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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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It's not what you think!


I tell you I am innocent despite the blood on my hands.


It got there when I took the knife out of his chest.


Perhaps that was a foolish thing to do.


Now my fingerprints are on the knife handle.


They keep stating how I threatened to kill that man.


They keep stating how I had good reasons to kill that man.


Did he not sleep with my girlfriend?


Did he not steal my money?


Did he not sully my reputation with false rumours?


Circumstantial evidence, I say.


Then they speak of my chasing the man along a busy public street with the knife in my hand.


Really, they have got it all wrong.


I am innocent, I tell you.

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Instead of meeting the mayor at her office, they invited her to the museum chamber with some of her people. They were all astonished as they walked amongst the dome covered displays on their disk shaped platforms. Jane Ashwash was fascinated to look upon the works of the past, of the so called Golden Age, but she also had a calculating look to her eyes that neither Danzie or Justine appreciated.


The mature, handsome woman turned and looked at them squarely. "We could start removing and using these items very soon."


Danzie shook his head. "So you really were not listening to what I said before. The museum chamber is dangerous. We have to keep investigating it before anything can be touched. We gain nothing personally from doing so. If we did give you items, then we could gain wealth and kudos with the settlement. No, there is far more to this place than is obvious. We have offered a good half of what we found here in these chambers. I should tell you that this whole place is designed for security and defense. Yes, Megaton might well take this place but would most likely lose many lives in doing so. We have not found a way to deactivate the defense security network-systems. What we do know is that roboremotes, turrets and robots are only the start of it."


Then Justine spoke. "Small groups of visitors are welcome but we have a right to refuse entry to anybody. You will bring no weapons or other trickeries. Children are more than welcome. Our hope is to get some of the working display models up and working so as to assist both ourselves and Megaton. This is not just a museum."


"Yes, I get the same feel." She sighed. "We will take the resources as offered as they make up excellent quality equipment and supplies including three robots."


But the two knew they would have to keep a careful eye on this woman and her people in future. Mayor Jane Ashwash was tough, canny and cultivated. She was a survivor and so were her family. To them the museum would be a set of resources to be tapped for the good of both the Ashwash Family and the people of Megaton. Unlike the Moriarty Family they had a good deal of loyalty to their home town. The mayor would do nothing hasty but would try to learn as much about the newcomers as possible if she had not already done so.


Then she departed.


Justine and Danzie returned to beefing up the defense-security through out the complex of three structures, one of which was yet to be completed. Of course a few of the others helped them in various ways. Even the biovire children did, the living vampires.



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Bringing down the superzombie was promising to be hard. The undead thing, a massive bloated humanoid, had absorbed zombies into itself to grow and they tended to keep away from it. The zhouls, though, could not be so absorbed and they attacked in frezied waves. On the big subway platform, the monstrous creature slapped aside zhouls so that they were hurled brutally through the air. Many got up to fight on but many did not. Why did they fight at all? Because for some unknown reason the zhouls hated the undead.


A thin green mist was floating around the fighting figures that would be harmful to normal mortal life but the ghoulified were untouched by it.


Professor James Ashworth was grinning wildly as he observed the savage conflict going on. He seemed to find the sight to be almost entertaining while the others were clearly sickened by the whole affair. That is except for Herbert Daring Dashwood who was quietly watching both the action and the professor.


James spoke with a sharp intensity to his voice. "We must have the superzombie brain along with many samples of its flesh and bones."


But Herbert Daring Dashwood shook his head, slipped a small silvery orb out of a pouch and hurled it with surprising power, arracuracy and effect at the superzombie. The monster gave an inhuman howl of alien emotions and then burned away with amazing speed to leave only hot, greasy ash behind.


The professor turned and glared in rage at Herbert. "You work for me. You will do as I say."


"No, I have never served you and from the start I made it clear that I would not do so." Herbert sighed softly. "I come with you to make sure that you do not do too much harm and to work out what the force manipulating you really wants. Argyle comes with me as my loyal companion. Danzer came with us at the start because you tricked and enslaved him but now he is free of you and I suspect he continues to be with you for the same reasons I am. We both also would like to save you, if possible, and we are protecting your daughter."


The professor suddenly lost his scowl and his eyes stared intently into the distance. He had forgotten the whole incident and was once more driven to carry out his Project Purity. There was rational independence in his mind but it was trapped deep and was quite helpless at the moment. Yet that trapped essence did manage some tricks now and then. James Ashworth accidentally on purpose dropped a sheet from a notepad and walked on.


Herbert picked up the sheet quickly, memorised just as quickly, and slipped it away into hiding. The words were 'Jasmine's mind' and a code phrase, 'Remember your tenth birthday, what fun we had with your new BB rifle when we shot the High Overseer."


The phrase was based on true history except for the bit about shooting the High Overseer.


As they went further into the subway station, a very old one by the looks and feel of it, the zhouls moved away from the group but it was not long before Herber Daring Dashwood was quietly talking to a couple of them in some very odd fashion.



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Danzlena set out with her two faithful K9Clones, K9001 and K9002, along with five AnkzClones being three MFOs, Multiple Fuction Operatives, and two SPOs, Specialised Fuctional Operatives. The last two clonehumans were a cloning medical specialist and a cloning technical specialist. There would have been more but the bigger the group, the more likely it would draw notice and also DanzCentre still had only quite limited resources to spare. They went disguised as refugees from TekVault0100 but did not pretend to have anything to do with Unity. They set out away from TekVault0100, moving at once away from it and then diverting back to go into the right direction towards a distant TekVault0108.


They followed an older subway tunnel with double-rails and wrecks of older type subway trains. There were zhouls but the extremely ghoulified creatures tended to stay away from the clones. There were other creatures but they tended to do the same, from radroaches to molerats and even some killclaws, smaller cousins of deathclaws that moved in bigger packs.


They concealed themselves when a group of beserker aggressive ghoulers, half way between normal ghouls and zhouls, paced along the tunnel with a strange array of armour, weapons and other equipment. The large force of over three hundred and fifty fighters was led by an amazing tall figure in long, black robes who clutched a flamer, his eyes blazing with intense insanity. On a silvery chain around his neck hung, against his chest, a pulsating glowing sphere of alien technologies.


Danzlena suspected then that the ghoulified were being controlled, lightly if not fully, and that some force was behind their attacks against the undeath. When she knew it to be so, so did the other active DanzClones of Danz000, Danz003 and Danz007. Mind-to-mind communications with the other DanzClones was not easy but more than worth the effort. She learned of Danzie being in Megaton with Justine, of Danzer's adventures with the group that included Professor Ashworth and Danzron's continuing progress back at the DanzCentre.


They continued to make good progress.



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The TimeLord shook his head. "No, the zylons will be just another enemy but the marsupons on the other hand might be happy to be the friends of another mammalian people. Surillans, zylons and dragonfolk were, are, dinosaur people. Reptitarsn, rashnu and alligarns were, are, cold blooded reptile peoples. Marsupons, neands, erectans and aquatons were, are, mammallian."








"The TimeMaster is quite insane." Professor Greening, the StarLord disguised as a human, was sitting in an interview chamber of the Torchwood facility in London where he and his people had showed up to surrender, bringing equipment and supplies with them. "As soon as it proved that the TimeThief had outsmarted us, the TimeMaster betrayed my followers and myself. Not only did he kill some of my people but he stole some of my most valuable technologies. He escaped in his TARDIS. I suggest an alliance. Together we will defeat both the TimeThief and the TimeMaster. The TimeMaster has key components of my time-spaceship so I have no choice but to battle him and regain them. The TimeThief has become a threat to my people also as he meddles with time-space."


Professor Cosmos sat at the opposite side of the table to the rogue StarLord. "You have given us some good information so far to what you have done when allied to the TimeMaster. So far Torchwood people have started to investigated two of the nine sites that you spoke of and have obtained some interesting clues to what is really going on. The TimeThief drew all of us here to this world, that is you StarLords, the TimeMaster and myself, along with my daughters. We have to find out why? We also need to discover the real identity of the TimeThief who may or may not be dressed as a monk."


Other developments had taken place around the world as in the northern part of the Northern Territory of Australia, as controlled by an Imperial Authority, rose colded blooded repitilian peoples of the reptitarsn, rashnu and alligarns. The three people worked loosely together and had so far avoided any conflicts with the humans in the area, either native peoples or Imperials, but there was growing tension over the ownership of territories. Marsupons, neands, erectans had then also arisen in Australia but further south on the coastal lands of the Australian Inland Sea. Now all the peoples spoken of had arisen as none of them should have done; the only reason for the arising, it seemed, was due to the meddling of the TimeThief.


Gwen was sitting at the table also and was watching the panel of an alien truth-tester machine but it would not work on a StarLord, as Professor Cosmos had previously informed her. Professor Greening was obviously both amused and bemused by the use of the machine on him.


Two GreyCoats stood on sentry duty in their power armour, now further upgraded and augmented.


The story made too muchs sense. It was just the sort of actions the TimeMaster would carry out and he was treacherous enough to betray almost anybody else. Those he would not betray were just a very few and they were all back on Gallefrey and in a maximum security prison there but also inside a time-space shift-cell. It would have been much worse for the Universe, for the Multiverse, if they had managed to escape with the TimeMaster. A major reason they had not done so had been the efforts of Professor Cosmos.


The problem was that it turned out that the TimeMaster had been lying to Professor Greening about the rogue TimeLord's true plans. Professor Greening had always suspected that the TimeMaster was up to something nasty but had only just found out that he and his people had been greatly manipulated and exploited. Unwittingly the StarLord and his people had helped put into place some rather brutal pograms hidden in places through out London that came down to the fact that the TimeMaster liked to cause death and destruction, especially in ways that were quite shocking and exotic to their victims.


So far they were investigating a large factory that was designed to manufacture a wide range of new type plastic items, moulded solid items that is which often were sent to other factories and a small amusement theme part that was also part zoo and part exotic neoVictorian gardens, being the (Alice in) Wonderland Gardens.


Reluctantly the alliance was agreed to for in truth the rogue StarLord and his people, if nothing else, needed to be carefully watched.



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It was the emotional blow that took place with the death of John Carter of Mars that had Ginacos confess that she had been in contact with her other father, the TimeMaster, but had given him no information of real value despite all of the TimeMaster's attempts to get her to do so. The contact was always of long distance empathy-telepathy and most disturbing for Ginacos as she could sense that the TimeMaster was slowly but steadily becoming more evil and more insane. Something deep in his mind was influencing him but also something darker than himself that was outside of himself.


To the surprise of Ginacos, Professor Cosmos not only suspected the truth but he forgave her at once as did Tinacos and Ninacos.


Ginacos was able to inform them that the TimeMaster had become increasingly hating of any real alliances for he always wanted to be in control and he had not been unable to do that with the StarLord, Professor Greening. The daleks had ended their alliance with him when the TimeMaster had wanted to do experiments upon them, to steal their secrets. The two factions of daleks, under the control of a clone of Davros and of the Dalek Emperor, had joined forces.


The TimeMaster had informed Ginacos that the daleks had built a temporary base inside larva tube caves in the Moon, some of which they had enlarged, and most likely had ships stationed there in hiding. The daleks had been in communications with the Aquatic Martians now invading the Earth, invading Venus and back at Mars fighting it out with an alliance of other Martians.


The first Martian comet-ships were not due to arrive at the Earth for just over a month. These were a cluster of three big Pathfinder vessels aimed to land in the huge Southern Pacific Ocean where there was much ocean and very little land mass above water.


It was then that Professor Cosmos came up with a plan to slow the Martian comet-ships using the special abilities of the CosmosTARDIS. He would slow down their journey and give the peoples of Earth more time to prepare for the big invasion to come. Then all he would need to do was to find out what the TimeThief was really up to, deal with the TimeThief, deal with the TimeMaster and try to stop humanity and the arisen peoples of the world from waging global war with each other.



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London was being rebuilt underground with big new bunkers for military, civil and other uses. Newly gained technologies were being put into the hypno-training of skilled workers who used power suits to work with or steered roboremotes. The Tubeway Network was being modified and great extended with newer, deeper layers and both more linking tunnels and stations. Much work went into bracings, bulkheads and buttressing. Highway and roadway tunnels were going to take electric vehicles including electric trams. Water, air and electricity supply networks were important along with new telephone and what was being called wire-vision networks used both for communications and broadcasting.


An underground Imperial Palace was being constructed beneath Buckingham Palace but a secondary Imperial Bunker was being constructed in a secret location.


On the surface many ruined or semiruined structures were being knocked down but soon, as people moved below ground, sound structures would also be demolished. A large number of buildings would be kept intact for reasons of historical preservation including such as rows of humble terrace houses along with such Saint Pauls and the Houses of Parliament. Defences were going into place being many kinds of guns including electric gattling-guns, EGGs, of various sizes and types.


Ginacos hurried along the bank of the Thames River with out looking as if she was doing so. She was disguised as a young, middle class lady wearing a fashionable kneedress with a moderate amount of cleavage showing and with the arms being mostly bare. Further rationing and shortages meant that kneedresses and kneeskirts now stopped just above the knees and not just below the knees. While many thought this most immodest, this simple change meant the saving of an amazingly large amount of cloth.


Soldiers in fatigues and new style body-armour were quite common but most were on leave as were the crews of ships, airships, aeroships and other services.


Which was when she saw the tall, fat man in a business suit that was almost bursting at the buttons with his grandious bulk. She smiled as she stopped to stand next to him as they looked out over the Thames River. Then she spoke. "I confessed to Professor Cosmos and he forgave me as you said he would."


The TimeMaster grinned. "Very good. Now what will you do? Will you follow the good professor or myself?"


Giinacos frowned. "I will follow neither of you. Ninacos, Tinacos and myself will be as one again."


The TimeMaster scowled. "Aaahhh, the treachery of women. Such a weakness to fall for John Carter, a barbarian primitive hero. He is not dead. Somebody rescued him and now he lies in a healing coma inside the Citystate of Helium back on Mars. Aaahhh, I would have held him hostage if it had been anybody else, Ginacos. No, I did not save him. I do not know who did. They also managed to save many other of those foolish primitive Martians, icluding tripocs, the Aquatic Martians."


After a pause he spoke again. "You have it all wrong but until recently, so did I. The TimeThief is not the real enemy but is fighting the real enemy even as we are. The TimeThief is another TimeLord who has a fetish about dressing up as a medieval monk. I call him the Meddling Monk. He is a petty rogue and will be caught by the TimePolice one day for sure. The real monster, though, is much more troublesome."


Professor Cosmos stepped up to stand on the other side of the TimeMaster. "And who would that be, apart from Omnimodis. Yes, I was making preparations to create a temporary time-space loop to slow down the Martian invasion with when I picked up a subtle but powerful clue in the form of a energy signature left behind by an ancient but very powerful kind of timespaceship. Not a true TARDIS but a prototype or PreTARDIS. It is bigger inside than outside but is always huge on the outside. It is a perfect globe exactly one kilometre and ten centimetres wide. Yet it is hidden somewhere on or in the Earth."


Omnimodis, one of the few TimeLords whose power almost matched that of Razzlon himself. Razzlon and Omnimodis fought over the future of the TimeLords. Razzlon wanted an orderly existence where the TimeLords would remain mostly aloof from the affairs of others. Omnimodis wanted to build an oppressively good empire where the TimeLords would constantly meddle in the existence of so called lesser peoples for their own good and the good of the Universe, the Multiverse. Razzlon had evicted Omnimodis from Gallifrey after a short and brutal confrontation left a large part of the planet as a burned wasteland that never quite recovered. Omnimodis then vanished.


But what would Omnimodis be after?


Then Professor Cosmos remembered the WarTARDIS that had been disguised as a normal wardrobe and hidden in a normal London furniture shop. How it had gotten there was still a mystery but was Omnimodis after it or had he put it there in the first place. If so was there more to the WarTARDIS then Professor Comsmos and the triplets had discovered?


The TimeMaster grinned. "We will talk again, Professor Cosmos, for this time I fear that we will most likely have to work together, which is not something I am looking forward to." Then the rogue villian of a TimeLord vanished with a sparkling shimmer.



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