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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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The TimeLord shook his head. "No, the zylons will be just another enemy but the marsupons on the other hand might be happy to be the friends of another mammalian people. Surillans, zylons and dragonfolk were, are, dinosaur people. Reptitarsn, rashnu and alligarns were, are, cold blooded reptile peoples. Marsupons, neands, erectans and aquatons were, are, mammallian."








Tinacos went to the shores of an obscure, isolated island in the Pacific Ocean that no Europeans or even Pacific Islanders had ever glimpsed, let alone settled on. There she walked bare footed on beautiful golden beaches as with her strode shorter, gilled mammalian aquatons. They had appeared earlier on in a more secretive fashion but now they wished to make a mjaor contact with the humans, wished to form an alliance of sorts against the coming Martians and the zylons in their bizarre living ships. Aquatons were something like elongated, elegant sea otters in appearance but were marsupial by nature and more primitive than otters in evolution. Still they had a fairly sophisticated technological base and had hidden shallow sea cities. They were amphibious to some extent but did not like going to far from the sea, did not like fresh water much and were vulnerable to hot, dry conditions under the sun.


Tinacos only wore shorts and a Tshirt but she had intricate bracelets, a ring on each middle finger and a headband that were far more than they appeared to be. The aquatons had asked her to come to the island and meet with their special envoy and she, like her father, wondered why. Yet she was surprised when the aquaton explained.


The aquatic marsupial creature seemed uncomfortable with his role even as she spoke. "The TimeMaster and his ally, Professor Greening, are not the culprits behind the big troubles facing this Alternate History, behind the forces that brought the surrilans to the surface or the zylons or my people or who began the Martian Invasion. That can be tied to the TimeThief and his various allies such as the Dalek Empire as led by the Emperor Dalek itself. To confuse matters more, there are other daleks who are on the side of the TimeMaster and his rogue StarLord ally but they are of the Dalek Dominateum and they follow Davros the creator of the daleks, or at least a very accurate cloned copy of Davros. The TimeMaster has no desire to be the ally of Professor Cosmos and his vixen triplet daughters, his words, but wishes that both forces would focus on dealing with the real threat instead of wasting time and energy with attacking each other."


Tinacos gave a soft sigh and then she spoke. "The TimeMaster is one of my fathers, one of the biological fathers of we vixen triplets."


"You TimeLords must have a most interesting form of biology." The aquaton shook some excess water of herself. "We aquatons fear being caught up in a war between powerful, aggressive forces that would destroy us. We are not a very aggressive people in general."


She nodded. "Yes, I sense that about your people. You only attack when you can use trickery and have the great advantage. You ambush the helpless, loot the battle damaged and constantly lie about your actions. Go back to your leaders and warn them that the TimeLords have you under observation now. If you commit any atrocities, any crimes against the vulnerable, you will be severely punished."


With out a word, the aquatic marsupial hissed in rage and then turned and slipped back into the ocea. Soon she was gone with only the smallest ripple in the water that was lost in the waves crashing against the beach.



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I woke one day


and looked around


to see for once


not through rose coloured glasses


and on that day


I knew suddenly


and for sure


that there was much to be done



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Herculine and Baurus appeared out of nowhere with a sparkling shimmer and found themselves to be in a big but empty laneway in the Imperial Markets District of Imperiarna, the Imperial Throne City. The laneway was dotted with thrown away bits of furniture and other stuff including the crude shanties of beggers and petty theives of scooma addicts. Some emerged from their shanties in a wary fashion to see what was going on and Herculine passed out some copper coins and alms, the special coins made for the very poor. Baurus had no spare change on him and grimaced at the stink of the beggers and the addicts.


Herculine led the pair out into a side street. As she did she spoke to Baurus. "I suspect that the attempt to take the Amulet of Kings from me was linked somehow to the Mythic Dawn."


Baurus nodded. "If so then matters have grown very grave if even Blades can be treacherous."


She sighed. "Not treacherous so much as manipulated using their fears. I doubt those Blades thought they were doing bad. No, I sensed that they were convinced they were doing the very best for the Empire and they had every intention of taking the Amulet of Kings to Jauffre. Except I doubt that the Amulet of Kings would have made it to Jauffre."


There was horse drawn traffic of vehicles, people riding city ponies that well suited the traffic, a very few magical vehicles and many people on foot on the wide flagstone sidewalks. There were many shops selling many kinds of wares. Herculine was most pleased with what she saw and she was determined to buy a few items now that she was there. Some would serve the immediate cause but others would serve other purposes.


There were many fighters amongst the crowds be they Imperial Legionaries, Imperial Marines, Imperial Guards, CityGuards, CivilGuards, mercenaries, gladiators or even hunters along with Sheriff's deputies and constables. Yet there was also a very noticeable tension, fear, that was barely concealed amongst the general activity and she soon noted people whispering unhappy gossip to each other. She had no doubt that the Mythic Dawn would be doing its best to make the dark whispers darker by nature and to make sure that they spread faster and further than they otherwise might have done.


The pair of them kept on moving.



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Baurus was impatient to go to Jauffre at once but Herculine assurred him it would be best if she made some special preperations first. Which meant going on a spending spree. Baurus did not ask where the gold coinage and registered trade cirtificates came from but he was puzzled for certainly Herculine had no money in the prison cell.


Herculine went to the TRAVELLER'S CHOICE where they bought backpacks and other gear for travelling cross country, the gear meant to disguise them as well as to make the travels easier. Rod of the Laiton Brothers served them himself and gave Herculine a nice discount because she had, it seemed, done him a special service one.


From there they went to the FIRST EDITION, the biggest and finest bookshop in the city though not the only one by far. Phintias himself served Herculine and brought to her three small books carefully wrapped in leather sheets to disguise their identity. In exchange he took two books that she pulled out of her backpack that Baurus had not seen her obtain, let alone put into the backpack. Herculine then paid Phintias five golden finger-ingots that were worth many golden coins.


From there they went into the Imperial Undercity, the city beneath a city where many folks lived who could not or would not live above. Baurus was a little nervous there for servants of the Cyrodilin Imperium were not altogether liked down there amongst the poorer workers, the fringe mages, the scholars who dared to challenge the imperial system and many others. They went through great arched hallways where Imperial Civilguards kept an eye on everybody. They past markets and small wooden stands where scholars or cultists or others had their say. Mimes, acrobats, bards and other entertained people. Members of various religious orders of the Nine Divines gave out food to the poor or blankets or other items. Beggars begged. Some fringe mages threw coloured illusions into the air to entertain folks.


Herculine took him into an amazing shop indeed. It was part shop of many goods, part museum and part library along with part other things, it seemed. Strange and exciting smells assaulted them as friendly goblin servants hurried around doing tasks. Rows of what looked like stuffed animals, each in its own glass and wooden case, ran along two walls. There were baskets of strange bottles of many coloured crystal, small elaborate finger-boxes, clockwork devices of many wondrous kinds, telescopes, books, scrolls, scrollbooks, finely carved wooden figurines and racks of magical weapons and other devices locked behind bars and magical wards. A stuff crocodile, a really big one, hung from part of the high ceiling from a big wooden beam.


Baurus stared around in great astonishment.


Herculine smiled at a wiry old man with a big nose and big, thick glasses who was dressed like a leather robed wizard complete with a large black cat perched, amazingly enough, on one shoulder and a big white owl on his other. The old man did not seem to feel the weight of the animals and they had no problem at all with staying on his shoulders. The man smiled richly at Herculine and then he spoke.


"Good to see ya, Herculine. I sense you came as much to see me as to do business, which warms all three of my old hearts nicely. I brought the shop to this small, isolated but rather interesting world because I was told you would be wanting my services." He wrinkled his nose. "I smell the damned daedra at work here and no less than that great monster himself, Mehrunes Dagon."


At that moment a beautiful, charming young woman came along and took Baurus away, willingly, to where she entertained him and sold him some nicely useful items to be paid by Herculine. Baurus was unaware that he had been tricked so that Herculine could do some very special, very private business with Olderlie ManTaras who was an ancient enemy of the daedra in general and with Mehrunes Dagon in particular.



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Herculines was taken into a smooth silvery and golden chamber, metalic but where the colours slowly flowed through the metallic walls, ceiling and floor. Light came from glowglobes floating close to the ceiling. Orderlie ManTaras went to a part of one wall that looked like any other part of the wall and touched it. At once part of the wall projected out as a platform, square shaped, and infused into its upper side was a glowing translucent crystal disk of shifting rainbow patterns.


Orderlie ManTaras made an odd bbbbmmmm sound, his true way of sighing. "I would help you directly to defend this world against this aspect of Mehrunes Dagon and his lesser daedra but I must return to the defence of my home worlds that the true Mehrunes Dagon, the Unamed One, is busy attacking."


Herculine took something small and glowing out of a pouch. "Then you might be able to use this." She held up what looked to be a tear shaped stone polished beautifully smooth and patterned as if in a fast flowing stream of water for a very long time. There were two symbols, complicated and somehow hard to read with normal vision. "Something stolen but misplaced by fools who thought they would play with Mehrunes Dagon and played the price. It is of your people."


Orderlie ManTaras shivered greatly and then gingerly, gently took the TearDrop of Evening Creation into the palm of one of his distorted, long fingered hands. A big tear dripped from the corner of his left eye and fell onto the stone even as he stared at it in overwhelming amazement and joy. As the tear splased, it glowed, and the stone vibrated visibly.


The tall figure looked at Herculine. "It could you much to gain back this wonder of my people but we will for ever be grateful and in debt to you. May I ask why you did this?"


Herculine paused visibly before she answered. "Long ago, in another life, I was one of those fools who took the TearDrop of Evening Creation and paid a terrible price for doing so at the claws of Mehrunes Dagon. I regained the preciousness of this TearDrop of Eternity to bring it back to the company of the others, to deprive Mehrunes Dagon of it and to also bring justice to its final completion. I once assumed, foolishly, that any enemy of Mehrunes Dagon would surely be a friend or at least an ally to be trusted. I was naive and I was wrong. Why did you betray your people?"


Suddenly the face of Orderlie ManTaras twisted into a gleeful expression of hateful lust, of triumphant greed. "Wealth, power and influence of course, you fool and you have just placed it into my hand. I will deal with Mehrunes Dagon of course, will humiliate him before I finally destroy him, but firstly I must destroy you before you warn...."


The whole chamber began to glow with light and then out of the light stepped many tall figures of leathery robes who moved gracefully and powerfully towards Ordlie ManTaras from almost all directions at once. Indeed hands came up out of the floor to grip his legs and the fake TearDrop of Evening Creation burned, melted and engulfed his hands so that his metatransmagic was blocked. The criminal fool screamed out in rage and agony, then he was engulfed.


When the robed figures flowed away to vanish, only one remained and Ordlie ManTaras was no more. Orderlie KuroTaras smiled at Herculine most warmly. "You have more than paid for your past misdeeds." She then slipped into Herculine's hands a softly glowing metallic leather purse tied with a glowing golden leathery string. "Some of these are gifts but some are items you will need to help this world and to help to defeat the plans that Mehrunes Dagon has for it but also, more importantly, the mysterious daedric god who is manipulating him and the other Daedric Princes and Princesses. The traitor criminal Orderlie ManTaras did speak truth of the need to defend our home worlds but he was part of the threat. We must go now and defend the worlds but we will keep a watch on what is happening here, will keep in contact with you and try to do what ever else we can do to help you. Oh, yes, we have another gift for you, which you had best experience to understand the nature of. Live long and prosper until true and final enlightenment."


Herculine bowed. "Live long and prosper until true and final enlightenment."


Then everything shimmered and faded away. Then Herculine was in somewhere both changed and yet familiar.



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:thumbsup: NOW NUN OF THAT, YOU!!! :down:

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For a few days the existence of the strange museum chamber remained unknown to most people in Megaton and there was no fuss. The odd children and the others were soon moving through from the original gained building to the newly gained second building by using a tunnel. The middle building was still being worked upon. Danzie and Justine knew that soon enough the secret would get out of the strange museum but they were determined to make sure that it remained intact. Justine was determined because Danzie was and Dazie was so becuase he sensed it was the right course of action. There was something about that museum that spoke a warning that it should not be lightly meddled with.


DJgirl was haggling to start a PA entertainment network for Megaton that would bring bulletins, music, stories and other items to Megatonfolk, including warnings of various kinds. The sheriff gave the idea his support because he wanted to hassle folks to follow the law and not to give him or his people a hard time.


Danzie and Justine went to the secret machines being the small lifeform cloner, the SVR network-system and the teleport-machine. They were cautious with their examining of such amazing equipment and software-firmware programming.


They continued to work with the community. Megaton as a settlement saw more improvements. An underground elevator was fixed to allow heavier items to be more easily taken from the top to the bottom of the crater or back again. Some murals were painted. The school was expanded. A new fire-station was proposed and then changed to an emergency services station concept. A laundromat was opened so that those living in the hostels could more easily launder their clothes.


Then some trouble did begin. Colin Moriarty learned of the exotic museum and that there were other valuable resources in the now joined three houses of the newcomers. Of course he wanted as much as he could get that was valuable while paying or doing as little as possible to gain it. He and his family began to stir trouble with their cronies and with the woud be mayor Noris Chuknuckle. The man was constantly complaining about the 'weaknesses' of the Megaton Town Council, the 'brutality' of Sheriff Lucas Simms and the low types who were allowed to stay in Megaton. He wanted to be mayor but only so he could get his hands on the Megaton Town Council treasury and loot it.


There were many houseless folk who saw the chance of gaining houses if the newcomers were forced to give up more resources. Others saw it as a chance to make Megaton safer and more prosperous. Yet many were grateful enough for what they had gained and wanted no part in what they saw as ingratitude and even petty criminality.


The mayor was one Jane Ashwash. She and her family were quietly efficient public servants to the settlement. Nepotism in this case was seen not only as not bad but quite sensible. The Ashwash Family had proved itself and people wanted them to continue being the mayors and to run the Town Council Service Office. The vice-mayor and assistant-mayor were always chosen outside of the Ashwash Family as were half the Town Councillors and the Town Chairman. Mayor Jane Ashwash sent a message that she wanted to speak to Danzie and Justine in private.



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The group moved quickly as they coud along arid metallic tunnels partly full of slow swirling muddy water and rats scuttling along pipes. Something was frightening the big black rats so much that they were fleeing in a hurry and did not care at all that they got very close to the people. It was not a good sign at all. Danzer could also sense increasing danger as could Argyle and Hebert Daring Dashwood along with Jasmine. But Professor James Ashworth was so blindly intent on getting to his prize that he continued to be blind to any threats. He kept consulting the softly glowing screen of his pipboy into which he had programmed some maps. Clearly one was a very old map of the very tunnel network that they were going through.


They came to a half collapsed area of tunnel, had to go back some ten metres, had to crawl up a ladder tube and then make their way along a crawl tunnel more designed for robots and roboremotes than it was for human movement. Even as they crawled, Danzer began to pick up some strange and horrible noises with his enhanced hearing that he did not like at all. Take the sounds of a typical shambling zombie and amplify them. He was sensing a monstrous hulking version of a zombie, gained psychic impressions of immense power of a great shambling hulk that was followed by a horde of normal zombies, if 'normal' could be a word used for such abnormal entities.


They were all happier when they reached a tunnel they could stand up in and not only that, one that was dry. They made good time after that and left behind the superzombie, as Danzer called it and the name soon caught on with the others. At times they heard the muffled echoes of zhouls screaming out unintelligible challenges and sometimes zhouls fighting zombies. The extremely ghoulified zhouls and the undead shambling zombies seemed to be at a stalemate as they waged a mindless war over the underground territories.


But then, abruptly, noises were coming from ahead of them as it seemed more than one superzombie was rampaging amongst the zhouls in that direction.



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Danz000, also known as Danzron, and Danz001, also known as Danzlena, sat together in a secondary chamber drinking nutritional coffee substitute that tasted like fairly good coffee. Anyway it was warm and it was tangy enough to fit the tastes of both of them.


TekVault0100 was no longer under the control of Unity. The Unityfolk had been forced to retreat from it by a powerful and very dark force. In truth their control had never been as great as they had imagined the case to be. Danz000 knew better and had hidden himself and the other DanzClones away along with others. He also had some special allies, some friends of varied nature, power and abilities. The hidden DanzCentre was a subsection of TekVault0100, a well hidden part of a bigger well hidden subvault.


Danz000 then spoke even as Danz001 began consuming a foodbar. "We need to find various bits of technology, some special research data and some other items. We need to find the TekVault where the GaryClone and MaryClone Experiments were to be carried out for there we will find vital data on cloning technologies. We need also to stop or even just slow down Professor James Asworth in his fanatical drive to carry out this Project Purity of his. We fear that the professor is being secretly controlled by the same dark force that has recently re-invaded TekVault0100 in force, killing many Unityfolk in the process. Unity was taken by surprise but there is little doubt that they will be back. They avidly seek advanced cloning technologies as a way of rapidly expanding their population numbers because for Unity, numbers of people is of vital importance or so they blindly assume. Unity had forgotten that quality is as important, if not more important, than quantity. It is largely up to you what you do next but I would like you to seek out TekVault0108. There the two major and anumber of secondary cloning research and development programs were said to have been carried out."


Danzlena smiled. "Yes, I will seek out this TekVault0108. What of the K9Clones?"


Danz000 smiled back. "K9000 is up and about as the focus-core of K9Clones Network but K9001 and K9002 are also ready to go with you on your expedition. The AnzkClones are already active. Over thirty of them are now functioning as multiple functional operatives, MFOs, or Specialised Functional Operatives, SFOs. We also have roboremotes, robots and androids operating here in DanzCentre carrying out various programs and preparing for the attack by the dark force that we know is almost a certainty."


DanzClones were close to each other, were semiautonomous with each other. Danz000 was not the leader but was the focus-core of the DanzClones.


At that moment a big, powerful, sleek looking dog trotted into the room and got fussed over for her troubles. She was K9000, who had become the close companion of Danz000.



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