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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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The Ironsides Mercenaries broke away from being controlled by the Brotherhood of Steel. Fifteen Brotherhood of Steel officers departed to travel to the DC Citadel but others remained, including Marshal Ironsides himself. The Brotherhood was not pleased but had no choice to accept and so did so with grace. A treaty was formed between the Brotherhood of Steel and the Ironsides Mercenaries.


Megaton's Leadership Council met and gave over a big old building to the Ironsides along with other resources. In return the Ironsides began to assist in the defence-security of the settlement. The retraining of the Megaton Guard began which included giving them more hitech equipment and supplies. The Megaton Guard gained two small scout-helicopters, five hoverjeeps and five hummers along with older type power armour suits. The arrival of the Ironsides and the placing of their major base in Megaton meant that the settlement was suddenly much better defended.


The Moriarty Family began the expansion of their saloon and soon the same was happening to other commercial establishments such as the BRASS LANTERN and CRATERSIDE SUPPLIES. Camp followers of the Ironsides arrived with the soldiers, admins, techs, sappers and others including roboremotes, robots and androids. The camp followers were soon setting up various services including laundry, hair dressing, tailoring, prostitution and others. Yet there was more than enough new business to please the original Megaton commercial people.


Doctor Church was pleased when the Ironsides gave him a medical robot, a vaguely MrGutsy like MrDoc.


Deputy Weld was not only fixed but upgraded and augmented as were his now three protectron comrades.


Danzie and Justine created some small clone animals with one of the amazing machines they had found, using cloned material from an adopted cat. The cat clones were kittens that were soon adopted by the mother cat they were cloned from. Some treatments allowed the mother to feed them from her teats. The clones were fine enough and acted like normal cats but both Danzi and Justine were wary of doing more with the machine. So far they had only used its basic functions and capacity.


As for the super virtual machine, they took turns at testing it. Justine visited a thriving PreDoomsday Washington DC, or at least a large chunk of it, went to a diner, took a bus drive, visited a museum, visited some monuments and then came out. Danzie went to a tropical paradise island and swam in a tropical lagoon, ran on a golden sanded beach, ate a tropical meal and then came out.


They used the teleport machine that took them into a never used LifeVault00102A because it turned out to be an experimental protype. LifeVaults were smaller, more numerous, less sophisticated and closer to the surface than were TekVaults. From them had come many earlier settlers and many LifeVaults continued to function as parts of settlements or solely as settlements. Also from failed LifeVaults had come many ghouls, zhouls or other creatures, slavers, gangers and bandits. It was said that underneath Paradise Falls was hidden a LifeVault.


LifeVault00102A turned out to be beneath a small long abandoned town just north of the ruined city of Metropolis which was a US City a long distance from Washington DC. They made no effort to go out of the LifeVault but made plans to use it in future.



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It was a gamble they thought they had to make when they showed the Megaton Mayor, Brotherhood of Steel Officers, Ironside Officers and others the three mysterious machines of super virtual reality, of cloning small lifeforms and of teleporting to other places with the same sort of active experimental teleport machines. There was some talking, some early deal making, some arguing. The Brotherhood of Steel did not have the resources to fully garrison the distant LifeVault alone but could do so with the assistance of the Ironsides. A deal was made.


The use of the cloning machine would need to be very carefully done but it promised the creation of radiation resistant crops and livestock.


The prototype teleport machine had coded addresses to three other sites than the LifeVault close to Metropolis but programmed security protocols had them blocked off for safety reasons.


The super virtual reality machine, with its capsulechairs, offered many valuable services of training, entertainment, teaching and much else. It's use would need to be carefully rationed. So far they could only access two super reality domains. There were three others blocked by security protocol programming.


Professor Brown was a very intelligent academic and surprisingly athletic. He was Moria Brown's grandfather, was quite young looking for his age which was older than most people suspected. He was a so called lesser immortal and had been a young man on Doomsday. He had found his way to Megaton after many years of adventures and had been adopted into the Brown Family, one of the Founding Families of Megaton, after he helped the settlement survive a major crisis. He spoke. "The placing of these three machines in this one hidden chamber was no mistake. They, like much else buried here, have been here a very long time. The mysterious Graham Maharg did not create them but only opened a way to access the museum chamber. Or did he?"


There was not much known about the mysterious Graham Maharg.



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They got down into the sewer and utility networks beneath the city, moving quickly and quietly. They came across dead and dying gangers and supermutants. The fighting was savage with no mercy expected or given but it seemed that the supermutants were slowly winning. Finding a way up into the suprisingly large school was easy enough but they ended up in an out building and not the main complex. They had been looting anything of value from the gangers and supermutants but now found a MrHandy that Danzlena fixed with a little difficulty. So they moved on now using the MrHandy to go ahead of them.


When they came to the caved in floor of a great big room that had also been the scene of a tunnel being dug, they came upon their first dead giant anti, quasiant, of the spiner kind. Giant spiner-ants were most deadly for they could spit out spinedarts. In some ways this made them more dangerous than giant fire-ants, acid-ants or toxin-ants. This one was a worker, though, with only one small spinedarter and weaker armour with smaller defensive spines. Soon they were making their way through a maze of tunnels and chambers. Twice they had to shoot at on coming spiner-ants. Once a wounded, berserker supermutant massemoth attacked them, being the common size and bulk of supermutants. They blasted the monstrous killer down.


Danzlena guided the others through the amazing labyrinth as she was guided by a 'sense' of something that she could not quite understand. They went deeper and deeper. Sometimes they went through areas lit by glowmoss where radroaches and radbeetles scuttled in fairly large numbers but none attacked the group; they had no good reason to do so and the group left them alone.


They came suddenly upon a big armoured wheeldoor typical of VaultTek design except that it was dull green and had upon it the symbol of the Cyberdyne Corporation. Yes the CDC was linked with the TekCorps but was not one of them. In the madness of the decades just before Doomsday many strange agencies and corporations had arisen with just as strange R-and-D projects. Cyberdyne was linked with the research, development and prototype manufacturing of Skynet. Except that it was whispered that Cyberdyne had actually managed to manufacture masses of so called 'prototypes' such as HunterKiller units, HunterSeeker units, orbital missile platforms, orbital stealth observation sattelites and much more.


So what was a Cyberdyne Vault doing down beneath the city of Springvale and, more surprisingly, beneath its large senior high school?



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Danzlena was able to open the vault door because she gained data from the new but growing Danznetwork linking all Danzclones. Danz000 had hacked into Cyberdyne related databanks that were partly deleted but which held some important data fragments and even some complete datafiles. The data was information gathered about Cyberdyne by the TekCorps who did not trust any corporation outside of their control. It turned out that they had good reason to be paranoid this time because the mysterious Cyberdyne Executive Council had been planning to betray the TekCorps in many ways, though these ways were not totally clear.


Inside was a safety-security airlock chamber with another armoured wheeldoor on the other side. Before three Cyberyne sentrybots and gun-turrets could attack the newcomers, Danz001 deactivated and repgrammed them with just some difficulty. So it was that they entered the main vault with three more robots on their side.


The main vault had started out being of standard VaultTek design for a TekVault but it was clear that Cyberdyne had secretly made many changes. There was a once human staffed entrance area of admin, security, tech and other roles including some reasearch and development areas. All these Cyberdyne vault-jumpsuit wearing staffers were in status-capsules, still quite alive but in deep sleep. Danzlena soon learned that they had been forced to go into status about two years before Doomsday. Amongst them were some children and other dependents of staffers including pets.


Danzlena and her group came upon heavily armoured inner bulkheads, upon heavier armoured than normal wheeldoors, and she soon knew that Cyberdyne's human operations in the outer vault had been a fraud to mislead both the US Federal Government, TekCorps and others including parliamentary subcommittees and investigative journalists. She 'sensed' great danger on the other side and thus she used for the first time a special trick of the Danzclones.


Danzlena went 'phantomic' and stepped ghostlike through the big armoured wheeldoor near the group. She was soon moving amongst huge Earthnet manufactories, cloning-plants, maintenance zones, hundreds of active roboremotes of various kinds, weapon turrets, Cyberdyne sentrybots, groups of working cyberlinked androids and huge storage chambers either full or getting full of cyborgs, HK units, HS units and other devices of Earthnet. Amongst them were cyborged supermutants in special status capsules, being all 'standard' size and shape for supermutants.


She could only go phantomic for a limited time period and withdrew back to the group with her disturbing information. Soon the other Danzclones also knew of it. The foolish gangers and supermutants fighting each other and trying to access the vault, were going to get into big trouble if they succeeded.



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Danzeclone the First, Danz000, now knew at least one place where Earthnet cyborg-supermutants were being created. Wether any of the units from the place had been sent out to fight first against and then for Skynet, was something he did not know. Other Danzclones were now active and assisting him along with clones, androids, roboremotes and robots. Soon preperations for the exodus would be complete and they would leave TekVault100. They needed to find some place much safer, more reliable and where they could expand. The Danzinetwork relied upon such a move for its survival.


Danz000, Danzron, made contact with Danzer, Danzlena and Danzie to make sure all had all updated information.


Danz001, Danzlena, was waking up the Cyberdyne people (and pets), was introducing them to the difficult to take truth that not only had Cyberdyne been misleading them but that Doomsday had changed the world and they had been in deep status for centuries.


Danz002, Danzlili, was assisting Danzron in the DanzCentre at the core of the growing DanzComplex so vital to Project Exodus.


Danz003, Danzer, was still with Proffessor James Ashworth and the others in the group.


Danz004, Danzable, was also assisting Danzron, Danz000.


Danz005, Danzsash, was also assisting Danzron.


Danz006, Danzronda, was also assisting Danzron.


Danz007, Danzie, was continuing to function in Megaton.


From Danz008 to Danz013 were still becoming fully active in the DanzCentre and had yet to choose more personalised names from a list supplied by Danzon.



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The group began to be chased by scout-soldiers of the RDCDF, the republic's defense force, and they tried hard to avoid being caught. They moved further out from the republican settlement and its territory but the republican scout-soldiers staid on their tail. Danzer 'sensed' that some powerful psychic presence was helping to steer the pursuing soldiers but though arrogant and rather single minded, that this mentality was not evil as such. It was familiar and in some ways seemed like Herbert Daring Dashwood who was in truth a powerful psychic.


Then they were surrounded not just by scout-soldiers in body-armour but others in recon power armour. Lightly armed and armoured hoverjeeps were parked in the background. There was no overt hostility but the soldiers made it clear that somebody very important wished to talk to them all. They were to go with the soldiers to a small abandoned basement bunker in the area used temporarily by RDC Special Forces.


Herbert Daring Dashwood was oddly nervous, was not his normal self, and Argyle was picking up on this.


The professor was angry that his obsessive desire to finish Project Purity might be interfered with.


Danzer was willing to wait to learn what he could.


Jasmine was understandably nervous because these republicans had a reputation for kidnapping young fertile women so as to increase the size of their population; Jasmine was fertile and young but also determined not to be a 'breeding cow' for the DC-Republicans.


Danzer stood next to her in a protective manner and, picking up that he was a deadly killing machine, she appreciated this.



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London shook as in the distance moved a cluster of huge, towering war-tripods. Yet as they moved closer to the metropolis, they were being hammered at by new kinds of weapons including repeater-cannons, anti-tripod rockets and even big rayguns. Explosions ripped up from the ground. A tripod exploded and toppled dramatically. Overhead zipped a metal biplane that shot volleys of rockets at another huge mechatripod, damaging it badly, but then the aeroplane exploded into flames.


Ginacos was at the big new special command bunker beneath London. With her was the young Empress, some British VIPs and some high ranking British Officers. They were watching a Martian Invasion that was having only mixed success. The Grand Tripocs, the name of the high leadership caste of the enemy, had created oceanic and land bridgeheads in the Southern Hemisphere. The extreme cold regions defeated them and they did have difficult with the driest, hottest areas.


Daleks were moving in hovering formations just above the ground and with them came ogrons, apish nonhumans, in power-armour but also cloned robomen in the same. Ogrons and robomen often rode in armed, armoured semi-enclosed hoversleds. Oversized super-daleks each had three dalek creatures in them, more armour and more powerful weapons.


Cybermen came marching in ordered dull dark silvery ranks but with them came big cyberspiders scuttling along, small slithering cyberworms and low floating cyberhovers with varied weapons.


Clonepazzen were cloned copies of humans but of the 'fleshpazzen'. There were also cloned copies of other creatures be they flying horrors, tripocs, crawling horrors and other things.


Ginacos snorted. "The Quadruple Invasion is failing but was it meant to succeed in conquering this world? I am having doubts about that. It is more likely that each of these peoples wants at least one strong colony on the poor suffering Earth. Easily the biggest invasion force is that of the Aquatic Martians for it is twice bigger than the other three forces combined. There is probably far more behind this than it seems."


Rear Admiral Nelson was a tall, rugged by not over broad shouldered man. He examined the big war table and the wall charts dotted with pins. "I suspect that you are correct Miss Ginacos but we must still deal with this as if it is a full blown invasion."


She sighed. "Just 'Ginacos' my good admiral. Now I do have some suggests of strategic, tactical and logistical nature."


The men there looked reluctant to take any such advise but then the Empress spoke. "Which of course you will listen to and then undertake for Ginacos and her people have vastly knowledge and experience of such things than we do. Yes, I also have had to put my pride aside for the good of the empire and the world. You need must do the same. Consider this to be a valuable learning experience. I have myself learned much."


It was a surprising speech from the rather proud young monarch and its humble nature worked as did the barely hidden power beneath.



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Professor Cosmos took out a sparkling yo-yo and did some fancy tricks with it. As he did so he whirled and twirled across a great big fake marble floor past a great big fake marble Olympic swimming school. Or it looked something like an Olympic swimming pool. Fake marble statues of voluptuous naked nymphs dotted the fake marble walls along with highly ornamental fake marble bench chairs. A squat cube shaped robot, with short accordion legs, followed him stoically as it tried to offer him various drinks, snacks, hand-towels and other possibly useful items. The TimeLord seemed oblivious of his situation at all and the danger he was in seemed to be eluding his awareness.


He halted with a graceful flourish, turned and accepted a glass of lemonade from the robot, the glass being prechilled and the lemonade having small ice-cubes. He patted the robot on its pleasure-plate and the basic level artificially intelligent device wiggled with delight like some strange puppy. He sat loosely on a bench chair and slowly drank the lemonade until it was almost finished. Then he dunked the yo-yo into the liquid and intently watched liquid drip off the toy and into the glass.


After a moment he sighed and spoke softly to himself. "Very foolish, so very foolish!"


After that he ate a song-worm and salad sandwich with yellow pastel bread, duck-long seaweed, plum tomatoes and cheddar cheese. The robot waited eagerly to serve him again and to get its pleasure-plate patted again.



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It was partly luck, partly hard work and partly information from a secret source that led to the finding of the Meddling Monk. The grey cloaked figure ran with surprising agility and speed through the big warehouse chamber cluttered with wooden crates, chests and lidboxes. In those containers were items stolen during illegal time-space journeys and from many realms. The Meddling Monk not only liked to meddle with time for reasons known only to himself, but he liked to make a handy profit now and then. He had been intending to sell all of the goods in that warehouse to wealthy folk or groups of London, no matter what damage such transactions would do.


Ninacos aimed her pulsepistol and fired it. The pulsebullets shot out struck the Meddling Monk but the robes were armoured somehow and the sparkling explosions did not even slow the criminal down. She upped the power setting of the weapon to maximum and kept chasing him in her energy armour. With her were clones and androids along with some Greycoats in power armour. There was a scream of pain and then the rogue TimeLord was being held down by four of her clones and androids, along with two Greycoat elite soldiers linked with the Torchwood organization.


The Meddling Monk grinned at Ninacos as she faced him. Then he spoke in the high language of the TimeLords. "There are many Meddling Monks for we are one are many. As a TimeLady you can not kill me while I am the freedom of a rogue."


"An old TimeLord rogue trick and a foolish one. Many as one as many you might be but you are all intrinsically linked so as to share your TimeLord abilities and to be able to control your TARDIS. I do not care for a small time rogue like you for far more powerful and dangerous forces are free. The TimeMaster is out there and he is way above your league but there is a far great threat than even he out there." Ginacos sighed. "If you have anything to tell us of importance I might not kill you. Killing you, since you are but one avatar of the Meddling Monk, is not really murder, is it? Also I am officially still a rogue and so certain rules do not apply to what I do."


The Meddling Monk visibly blanched and then he spat bitter words. "You will get nothing from me."


Ninacos sighed. "Until we meet again." Then she shot him dead with her pulsepistol. She 'sensed' the agony and other problems this caused all of the Meddling Monks, now numbering twelve. At that moment psychic impressions came strongly to her and she knew that there was one primary Meddling Monk, three secondary Meddling Monks and, now, eight basic Meddling Monks.


All of the contents of the warehouse chamber were sent along to the CosmosTARDIS along with the dead body of that Meddling Monk.


Ninacos had sent a painful message to the primary, the real, Time Meddling Monk. She had got to him and could get to him again, as could her allies. He would do better to either cooperate or to go away and stop meddling with the time-space of that Alternate Earth.



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