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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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Herculine was still getting used to the transmagicalship but she now knew that the longer she was with it, the more she would be in tune with it and the more she could do with it. So she slowed down the voyage to Kvatch in a way that inside the vessel many days would pass and yet the TMS Herculinea would appear at the city of Kvatch just one hour after it departed from Weynon Priory.


So not only did she depart with two squads of BladeGuards, a squad of BladeKnights, three BladeMages, horses, dogs, equipment and supplies but also fifty Legionaries and over a hundred volunteers who trained to be fighters, artisans who crafted arrows and weapons, mages who worked on turning such items magical and those who worked on projects as designed by Herculine. So light but fairly powerful boxbows, a kind of repeater crossbow, were made in large numbers as were the box-bolt ammo for them. Fleshgolems were slowly but steadily generated by the magical ship. Horses were exercised in big looping corridors as were dogs.


The Legionaries were fresh out of Legion Academy at Skingrad and had more training during the odd flight, being heavily tested by the elite Blades.


Herculine wondered what else she could do and then it came to her so she began to construct in secret some very special surprises to use in Kvatch if they were needed. She hoped that they would not be needed for every one of them would be powerful and tricky to utilise. The creative process took much focusing and a good deal of meditation. She spent time in parts of the TMS Herculinea that were forbidden to others or even unknown to them.


It took even her by surprise when the TMS Herculinea began to expand slowly but steadily internally, adding new spaces, many of which were blank but many of which had special features. Internal semiwilderness gardesn provided food, herbs and other resources. A small lake chamber provided other resources and just a place to swim. Cloned humans began to slowly and steadily to emerge as crew members of the exotic magical vessel be they officers, general workers, specialists, guards or others.


But then they were arriving at Kvatch in time to find that it was about to be attacked by a great force of daedra.



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It was dark with night when they arrived and getting darker. Yet many lamps were lit and much use of magic was lighting up the place including the use of magical flares hurled up into the sky to explode in great showers of light.


The forces that poured out of the transmagicalship raced at once to confront the enemy, including the great daedric siege engine that moved slowly and massively towards the Kvatch main gates. Through the air flew daedragons, daedric hybrid dragons, but they fought elemental-dragons as summoned by mages defending the proud city. Other mages hurled elemental magic projectiles at those same flying monsters. One great, three big and nine small Oblivion Gates had opened around Kvatch but the big one was facing the main gates, always the most vulnerable part of a walled city.


City catipults, mass-crossbows and other weapons kept firing magical projectiles at the great siege engine but not only was it heavily armoured, it was protected by much dark daedric magic.


The Kvatch Guard was surprised, naturally enough, by the arrival of many reinforcements seemingly out of nowhere but welcomed them. Soon the forces were working together along with 23 Legionaries who had been moving on patrol along the local highway and, detecting trouble, had come to the city.


Powerful local mages were trying to brace the gates with magic even as huge reinforced metal bars were thrust into place. Herculine threw some bracing magic at the gates and mages, sensing her power, stared at her in shock.


Boxbows were being given out to volunteers, along with box-bolts, and also other weapons along with armour and other equipment.


But other problems were soon arising. Mythic Dawn agents were arising through out the city, some in disguise to cause chaos, others with summoned armour and weapons to attack locals. It was soon clear to Herculine that many of them were hunting for Martin Septim so as to kill him or worse, to drag him as prisoner off to Mankar Cameron, the demented genius who led the Mythic Dawn. So fighting broke out through the city as Mythic Dawners fought gladiators, Fighters Guild warriors, Kvatch Guards, hunters and many others including those priests who had fighting powers.


Herculine was soon riding a horse through the city towards the great Divine Cathedral of the Nine for every Imperial City had a big temple to all Nine Divines and yet other temples to so called Lesser Divines and to such as Divine Saints.


But Hurculine was also at the main gates in the form of a clone of herself, HerculineAfa, for she knew she needed to at least slow down the daedric attack on the city and also to help save Martin Sanctim from death or abduction to an even more awful death.


People were panicky but, thankfully, not panicking.


This was soon to change as Mythic Dawn began to summon lesser daedra in swarms and then, out of the Kvatch Catacombs, began to shamble zombies and to come charging animated skeletons, skeltors, with weapons of many kinds. With them came necromancers and their mercenaries who often used undeathly magic. The only good thing was that the Mythic Dawn forces and necromancer forces fought each other as well as the people of Kvatch.


Then, if that was not bad enough, vampires and werewolves began to emerge as if driven mad by what was happening in that city.



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Herculine slammed into the two scamps and sent the lesser daedra flying through the air and as they did, they vanished for she had disrupted the summong spell. The Mythic Dawn mage looked astonished even as Herculine killed him. The youthful woman then slashed down a fast shambling zombie that crumbled, burned into strange ash as the undead often did upon death as if natural laws were catching up to them with a vengence.


The tall, magestic cathedral was quite close as it stood very strong with heavy stone and much holy and holy magical protection. Divine Guards and fewer Divine Knights were there fighting to defend the cathedral and the people inside it including many refugees who fled to it and the maze of chambers and other spaces beneath it. The underways beneath the cathedral were also protected from such as the daedra and the undead, making it harder for them to exist there. Neither undead or the daedra could be summoned inside strongly sanctified grounds but it took a lot of effort and energy to keep areas so heavily sanctified.


Running skeltors and shambling zombies would crumble if they got too close to the cathedral. Necromancers cried out in pain and Mythic Dawners would seem to be in pain. A daedragon tried to land on the cathedral, screamed with agony and flew off again. Werewolves and vampires kept away.


Herculine swept both her glowing magical swords through the air with amazing ability and speed. She stabbed, slashed and shot pulses of energy out of the tips as well as deflected enemy magical attacks.


Sometimes she touched a frightened person or a wounded fighter and that one would vanish with a sparkling shimmer as they were sent to her transmagicalship. There they would be cared for by people who had staid there along with new clones.


HerculineAfa at the main gates was at the battlements now and was hurling powerful energy balls of many elemental powers at the hulking siege engine. But it kept on coming on and it slammed into the gates once more so that, as massive and protected as they were, they shuddered horribly. All around that side of the city the daedra were putting up ladders or were being dropped onto the battlements by daedragons. Archers slew many lesser daedra, switching to normal battle arrows when the magical ones ran out. Mages ran out of energy and had to rest, magically speaking, but threw rocks down onto the enemy.


Some strange kind of temporary truce held as werewolves hurled themselves at any lesser daedra who reached the battlements, ripping at them and often hurling them off the walls. The werewolves for fighting to help defend the city but the vampires had joined forces with the necromancers to attack if for their own reasons.


The main gates shuddered again but held. But then Mankar Camoran himself appeared, floating in the sky and grinning with mocking arrogance as if he knew something that others did not and could not know, and he hurled very powerful daedric magic at the main gates even as the siege engine struck at them again. The great gates smashed open, hurling some people through the air, and breaking many strong magical spells in the process. Then the hordes of lesser daedra began to swarm though the open gateway.


Only to run into a very old secret kept even from the Mythic Dawn.


Magical emblems were activated and the ground exploded savagely into blasting force, furious flames and small barbs that killed many lesser daedra at once and wounded others so that they could no longer go on fighting.



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Legs stuck ungainly up into the air, tabby lies upon the cooler floor enjoying the breeze blowing over her fluffy white tummy. Elegance? Who care for elegance when there is comfort to be had in front of the closed screen door at the front of the duplex. Of course she is comfortable, very comfortable, and her eyes are closed as she sleeps lightly.


I dare to rub her fluffy tummy and she does not mind that, no not at all.


She looks at me lazily with her green eyes even as she remains with limbs spread, the hussy, and dares me to fuss over her again.

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Small guided groups did start visiting the 'museum' and gawked with wonder at the displays secured inside their display domes. There were Megaton citizens but some outsiders as well. There came some Brothers of Steel in their power armour or with out their power armour. Only a couple brought up the issue of using the items as resources outside of the museum. Ironically enough many people seemed to like the idea of keeping the museum intact for a place for people to visit to understand the PreDoomsday times better. Some even saw it as a source of hope and inspiration for a new and better picture.


A fair amount of resources was passed over to the Megaton Town Council and was distributed to its Town Services, to the Megaton Guard, to the Sheriff's Office and others in need who served the town. Amongst them was Doctor Church, Professor Brown and a few others. The public ablution blocks (toilets and shower-baths) were going to be expanded and upgraded. More solar power arrays would be put up in public. More gun-turrets would be added to Megaton's defences. Deputy Weld would be upgraded as would other robots and more robots would be added to serve the town.


But of course there were those who were not pleased. Colin Moriarty failed to gain anything for free, undeserved of course. Others gathered behind him, of course, such as Noris Chuknuckle again. Chuknuckle gathered a small mob of protesters outside of Danz's home and the mob was promptly dispersed by the Sheriff's Office because they had not asked permission. It would not have been given for protests were only allowed in certain, more open and safer places in Megaton.


It appeared there would be no trouble from the mayor or the Town Council but then a formal letter was delivered by a courier from the Mayor's Office. The letter demanded 10% of taxation of all goods in the museum as part of a normal citizen's wealth, as according to the Megaton Book of Laws, Rules and Regulations. The letter specified a particular robot and a big gun-turret that were in the displays. At once a counter letter was returned that quoted various sections of the Megaton Book of Laws, Rules and Regulations stating how, since the town had already been given a large amount of resources, that not only was the tax more than paid, but the town owed them 'tax credit'.


It was little more than a test, of course, of the ability of the group to defend itself in various ways.


But then came a letter from the mayor herself stating that she had not authorised the sending of the first letter. No, it had been sent by a young man who was a secret supporter of Noris Chuknuckle and the young man was now permanently dismissed from Town Council Service. Ashwash stated she knew that such a foolish ploy would not work anyway even if it had not been breaking her promise. Considering of what they knew of the mayor, of what they sensed of her, the second letter made sense.



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