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The raiding force of lesser daedra came swarming towards the village from where a small Oblivion Gate had materialized out of mid air. There were common dremora soldiers with daedric magical armour and weapons, scards with basic weapons and armour, scamps throwing fireballs, racing clannfears and odd dremora-human hybrids known as dremans that using less powerful magical weapons and armour than the dremora did.


Amazonis, Xena, Gabriel and RedSonja, led a small but determined force of local Militia warriors, some mages and a trio of patrolling Imperial Highway Guards, they always went in at least threes since the increase in troubles. Yet it was the four amazing heroines who smashed into the attacking daedra, who slew them with amazing speed and agility, who drove them back in surprise, scattering them. Clearly the invaders had expected no such powerful reception, had most likely expected but a few local Militia warriors and volunteers.


Amazonis shot down an arrogant, brutal dremora soldier with a burning arrow from her multiple magical composite shortbow. With amazing speed, and accuracy, she shot down a pair of dremans.


Xena's flying ring-blade slashed through the throat of one scard and then another, killing both in seconds, before the weapon returned to her.


Gabriel smashed the tip of her quarterstaff into the forehead of a clannfear, driving it backwards, and a Imperial Highway Guardsman killed it with a thrust of a longsword blade sizzling with arcane magic.


RedSonja slashed and stabbed with her magical broadsword, cutting through enemy ranks and beheading two dremora and a dreman in quick succession.


Arrows, bolts rained through the air as did magical bolts of fire from the mages. The local hunters knew well how to use their bows and some local Militia did well with crossbows.


The lesser daedra, those few who had survived the battle, turn and fled back towards the small Oblivion Gate but even as they did, small deadly arrows of wildfolk began to pick them off one by one, the pixie arrows being dipped in deadly venom, and none of the daedra made it back to the Deadlands, the Oblivion Realm of Mehrunes Dagon.



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Deep inside the great, deep underground fortress of the DarkNexus, the Grand Star0ne stirred and awoke briefly in his great command chamber, in his great command-chair and he opened quasimagical cybernetic eyes to view the great quasimagical status-table. Cyrodiil was shown as a projection of a 3D map, holographic fashion, with small moving pieces and datasymbols showing information or references to information.


The Grand Star0ne scowled and spoke. "The Emperor is dead, as are his two sons. We have failed to protect a legitimate heir as found acceptable by the Dynasty Manipulators. It is time that we taught Mehrunes Dagon a sharp, hard lesson and bring him back to reality. The Grand Daedric Princes are fools but some more so than others. This Herculine is most troubling. We seem to know so very little about her and yet she has been having a dramatic effect on critical events."


Secondary Star0ne spoke from where she was sitting cross legged on a floating metallic platform. "Another four have appeared, mysterious and powerful women fighters with quasimagical devices of great power. The four of them helped a small group of Cyrodilin humans, and two orcs, to fight off a larger group of lesser daedra with much ease. They are named Amazonis, RedSonja, Xena and Gabriel. They are spoken of on many worlds but only Amazonis appears to have been to this world before."


The Grand Star0ne picked up his large cup of camomile tea and took a small sip. Then he sighed with satisfaction before responding. "As you would know, we need to learn much more about Herculine, and her clone followers, and the newcomers; we need to do so as quickly as possible."


"It is being done!" The Secondary Star0ne smiled. "I have brought some lovely butter biscuits. I suggest we share these and more camomile tea."


The Grand Star0ne smiled back. "I am supposed to be on a diet but yes, let's do it though I must stay with but one biscuit."


But they both knew he would have at least three biscuits.



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Danzer, the professor and others worked hard on researching the U-virus. It soon became evident that its mutation into something new was not accidental but was of deliberate genetic engineering using a set of exotic, even bizarre elements, some of them so unknown as to be only guessed at. Yet such was the genius of James and the enhanced intelligence of Danzer, that soon they were able to produce a very efficient, fast working portable testing system to see if people had the U-virus.


As they continued to work hard, troubles started to increase in the republic. Unlifen, in the form of damphirs, had appeared to attack those with the U-virus be they men, women or children. Yet when the first of the undead also began to emerge from those who died with the U-virus inside them, the damphirs began to focus on fighting them. The normal military, law and security forces struggled to deal with the situation as did the emergency and medical networks.


It was the AI-supercomputer network-system that led the way to the next breakthrough being an inoculation that could be used on the minority with out the U-virus. This was soon being produced as quickly as possible.


Unexpected assistance arrived as Unity was arising inside the Republic of DC. Though wary of the DanzClones, and even more wary of the professor, Unity brought more resources to the project including experienced specialists.


Unity was on the hunt for the Shadow Puppeteer, wanting to know just what he had to do with the introduction of the U-virus into the DC-Republican population. They could not find him. He had vanished, leaving behind many of his loyal followers dismayed and even angry. Unity began to work out the truth about the strange man and his true effects on the RDC. They were soon putting together a picture that was very disturbing. The Shadow Puppeteer had been the one to have the U-virus introduced to the DC-Republican population through a series of 'free mass inoculations'. The people had welcomed the inoculations but while most of them had been genuine, three of them had been a trick to introduce the U-virus to as many people as was possible.


They found an antidote of sorts but the process of cleansing out the U-virus was a painful, even dangerous, one. They gained some volunteers and began testing the antidote at once.



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If the deathfane infection-infestation had come from a teleported probe experiment before Doomsday, was linked with a secret base in far off Alaska, how had it come to exist in the DC Wastelands? Or had this lot of infection-infestation been created through another experimental project? Information came through from the LifeVault, the one close to Metropolis City and manned by both Brotherhood of Steel and Ironsides Mercenaries people. They had sighted small hordes of undead creatures moving out in the open when there was darkness or at least dimmer light. They seemed to be coming from the north, from the direction of Alaska. The well hidden LifeVault was roughly north-west from Metropolis and the creatures passed it by. They were met, in savage battle, by mixtures of tame ghouls, humans and robots along with some cyborgs. They fought bravely, killed many of the undead, but were being overwhelmed by sheer numbers and by infestation-infections.


A gamble was taken and reinforcements of power armoured soldiers, and tough robots, were sent from the LifeVault Outpost to assist the locals. Soon the newcomers were made welcome and they also brought with them new medications better able to deal with the infection-infestation.


It seemed to be a natural decision that Danz001, Danzlena, go to LifeVault00102A along with some others. She soon became heavily involved in the operations taking place at, and from, Outpost Brother Ironside. She soon became one of the leaders of the outpost authority but was also involved in examining dead zombies and other 'samples' of undeath brought in from the Wastelands. The infection-infestation was a major threat to the whole of North America, that was soon made clear.


Danz007, Danzie, knew that the DanzClone expedition from TekVault0100 was on its way to Megaton. It would bring DanzClones, secondary clones and other resources including robots and compact electric vehicles. Preparations continued.



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The large unityfolk convoy arrived at Megaton and the Megatonfolk were not pleased about not being forewarned. Yet most Megatonfolk had to admit the unityfolk brought with them many, many resources including skilled soldiers, servitors and workers, androids, roboremotes, robots, vehicles, flexible use modular machines, portable manufactories and much much more. They came as if prepared to both be part of Megaton and to assist Megaton to enhance and augment the settlement.


Danz007 observed the unityfolk newcomers and, to his surprise, 'sensed' that they were refugees fleeing from something that they greatly feared. He wondered if it was the dark something that had been in TekVault0100. For now the unityfolk were not communicating with him and he decided to make no strong efforts to do so with them.


The Ironsides Mercenaries, and the Brotherhood of Steel, seemed okay with the changes happening. The Church of Atom was suspicious but they tended to be so of any real changes, indeed of any changes at all.


Danzie and Justine spent some time together with Moira Brown, with the living vampire children, with those from TekVault0101 and others.


A big dome garden was constructed at the bottom of the crater, designed in such a way that even the Children of Atom were pleased. People volunteered to help maintain it but when the Moriarty Family did so, only three of those were accepted, the others being out to steal valuable plants and other resources. Even some of the Moriartys were not bad people.


Sheriff Lucas Simms got some sets of cowboy stylized light power armour for himself and his people. He pretended, badly, not to be super pleased by the 'Wild Western' look to the armour, along with some new type revolver-pistols and lever-action pulseblasters.



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Led by Danz0000, the other DanzClones were leaving TekVault0100. The expedition sped along the subway tunnels away from what was now a special well hidden outpost. With the DanzClones were other clones including cyborg-clones, smart-robots and androids of different kinds. They moved in armoured autorobotic vehicles, some of them robots in their own right, bringing not only the clones but others such as peaceful rhouls, some molerats, other animals, plants including seedlings along with lots of equipment and supplies. They had started out earlier than planned because a powerful threat had been detected. That threat was very dark, very powerful, and had defeated Unity, driving unityfolk out of TekVault0100 after causing them much harm. Yet one very special clone had remained behind with many special resources including thirteen ways of escape.


The expedition sped towards Megaton but a direct route there was not possible. Too soon they would have to detour through more dangerous territory.



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Danzshi's expedition to TekVault0101 was soon to run into troubles. Packs of wild zhouls were very active, very agitated in the area he started to move through so he had to leave a big subway tunnel and find other, secondary ways to continue his journey. Too soon he was forced to make his way along a half collapsed tunnel, he could not even identify what type it had been, where many radroaches scuttled along, along with many more smaller cockroaches. Even many of the cockroaches were as large as one of his hands. There were also big yellow spiders and something like a sleeker, carnivore molerat like creature that was far deadlier than any molerat. None of these creatures went close to Danzshi except for small cockroaches and spiders that he carefully tried not to harm. The expedition continued onwards.



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The old Nazi underground base was hardly homely but it was safe because I doubted that the Axis knew about it. Then again, we could take no chances so we did what we could to make the old base more secure, using the resources we got from the more advanced base to do so along with resources found in the old base. We found emergency exit tunnels but they seem to have been blocked by the new Axis to stop the old type Nazis from escaping but then we found secret tunnels that the newer Nazis did not seem to have known about. Some of the older type Nazis had escaped. We also found other, more startling secrets in that great big underground complex.


Sipping coffee from a large metal army mug, I stood examining the alien flying-saucer that was parked in the centre of the big chamber. It was silvery coloured and glimmered softly. The UFO had been brought to the hidden base, probably with much difficulty despite its relative small size, but had not been penetrated. I stood there with a German autorifle and fleximetallic body-armour, as did others like me and some others not so much like us.


"The force-field around the saucer is active." The scientist, an unwilling servant of the New Nazis, shook his head in wonder. "I doubt very much that anybody got through to the craft itself."


I frowned softly. "We will need to do better than they did, much better."


The rations in the place, and what we had brought with us, were not great except there was plenty of good quality coffee, beer and other German drinks along with sour kraut, strange sausages and other German 'delicacies'. The Old Nazis knew how to look after themselves for there was a good collection of phonographic records, movies, art-works and other things to improve quality of life. The swimming pool chamber and the movie theatre were already quite popular. There were even some banned books and movies along with some pornography, none of which surprised me because many of the Old Nazis were nothing if not corrupt hypocrites.


There were other secrets such as a big warehouse chamber full of experimental prototypes of weapons, machines and other devices, not all of them of a military nature. Some were exotic or even down right disturbingly bizarre. We had yet to see but a small part of what was sealed up there but we had examined crates of autorifles, chainguns, enhanced rocket-grenade launchers, new medical serums, small electric folding vehicles, remote controlled robots, fleximetallic body-armour sets and strange exosuits tall and angular. There was plenty of ammo, spare parts, manuals and other items to go with these things.


There were possibilities of doing harm to the New Nazis but also of getting over confident and being destroyed after doing something stupid.


I had a strong, subtle sense that the flying-saucer was the key to our future but I had no idea how or why this was so.



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