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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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Danzie and Justine found another secret chamber. This was Dharma Initiative chambers full of a mixture of more standard and more eccentric technologies. AI-supercomputers were linked to bio-engineered living computers through specialised network-systems. The tilted status-capsules held three human figures, a man and two women, who turned out to be cyborg-replicants. That is they had human brains and spinal chords but the rest of them were made up of replicant android bodies. They looked young but were quite old, being each over a hundred and fifty years old.


Beyond the curious computer control chamber was a huge multiple purpose chamber with an almost eccentric choice of features. A spabath in one corner lay behind a big screen door while a fine dining area sat close to a semi-open workshop area. There was a gynasium corner with SVR exercise machines. Robots stood ready to be activated in rows of recharge-storage bays. A library study boasted a great big bookcase built into the wall with thousands of books, not all of them PreDoomsday. A big round conference table stood close to the centre. There were many other such features including indoor garden areas, a small waterfall and channels of water flowing across the chamber.


Roboremotes kept active, cleaning and patrolling but Danzie and Justine had quickly 'hacked' the security network-system and were taken as registered guests.


In a storage bay they found the dead DI people, men and women including some ghouls, all in bodybags stacked neatly in status storage slots. There were a hundred and twelve of them and they had been massacred by some kind of nerve gas. It had been murder. Then the AI-supercomputers had cleaned up the whole mess but had done some forensic studies as it did so. The nerve gas was a US comissioned chemical weapon as invented and manufactured by the TekCorporations before Doomsday. Considering the many nerve gas weapons made before Doomsday, the information gave them no real leads.


They found that all of the DI databanks had been scrubbed clean as possible by somebody wanting to hide what the DI people had been up to. Yet they also found clues to a hidden, secondary databank reserve system.


They found that the killers had failed to find this and began to go through its extensive compressed data, which had to be slowly decompressed before they could use it.



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Professor Ashworth found a hidden console in the great and terrible cone shaped machine. His eyes blazed with mad intensity as his fingers flew over the keyboard. There was a soft clicking noise and then a softly glowing metallic crystal cylinder slid up out of a round shaft, a small panel sliding to one side to expose the opening. The professor examined the item briefly, looked satisfied and slipping it out, placed it into his backpack after carefully wrapping it in a cloth sheet.


Herbert spoke. "This is a dangerous thing you are doing, professor."


It seemed for a moment that James had not heard, that he was going to ignore Herbart Daring Dashwood, but he suddenly turned and snapped. "What do you know? We are going to purify the world, to create a brave new world for a whole new people who will not repeat the mistakes of the past. I warn you, do not try to get in my way or you will pay for it. You are far more than you seem on the surface, you have knowledge, power and wisdom but you willl be swept away before the Great Cause."


Herbert smiled calmly in response to this threat. "I know that what is speaking through you, professor, dares not use to much power against me because your mortal human body could not take it. The manipulating force needs you intact so that you can continue on this insane course of action. What next?"


Professor James Ashworth seemed a little confused for a moment but then he looked grim. "We must now go to the settlement of Megaton. There is something hidden there that I must have."


The great terrible machine was slowing to a halt and it did not seem so terrible any more. It unnatural power was going from it. What would that mean for the zombies and other undeath in the area?



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Danzlena made a decision and both she and her team turned towards Megaton. Why? To meet with Danzie and to gain more resources for her long and difficult journey to come but also to assist when Professor James Ashworth appeared, surely to cause trouble. Danzer would be with him and the three DanzClones would have a chance to meet. It was a vital opportunity to make real physical contact and to coordinate efforts in future.


Danzie had learned much more about the Wastelands and though he had passed data to Danzlena through mindlink, she saw ways of learning yet more in Megaton.


She and the others made good time across the landscape until they found themselves approaching the ruins of the city of Springvale. From Springvale drifted the muffled sounds of guns firing and of explolsions as a battle raged between what seemed to be two large forces. In the semidarkness flashes of light could be seen and long lines of tracer fire. Carefully she reached out and 'sensed' not only the minds of gangers, now organised as one force, but the twisted, dulled minds of monstrous supermutants. Gangers were fighting supermutants for the control of at least part of Springvale and she did not want any part of it.


Until, that is, she picked up the mental impression of 'TekVault0101' from one of the supermutants and she now wanted to learn much more about what was going on. She and her team now headed towards the site where the battle was focused being the Central Springvale Senior Highschool.



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Tinacos was dressed as a British Imperial Lady when she met Napoleon IV, which pleased him as it showed him respect as a man of high status and imperial bloodline. The man was a commander of men, a commander, and he liked to surround himself with symbols of victories but also of defeats. The latter, he explained, reminded him not to be over confident. He was taller than Napoleon by a good deal, which was something he was grateful for.


They met in a high chamber of an old but well cared for castle fortress adapted to the use of cannons and musket rifles. A waiter served up pastries and coffee, a fine cordial and small rolls with ham, cheese and lettuce. They drank and ate slowly while chatting about French history, about the general history of art and literature and about the threat of the green comet-missiles which dominated the later part of the conversation.


Napoleon IV looked out of a heavy stone block window and into the distance where a convoy of civilian refugees were being escorted by some French soldiers. He was a handsome, though not beautiful man for he was too stocky to be such, and he liked his profile. "The British will not be overly happy that you give us so many technologies."


Tinacos nodded. "Yes but we do not serve the British Empire. We are from Gallefrey. We were drawn here to deal with a threat that is not just to the peoples of this world. More of the green comet-missiles are on their way and then comet-ships bringing invaders. The world must be ready."


The would be French Emperor frowned softly. "It is going to be harder for the French Empire to take advantage of these technologies and technological improvements that you are offering. Our industrial base and development are weaker than that of the British. Have you gone to the Germans yet?"


"All in good time." Tinacos was fully aware of how her kneedress left much of her bossom exposed and how Napoleon IV was ogling her. "You fear the Germans?"


"Of course!" Napoleon frowned. "They are traditional enemies, just as the British are. I have some fine books and maps in my personal chambers, if you would care to come with me."


Tinacos smiled warmly. "I would be glad to do so."



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Professor Cosmos returned to the WarTARDIS and this time he sought new discoveries. What he found was a great surprise. There were well hidden armies of dangerous aliens in their own special capture chambers. Cybermen cyborgs, Movellan androids, a Nestene with its quasiliving plastic Autons, cloned Sontarans, Thal Imperial Legionaries, daleks and a large mixed army of kidnapped altered human soldiers given new program training and equipment.


Professor Cosmos found in a great hidden control chamber a massive statue, fused partly into a great metallic wall, of Omnimodis himself. Omnimodis was shown sitting in-on a great throne that partly engulfed him and his face, his eyes, expressed nothing but hateful arrogance and contempt.


Otherwise there was a large central control console with a very large central column and along one wall great service machine fused partly into the wall.


Somehow it did not surprise Cosmos when the voice spoke to him from the statue, the booming sound being one of hateful arrogance and contempt. "Blood descendant of Razzlon, you are the one to face me, you are the one who has something special inside you. I will destroy you but not easily, no. We will play a game, a wargame, a puzzle game, a game of chance. For now please go on searching the WarTARDIS for I wish to know if you can find the real threat in this great but primitive machine. Nothing you have found so far is the real threat. As for the renegade StarLord, the TimeMaster and the daleks, they are but nothing to the grand scheme of mine and the primitive other peoples are less than nothing."


Then the voice became silent.


Professor Cosmos was no fool and he came to understand then that while he could continue to explore the WarTARDIS, that he dared not interfere with anything, at least not until he knew more.



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In the bustling Docklands of London, now very busy with bringing in resources around the world for the big reconstruction construction drive, Romana the TimeLord appeared in a dead end laneway in a beautiful but practical designed kneedress. She dropped a silver coin into the lap of a gawking tramp and then paced quietly and quickly out to a secondary street. It was cobbled and fronted by a series of warehouses, workshops and workyards but also one fish-chip diner and a pub. Many parts of the great sprawling city of London looked like no changes had taken place since the first nonhuman invasion had begun and that was one of them.


With her TARDIS as a wrist bracelet hidden by a sleeve of her kneedress, she sat in the fish-chippery and ate fish with lettuce and chips. Even as she did so she managed to make contact with Professor Cosmos and one of his daughters.


The city zone and its people bemused her with its dirtiness in some ways, its clumsiness, its primitiveness and stoak nature of its people. Dock workers mingled with warehouse workers, seamstresses, Homeguard soldiers, housewife workers who did pay for work at home as weel as being wives and mothers, and others. Electric trams hummed past and horse drawn vehicles moved along the street in both directions.


Ninacos sat down next to Romana, her mother, and frowned softly at her. "Hello mother, I thought you were busy on the Triplicate Worlds hunting for a TimeRogue of the Eventez."


Romana smiled at her daughter. "This situation was deemed more important. Also the TimeRogue has been cornered and will soon be captured and locked into the MatrixDoma. So you are still angry at me for not endorsing your sisters and yourself as TimeLords. Your current attitude will not help your situation in future. Yes, I have suggested a review, a second chance for the three of you to attend the TimeLord Academy."


Ninacos nodded. "Good! Omnimodis is behind everything happening on this world and not a rogue StarLord or the TimeMaster or the TimeThief who is also known as the Meddling Monk by some."


Romana frowned. "I know for that is why I was sent. Razzlon himself ordered me to come here, along with others. Yes, I know how fantastic that sounds but that is exactly what happened."


Ninacos looked very surprised indeed for Razzlon had not openly contacted anybody, as far as was commonly known amongst TimeLords, for a very long time.



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Again Herculine and others took advantage of her magical craft's ability to travel quickly in one sense to another place but, 'at the same time', for much more time to pass inside the vessel. Herculine dared to stretch things to three months as a thousand soldiers and others trained, rested and learned other knowledge inside the craft. It was growing bigger inside quite quickly but still it was fairly crowded considering the generation of clones.


Cloud Ruler Temple would be needing some upgrading, extensions and the addition of new staff if it was to resist not just physical but also magical-physical and magical attacks. Healermages, mages, mage-artisans, mage-scholars, scholars, a handful of Sages, artisans, engineers, sappers, healers, animal keepers and others were going along with soldiers to join the Blades along with some battlemages. Magical battle-engines were constructed on wheels such large fireball throwers, multiple fireball throwers, multiple magic arrow shooters and others along with magical assisted catipults, super-crossbows and the like.


What would be done to Cloud Ruler Temple, would also be done to the cities, towns and castle estates of the Empire.


Herculine carefully added to the knowledge of the Cyrodilins for she had picked up during the battle for Kvatch that the daedric magic there was more advanced than it had been when it was last encountered on that world. She taught the anti-summoning field spell that could stop daedric mages from temporarily summoning lesser daedra into an area.


Herculine, Martin, Jaeffre and others spent much time working out plans, discussing what they knew and even going over old documents. The Books of the Damned Realms spoke of the Oblivion Realms, including the Deadlands, very extensively for the author, a powerful mage, had dared to go there. She had gone with eight others but had been the only survivor though she had brought back with her extensive and important writings and other works of the others including many accurate sketches, diagrams and even a couple of small paintings.


She did not tell the others that she had been, was that surviving mage.


She did not tell them of her true nature.



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