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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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The rain is coming down hard


is smashing against my frozen sodden flesh


as I seek shelter in a landscape with out protection


What can I say


the wind and rain sweep away my words


even as they leave my mouth


What can I do


but try to survive


as my land drowns in a tide of rising waters


What have we done?


Why did we not see the consequences of our actions?


Why was I no less blind than the others?


I have earned the fate that I have gained


As my tears are lost in the driving rain


And there are none to see the shudders of my freezing body


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The way to happiness


lies in the way of self awareness


otherwise how do we, do I, guide ourselves myself through the entanglements and pitfalls of life


safely to some kind of enlightenment?
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The trick took Omnimodis by surprise because it came from a basis of knowledge gained by TimeLords hundreds of centuries after Omnimodis had departed from Gallefrey. Professor Cosmos picked up what might have been taken as a fairly basic, quite harmless time sensor device, flipped open a panel-lid on its top and quickly inserted a small glowing green plug into a plug-point not really designed to take such a thing. The time sensor hummed sharply in protest even as the TimeSage pressed the green button on top and he vanished with a sparkling shimmer.


Omnimodis appeared seconds later, or at least one of his avatars did. The tall sickly angular man stood arrogantly in a garishly golden and silver robetunic and he screamed his rage, exposing his insanity in the process. His eyes glowed red and saliva trickled from both corners of his thin, almost lipless mouth that gaped open to show rows of small, shark like teeth. Professor Cosmos was out of his reach and he knew it but he also knew that the professor's solution was far from perfection, the Professor Cosmos had not really fully escaped his prison.


What Omnimodis did not figure on was that Professor Cosmos was not trying to escape from the huge, primitive TARDIS like machine but Omnimodis was totally convinced that every other lifeform in the Multiverse was as paranoid, as selfish and as hate ridden as himself. As he stood there screaming his rage, his did not consider for a microsecond that the TimeSage might even consider his life less important than the fate of the Multiverse.


The TimeMaster appeared at a distance, to one side of Omnimodis and was smart enough for once to say nothing, to try not to be noticed.


Then Omnimodis turned and scowled at the TimeMaster. "So, Professor Cosmos is no threat, is a narrow focused typical TimeLord Academy brain washed simpleton, is he?" He shot out his nearest hand and from his fist flashed a glowing sphere of dark shadows and burning dark fiery energies.


The strange projectile struck the TimeMaster and the evil rogue was hurled backwards with a scream of shock and agony to rebound off a wall and to lay unconscious on the floor. He was injured but his TimeLord body was already regenerating to heal any injuries, including concussive damage. No, he would not die or be permanently injured, but only because Omnimodis wanted him to live to be used further.



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The 'start of the end of the crisis' began suddenly and overwhelmingly with the withdrawal of cybermen, daleks and clonepazzen forces from the Earth. They fled in a great hurry as if under threat of defeat and the reason soon became apparent. TimeLordite timespaceships, began to emerge into normal time-space from hypertime-hyperspace travel. With them came other ships being Centro, Starlord, and others, including dalek, clonepazzen and cybermen vessels. Data streamed in and it was soon apparent that those cybermen, daleks and clonepazzen on the Earth were renegade factions seduced by Omnimodis into joining the invasion on the Earth. The Martian tripocs had long ago been seduced by Omnimodis.


It was a massive fleet getting steadily more massive as new vessels arrived. Thals, Kaleds, sontarons, nestines-autons, Kava'WarLords and yet others came.


The Shadow Proclamation had done its work and many had come to fight Omnimodis, the threat of Omnimodis.


But would it be enough. Even as TimeGuard WarTARDISs appeared, the TimeGuard being the military of the TimeLords as the TimePolice were the law enforcers, the triplets stood together in the newly restructured 'bridge' of the CosmosTARDIS and tried to consider the consequences of such a large scale conflict that seemed to be about to happen.


Omnimodis had only ever been really defeated by Razzlon himself but Razzlon was supposedly sleeping deeply deep inside Gallefrey itself and some doubted that he was even there, suspected that Razzlon had long departed beyond the Multiverse seeking even greater knowledge than he already had. For in truth Razzlon cared next to nothing for power, wealth or influence. Razzlon was not to be contacted, not to be disturbed, and those who tried failed. Those who tried for dark purposes, came to bad endings.


Ninacos, Ginacos and Tinacos suspected that Professor Cosmos had some odd link with Razzlon, and they were not the only ones, but Professor Cosmos would not speak of such matters. Now they were deeply concerned about their father.


After all that had happened already, humanity and the arisen peoples were not at all shocked by this new happening.


Which was when the TARDIC began to appear, to emerge up out of the planet and all over the planet but also on-in other worlds.



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Many said that TARDIC stood for Time and Relative Dimensions in City for indeed the TARDIC grew amazingly quick and all over the world, then Mars, as if a great alien city. Yet TARDIC really stood for Time and Relative Dimensions in Compression. What this actually meant was incredibly hard to define except perhaps to say that the TARDIC, like a TARDIS, was much bigger inside than outside. A TARDIC was more complicated and intricate 'inside' than a TARDIS but did not travel in time space terms as powerfully or as smoothly as did even the first generation of TARDISs. The role of the emerging TARDIC soon turned out to be straight forward. It began to slowly, and harmlessly, absorb whole environments, ecosystems and also peoples. Many people also began to flood into it, taking what they could, as the TARDIC sanctuary of sanctuaries drew them in with a profound sensation of peaceful, safe protection.


The arisen peoples, humanity, Martians of all kinds and fauna, they all went through the shimmering energy gateways if they were not absorbed. Of course the plants, the mosses and such like were absorbed except the mobile plants of Mars; the mobile plants made their own way into the TARDIC.


The spaceborne forces kept growing in size and complexity as more peoples arrived to fight Omnimodis. Then bad news came of another spaceborne force gathering, this time to attack the first great space fleet for this second one served Omnimodis in hopes of both avoiding destruction and gaining from such service. They were fools for Omnimodis was always treacherous and had become more so in his growing insanity.


Slowly and steadily all life on two worlds, inside two worlds, vanished into the TARDIC. Even as this happened, the TARDIC was emerging in the Lunar Underworld, inside the Earth's Moon, and was absorbing all life there into itself.


The TARDIC began to do the same on other worlds of the solar system, taking in lifeforms amazingly alien to the nature of existence of Terra, Luna or Mars.



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