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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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Danzer assisted Professor James Ashworth with his investigations on the fertility problems of the people of the Republic of the District of Columbia. They soon found a possible source of problems being a FEV created virus. The two, with the added assistance of some RDC scientists and a good quality AI-supercomputer network-system, were soon trying to find a solution to the virus that had managed to infect many people of the republic.


The DC-Republicans were pleased to know of the discovery. The President himself came to see the work team and promised them more assistance. They kept on working quite hard. As for the others, Jasmine, Argyle and Herbert Daring Dashwood read PreDD books, watched some PreDD holotapes and found that they were not allowed to really mingle with any of the locals. It was as if the RDC Government was trying to hide something from the outsiders.


James turned to Danzer with a frown one day, when they were alone, in the rather cramped laboratory that was their main work area. "The virus is not a 'normal' virus at all. It is both FEV created and yet is itself an offshoot of a type of Forced Evolutionary Virus. Yet it has undergone some other kind of subtle but powerful influence. It has a taint of undeath about it. I would suggest that those effected by it might experience more than sterility at times and that those born with it may be more than sterile or malformed in some 'natural' way. What would be born would be some kind of undead entity or at least such could be born. I really do need more information but if the RDC has it, it is not telling us everything."


Danzer frowned. "Question is, how did so many of these DC-Republicans become infected by this bizarre virus?"


Professor James Ashworth frowned. "The answer to that question may just assist me to gain some vital information for Project Purity. The pattern of Project Purity is firmly there, in my mind, and yet it has gaps, has fragmentary links." He stared at Danzer. "You think that I am insane."


Danzer frowned. "I am linked to other clones of my kind. We can assist you, professor, if you would agree to be more careful in your drive to make Project Purity function fully."


Suddenly alarms began to chime through out the underground bunker complex that they had been taken to in order to carry out their work. There came the muffled sounds of weapon firing. A local scientist ran into the room, her face twisted in fear. "We have to get out of here. It is happening again. We have been betrayed."


Danzer turned to the woman. "Please explain."


The pretty young woman turned to him even as she stood there clutching a 10mm submachinegun. "The virus was supposed to make all of us more resistant to extremes of radiation and to make us more fertile, stronger, fitter and more healthy. You have been told lies about poor 'morons' and other 'malforms'. What women give birth to are monsters but they are not undead, no they are something called unlifen. They..." She gulped before going on. "they seek to kill all those that carry the U-virus."


Danzer nodded. "That is the unlifen way, to seek and destroy the undead or that which can lead to the creation of the undead. We must find a way of eradicating the U-virus with out killing people and in such a way that the unlifen will stop trying to kill those with the U-virus in them."


The professor frowned. "Yes but I want to take a sample of this U-virus with us when we leave. I suggest we get to work."



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Danzeclone the First, Danz000, continued to prepare for the exodus that would now got to Megaton. Other Danzclones, along with others, were assisting. It had been decided that everybody and everything would leave the vicinity of TekVault0100 that was getting increasingly crazier and more dangerous.


Danz000, Danzron, made contact with Danzer, Danzlena and Danzie to make sure all had all updated information.


Danz001, Danzlena, was in Megaton with Danz007, Danzie.


Danz002, Danzlili, was assisting Danzron with Project Exodus.


Danz003, Danzer, was still with Professor James Ashworth and the others in the group now trying to find both an antidote and an inoculation against the U-virus.


Danz004, Danzable, was also Danzron with Project Exodus.


Danz005, Danzsash, was also Danzron with Project Exodus.


Danz006, Danzronda, was also Danzron with Project Exodus.


Danz007, Danzie, was in Megaton with Danz001, Danzlena.


Danz008, Danzio, was now fully active and assisting Danzron with Project Exodus.


Danz009, Danzent, was now fully active and assisting Danzron with Project Exodus.


Danz010, Danzray, was now fully active and assisting Danzron with Project Exodus.


Danz011, Danzfay, was now fully active and assisting Danzron with Project Exodus.


Danz012, Danzlori, was now fully active and assisting Danzron with Project Exodus.


Danz013, Danzshi, was proving to be problematic and was under observation by Danzron.



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The cyborg-androids were awoken, activated being two women and a man who were human brains and spinal cords inside replicant android bodies. At first they were unable to communicate with anybody in Megaton as they came to terms with being fully active once more. Danzlena and Danzie were not only occupied with this situation but with another as they detected Unity agents entering Megaton disguised as trader envoys from an obscure vault. There was no real way to discover what the Unityfolk were up to. They were made welcome by the Megatonfolk. They were soon setting up their own diplomacy and trading outpost. There was nothing hostile at all in their actions.


Troubling stories came to Megaton of outbreaks of 'the rising dead'. People got sick and died of a strange illness before their corpses rose to attack and try to devour people or animals. Ultraviolet light burned them, causing them to combust if powerful enough. High voltage electricity hurt them more than it did humans. A blow to the head or chest area, or cutting off the head, also killed them. They were horribly strong, enduring and otherwise harder to damage than the living. These undead zombies varied in their intelligence from almost mindless to just dumb but most were on the lower side of that range. Some used basic weapons to strike at people. Some knew enough to shoot a gun but did not know how to reload one. Those were the human zombies. The animal zombies were just as terrible in their own way.


Refugees were coming to Megaton on an increasing basis, were abandoning even fairly large and secured but isolated settlements. The underground part of Megaton was expanding faster than ever but more efficiently thanks to new available technologies and more skilled workers.


Feral ghouls, zhouls, were waging huge battles with zombies in some areas and seemed to be winning most of those fights.


It was very hard to know just what was going on.


Then a group of refugees arrived with a small boy who was sick with a strange illness.



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The small boy was given the caring attention of much medical expertise, of medical hitech and exotic abilities. Yet it was a tough fight against the infection-infestation inside the small body because it was of unknown nature. Slowly, steadily, the bizarre biological attack was driven back, the awful symptoms were suppressed and then the boy was cured. Except it would take at least a year for the boy to fully recover. He would be cared for. His mother had staid with the boy as much as possible, as had his older brother, but the father had staid away in fear. The younger children were cared for by others.


They examined the bacteria like infectionators and the larger parasitic infestators but could not identify them clearly. They were so alien that it was impossible to say if they were 'natural' or artificially created or modified. What they quickly worked out was the the red infection-infestation, as it came to be known because of the red blotches it caused on a victim's body, was a terrible threat to all lifeforms.


What they badly needed was more information. The cyborg-androids were to prove to be a surprising source of much needed data as they identified the red infection-infestation as something picked up by what could only be called a teleportation probe. The experimental probe had been 'teleport launched' towards the moon only for it to show up in Alaska roughly eleven years before it was launched. It was changed, was lightly burned and battered but, more importantly, mirror reversed. The biological samples inside, the small monkey and the mice, were all terribly transformed. All had been taken, with great care, along with the rest of the probe, to a secret underground base elsewhere in Alaska known as the BetaHexagon. What had happened after that was unknown to the cyborg-androids. Yet it was a start and gave them reference points to seek in a data search.


Warnings were sent out to everybody and anybody in the DC Wastelands who would listen to them.



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  • 3 weeks later...







Danz013, Danzshi, left the TekVault0100 in a rush but had not really escaped. How could one semiautonomous part of a network-clone do so? He wanted adventure and was willing to compromise to get it so he would carry out a series of missions for the Danzclones. As it was all the Danzclones were up and active now, the move from TekVault0100 to Megaton was well under way as a convoy of compact electric vehicles, robots and power suited individuals moving through tunnels. They ended up bringing others with them, far more than had been planned, but the Danzclones would leave none behind who could become victims of the dark forces now controlling TekVault0100.


Danzshi did not go to Megaton but towards TekVault0101 to try to discover just what was going on there. On the way he would make reports on any encounters he had, passive or active. He was a bit wild but far from stupid. He would not get into more trouble than he could handle.


Danzshi had some special tricks that had almost accidentally emerged in him. With some pain and difficulty, he could become a she but also make other simpler or harder shapeshifting transformations. That made him good as both a field agent and an infiltrator of settlements. At the moment he wanted to work alone for reasons of flexibility but he could see that this might change easily change in future. Even he liked company at times and it was good in some ways to be with other Danzclones or related clones.


The journey continued through a big old roadway tunnel partly filled with surprisingly clear clean flowing waters. Under the light of emergency fluroflats swam small fish, going with the current. A radroach scurried past and, 'sensing' no danger from Danzshi, went quite close to him.




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The real Romana and the real triplets came to the CosmosTARDIS even as Omnimodis was finally trapped and both he and the trap vanished to a very special set of time space coordinates. The cloned triplets were awakened to their real nature as gently as possible and adopted by both ProfessorCosmos and Romana, then by the real triplets as sisters. The clones Ninacos, Tinacos and Ginacos became named Ninakie, Tinakie and Ginakie.


Everything of the solar system needed a restart in its own right. The process of restoring the solar system had begun. TimeLords, StarLords and others who came to assist, they did the task with amazing speed and skill but also with care for such a great and complicated task.


The StarLords lightly punished their mavericks who had turned upon Omnimodis and the TimeMaster in the end when realizing just how insane and evil they were.


The TimeMaster somehow escaped but he had a bad habit of doing that.


The daleks were punished heavily but survived to be a menace.


It was decided that the solar system itself would need some additions, some profound changes.



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The TARDIC held whole worlds of life inside itself now and life continued there with surprising ease.


Professor Cosmos made his way casually along a broad raised walkway of smart-marble across a great Victorian style British garden park. Humans were there but also others as of those who had risen out of the depths, playing or relaxing or simply doing casual business such as buskers playing music and vendors selling a wide range of goods. A big electric aeroboat passed gracefully and slowly overhead as it brought in tourists from the big international airport. Far higher overhead passed a supersonic jet airliner, a delta winged machine of much grace with a pointy nose, its electric-jets quietly pushing it through the sky.


London was a majestic city and Greater London was a majestic supercity. Over a hundred million people dwelt in Greater London and three times that many sheltered animals. The skyline was carefully kept graceful and not too cluttered. All buildings were designed to blend in, to be artistically acceptable, environmentally and economically positive as much as was possible. Recycling was a big focus and things were built not only to last but to be upgraded or adapted in other ways.


It was far from a perfect realm but it was a good deal better than the old world had become.


Professor Cosmos passed a welfare vending-machine that would give mealpacks, drinks, snacks and other items to those with welfare or pensioner cards. A constable-android stood there to stop the vending-machine being robbed by physical force, electronic lock picking or the use of system hacking. Yes, the world was far from perfect. The constable-android wore blue fatigues and body-armour along with a tall 'bobby' helmet. 'She' carried a stungun that could shoot electric shock-darts or jets of stun-gas but the great strength and endurance to damage was the android's main 'weapons'.


The air was fresh and gently warm. The scent of thousands of flowers filled the air along with the melodies of many songbirds.


It was decided. These peoples would remain inside the TARDIC. The solar system would start again from a reverted time-space location. The interference of certain forces would be eradicated. Damage would be undone to the solar system better this way.


Professor Cosmos smiled at a young lady who came passed in a kneedress and she smiled warmly at him, mildly flirting with him in a socially acceptable fashion. In the distance, observing the garden and chatting, were the two sets of triplets, various members of Torchwood, Doctor Jekyll and some other folks. They had food and drink with them. Romana, the real one, was there and with her were some other TimeLords. Romana saw him coming and then came to meet him.



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Alphanoda, herself, a TimeLord almost as powerful as Razzlon or Omnimodis, met Professor Cosmos in a very special chamber deep 'inside' the CosmosTARDIS that less than half a dozen TimeLords ever knew existed. It was very special for Razzlon himself lay peacefully inside a sphere of energies floating inside the great domechamber of glowing translucent crystal surfaces. The air itself seemed to glow and pulse softly with light.


Except that Razzlon looked very much like Professor Cosmos and, of course, the opposite.


Alphanoda smiled in her great elaborate robes and shoulder ornamentation typical of a TimeLord. Then she spoke. "Captain Cosmos, or should I say Razzlon, would you ever tell the others the truth of your real nature?"


"Not willingly, my beloved Alphanoda." Captain Cosmos turned and smiled at her. "Except we both know that I am an avatar of Razzlon, though a powerful avatar, and do not have his power."


"Good!" Alphanoda sighed. "His power became too great. Even Razzlon himself, in all his arrogance had to face the truth. It was his arrogance and misuse of his power that led to the twisting of Omnimodis and my own entrapment in the Timespace Limbo Nexus. Perhaps that is why he did not destroy Omnimodis when he had the chance to do so but gave him a second chance despite setting the long term trap for him. Omnimodis could have chosen a more positive path but instead chose self pity and hatred. Omnimodis led himself into the trap set for him. What will you do now?"


Professor Cosmos smiled. "What I must. Help resolve issues in this solar system of these timespace coordinates, try to rescue you from Timespace Limbo Nexus and what ever else needs to be done. The TARDIC, holding the peoples of this timespace reverted solar system, is being sent to Gallefrey for safe keeping along with the other occupied TARDICs there."


Alphanoda smiled. "You have tried to rescue me before and failed, though you have made my existence easier, but I am grateful that you will try again. Yet I did not just come here to meet you and speak of such matters. I bring a warning coming from others also trapped in the Timespace Limbo Nexus. A terrible threat is emerging into the Multiverse, a threat of many threats in the form of a war between ancient, powerful enemies who existed before the first TimeLords did."


Professor Cosmos frowned. "The ChaosLords? The OrderLords?"


She nodded. "Yes but also the Dark0ne, the Emperor of the Grand Nexus, the Eternals of the Endless Abyss, the Weeping Angels and others, too many others."


Professor Cosmos sighed. "Of course, why not? Well hopefully I will have time to prepare." Then he smiled. "We will meet again soon enough in physical person, my beloved wife. Then things will be better, much better."


At that she smiled in return. "Of course, my sweet."


She vanished and he sighed again. Then he turned to the body of Razzlon. "Alphanoda is as dangerous as always, as profoundly delusional as always and I must destroy her ability to threaten the Multiverse. Yet I hope to do so in such a way that is painless, that hopefully gives her a second chance, that leads me to the one who twisted her into the monster that she is and do this before she realizes that I am not really Razzlon at all or your avatar and she realizes who and what I really am."


Razzlon smiled just a little and gave a short nod. It was enough.



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