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Megaton was most pleased with Justine and Danzie for the influx of new resources. So was the Brotherhood of Steel that took over the newly found underground area as a base. Even the damaged robots were often found to be useful as spare parts and materials to be used in various ways. The androids were to serve the Brotherhood of Steel for the Megatonfolk had no real experience in dealing with such entities. These androids were different from those created by the Commonwealth. Robots began to be used to enhance, improve, augment the settlement in various ways. Though security was important, work robots were in some ways more important. MrHandys were soon helping to carry out improvements to rampways, walkways and platforms along with the water supply system. There was much work done on the water plant, the power plant and the greenhouses.


Danzie communicated with the other DanzClone out in the Wastelands, the one with Professor James Ashworth's expedition. The expedition was still lost in an area where navigating by compass, by seeing the stars, and other means seemed to be impaired by exotic conditions. Something was distorting the air, the magnetic energies and other conditions. Yet the professor seemed somewhat excited as if they were close to making a very important discovery. The expedition had come across dead groups of bandits, scavengers, even some raiders from the Deathlands, along with dead animals, but the professor seemed blind to these warning signs. The dead organisms smelt strange and their bodies were shrunken as if something had 'fed' on them.


Danz000 spoke to both of them now. Through him they often communicated indirectly with each other. Danz stated that he was hidden but refused to say where or why he refused to do so for 'security reasons'. He promised that this would change.


Danz and Justine found themselves helping with the design and construction of a new solar power station for Megaton. They also began to assist with other projects.



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Danz003, Danzer, crouched close but not too close to the dead deathclaw and studied the way its body was strangely shrunken for a great predatory beast that it had been. He was worried now for around them the area of Wastelands was filling up with thickening fog that was lit by a strange morgue light. Yet Professor James Ashworth was seemingly unaware of the fog or the other strange signs that they were coming upon with increased frequency. One of these signs were some strange bits of wreckage amongst the more common kinds of wreckage to be found in the Wastelands. These were twisted cone shaped devices jutting out of the ground. They were huge and yet they were tilted so not so easily seen from a distance. The actual metallic glass seemed to glow with same same sort of morgue light as the gathering fog did.


Jasmine was not happy with what was happening. She was in body-armour and a coat but seemed cold as did the others but not in the normal sense. The ghoul, the professor, the tough ranger man and himself seemed the only ones to be immune from the fog. Jasmine clutched her powerful, bullpup configured, compact autorifle as she spoke to her father. "Perhaps we should not linger here. There is something profoundly wrong here."


The professor was panning a strange looking hand held instrument across the landscape. He spoke with a sound of mild annoyance. "Jasmine, there is hope here of finding one more step closer to the completion of Project Purity. One of the Doomsday Thirteen is in the area. These cone devices are projectors of what one might call a transdimensionality shiftation field. They must be deactivated."


Danzer spoke then as he stood up. "You lie, professor, as you have done in the past. You know that this very unstable and dangerous form of a transdimensionality shiftation field is still active though not fully active."


James turned and scowled softly. "So your mind is free, clone. I should not be surprised. You DanzClones were made very strong of mentality and psychic ability. I hope that you will not become a hinderance to Project Purity. It is the only way to save humanity."


Danzer pointed towards the north east. "Your synthetic psychic reader is not capable of taking us in the right direction. The entrance is in that direction." He dropped his hand. "Something very unnatural and evil is stalking us. There are also packs of zhouls out there that are fighting this evil. They are strongly resistant to these things and are becoming more so."


Jasmine seemed agitated. "What things?"


"Zombies, the most basic form of the undead." Danzer turned to the ghoul. "What is your real name?"


The ghoul shrugged. "Argyle. The man over there is Daring Hebert Dashwood."


Danzer nodded. "An android of great sophistication once designed to act in high budget 3DTV shows, 3Dmovies and holographic shows."


Dashwood looked up and around with a mild grin. "Very good. No wonder you are one of the few who intimidates the professor. I suggest we get moving."


Jasmine sighed. "That means dad and I are the only so called normal people."


"No dear, we are both metahumans." Professor James sighed. "There are no more so called normal humans anymore, at least none that I have found. Yes, we must get going."


Jasmine frowned softly and then the group was setting out with its odd mixture, across a strange and dangerous landscape even more so than the normal Wastelands.



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They found the TimeMaster's TARDIS in a basement chamber below the warehouse that was much older than the warehouse itself. It was disguised as a crate much like other wooden crates in the chamber but it was wrapped in a webwork of glittering energy beams. This was not the work of the TimeMaster for it would drew attention to the TM-TARDIS and also because the technologies locked the TARDIS into a prison. The technologies were very advanced but were of neither the TimeLords or the StarLords.


Very close to the TM-TARDIS was a dead clone of the TimeMaster. The handsome young man did not look like the TimeLord as Professor Cosmos remembered him but that meant little with TimeLords, especially those as old and as powerful as the TimeMaster and himself. He wore typical Docklander middle class supervisor type gear and clutched in his hand was an American made revolver-pistol, a big one that any cowboy or cowgirl would be proud to be seen with. He had been killed by something that left a burned hole, narrow but deep, into his chest. The man had a false identity with well forged documentation, some shillings and pennies in coins, some business cards, a railway ticket for Portsmith and even a book of matches from a seedy music hall, the kind that no families or children normally went to.


The other crates contained electromechanical machinery of the finest quality made in the British Empire and Francogermanic Empire along with copper piping, coils of electrical sealed electrical cable, tools and related items. It seemed to be all intended for some kind of construction job. Yet there were odd items like toys, books, canned food, canned condensed milk, double wrapped sacks of flour, musical play record disks, cutlery, some painted landscapes on wooden framed stretched canvas and even some dentistry tools. It all became property of Torchwood to use as Torchwood saw fit.


Professor Cosmos knew enough not to try to free the TimeMaster's TARDIS for it was booby-trapped in various ways by the same entities that had wrapped the time-space device in the energy webbing. Yet he began the task of analysing the energy webbing in order to discover what had created it. Others assisted him as much as they could including both his daughter and the people from Torchwood. He only came up with an inkling but that clue was very disturbing in its implications.



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Surillin and human technological exchanges continued. Embassies were opened, ceremonies undertaken, limited wargames carried out and surillin submersibles began to patrol the oceans and seas seeking the zylons. They found nothing conclusive. They did make bried contact with the infamous Captain Nemo and his great, powerful submarine the Nautilus, It turned out that Captain Nemo had long ceased attacking ships of the world except for whaling ships for he loved the whales and saw no need for them to die except in small numbers at the hands of native peoples; even there he tended to bribe or otherwise try to convince the people to find food in some other way. Professor Cosmos began to take steps to make contact with Captain Nemo, sensing that here was a very brilliant mind way ahead of his time, perhaps even his species.


Professor Quatermass was another brilliant mind that he heard of, a man who was away doing some research in Ancient Egypt when the attack on London had begun but who was trying to make it back to London both to assist and with some interesting news of his own.


In Africa the legendery Quatermain, a hunter and explorer with some mythic qualities, was reported to have defeated a large force of surillins using more canniness and knowledge of Africa than anything else. Of course the native peoples had helped greatly in the victory as had the British Sandcoats, a special force of soldiers trained to fight in arid or semi-arid conditions, along with some French Legionaries.


Stories came to fore of the Invisible Man having caused trouble for the invading surillins but nobody had seen him around, so the story was not confirmed.


Ninacos went to the British Museum to do research in the big library there, often pretending to skim through large volumes as she absorbed their contents. She toured the museum and was amazed by the great treasures there and by the often foolish interpretations made of them and their meanings. When she found the great, thick armoured doors and armed guards cutting off a whole wing, she had no luck at all in convincing the museum to tell her what was in that place.


Tinacos went through the city with Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson, searching for more clues, for more ideas, of what was really happening.


On Mars, Ginacos continued to travel with the mighty fleet from the Citystate of Helium that was part of a far larger force attacking one Aquatic Martian domecity after another. Yet the tripocs kept leaving as green cometships exploded up into the sky and headed towards Earth but, now, also towards Venus. It seems the Auqatic Martians had changed plans. Roughly a third would stay to fight for the underseas of Mars while one third invaded Earth and another third invaded Venus.


Professor Cosmos managed to get the TimeMaster's TARDIS into a captive field projected out from the CosmosTARDIS but he failed to better understand or undermine the alien technology that wrapped it though he did keep trying.







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Airships were not replaced but soon newer, more efficient aeroships were being built by the British in the industrial cities of Northern England and Scotland. These used mysterious Lgas to rise and could carry much more weight for their size than airships, could go up and down quicker, could fly quicker and could go into low orbit into the vacuum of space. Armoured, beweaponed versions of aeroships came first except for some exploration types with less weapons meant to go up into low orbit, into the fringes of space. Surillins took their few spaceships and skyships out of deep storage and launched them with human assistance.


The search for the zylons continued.


The aquatic dinosaur people, the aquatins, first appeared like angular dolphins with heads and arms. They had strange underground cities at the bottom of the oceans, though not at greater depths, and they met first the surillins and then the humans.


As new, cleaner, more efficient forms of burning coal came to be known, plans came for replacing the big old power stations. Construction began at once on the new London Clean Coal Power Station.


Humans found that they had to compromise with the returning peoples of Earth and while some grudgingly accepted this, some fought it. The British, the USA, the Francogermanic Empire grudgingly accepted it, for example, but the Zaztec Empire at began attacking newcomers who came into their territories. So it was they who were first attacked by the zylons in bizarre but powerful living ships that could swim or fly swiftly. The fighting became savage as the Zaztecs responded in their airships and steam-sail vessels. Soon the Zaztecs were in trouble as the zylons began to burn and pound their temple-cities to the ground. Reluctantly, the US and the British went to the rescue for the Zaztecs were not greatly loved with their bloody rituals of human sacrifice though such had been greatly decreased in number over the decades and only volunteers were used who were dying anyway; the deaths were also quick and painless.


The green comet-ships still sped towards the Earth and now also towards Venus.



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The group hurried through the largely deserted chambers and hallways of the area beneath the prison. The Emperor muttered something to himself about launching a major project to investigate these levels and then to put them to good, positive use. Only Herculine picked it up, thanks to her enhanced hearing, and she detected an undertone of doubt. Just what was hidden in this area beneath the Imperial Prison that could disturb even a man like him?


They came across neatly stacked boxes of heavy, ornate wood that were oddly decorated with mildly disturbing symbols. The Emperor frowned hard at the sight of them and muttered to himself. "Those should have been destroyed a long time ago. Perhaps it is time to make necromancy illegal in the Empire once and for all."


Necromancy illegal? The idea was an amazing one and it would make the decision of the Mages Guild to ban necromancy from their ranks seem small in comparison. A delegation of powerful necromancers had gone to the Emperor and had demanded that he make the Mages Guild reinstate all necromancers. The Emperor did not react kindly to being demanded at in this fashion and had the Blades cut off the head of the foolish, arrogant man doing all of the ranting. It was said that the secretive Necromancers Guild arose days after that and from the start saw the Emperor as an enemy but only one of a long list of such; Herculine was on that list.


Herculine managed to catch up to the Emperor with out seeming to mean to do so. Then she spoke quietly to him. "The True Dragonblood runs in us both, Your Magesty, and the power of it grows in both of us as the Empire is threatened. The growing use of necromancy in Tamriel over the last centuries has helped to cause the many problems now plaguing the Empire and the rest of Tamriel. The use of necromancy by the Empire itself has greatly stregthened this process. Yet I do not think that the Necromancers Guild itself would have the courage to attack you as is happening today."


The Emperor sort of smiled at Herculine. "Yes, the True Dragonblood does flow in you but, happily, you will make no claim on the DragonThrone."


"None, Your Magesty." Herculine nodded as she said this. "Perhaps today you need to be seen to die but you will not die. I feel that the conspiracy against you involves at least some highly placed and powerful individuals that you normally would trust with out question."


"You think my false death might draw them out, make them overconfident." The Emperor nodded even as he drew out his longsword. "Enemies come and we must fight."


Mythic Dawn Followers appeared in red robes and, as daedric mages, either shot fireballs or spark-bolts from their dominant hands or summoned up special daedric armour and weapons. The armour and weapons were in many ways like the magical devices of the Blades and other Imperial Defence Forces though in appearance quite different. Blades and MythicDawn warriors were soon fighting in brutal, merciless combat. Herculine deflected the magical attacks of mythic-mages and hurled them back at their casters, killing all three. The mythic-mages summoned up scamps and clannfears, dangerous lesser daedra that attacked the Blades. In turn Herculine summoned small elementals that attacked them and the battle broadened across the chamber.



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They repulsed the first attack of the Mythic Dawn and kept ahead of the undead that were following them, though not by far. It helped that they had a good map of the UnderPrison levels. They kept moving steadily until it was the Emperor who stopped them at a line up three vertical, bulky coffin like structures. From each of these the Emperor used a magical ring to activate and bring forth a fleshgolem, hulking and powerful. Herculine was not sure how she felt about the use of fleshgolems and other such entities; they were not of the undead but were somewhere between living and the undead. What would one call them, the unliving? Somehow it was no surprise when the Emperor again paused the group and each of the fleshgolems ended up carrying a large, heavy chest that seemed to be just right for them to use. Clearly all of this was part of a plan that had been made a long time ago.


Just what did Emperor Uriel Septum VII know and what was he up to?


The Emperor spoke to Herculine as they kept moving. "I must ascend this day either through death or other means but I will remain, in a special way, to assist the Empire for years to come. In truth I am dying and thus must admit to you a great secret. All the Emperors and Empresses that have ruled for the Third Age have been but one entity. Each rebirth has been done via special means but no longer can I do this. No, it is time for a new linage of Emperors and Empresses to begin. Yet there is a problem. As long as the lineage lasted, in the open or in secret, the Dragonfires were strengthened and they never went out fully. The moment of my death or ascension through other means, the Dragonfires will go out and the great magical barriers between us and the Daedric home realms will cease to exist."


There were two moons in the sky and three elemental mystical spheres of special realms. One such sphere realm was Oblivionarta, the Realms of Oblivion. Mehrunes Dagon ruled oppressively one of those Realms of Oblivion, being the Deadlands. There were Sixteen Daedric Princesses (some being Princesses) that were known and knowing worshipped on Tamriel but there had always been speculation that this way of seeing the Daedric Gods was not accurate, that the greater daedra pushed this story for their own reasons. Mehrunes Dagon had attempted to invade Tamriel before and had failed. None were truly sure why he seemed so intent on conquering the super continent. Certainly the lesser and mediate deadra did not know and the greater daedra, including the gods and goddesses, would not speak of such matters.


She nodded. "Mehrunes Dagon will attempt to invade again. He needs to place three small, two mediate and then one grand Oblivion Gate in one fairly small area to bring through any real sized army to Tamriel but he could have already set out a target. His forces could only invade in this manner one place on Tamriel at a time. Because of ancient and deeply emplaced magical defences in all of the Imperial Cities, the Oblivion Gates can not be opened directly into any of them but they could be made to appear just outside the walls of any city."


Baurus, who had caught up, frowned. "Why Cyrodiil? He might attack another of the Provinces."


The Emperor frowned. "The Cyrodilin Empire is becoming an Empire in name only. Slowly and steadily our grip on the other Provinces has been weakening. Many of our Legions and other forces are tied up in other Provinces in foolish actions that will do little to prolong the life of the Empire. Only three of the Twelve Legions are actually in Cyrodiil at this time and there is much pressure of the various Imperial Commercial Guilds and Provisional Governors to send even those out of the Motherland. If Mehrunes Dagon attacks Cyrodiil, though it is the heart of the Empire, it will be in many ways the easiest target for him to strike at in all of Tamriel."


The idea made just too much sense and yet Herculine found herself coming up with some odd but useful ideas even as the group continued to flee through the Imperial UnderPrison.



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