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The professor led them straight to a secret entrance to a rampway tunnel that in turn took tem to a secret emergency subway system, smaller but more advanced then the main one. It was also less damaged and nothing dangerous seemed to exist in it; there were no remains of bodies to be found in it or any signs of intruders having gotten in after Doomsday. Except that Danzer was wary, was sensing a background threat as were Justine and the others. Ashworth seemed almost oblivious to any threat as he led them onwards. Ignoring any transportation, he strode along a subway tunnel and then halted at what looked like a standard utility door. It turned out to be not the case.


There was a short tunnel, some heavy security that did not activate, that seemed to recognise the professor, and then they were inside a large chamber gawking like tourists at the sight before them. It ws a great, slowly spinning cone of some kind of crystallic glassy material, glowing semitransparent and also with a metallic tinge to it. It through out pale patterns of light that just managed to be seen in the harsher light of the flurolamps on the ceiling. Though it was majestic and beautiful in its own cold fashion, there was a sense of fear and of something very unnatural about the great device. It was if the thing was trying to reach out and drain the very life energies of the people away.


Argyle wanted to destroy it.


Danzer was very wary.


Jasmine seemed just confused.


The professor sought something with a mad drive and Herbert Daring Dashwood calmly and carefully observed him doing so. The professor circled the base of the great machine, seeking for some kind of way to access the big machine be it a console or something of that manner. Daring Dashwood seemed to know that patience was better in this situation as he watched the professor like a hawk. So he did so while the others backed away from the strange machine as far as was possible and tried to make themselves comfortable. They figured it would be a fairly long wait for something to happen.



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Danz001 led her group up to the surface to make better time but they had to move with great care across the Wastelands. Mutated life was spread thinly in most areas but in some areas was quite thick where mutated forests grew. Small rivers supported mutated life in their waters and on their shorelines. Many settlers lived beside the rivers or on the rivers while living off these same rivers and the lakes that went with them. The disguised group of K9s and AnkzClones blended in well enough, as did Danzlena herself, because there were many in the Wastelands who were even more eccentric seeming. Compared to them the androids and clones were quite reasonable acting and looking.


Many settlements in the area belonged, semiautonomously or as full members, to the Protective Order of Peoples, the POP. The POP took levies, tolls and tributes to pay for a limited government network, a small professional defence force, a small professional emergency force and what ever mercenaries they could afford when they needed them. The POP ran riverboat services across and along the small rivers and lakes of the area. This geography had largely been created by the savage forces unleashed on Doomsday.


Not far from where they reached the surface, they came upon a small settlement on the edge of a small wildly curving river and there they attempted to hire or buy a boat with out any success. Boats were not built in such a small settlements and only small repairs were done on smaller boats. They did manage to hire an empty house and there they staid for a night. They bought local food of steamed muttveggies, grilled fish, tatomash and flat square breadbiscuits from status-stored containment.


The locals did not know much about the areas beyond the POP Territories but they did know that in the direction of TekVault0108 were many dangerous areas. Bandits, mutated monsters, gangers and other threats were common. They would need to either go through or around the great ruins of the city of Springvale and after that they would have to cross the great, powerful flowing DC River that all the smaller local rivers ended up flowing into after many joined together.


The real journey had only just begun, it seemed.



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To his great anger, Professor Comos and his daughters were taken by surprise by the first three green comet-missiles that appeared out of mid-space in low orbit above the Earth and then came crashed down to the Earth. The CosmosTARDIS instrumentation had failed to detect the attack let alone the much more primitive technologies of the humans.


The first green comet-missile struck France, about fifty kilometres south-east of Paris, and destroyed a fairly big area of countryside, killing hundreds of villagers in the process and wiping out a small town.


The second green comet-missile landed in the English-French Channel and sank a large ferry with all on board, so fast did it go down, and sank a fishing boat.


The third green comet-missile exploded even as it entered the Earth's atmosphere as a silvery flying-saucer appeared to blast away at it with pulsating plasmagun beams and pulsing phase-missiles. The Venetians inside the space-saucership were contacted by Professor Cosmos and they turned out to be part of a scouting expedition of one big saucership that had three small saucerships each equipped with three saucerboats that were each equipped with three saucerjets. The Venetians were deeply concerned, naturally enough, about the planned tripoc invasion of their jungle world of dinosaurs and dragons. The Venetians were a coalition of peoples being dinosaur people, dragonfolk and others. The Venetians promised to protect the Earth as much as they could until they were ordered to return to Venus by their high command.


Professor Greening sent StarLord all the forces into space that he could spare, being three ships but these were advanced timespaceships. The StarLord himself was in the command timespaceship. They would link with the Venetians in an attempt to protect the Earth.


The problem was that a powerful, advanced force was causing the green comet-missiles to be jumped to Earth low orbit from somewhere in deeper space and it was going to be very hard to intercept them as they came out of seeming nowhere.


Professor Cosmos and the triplets came up with some interesting ideas that would at least help the situation.



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Tinacos and Ginacos both went to France but this time they took some assistance in the form of workers, security guards, doctors and others. They came representing the new British Imperial Paranormal and Exterrestial Investigation Agency, the BIPEIA that was often called just the PEIA. Of course it was a front for Torchwood but employed many who were not Torchwood people, who did not even know that Torchwood existed.


The French welcomed the expertise, the assistance, as they would not have done in the past. The area of death and destruction was wide spread but also only random for next to untouched areas were those that had suffered very heavily. Yet the horrors did not end there for strange red weed was growing across the landscape with terrifying speed and power. It was killing off the local plant life except for the most toughest. Strange red pods were growing in clusters surrounded by crowns of darker red leaves. Flame-throwers and just burning killed off the red weed but caused strange and dangerous fumes that seemed to send people mad or even to kill them.


Tinacos focused on dealing with the RedWeed while ginacos helped with the rescue and healing of folks, many whom were coming down with a strange infection of red splashes that burned and itched, that brought with them nausia and weakness. Ginacos began to suspect at once that the infection was far worse than it seemed and from then on she focused on dealing with the RedSplash. Professor Cosmos was alerted to what was going on. Soon French specialists were arriving along with British ones along with a pair of surillin scientists.


RedSplash was soon found to be the first sign of parasitic infection by monstrous plant creatures. Yet the solution to RedSplash and RedWeed was in the end most basic for it was but a solution made from a variety of tough weeds of a variety of kinds found through out the world. This substance was time consuming to make but if sprayed over the RedWeed, it killed the strange plant and the RedSplash vanished away along with the parasitic eggs just under the skin, sometimes leaving soft scar marks something like light burn marks.


French workers came in horse drawn wagons and motorised taxicabs from the nearest city. Soldiers came marching along the street in blue combat fatigues and helmets, the officers having red decorations on their helmets that made them into good targets for shooting at. Steam-electric crawlers rumbled along, large and clumsy with many bigger cannon and smaller machinegun turrets. There were also horse drawn troop-wagons and cannons along with lightly armoured trucks that pulled trailers full of supplies or cannons or even howitzers. The French Imperial Government was responding but more in a military fashion than to assist the local people with their immediate needs.


Ginacos and Ninacos felt frustrated at the way the slowly crumbling French Imperium treated its people but then again, that was one of the reasons it was crumbling.



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Ginacos had gone into the demiTARDIS to further analyse the RedWeed and the RedSplash while Tinacos worked to help the French and other healers with burn and other damage done to people. It was Tinacos who introduced a series of basic but very influential ideas to the French Medical System, ailing as it was. A rather pompous and ignorant surgeon from Paris soon learned to his cost not to confront a TimeLady and was sent packing along with his quak medicines and medical treatments that would have done more harm than good.


Even as Tinacos worked with people in a farm house and a series of tents, word came from Paris that a military uprising had begun against the French Emperor and Imperial Court that were corrupt, inefficient and decadent to an amazing extreme. Napoleon IV was rallying musketeers, who used rifles despite their name, and canoneers along with dragoons, sappers and militia conscripts to smash the brutal and criminal French Imperial Legionaries, they having three legions.


What had caused Napoleon IV to act earlier than many had assumed he would? The coming of the comet-missile had done so.


Napoleon IV came riding up to the area of the comet-missile explosion with not just soldiers but wagons of supplies for the people. He came with sappers to build shelters and other facilities. He came with his own army medical corps which was very good and surprisingly up to date. Of course part of this was hearts and minds propaganda to sway the masses to his side but also he did have some care for his country people.


Tinacos met the would be Emperor as he made his way through the wards, a cloth medical mask on his face and his hands nicely scrubbed. He stopped and watched her work and then he nodded as if he was fascinated and indeed he was but with her, not her work. She smiled at him now and then. Then he moved on with out interrupting her but she knew that he would soon be sending people to arrange some kind of private meeting with him. It was a chance to gain some information and to meet a influential figure in the unfolding history of that world.



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Martin was hurling magical missiles from his glowing hands, being a powerful priest of power, or priest-mage. He had the Light flow through him at times to destroy the lesser undead and to cause agony to the demonic daedra but the magical missiles struck down the lesser daedra. Herculine sensed that Martin was astonished by his own sudden rise in powers as were others around him. DivineMages drew around him to boost his power with their own but ended up being boosted by him so that they turned to healing or attacking or helping to hold up mystical defence barriers.


Word came that Legionaries had arrived to attack the daedric invaders from behind, the Legionary numbers being boosted by militia and volunteers of many kinds.


Then Martin held up his hand and summoned forth powerful entities of Tamriellin tradition, dragons. They came copperish, silver or golden and fell upon the enemies. Dragons fought daedragons in the air and swept them aside for even the smallest, copperish dragons were each more powerful than any daedragon. But the daedragons were in greater numbers and were falling back only to attempt a counter attack.


More surprises were to come!


An army of goblins, hulking hobgoblins and flying gremlins came to fight the daedra that they hated as much as any humans did for the daedra had enslaved goblinfolk in the past and worked millions of them to death in order to assist the Ayleids to build their mighty cities. Strangely it was a part of history lost to most except for the goblinfolk themselves.


The Emperors knew it, though, and Martin was inheriting the 'Memories of the Dragonblood'. When Herculine joined him to fight by his side, he felt that somehow she was familiar to him. She raised her hand and hurled thousands of sparkling-sparkles that blinded and disoriented both the undead and, to a lesser extent, the demonic.


She spoke. "The Emperor and his two other sons are dead. He has his wife in exile and a daughter but you are his only son now. You can be Emperor."


"I am not Emperor material, I have too many faults." He frowned hard. "Let us talk of this when the battle is over, if we still live."


Herculine shook her head. "The daedra and MythicDawn only attack this place because you are here. If you go, they will depart, for Kvatch is not strategically important at this time for any daedric invasion; its position is too vulnerable to Imperial counter attack. I can take us both away from here at once and to a safe place."


Martin nodded. "I am not sure why I believe you but I do. Let us go at once and save this city from any more needless death and destruction."


So she touched him and the two of them vanished with a soft sparkling shimmer. As she had hoped would happen, two MythicDawn traitors amongst the Divine Orders witnessed this happen and were soon sending the news to those that commanded them. In a surprisingly short time the daedra were fleeing back to the Oblivion Gates and mostly they were left to escape freely by exhausted defenders who just wanted them to go. The goblinfolk butchered a few, though, as did the dragons.


HerculineAfa remained in Kvatch.



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In a large wooden chamber of comfortable furniture, fittings and decorations, Martin rested on a reclining couch and sipped a tall, chilled glass of fruit juice. He had bathed with two clone women who had washed his back and then had massaged him. Herculine was sitting cross legged on a platform-chair.


Herculine spoke. "Many have chosen to stay here in my transmagicalship. They have begun to create a true community in one sector of the magical vessel. Artisans are making many products from materials slowly but steadily generated by the transmagical-matrix itself."


Martin sighed. "I will miss Kvatch and I wish I could remain there to help with the damage done to it and its people. Yet, as you say, to stay there is to attract more danger to the fine city. Cloud Ruler Temple is not only a great temple complex but a mighty fortress, three academies, a minor university, a settlement and much more. There is much more to Cloud Ruler Temple than most people know and, most likely, will ever know. I myself do not have access to many of the secrets of that place and I am glad of it from what I have learned. It is far more ancient than most people know."


Herculine nodded. "I do know for I helped to plan and construct Cloud Ruler Temple many thousands of years ago, in another incarnation. As the interior of the transmagicalship evolves and expands, it is based partly on the plans of the Cloud Ruler Temple. Mehrunes Dagon has been trying to conquer Tamriel for a very long time only to repeatedly fail in a costly fashion. This time he invades with the unspoken assistance of other Daedric Princesses for he uses lesser daedra in his invading armied that used to only serve them."


Martin sat up a bit. "Yes, I have noticed that myself and have wondered. The lesser daedra of each Daedric Prince are an important badge of power to them, an indicator of their status as Daedric Princes. So why would they give over their serving lesser daedra to serve Mehrunes Dagon? Not all of the Daedric Princes have done so, that is clear enough."


Herculine took a drink of her own chilled glass of fruit juice and put it down again. "The Dragonfires will go out if there is no Emperor on the Dragon's Throne. They have already begun to splutter, to go out, thus allowing the Oblivion Gates to open in the attack on Kvatch. Perhaps other Daedric Princes see advantage in a cautious support of Mehrunes Dagon. I doubt that they have given him many of their own followers to use. That is if they have willingly done so at all and there is no other explanation for what has happened."


Martin frowned. "We are to meet Jaeffre at Cloud Ruler Temple?"


"Hopefully he has set out from Weynon Priory by now to go there." Herculine replied. "That was the plan."


But it was then that Herculine gained a message from Jaeffre and she diverted the transmagicalship to go to Weynon Priory.



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Having taken advantage of the special abilities of the TMS Herculinea, she had made sure that over a month passed inside the transmagicalship while it only took a minute to arrive at Weynon Priory from when they had diverted course from going to Cloud Ruler Temple. Fleshgolems had been generated, more clones had arisen, Martin had studied in the library-study while Baurus spent much time guarding him though this service was not needed. Martin, Baurus and herself had done fight training with various clones and fleshgolems. They made other preperations for trouble and were to be glad of them.


Weynon Priory was under attack not just by Mythic Dawn agents by a newly discovered force, the Mythic Fist of knights, horse-troopers, battlemages and foot-troopers. These Mythic Fist fighters were just as fanatical as the Mythic Dawn followers but focused on the use of non summonable daedric based magical weapons and armour. A few daedric magic battlemages were with them but their magic was more narrow focused than that of the Mythic Dawn.


The large force of Mythic Fist fighters, many on horses, was supported by a force of clannfears, scamps and scards. The taller, thinner, scamp like scards used basic daedric magical armour and weapons. These lesser daedra, the non summoned ones, had a subtle difference about them from those she had met before and Herculine wondered if they had actually been born and had grown in Tamriel; this was a disturbing idea because in theory it was supposed to be impossible for the daedra to breed outside of the Realms of Oblivion.


Fighting was fierce as the Mythic Fist force smashed against the main gates and then through them, driving back Blades and Weynon Priory Guards. Yet even as this happened and Herculine appeared, along with Baurus, Martin and a force of fleshgolems, she suspected strongly that the big attack was mainly a diversion. It was meant to both divert attention away from the real threat and forces away from dealing with the real threat.


Jauffre was standing in hastily put on armour, smeared with blood, clutching an arcarne magical longsword. He was looking angry and frustrated inside a big hidden vault chamber where clearly the Amulet of Kings had been stored away for safety. The two dead bodies of guards there made it clear that it had been taken but it seemed that nothing else had been touched. Only one armoured display case had been broken into. Others held strange weapons, books with exotic covers, bizarre looking magical alchemistic devices, bits of monsters and much else besides. Herculine knew what most of the items were and most of the others she had strong hints of. She considered that they were too dangerous to be left at Weynon Priory anymore but said nothing for the moment.


The Mythic Dawn had the Amulet of Kings, which meant that Mankar Cameron had the Amulet of Kings, which was not good for the ancient artefact had far more to its nature than most people even began to understand. Long ago, when it was made, it had a different appearance and a different name. Over many centuries it had changed names, appearances and purposes. Yet it was arcane magical based and she doubted that Mankar Cameron could directly exploit it.


Yet they still had to get the Amulet of Kings back.



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