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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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The TimeLord shook his head. "No, the zylons will be just another enemy but the marsupons on the other hand might be happy to be the friends of another mammalian people. Surillans, zylons and dragonfolk were, are, dinosaur people. Reptitarsn, rashnu and alligarns were, are, cold blooded reptile peoples. Marsupons, neands, erectans and aquatons were, are, mammallian."








The TimeMaster struck at the Torchwood base in London by using some sort of device to tunnel through the ground. With him went daleks and rogue StarLordites in power armour. The fighting began very quickly as the Torchwood network-systems became aware of the intruders and Greycoats in power armour rushed to meet the invaders. Bullets and raygun beams blasted along a series of large buffer chambers and hallways. Explosions echoed and there was the shouts, screams and cries of soldiers fighting. The daleks cried 'exterminate' as was their ancient battle cry, as their cone shaped vehicles floated through the air.


What was the TimeMaster after? He grinned and shot a Greycoat who shrank down to a tiny doll figure. The TimeMaster liked to cause pain and his weapon caused agony to those it struck. The TimeMaster was quite insane in the worst kind of way.


The TimeMaster was eccentrically charming, handsome and 'dapper' a gentleman in a black cloack, a red vest, black kneeboots and a wide brimmed cowboy hat with a red feather in its hatband. Yes there was something about him that told one at once that he was far from being a harmless eccentric but was indeed very dangerous.


Then he was confronting Professor Cosmos. The two TimeLords raced at each other and then both went into slomo as they altered time around themselves. To anybody else they moved with incredible speed as they struck at each other with ancient forms of martial arts.


But then the TimeMaster was turned and fleeing, was retreating and with him went his dalek and StarLordite allies. It had been a desperate attack and it showed that the TimeMaster badly needed something that he would take such a risk but just what did he need?


Professor Cosmos did not bother giving chase. He knew that the TimeMaster would have either his TARDIS or a DemiTARDIS close by for a quick escape. He wondered where Professor Greening could be and why the rogue StarLord had not taken part in the attack.


Just what had the TimeMaster been after?



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Word came from the Zaztec Empire as the dragons arose into the open in the Amazon Jungles and began to take them over. Dragons came as surface dwellers, deep diggers, amphibians, aquatics, low fliers and high fliers. With them came other dragonfolk, many types of them, and the Zaztecs quickly began to lose control over the parts of the Amazon they had colonies in. Dragons swam along the great Amazon River, swept high through the skies over just above the canopies. They ran along Zaztech dirt highways. Dragmans were there like dragon-humans and there were dragonhorses, dragonstriders and many other creatures. Yet the flashing fast runner dragons surprised people the most.


From the first the Imperial Dragons made it clear that native peoples were welcome to stay, that some relative newcomers were also welcome but that the Zaztec Empire and other powerful outside forces like exploitation hungry corporations, were far from so. Yet they were given time enough to withdraw their people, if not their heavier equipment and other resources. The British Imperial American Corporation lost heavily but so did many other corporations.


Ninacos went to the Amazon in one of a dozen assembed, fully functional TARDISpods, it could travel through space but not time, stepped out into an abandoned town on the shore of the Amazon River and walked calmly across the big central square. That is the town was abandoned by humans and many of their animals. Some dogs and cats were wandering around, the cats staying clear of the dogs. There were even some chickens on the loose that were looking for bugs and other things to eat in the muddy grass.


She sang a sweet song, a high pitched siren of music that went beyond the hearing capacity of normal humans to pick up, even as she stood next to a big crude sign welcoming people to the settement of PARKER'S PROMISE.


The big scout dragon drifted down out of the sky and landed gracefully before she folded up her wings and spoke. "The Imperial Dragons claim the Amazon Jungles as our own. We do so because we need the great abundance of food of the Amazon and because we note how humans are damaging it. We fully intend to allow the cutivation of plants from the Amazon. You are no local human. You are wrong to be so. Two heart beats are more obvious."


She smiled. "I am a TimeLady from Gallifrey."


The great dinosaur creature paused before responding. "Greetings, TimeLady, what do you want of the Dragon Imperium?"


Ninacos bowed briefly. "Only that you give some form of reasonable compensation to those humans who are losing a good deal from what you are doing and that you do not try to expand beyond the Amazon. That you stay out of the ancient forbidden secret places of the Amazon. Martians are going to invade this world. You need to be prepared to fight them and it would be good if you were to send forces to defend more than the Amazon."


Again the grey silver dragon scout was quiet a moment before responding. "I will go at once to communicate your message to the nearest Imperial High Dragon. Please remain in this place if you so desire to. I will let it be known that you are of special status and have temperary permission to remain here if you wish to do so."


Permission? Ninacos was annoyed but she understood the way that dragons thought and knew no offence was meant. The dragon launched powerfully and swiftly into the air, was soon a dot and then gone into a great cloud bank. The youthful woman wondered just what was going to happen next. Then she returned to the TARDISpod and was soon gone, but only after she had gathered up a whole lot of abandoned cats, dogs, a couple of horses, chickens, five parrots and other animals that were happy to come with her.



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Ginacos watched as the big, newly build field cannons of the Red Martians began to hurl huge shells at the enemy domed city. They thundered and the recoil sent a section of each thrusting backwards with each shot but each cannon was expertly braced. The new super cannons were already threatening to shatter the protective dome of the tripoc city as huge explosions flashed against its surface. This was the last of the tripoc cities on the surface of Mars. The Aquatic Martians had escaped back into the Martian Underworld or had started on their way to Earth or Venus in great green comet-ships. Many of those comet-ships had been destroyed before they could take off or during take off when they were very vulnerable to attack.


John Carter was standing next to her and was examining the plans laid out before them on the table. He was frowning hard. "Your plans worked out amazingly well. We have to wipe out the last of the tripoc outposts here and here and here."


She shook her head. "They will be abandoned by the time our forces get there. The tripocs will have gone back to the Martian Underworld."


He sighed. "I suppose you will be going back to Earth now and to London."


Ginacos smiled at him. "A TimeLady can travel from world to world. Anyway I want you to come and see London as my guest. You will get to see the Empress herself, if you are lucky. I want you there because you have experience fighting the tripocs and much knowledge of them, for the Earth is going to be invaded by them, but also to be my companion." Then she squeezed his hand briefly. "I will want to be returning to Mars for there is much to learn here, many mysteries to investigate."


He smiled. "Very good, then. The cannons shall soon get that dome splitting."


But at that very moment a great nuclear weapon exploded, blasting outwards from the domecity, that was a trap for the attackers, and vapourising everything within the blast radius. The DemiTARDIS managed to save Ginacos but she was badly damaged and was instantly placed into an emergency medical treatment capsule. None of the others survived, not John Carter, nobody. Ginacos was to suffer from a pair of broken hearts.



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The TransMagicalShip Herculinea, the TMS Herculinea, looked like a very ornate, expensive but poor taste heavy wooden wardrobe from the outside. Herculine sighed sadly as she studied it and planned at once to change its outward appearance as soon as she could. This was her very special gift. Around her the magical shop had vanished to leave what looked to be a couple of normal shops sharing the same area but the TMS Herculinea was in a common area.


Well that was obvious to most but a tall, hulking orc came stomping up and grinned. "You want to buy, it cost you a hundred golden Imperials. That is good work, that is."


Herculine turned and gripped the orc by the hand so that he collapsed to his knees with a grunt of pain and look of shock. "Firstly, dumb head, the price is far too high and, secondly, dumb head, the wardrobe already belongs to me. Where is Baurus?"


Baurus wondered up with a backpack now bulging thanks to some items he had gained. "I got some good bargains for free."


Herculine sighed at him. "Come on, show us the bargains."


Poor Baurus did and instead of the shiny, wonderful items he remembered buying for a few copper coins, he found all he had was garbage of broken, bent things obviously taken out of a garbage container of some kind and given a brief wash. Herculine let the stupid greedy orc go, he wisely rushed off holding his hand, and gave Baurus a hug which embarrassed him. Then she drew him into the wardrobe, which surprised him even more than the kiss had.


A moment later the TMS Herculinea vanished and a man, who had been leaning against it so he could take a stone out of the heel of his boot, fell over with a cry of surprise.


A dark grey robed old man watched the wardrobe vanish with a sparkling shimmer, his dark cold eyes gleaming with sharp focused interest. Then he went off and had a nice cup of tea.


They were in a big wooden panelled chamber with a central console with brass consoles and switches. A big gleaming column of polished softly glowing crystal was rising slowly up and down as the magical wardrobe thingy travelled through magical time-space. True-Mirrors showed non reflected views of distant places and of the wardrobe travelling through exotic whirling tubeular patterns of rainbow madness.


Baurus sighed and sat down in a comfy armchair. He sighed. "We got to take the Amulet of Kings to Jauffre."


"Of course." Herculine tapped buttons, moved small levers, pushed switches and then she went to a small black and white keyboard. When she began to play some beautiful lyrical music, Baurus was again surprised.


She smiled at her companion. "I am just tuning the magical engine of the TMS Herculinea."


The Blade soldier nodded wisely as if he knew just what she meant but Herculine was not fooled in the slightest. Poor Baurus!



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Herculine and Baurus stepped out of the TMS Herculinea and with them came a fleshgolem fighter that looked like a normal warrior man in armour from head to foot. Underneath the armour, though, this was not the case for it was sexless, was hairless and its skin was smooth of ivory-bone colour. Two other fleshgolem warriors followed and then the wardrobe-not-wardrobe vanished with a sparkling shimmer. A small wardrobe emblem appeared to hang at Herculine's chest, being held their by what looked like an intricate woven metallic chain of copper, silver and gold that was very much stronger than it looked.


Weynon Priory lay close at hand, walled and busy, with many buildings. Even as the five of them approached the main gate of the small settlement that was roughly south of Chorral, a messanger horse rode quickly to the gate and as the gate opened, another courier departed on horseback. Guards openly stood on the walls of the settlement and some were openly BladeGuards. Clearly reports were coming in from many locations of the sightings of, or even bloody encounters with, lesser daedra. Reports came in of Oblivion Gates, most of small ones only three or so metres wide, but fewere mediate sized ones and one great big one though the last report was never confirmed.


The great walled city of Chorral was within visible range, in the distance, of the priory. Though officially not designed as a fortress, it had fortifications and was designed to resist a seige though it was nowhere near as great defensively as places like Cloud Ruler Temple. The Order of Talos officially presided in Weynon Priory with its priests, priestesses, monks, nuns, healers and others including guards in armour knowwn as the Weynon Guards of Talos. Yet a fair few knew that the Order of Talos was linked strongly to the Blades and, like the Blades, closely served the Emperor and-or Empress.


Baurus led the way, pride having him go before Herculine, for he had spent some years of his life at the priory and even had blood relations living there. The Weynon Priory was well known for the making of certain liquers and herbal drinks, making a goodly income from both though it also gave away herbal serums to the Order of Healing Ways that ran many hospitals and healing houses through out the Empire.


They came easily through the main gateway and then Baurus spoke urgently to a Weynon Guard officer. Then they were escorted quickly to a large main building where Jauffre himself was presiding and was busy, with others, trying to deal with the growing crisis facing the Empire.



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Jauffre sat at his wooden desk and examined the Amulet of Kings, the ancient artefact of power glittering softly in the light of a candle-lamp on the wall behind him. Then he looked up at Herculine with a soft frown. "The Emperor is dead but not so in a fashion normal to us mortals. This is not the first time that such has been said about the Emperors and Empresses of the Dragon Blood. We face more than one threat. Mehrunes Dagon is invading with his armies of lesser daedra but we suspect that some other Daedric Gods are secretly supporting him. There is a necromancer rebellion and we suspect there is powerful mystical support behind them. Then there are the Wildfolk who seem to be reacting powerfully to both the invasions and at last, it seems, to the various criminal activities of the Empire intruding foolishly into the Wildlands and breaking ancient treaties. Not that the Imperial Court or Imperial Government sanctioned such illegal activities but neither did they do enough to stop them."


He had a map of Tamriel spread out before him. "The Empire needs to withdraw Imperial Legions and other forces back to Cyrodiil to protect it more properly but the Imperial Government is overly influenced by powerful interest groups who want their investiments in captured territories to be safeguarded. Their narrow minded greed is astounding but perhaps secretly fed by dark, powerful interests. On top of this, their are no heirs to replace the Emperor and though there is an Empress and a daughter to replace that troubled monarch, in these times the position of Empress has lost influence in the Empire."


Herculine nodded. "There is Martin, the unknown son of the Emperor."


Jaeffre looked thoughful. "So the Emperor told you of him. Martin does not know that he is the only surviving male heir to the Imperial Thrones. He serves in the city of Kvatch as a Priest of Akatosh and has gained certain powers as one."


Then he paused before he spoke again. "Herculine, you are one of the two daughters of the Empress, in her elegant prison, and a mysterious man of great power who appeared to seduce the Empress and then vanished in a seemingly impossible manner. The Emperor forgave his Imperial Wife but the Imperial Court did not do so and much of royalty, of the nobility, of the commons, branded her as a s***."


Herculine frowned softly. She sighed. "I always suspected that my ancestry was unsual but to have the Empress herself as my mother. This is most... well surprising and interesting. I spent a good deal of time with the Empress when I was younger. Now I know why."


Jaeffre nodded. "Yes and no for she adopted some orphans also. Anyway, I want you to know that your blood relations give you both some added resources but also some problems for it seems that, to our regret, the truth of your background has been leaked to the wrong ears. Despite this I need you and Baurus to go at once to Kvatch and to get hold of Martin before the Mythic Dawn can get to him. Use that amazing magical device of yours."


She nodded. "It is special and I can take more than Baurus with me."


Jaeffre nodded. "A squad of BladeGuards, three more BladeKnights, three BladeMages, horses, dogs, equipment and supplies should do the trick."


But Herculine smiled. "That would be fine but I would suggest the following."



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He ran this way and that, crying out joy to the world, and the police constables chased him because he was causing a 'disturbance of the peace'.


He ran this way and that, harming nobody, damaging nothing and in his limo the charming white collar criminal smiled at the antics of the Madman.


He ran this way and that, doing no harm and the white collar criminal, who was about to smash the lives of over a million people, grinned with triumph.


He ran this way and that causing pigeons to fly quickly out of his way but they quickly returned to what they had been doing.


He ran this way and that while children pointed and laughed as if he was put there for their entertainment.


He ran this way and that so that a bored waitress looked up from serving patrons but only for a short time lest she get into trouble.


He ran this way and that so that for a short time the sun got into his eyes.


He ran this way and that, picking up a knife to shield his eyes with against the sun.


He ran this way and that until a constable took out a gun and shot him dead.

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