombies were trapped in their cells.


The cell gate was closed and locked behind them but the Blades killed a few zombies. Herculine evoked anti-undeath pulses and threw them in showers, destroying many zombies. Then she summoned forth a sunlight elemental that would last only a few minutes before returning to its elemental plane but it would destroy many zombies. Then a chilling cry echoed through the hallway of prison of a so called zombiezae, a zombie faster and deadlier than a typical zombie, a type of zombie that could climb.


The group went through the secret door and closed it behind them, then locked it. It was clear that the BladeMages were already impressed by Herculine's magical power and skills. Now they went deeper into older, more forgotten areas of the great building, going down into levels that were once used to store goods or even dead prisoners. They made their way through hallways, down stairways, along raised platforms and it seemed for a while that they might have escaped trouble.


Except that Herculine sensed otherwise. She summoned forth elemental armour of mixed form that consumed her prison clothes and fitted tight to her body as flowing varied colours of light, flames and life energies. Then she knew the armour would remain, with out her focusing on it, for a fair while thanks to the rings. She was given a Blade pulsesword that was stored in the fleshgolem's pack and then a Blade's deflector-sheild. Then she summoned forth a small life-elemental that took the form of a small green energy bird that would fly slowly just ahead of them and attempt to detect any form of danger.


The noise of an explosion from behind them, a sense of a surge of destructive magic, told them that the way behind them had been opened to threats chasing them.



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Danzie and Justine discovered the metallic mass beneath the ground that turned out to be the buried emergency shutter covering the also buried entrance to a bunker of sorts. It seemed the area was littered with underground structures but this was different. This was designed and built not to store living beings but a range of items in special status storage canisters and capsules. There were robots of PreDD common types being eyebots, protectrons, worktrons, servotrons, sentrybots, MrGutsys, MrHandys, MrPortys and MissNursies. There were spare parts, other supplies and equipment including service support network-systems and machine-tools. There were less common type robots also being TVbots that were like double sized eyebots, wheelbots that moved on one wheel, battletankbots of robots like small battletanks complete each with a turret with varied main weapons and small, fast moving jetbots.


They found no explanation to how the robotics had gotten there or who had put them there or why they had done so. Then they found a hidden door that led to a rampway that went to a large testing chamber dotted with destroyed and heavily damaged robots. The big blurotube lit chamber was clearly where the robots had been tested against something else but most like what was really being tested was the something else. Or so the pair concluded.


They found odd marks on the tough smart concrete floor as if something big had moved on huge feet across it. To leave such impressions it would have had to be powerful indeed. Then, in a corner of the great chamber, they found a scrap of paper that was largely meaningless but on it were the odd words 'LIBERTY PRIME Alpha-One super robotic weapon prototype'. They both had seen some data briefly mentioning the massive battle robot type that the United States hoped to defeat the NeoSoviets with. They had hoped to build at least a dozen of them to drive the Russians, Chinese and other invaders out of Alaska.


There was a great chamber that had probably stored the Liberty Prime prototype, along with other hardware, but it was long ago stripped bare.


Megaton was pleased to obtain the robots and other stuff along with the use of the chambers. Danzie and Justine only took a few small, useful items but supported the Brotherhood of Steel who claimed half of the resources there for a greater cause. With some reluctance, Megatonfolk gave into the wisdom of this claim, knowing that the stronger the Brotherhood of Steel was, the better off that they were.



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