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Professor Cosmos triggered memories that flood into his mind, memories that brought with them knowledge that he had also suppressed for good reasons. That is to stop others from probing his mind to discover what his real mission was and to learn the truth. The general fear had been of treacherous TimeLords or others of similar ability but most of all the precaution was done against Omnimodis. It had always been expected that sooner or later Omnimodis, the real threat, would emerge and would capture Professor Cosmos.


He now knew that that whole solar system was doomed, had been since Omnimodis had first appeared in it some centuries ago. The Meddling Monk, a rogue TimeLord, had been manipulated by Omnimodis as had been the TimeMaster, the foolish English Time Traveler and even the cunningly brilliant TimeMaster. Professor Cosmos had seemingly been manipulated by Omnimodis but in truth he had a secret aspect to himself that made this near impossible.


Captain Cosmos stood in a special control centre in the ancient WarTARDIS that Omnimodis did not know existed. It had been constructed thousands of centuries ago, along with the WarTARDIS itself, to become part of the final trap but the real intended prey of the trap was Omnimodis.


With a sparkling shimmer, Romana appeared on a special disk shaped platform and she made her way to stand beside him. She hugged his arm to herself. "So it has been nearly confirmed, the identity of the traitors that is. The ones who have always secretly been serving Omnimodis and who helped trick the TimeMaster into serving and then being captured by Omnimodis."


Captain Cosmos smiled at her but there was a reflection of sadness in both his smile and his eyes. "Yes, it is confirmed."


She smiled. "Then you know that Ninacos, Tinacos and Ginacos betrayed you. No wonder you are so sad."


But the TimeSage shook his head. "No, the triplets are not traitors any more than you are the real Romana. What did you do with the real Romana?"


There was a sparkling shimmer and the triplet sister of Romana, one Suzanna, looked identical to Romana but now her mind 'seemed' obviously different to the professor. To Professor Cosmos she was very different from Romana.


"She is safe but trapped in a one minute localized time loop." Suzanna grinned. "As are many of those who came with her, who were also sent to assist you. Tinacos, Ninacos and Ginacos did betray you. I can prove it."


"They are not the real Ninacos, Tinacos or Ginacos though they think that they are." He shook his head. "They are real TimeLord clones and have regenerative and other abilities of our kind. I will adopt them as my daughters as both I and Romana adopted the real Ninacos, Tinacos and Ginacos though in truth they are biologically my grand-daughters as born to the TimeLady Ashloria. Ashloria who vanished after she decided to find out what you were up to, Karatrina? Ashloria who was the wife of my son Danfalda who also vanished as he went searching for Ashloria."


There was another sparkling shimmer and now it was Karatrina. "Suzanna, Romana and Trienna are in the same localized time-loop. Suzanna was not as strong as I hoped she would be. Romana is devoted to you. Trienna is weak."


"It is you who are weak. Omnimodis must have contacted you when you were quite young." Professor Cosmos. "He must have been seeking somebody greedy for knowledge, power and material wealth. He found you. You are no better than a female version of the TimeMaster. You have lost and have time to surrender."


Karatrina laughed. "No, you have lost. Now Omnimodis knows about this secret chamber and he will soon be taking you captive. This time he will destroy you and will favour me as the one to at last deal with you as the nuisance that you are. No more than a nuisance, not a real threat as Razzlon or Alphanoda may have been. Some say you are, in many ways, a modern Razzlon but they are but fools. Now for your destruction and my rise to great knowledge, power and wealth."


At that moment the whole WarTARDIS shook and shuddered, a sparkling shimmer running through everything, and the ancient type TARDIS alarm began to boom boom boom.



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As the ancient trap closed in on Omnimodis the great, insane entity fought with amazing strength and cunning but the more he fought, the more he became tangled in the intricate web of localized time looping and relativity grips. The WarTARDIS closed down on the ancient Omnimodis TARDIS type machine inside it and drew energy from Omnimodis himself to strengthen the trap. Now it began to eject the captive armies and other lifeforms and things inside itself.


Professor Cosmos and Karatrina fought each other back and forth across the chamber, energies sparkling, time shifting around them and both using multiple-wands as weapons.


Captain Cosmos had once loved Karatrina very much but had realized after some painful years that Karatrina only loved her own obsessions and, in a dysfunctional manner, Omnimodis himself. That was before he found Romana in the TimeLord Academy and later married her, then adopting his grand-daughters Ninacos, Tinacos and Ginacos. His first wife had gone rogue and she was the Rani driven insane for reasons that Professor Cosmos had never discovered. Rani was the mother of Danfalda as Professor Cosmos was his father. He had met the Rani after Karatrina and before Romana.


Karatrina thrust her device at his head with amazing speed and agility but he dropped down and to one side. Then he was stun blasting her so that she fell semiconscious to the metallic floor of the chamber. She landed softly as a safety field sprang up to cushion her fall.


After putting Karatrina into a holding-capsule, where she was safely unconscious, he noted that Omnimodis was now fully captive. Shock waves had gone through the solar system but all life that could be hurt had become sheltered safely inside the TARDIC. The planets and moons of the solar system were damaged but would recover. It would take a very long time to do so even with some assistance from the TimeLords and others including the StarLords who seemed eager to improve their Multiversal reputation.


Yet there was more to do before Professor Cosmos departed to some very important missions. The nature of those missions brought sadness to him but also hope.



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The lich had been a high priest of much power and though enslaved now by a powerful necromantic curse, it was still very deadly. It hurled undeathly magic at Herculine's clone-daughter and HerculineTao leaped to one side, the powerful projectile burning a good sized area of stone wall. The walls dripped with pale undeathly ectoplasm that was not like normal ectoplasm at all. In dried blood were scrawled over walls garish, ugly symbols of the AntiDivines and the greater undead. A row of corpses rattled their cages, not really undead but animated unnaturally by the unintentional influences of the lich.


HerculineTao hurled a couple of silver throwing-blades that stuck into the creature's chest. The lich priest screamed unholy rage and agony. It reeled backwards dropping the great cursed sword it had been wielding and then died as HerculineTao leaped forward and thrust her magical silver longsword through its solar plexus. One place to kill any greater undead was the head and another was inside the chest. One could use other means such as sunlight or cutting off the head.


The powerful undead monster, cursed to guard the temple area she was in, was killed and so HerculineTao began to look around. Yet she was no fool and took great care. If some force was powerful enough to bind such a dangerous lich with a curse, than other undeathly threats could have been left to deal with intruders.


Then she found them, the thirteen great volumes made of mer skin leather and not paper but something that felt unnaturally fleshy, almost greasy to touch. Yet she had found something of amazing value for here was a full set of copies of the CHRONICLES AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE MEHRUNES DAGON; The books were subtitled THE TRUTH OF FALSEHOOD, THE TWISTING OF TRUTH, THE SECRETS OF THE DEADLANDS.


She took the books up and teleported to Herculine's transmagical-ship.



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For the moment have no constant access to the internet but this will change soon.


New basic feedback idea.


:thumbsup: = okay


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: = good


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: = very good

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Herculine, Ninajina, along with a group made up of Blades and others, moved deeper into the amazing maze of levels, sublevels and other features down there. Some had gone, some had joined the group and many had staid. The wounded were gone to be taken care of, as were the exhausted. Now they were joined by some new style Mythic Dawn Hunters, those BladeAgents being trained to focus totally on dealing with the Mythic Dawn and the traitors who dealt with the daedric cult of Mehrunes Dagon. This time they left the actual Cloud Ruler Temple proper, going through heavy armoured hatch doors as guarded by a force of BladeGuards and some BladeMages.


Beyond that point they went into areas deliberately and strongly sealed off by physical and magical barriers for many centuries. Down there, along time ago, treacherous Blades had dared to deal not only with daedric magic of the worst kind but with necromantic and other dark magics. The episode had been concealed from general history, the Fallen Blades had been burned to death, after being dosed with pain stealing drugs, and their ashes had been entombed in the depths in strong stone tombs warded with powerful arcane magic.


But something had destroyed the magical wards and had freed the cursed souls, the wraiths, of the Fallen Blades. Though weaker than they had been as live traitors, the Fallen Blade Wraiths were still a deadly threat to deal with. Yet three attempts to destroy them all had largely failed; many wraiths had been destroyed but others remained, including the powerful cadre of six. The dreaded Shagonus was the leader of the Fallen Blade Wraiths, who were not typical wraiths. They not only created normal zombies from dead bodies but could possess one and convert it into a kind of super zombie monster, a thing like an undead ogre in power.


Sometimes treasure or knowledge seeking fools got into the Forbidden Zone beneath the Cloud Ruler Temple despite the efforts of the Blades and the Mages Guild to stop this from happening. Sometimes it was Vampire Hunters or others seeking both loot and glory by destroying the Fallen Blade Wraiths. So far none had survived to return from that place.


They passed through an underground area of ancient cut stone tunnels and chambers, dotted with ancient crumbling statues of unknown lesser deities and once famous folk. Down there lay remnants of a much older temple fortress than Cloud Ruler Temple was, a place that the Blades or others only spoke of with great reluctance, a place that most people did not even know had ever existed. For there dwelt the Secret of the Dark Divines, of the treacherous Divines that were no longer known of by most. Yet they met no threats at first but the background tingle of lurking evil, giant rats, some nasty slicer-crabs and a small pack of goblins that soon fled away in sensible fear.



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The two clone-daughters of Herculine met in the control chamber of the Transmagical Ship where they studied each other quietly for a moment. Then HerculineAfa spoke. "Dracula gave us some assistance and you found the books after killing the powerful lich. It appears that we are either very lucky or that we are being assisted somehow."


HerculineTao responded. "There is no real proof of the second suggestion being correct but I also 'sense' something odd about what is happening."


A mixed population of clones, refugees, Blades and others were a fairly large population in the transmagical vessel now. There were areas in which crops grew, where workshops were active, where factories made things, where soldiers trained, where artisans made or fixed things, where mages worked their magic and much else. In the compressed time of the ancient transmagical realm people were growing up as were animals. An army was rising to support the Cyrodilin Empire and other resources were appearing to be used to do the same. Resources were brought into the transmagical, transdimensional, space to be utilized in various ways such as the growing of food, the making of weapons, tools, armour, clothes and other items. Even arcane magical spell-emblems and devices were being made in fairly small numbers. An army of soldiers, workers, steeds and other lifeforms were growing faster there than they could in the outside, bigger realm.


HerculineAfa smiled. "Like having a semiautonomous twin sister."


HerculineTao smiled right back. "Quite so. I suggest that we focus on analyzing the materials we gained from Dracula and the lich priest. I have the 'sense' that the information inside those materials is going to be vital for us to learn to deal with both Mehrunes Dagon and the Undeath forces threatening the Cyrodilin Empire."


They had a small but fine meal, some fruity wine and mugs of fine quality coffee before they set out to start the big research task. From the start they found the going tough as the writings were not straight forwardly done, there were riddles, contradictions and gaps in knowledge. Yet, from the start, there were bits of valuable information gained and a strong hope of gaining much else.



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Herculine, Ninajina and their companions entered the Fallen Temple of the Dark Divines only with much reluctance. The feel of the place, from the very start, was deeply unsettling. The place was strangely silent and even seemed to muffle normal noises.


There were no signs of normal life, not even such as cockroaches or giant rats or even normal rats or even typical slime or mosses. Twisted morgue light glowing substances grew over walls and softly ghastly glowing creatures, small but unnerving, scuttled across ceilings and walls but did not go near the floor of huge flagstones. Herculine soon knew why as she insisted on leading the group as she carefully read symbols on the various flagstones before them. Thus it was she had them avoid deadly threats of undeathly magic, of cunning magic preserved mechanical traps and other forms of death. Once a scuttling horror bug fell from the floor and fled towards the nearest wall only to touch the wrong flagstone and to burst into flames, screaming and bouncing around in an unholy fashion.


At last they came upon a great hall of a temple. There huge statues of the treacherous Dark Divines stood, whose very names and identities the Nine Divines had tried to erase totally from known history. Once they had been deities of good, had served the natural balance of holy forces and of nature itself. It was not really known, even by the Divines, how or why they had become seduced by the Dark Side. What was known was that something whispered to them, a dark and seductive voice full of promises of greater power, of their own worlds to rule with out the unwanted interference of other, greater Divines. For the seduced deities were amongst the less powerful and wise of the Divines of the Mythic Age.


They were five, two being female and the other three being male. They became known as Shevagz the Murderous Healer, Hurovagz the Heroic Coward, Sanzovagz the Great Unwise, Blethvagz the Charming Brute and Sherrivagz the Virgin prostitute. All the Five Vagz were of dark twisted contradiction, of insidious criminal insanity, of monstrous appetites that had become burning addictions that would never be fulfilled.


Question was, what did they have to do with the plot against the Cyrodilin Empire, the assassination of the Emperor and his sons, the rise of powerful undeathly forces and the invasion attempt by Mehrunes Dagon and his followers, both daedric and treacherous human? Herculine feared that she was being drawn off course, was wasting her time and energy, and yet at a deeper level she felt the instinctual feeling that she was doing exactly what was needed to be done.



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Amazonis appeared in Cyrodiil, close to the city of Kvatch, with a majestic horse and some amazon companions of Red Sonja, Xena and Gabriel. All were beautiful, strong and dressed in tight fitting armour of reinforced hardened leathers. All had swords, knives and shields. Amazonis had her powerful composite bow. Red Sonja had her big broadsword. Xena had her throwing rings. Gabriel had her steel capped wooden quarterstaff. All had magic. All had each a mighty warhorse with two spare warhorses and four packhorses. There were also two big hounds, an eagle with Red Sonja and a big cat with Amazonis. The large, muscular dogs were also with Amazonis.


Amazonis had been called to assist Herculine and had brought other assistance with her. She knew that she was dealing with both dangerous daedric and necromantic forces so she was not going to underestimate the threat in the least. So they set out moving the grassy, lightly forested hills not on horse back but on foot, leading their horses through the semiwilderness. After a while they came upon a village, with its wooden palisade newly erected and reinforced. Nervous villagers stood guard with pitchforks, some basic swords and a couple of hunting bows. They were understandably wary of the newcomers at first but soon were chatting. That Amazonis was willing to share of good quality beer was a good ice breaker.


Andy Snodge scratched himself in an ungentlemanly fashion. "Kvatch had a big battle and it would have fallen to the daedric scum if help had not come. They say the mighty Herculine came and also that werewolves joined in the battle against the daedra and human traitors serving Mehrunes Dagon. Some say there was more than one Herculine in more than one place, using mighty magic. Me, I doubt it to be so but then again, such mighty good looking heroines, who is to say? I would love to have her as a wife."


Amazonis looked at the scruffy, plump Andy Snodge and did not bother to point out the obvious. "Have any other strange things been happening in the area?"


He snorted. "What hasn't been happening? The wildfolk like the trolls and the imps are acting funny, like they are joining forces with each other. Somebody has been organizing the bandits, training them better, equipping them with better armour and weapons including magic stuff. The goblinfolk are being odd. Goblins, hobgoblins and gremlins, all being restless and extra protective of their territories as if they expect something bad is going to happen. The Empire is calling for the better organizing of local militias and is building up the Legions, the Guards, the Aeronavy and Navy. Oh, yes, that new Imperial Mageforce of not just battlemages but healers. Troublesome strangers have been lurking around but who can say they be Dark Brotherhood or Mythic Dawn or Undeath Dusk or even Imperial agents of some kind."


She gave him a single silver coin, a good imperial one, and the group moved on. They made good time along a secondary packed dirt highway until they reached a larger village, complete with a proper inn, and a hard surfaced a proper imperial highway. It led to Kvatch but for the moment the group staid in the village inn. Darkness fell and they had a nice meal, some good mead and fresh picked fruit.




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