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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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Professor Ashworth led them away from the terrible machine that did not seem so terrible any more. They made their way through more tunnels now littered with slowly crumbling lesser undead, now truly dead, and amongst zhouls that were oddly calm, sleepy and very non hostile. Anyway Danzer had influence upon them to keep them from attacking.


The professor spoke, allowing himself to give out some important information for once. "The intention was never to create a zone of undeath here. It was part of a greater project to allow a greater form of direct manipulation on reality than we have now. We could be like gods. We could use this power to turn the world into a paradise. We would more than remove the effects of Doomsday but make this world into a new eden, a great natural utopia where none do with out needs or wants, where none are inferior to others and where the great ones are served by the nameless masses."


Herbert Daring Dashwood frowned. "Not so good for the masses, this utopia of yours."


The professor shrugged. "The malformed, the ghoulified, the androids, the clones, the supercomputers and the robots, they will serve the pure genetic humans who will be enhanced, augmented and upgraded. Project Purity will create the new utopians along with the new utopia."


But then the professor fell silent and became once more fixated on the goal of reaching Megaton as quickly as they could do so. They hurried on through the tunnels until they came to a cave in and were forced to go up to the surface.



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The gangers defended the Springvale Junior High School with blasts of heavy machinegun fire, of autorifle fire and even the use of zipguns, powerful crossbows and crude but effective axes and maces. Supermutants were slower but more powerful as they attacked the complex of two connected buildings with great crackbangers, hammers, miniguns, oversized heavy autorifles and great, metal spears. Neither side had many guns. Only about one out of four supermutants had one and only about one out of three gangers had one. At least half the supermutant guns were home made crackerbangers, powerful one shot weapons of many variables. The same could be said of the smaller zipguns of the gangers.


So why would they want to expend valuable resources on fighting over an old junior high school that was damaged despite it being made of smart-materials? One whole other section was little more than rubble and a large crater stood to another side of the establishment.


Now closer and amongst an old encampment of military tents long abandoned, she focused even more strongly upon what was happening and it came to her that the gangers had found that there was an emergency entrance to a tunnel network in the hidden second basement of the school. This led to TekVault0101 or so the gangers believed. Yet Danlena ad her doubts. She also wondered how the supermutants had learned of it and sensed a dark intelligence that seemed to be guiding them. Yet she could not track this one down to 'its' physical location. Nore could she figure out just what the supermutants were trying to do; did they also seek to go to a vault or were they just trying to stop the gangers from doing so or was there some other explanation?


The tents were not all standing, as tough and cleverly made as they were, but her companions found a hard cased solid-state portable computer that had in its databank the records of a US Defence Service nurse. It was a story of courage, despair and death as she and the others, including civilians, medical staff and National Guardsmen, struggled against overwhelming odds to survive. Danzlena picked up psychic impressions that indicated that most of the people had died of the exotic radiations unleashed by Doomsday but the impressions were blurred and broken by time and other influences.


The gun fire, the war cries of the supermutants and explosions of crude home made hand-bombs, echoed through the area though there were moments of quiet. Any local fauna that could do so was often in hiding or had wisely fled from the scene.


She decided that they needed to learn more about what was going on but first she focused on gaining more information from the portable computer's databank.



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Professor Cosmos was trapped and he knew it but he remained calm. He made his way through the 3Dmaze of the WarTardis until he came upon a vast chamber which lay a great PreTARDIS machine that looked like a black glistening cube one hundred metres high and wide. Cosmos could sense the presence of Omnimodis himself, a subtle but disturbing background sensation against his TimeLord mind. Omnimodis was insane but in a cold, very intelliigent sociopathic fashion. Razzlon, for all of his own faults, was more than right in getting rid of Omnimodis.


Omnimodis made no effort to communicate with Professor Cosmos though the TimeSage knew that the powerful, evil entity was observing him. Professor Cosmos decided to be cautious and he made no effort to communicate with Omnimodis. Instead he walked around what he came to suspect was the actual place where the mighty time monster was situated. On the other side of the great primitive TARDIS, he discovered huge glistening organic plastic looking cables running from OmniModis' machine to one of the walls of the vast chamber.


Sitting next to the cables was a strange looking time-machine with a great vertical curved dish facing the nose and a large cabin of metal with portholes of armoured glass and sliding armoured shutters. A strange set of bulges covered its top. In some ways it was just like the time-machine that Professor Cosmos had already encountered but this one was not quite the same. No, it was more advanced as if it was an improvement on the other.


The elegantly talll figure of a man stepped out of the machine, an Englishman in hunting gear, and he held a large elephant-rifle. He scowled elegantly at Professor Cosmos, held up his weapon and went to shoot the TimeLord. Before he could both he and the time-machine vanished with a sparkling shimmer. The man screamed in agony as he vanished. Clearly he had mispleased Omnimodis greatly in some fashion. For some reason Omnimodis did not want Professor Cosmos to die, at least not yet.



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Romana met with all three triplets in the CosmosTARDIS where Romana learned from them that the WarTARDIS had vanished, along with their father. Romana hugged each of her daughters and then they began to work together to try to track down the missing primitive TARDIS. In theory it should have been simple, the WarTARDIS being much older technologically than the CosmosTARDIS, but they soon realized that Omnimodis was most likely shielding the WarTARDIS.


Ginacos studied a large 3Dscreen floating in the air. 3Ddatasymbols swirled on it in ever shifting patterns. They had caught some tiny glimpses of where the WarTARDIS might be as it was very hard to fully conceal one TARDIS from another. There was a chance, also, that Omnimodis would not fully understand the newer, more advanced TimeLord technologies that Romana and her daughters were using.


TimeLordling apprentices and TimeLordite servants, soldiers and workers had appeared to assist them. TimeLordite soldiers wore phase-armour suits and carried advanced tiplepulseguns. TimeLordings were young adult would be TimeLords and TimeLordites were adapted clones or androids.


Romana spoke. "The moon of the Earth, Luna, I calculate that is where we might find the WarTARDIS and Professor Cosmos. Are not the daleks already there?"


Ninacos responded. "Also in the WarTARDIS, a whole suspended army of them along with many others such as cybermen, humans and those beautiful, consciouless androids."


Romana frowned hard. "If those armies are unleashed on this Earth at this time, then great trouble will ensue and this whole time stream will be distorted causing drastic effects across a wide zone of the Multiverse. Omnimodis is doing something for a reason. We must found out what it is and also deal with other threats like the Meddling Monk, the TimeMaster and the Dalek Empire. I think we shall have to send an expedition to the Moon in a demiTARDIS. We have my TARDIS here now and it has five demiTARDISs."


At that momoment alarms rang as a time-space distortion took place, minor but still very influential.



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Green comet-missiles crashed into the land, and green comet-ships crashed into the deeper ocean areas, all around the world. The TriMartians landed in two large forces in the Southern Pacific Ocean and Middle Atlantic Ocean. Smaller, but still large forces, landed in the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranian.


At once zylons and surillans fought the newcomers deep in the ocean along with humans of various national and imperial powers in new kinds of submarines. Convoys of ships and even air-convoys, of aeroplanes or aeroships, were quickly needing more protection as huge, heavily armoured and armed TriMartian water-walkers made their way over the oceans along with some TriMartian submarines and actual surface ships.


The Arisen Peoples, as they were often known, either willingly joined the battle against the Martian invaders or were forced to for the TriMartians attacked everybody and took only some as prisoners to feed upon or mindcap enslave. These aliens were in castes, each physically adapted to their purpose, being brain kinds, servitor kinds, worker kinds and soldier kinds along with some minority specialist kinds being quite unique. They were all tripocs. The soldier-tripocs swarmed through the seas.


The TriMartians proved to be amphibious and even air worthy to some degree as slow low flying machines rose out of the water and tripoc soldiers swarmed up the beaches of isolated islands in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans.


Yet even as this happened comet-missiles were causing death, destruction and chaos on the lands, were making defence efforts against the TriMartians harder.


Then came the daleks, the cybermen and the clonepazzen from the skies.



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FALLOUT WARGAMES will be delayed for some time and then will be started again from scratch.


I am sorry if this move is disliked by anybody but for various reasons I need to cut back on the number of stories that I am running at this moment.


:yes: :no: :dance: :yucky: :teehee: :laugh: :turned: :tongue: :unsure: :biggrin: :psyduck: :whistling: :confused: :rolleyes:

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FALLOUT WARGAMES will be delayed for some time and then will be started again from scratch.


I am sorry if this move is disliked by anybody but for various reasons I need to cut back on the number of stories that I am running at this moment.


:yes: :no: :dance: :yucky: :teehee: :laugh: :turned: :tongue: :unsure: :biggrin: :psyduck: :whistling: :confused: :rolleyes:

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FALLOUT WARGAMES will be delayed for some time and then will be started again from scratch.


I am sorry if this move is disliked by anybody but for various reasons I need to cut back on the number of stories that I am running at this moment.


:yes: :no: :dance: :yucky: :teehee: :laugh: :turned: :tongue: :unsure: :biggrin: :psyduck: :whistling: :confused: :rolleyes:

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