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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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Being born was tough. There were complications in the birthing process. Mother was in pain. Father was drunk. Enemy bombers were dropping bombs on the city. Over all it was not a great start to my life. Well, it could have gone better.


Perhaps it was the pain of the birth, perhaps it was because she was not really a nice person, but mother was never good to me. Grandmother, my mother's mother, was much kinder and she was, in any real sense, my real mother. I would see my grandmother nearly every day while I was lucky if I saw my mother every month; or was that 'unlucky' if I saw my mother every month.


When I was five I caught my mother trying to steal my piggy-bank full of dollar coins that I had carefully collected to buy a children's home chemist kit with. Mother might have got away with it but grandmother showed up and kicked mother out of the house, after relieving her of other stolen goods.


I was a genius with a very high IQ. I shot ahead of other students in school and became lonely. This was partly due to my own arrogance and poor diplomacy skills. If I thought somebody was being stupid, I told them so, no matter who they were and what the circumstances were. I soon made enemies of many teachers and students. Then I earned a special scholarship to a very special school. I thought at the time that this was a great prize, a dream come true, and that things would greatly improve after that. I was nine years old at the time.


I was wrong, very wrong.


I remember the day that I saw my grandmother for the last time as she kept reassuring me that everything would be fine. The world economy was in a downturn, people were suffering heavily all around the world, and my grandmother had been running out of money. Neither my father or mother had bothered to help pay anything for my upkeep. At the time I thought nothing of the fact that grandmother signed many fancy looking documents and then took a large fancy envelope from the cold eyed businessman.


It was not until later that I realized that my beloved grandmother had sold me like one might an old car or a kitten or a cabbage one has grown in the back yard. It was about then I decided to track down grandmother and to kill her, along with my father and mother.



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With a scream of rage and agony, of the driving need to be free, I ripped the controlcap away from my head. Blood splashed all over and I collapsed to my knees in my power armour. Even as I did, another Free Alliance bomb exploded as it slammed into the ground, thrust deep enough to effect the Axis bunker. The new Alliance weapons had taken the arrogant Axis leadership by surprise as if they were the only ones who could develop super-weapons or even new improved variations of older type weapons. The Alliance were catching up with jet aircraft, with long range rockets, with helicopters and had produced some brand new innovations of their own. The bunker network-systems had been badly damaged, further weakening the controlcap's hold on my poor mind, a control that I had been working on. It was 1945AD and, though I looked to be a mature twenty or so years, I was only fourteen.


In the last five years, in a painful fashion, my growth had been accelerated and my brain capacities had been enhanced. Many others, like me, had died or gone insane, to be killed, because of the process. Others were still alive but most of them were monsters. I was not sure if I was a monster or not but I knew that I wanted to be free. I also knew that I had special powers, like a super hero or super villain. Others had been freed from their controlcaps but not me for my captors, the so called genius scientists who tortured me, they concluded I would never willingly be controlled by the Axis Central Government. The process of having me terminated had begun but the red tape loving Nazis had taken too long to confirm my termination.


I turned, picked up a metal three legged stool and used it to kill a scientist. Another scientist cried out in terror, trying to escape but then she was dead also. Both had been responsible for unspeakable crimes against people and other lifeforms. Both had been part of the project known as Virus Holocaust. Yet I killed them as much for my escape as from any desire to see a violent form of justice being carried out.


The stark metallic laboratory-workshop was a place of gleaming steel, of white walls, of a mixture of normal, odd and down right bizarre looking devices. Some looked like torture devices but it was not always the most horrible looking ones that caused the real agony to victims. A white refrigerator like machine was slanted with its door open. It was empty, the horror scanner, but it had been opened to give me some fifteen or so minutes of agony.


Now a very nasty man walked in, a tall cold eyed monster with a handsome charming set of features who wore a white labcoat speckled with fresh blood. He scowled at me, was about to question what I was doing outside of the horror scanner, when he realized my controlcap was not on my head. He froze in shock. I shoved him in the horror scanner, clamped the door closed on him, locked it, fiddled the settings for maximum nastiness and then turned it on. He stopped screaming after some minutes, I suppose, but by the time he died I was cleaned up, had grabbed as much useful gear as I could, and was gone from the room.


Thanks to the surprise bombing, and the surprise nature of the deep earth tunneling bombs, the whole bunker complex was in chaos and my escape was made much easier. Anyway I had some ideas I carried out on the way to free some others and to cause even more chaos. It worked better than I hoped, almost too well.



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So I woke to find myself floating inside a capsule, to find myself naked except for attachment areas where tubes and thinner cables were linked to my body. I floated and tried to think hard. Why was I in that capsule in zero gravity? Where was I? I could just see some other capsules, identical to mine, in which floated either naked living or dead human bodies or the skeletal remains of those who had died. A robot moved along the capsules, it seemed to be malfunctioning just a little.


There was a hole in the wall of the chamber and through the torn opening I could see the stars.


I was in a damaged spaceship or perhaps a spacestation of some kind. Was it a sleeper-ship?


My mind fell into deep sleep again.



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I took the Axis soldiers by surprise and their new kevlar body-armour, and helmets, did them no good. I killed them with speed, power and by blurring their thoughts so they could not respond in time despite that they were elite SS killers. They were not typical German soldiers. No, these were clones grown and program-conditioned, even given basic training, inside strange capsule-vats. They were stronger, faster, had more endurance than normal human soldiers but they also had some odd weaknesses; they were less flexible in thinking, less creative of mentality, suffered extra in bright hot sunlight, suffered extra from high voltage electricity and were very allergic reactive to garlic.


I carefully stabbed into their chests after they were dead, for good reasons.


Some said they were vampires because they could be killed by having a wooden stake driven into their hearts; my answer to this was it was hardly proof when anybody would die if a ruddy big wooden stake was driven into their heart.


These SS clones had no conscious and liked drinking blood milk shakes, yech. People said it was terrible that they had no conscious; my response was that, considering what people with a conscious often did in the way of evil, was there any practical difference?


I leapt over a big old metal topped bench and kicked a technician in the head, killing her. She was another capsule-vat clone but females were not used as soldiers but as techies, mechanics, secretaries etc. Some were used for sexual companionship but there was something about those clones that was yuck and made me wonder that anybody would have it so. She looked almost innocent as she lay there dead. Then she was stirring, was starting to sit up as a zombie. I stabbed her in the head, destroying her head-node, and the zombie died, falling back to the otherwise very clean floor. The Axis monsters tended to keep a very clean place of horrific torturous experimentation.


I picked up one of those new Axis autorifles, a Sturmgewehr44, and fired a volley of bullets into two more female clone techies. I kept hammering away at them until they were dead both as living clones and clone zombies. The gun was a good fighting weapon. I was impressed and now could see why the Alliance was desperately moving to make their own version of it and deploy them to front line Alliance soldiers. The Alliance version was a simplified, but still rugged, version known as the AKM16. Both the Soviets and Western forces were using the new Alliance Calibres for this and other weapons for the Axis was still going strong though the Japanese Empire had both surrendered and switched sides when they learned the Axis wished to genocide all non superhuman peoples.


In theory the Axis should have collapsed because of lack of resources, including fighting fit soldiers and workers, but strange and threatening things were happening instead.


Not that I cared for anything then but my own survival.


I released the first pain, rage ridden abomination that was once a child just like myself. From the start I could heavily influence such and ease their pain with their mind. As I released more of these poor abominations, they came to be devoted to me. I injected some with morphine to help them with their pain and one I helped her die a peaceful death. It was then, and there, that I began to realize that I was capable of more than hate and that there might be something worth fighting for other than my own survival.



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With my army of released new followers, including superhumans like myself, I led a savage assault through the base. We wreaked death, destruction and disorder. We looted what we could, even grabbing up small electric vehicles to carry us and our loot. When we reached the core of the base, we started to find that the enemy were escaping, were vanishing and taking as much loot as they could with them. They left behind themselves booby-traps and robotic attack devices. Fighting at times was savage but was always brief.


We found the indication of a big self destruct device timing down and so we began to depart in a real big hurry. I led my new found liberation army not directly outwards but downwards into what turned out to be a much older Nazi underground fortress long abandoned by the changing Axis. The place was more primitive, was dotted with old fashioned type technologies and with the decaying bodies of those betrayed by the Axis. These were all normal humans be they German soldiers, scientists, techies or others and poor slave workers. Just as the Axis of new type humans had turned upon Nazi and allied humans in other places, it had done so here. Only a relative minority of Nazi humans had been processed to be part of the new Axis. The new Nazi humans were genetically engineered elites born from normal or genned women or were clones produced from capsulevats.


When the other, more modern and evil base self-destructed, the older underground fortress stood up to the effects with surprising ease. We were temporarily trapped beneath the ground but we had plenty of resources, including big tanks of compressed air, water, and masses of preserved rations. It turned out that the betrayed Nazis had suspected coming betrayal and had hidden aside many resources. Their plans had failed as the old base was flooded with nerve gas that even gas-masks would not protect people against. The nerve gas was designed to become harmless after some hours and so was no longer a threat.


So we settled down for survival, both in the shorter and longer term.



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HerculineAfa raced to the central control console as alarms chimed and clanged through out the Transmagical Ship. It was, amazing enough, under direct attack through some kind of very powerful magical means. Yet the attack failed from the very start though the exotic quasimagical vessel shook and shuddered.


HerculineTao was at another console, was trying to identify the type of attack and to track the source of the attack but she was having trouble doing either. The attacker clearly wanted very much to hide both its identity and location. There was very good reason for this as it stopped the Transmagical Ship from launching a successful counter attack.


The transmagical transport shook again.


HerculineAfa assisted the ship to adjust its defenses to make them more effective against this attack.


Was it a full attack or just done to test the defenses of the special ancient device?


Suddenly the attack was over as quickly as it had begun in the first place but the two Herculine avatars did not fully relax. There was work to do to alter defenses in case they had been studied somehow and also to enhance them against a new attack or attacks. Somehow they had no doubt that more assaults would take place and that, if anything, they would be more lethal.



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There was no obvious threat at first. Herculine, Ninajina, along with the others, carefully examined the great hall of a temple. They found shadowy alcoves half full to nearly full of chests of treasure be that gems or ingots of precious metal or jewellery or highly prized magical items. The magical items were dark arcane stuff or necromantic or daedric thus unwanted by the newcomers. Indeed there were also large chests full of soul-gems, both normal and cursed black, that they felt were abhorrent.


Tapestries showed dark and false story scenes, a false telling of the history of the Dark Divines in which the five great fools were depicted as having been betrayed heroes of much wisdom. The melodrama of the tapestries was so overdone as to be almost laughable.


When they found the well concealed lever, Herculine first checked it for magical booby-traps and was soon glad that she had done so. Carefully removing the very powerful, dark twisted spell, she then pulled the lever. A great big floor slab, of hard stone, dropped down and then slid, grinding, to one side. It left exposed a cube shaped pit nine metres wide by nine metres deep. Inside were heaped, as if thrown there, many valuable and powerful magical items, magical tomes, other books and other items. They were all of true divine magic or of divine non magical nature. They were very different from the items found in the alcoves. It was clear that the Dark Divines, finding them of no use or even dangerous, had just hurled them into the rock pit.


It was an amazing treasure trove as far as Herculine was concerned. She gave some coinage to Ninajina as a kind of serve support payment and then gave her a divine magical knife. Ninajina was clearly pleased.


They were preparing to send the stuff, from the cube shaped pit to the Transmagical Ship, when the first attack took place.



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Necromancers in robes or armour, their mercenaries in armour with many types of weapons, shambling zombies, skeletors with swords and shields or crossbows, hulking zombiegolems, drifting wraiths and a lich that led them, powerful and ugly, perhaps once a royal prince very long ago. The undead army swarmed up the length of the great temple hall. Necromantic magic came with them like a field of deep unnatural disturbance. Herculine, Ninajina and the others began an aggressive defense, hurling magic and using projectile weapons.


The necromancers were in a strange, disturbing trance like state, as were the mercenaries. None of these were in control and yet it became evident, with a surprise, that neither was the very powerful undead lich. Herculine 'sensed' that this was the case even as she, and the others, fell back in a careful fighting retreat. As they did so, they destroyed many attackers, both undead and living. The sounds of battle rang through the great hall, which was very effective aquatically. This was no accident as it had been designed to carry the words of a high priest or priest easily to crowds of devoted followers from a big raised platform.


The fighting came to close quarters combat and it soon turned out that Ninajina, Herculine and the fighters, including clones from the Transmagical Ship, were easily able to destroy the animated skeleton like skeletors and the zombies. The necromancers and mercenaries were not much more of a threat. The lich was more of a threat except there was only one of it. Swords flashed through the air, weapons thudded against shields, sparks flew, arrows shot through the air and the fighting raged on.


Then it was over; the enemy was vanquished! Yet Herculine did not 'sense' that the threat was gone. Indeed she suspected that the first attack had been a way of testing their defenses.



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