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Thankfully, internally, the TARDIS was stable but 'outside' it tumbled crazily through time-space, following what the TimeLords of Gallefrey would call a time-space vortex. The blue police box, from the 1960s of Great Britain of the Earth, did not touch the sides of the weird wormhole like vortex. This was good because even this wondrous TimeLord designed machine might have been destroyed by such an event.


The Doctor stood at the brass, glass and wooden looking console, which was not made out of these materials at all. He took a bite of foodbar held by one hand and pressed some brass switches with his other hand as the time-space cylinder kept moving up and down, translucent and glowing softly. Even as this happened, Susan his grand-daughter was examining a big mirror like scanner screen but the mirror image was not reversed and showed not the chamber but 'outside', showed the vortex.


She spoke. "We lost those dalek timespaceships. I still say some dark, secretive force is behind the daleks, is manipulating them and providing them with resources, even if the daleks do not know it."


"I quite agree and so do many TimeLords, including those of high castes and ranks, but nobody has found any proof, any evidence." He examined a small non reversed mirror like datascreen. "What ever caused this vortex did not mean to trap us in it or so I calculate. I estimate we will be able to slip out of it very soon."


The Doctor, and Susan, had escaped from Gallefrey because the Doctor had been about to be placed under arrest for possible treason. They had stolen an antique prototype TARDIS, ancient and yet exotic being a type that had never gone into normal production. It had been stuck away in some status storage cell, long forgotten by most, and had been surprisingly easy to take. Perhaps it had been far too easy to steal. The Doctor wondered, sometimes, if he was also being manipulated just as the daleks were. The Doctor did not like this idea because he liked the idea of being free and had gotten into trouble because of his attitude, had escaped because of it. His grand-daughter had insisted on coming because they were of similar minds when it came to such things.


Then it came rushing through the vortex, following the winding tunnel, a vast timespaceship far bigger and more powerful than any of the dalek machines and of quite different design and make. The great thing seemed to scrape close to the TARDIS but this was illusion caused by the nature of the vortex. The thing was at least a kilometre long and wide, being a dark blood red metallic globe that seemed to be squashed just a little to flatten out to the sides. The Doctor had one look at the great blood red symbols on the hull and he cursed softly in the TimeLord prime language.


Susan was startled for her grandfather rarely swore. She stood in a silvery metallic skinsuit, like the one he wore, and spoke with a tone of puzzlement. "What is it?"


"Trouble with a capital 'T'. That is a TimeMaster timespaceship and it is dragging us along with it towards its destination. You know of the TimeMasters?" He tapped some brass buttons. "Upping the cloaking and defensive screening on the TARDIS. I wish I knew more about the capacity of the TARDIS right now. If the TimeMasters detect us, they will automatically attack us for they hate all TimeLords with a terrible vengeance."


She frowned. "I thought them to be only a childish mythology."


The Doctor shook his head. "Once they were TimeLords, a faction that wished to create a TimeEmpire and rule the whole Universe through time and space with an iron glove of a beneficial dictatorship. Razzlon himself destroyed their faction and exiled them into the PhantomZone, which begs the question of how they happen to be free this way."


That was when the soft, youthful, female voice spoke from many directions at once. "Can I be of assistance, Doctor Lovely?"


The Doctor sighed and Susan grinned softly. TARDIS-Mind was prototype and a little insane but otherwise very clever, very versatile.


The Doctor spoke warmly, kindly. "Can you make sure that the TimeMasters have not detected us?"


TARDIS-Mind: "No, their technologies are too primitive and blunt to find us. I suggest we be very careful. That big, mean, timespaceship has many big powerful nasty weapons."



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The escape from the vortex was sudden, surprising, and driven by the great TimeMaster timespaceship. When it vanished, with a sparkling-shimmer, somehow it dragged the TARDIS along with it but then the TARDIS was 'spat to one side' in timespace terms.


Suddenly they were materializing, were in normal timespace, were solid and resting. Susan brought up the big wall sized scanner-screen and it showed a 3D view of what looked to be a primitive junkyard. Yet it was also something of a collector's mad paradise with things stored in a preserved way. As the view changed slowly, panning around the TARDIS, they noted rows of motor cars, a double decker bus, rows of washing machines, heaps of rubber tires, some mannequins, stacked metal boxes, metal drums, a small dingy house, a garage-workshop, an old sleepy hound dog lying half inside a big old wooden dog-house, and lots of other stuff.


An old man was sleeping in a rocking chair close to where the dog slept. He had a newspaper unfolded on his lap and, on a table next to him, an empty bottle of beer, a tobacco pipe and some other such items including a fairly bulky transistor radio set.


Neither the old dog or old man noticed the three thuggish young men creeping towards them, each in leathers and denims, holding switch-blades with the steel blades extended. They were grinning and it was clear that they were up to no good. The Doctor tapped some controls and, with a sparkling shimmer, the three thugs vanished. The old man opened his eyes and looked around sleepily, curious, stood up and picked up an old, but well cared for double barreled shotgun. The old dog stirred, awoke, sniffed the air and was suddenly alertly on guard.


The old man sighed. "Aaa, you old daggy thing, you are getting a big late with the warnings." He spoke with a fondness to his voice. "Now, something has changed around here but what?" He turned and peered around, then put on a pair of glasses, wired riimmed, and peered around some more. Suddenly he saw the TARDIS, that is he saw a blue police box with a telephone in a small wooden box and designed to contain criminals or to give shelter in emergencies. "Now, where did that come from? Its normal for things to be stolen from the yard, not to be added to the old collection of mine."


The Doctor spoke. "Perhaps it is time to meet the natives of this world, the humans of this version of the Earth. Susan, please remain here and keep an eye on things. Tardisia, have you scanned the captured human thugs?"


The TARDIS-Mind spoke. "Oh, you remembered to use my name, how sweet, Doctor! They are not fully human. Their physical natures and mental states have been altered in a way that enhances their strength, speed and agility but reduces their overall lifespan greatly. I need to continue to do my studies but suggest that the input of Susan, and yourself, would be most valuable. Early conclusions indicate concerning inconsistencies; the changes found in the three young men do not correspond with the known technological development stage of humanity of this world."


The Doctor frowned. "Outside interference of the kind that hints strongly of the way that the TimeMasters would operate but one can not afford to jump to conclusions. If we were dragged here, now, because of the TimeMasters, it would make too much sense that we would encounter them, and their works, here. This is not good, not good at all."



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The Doctor stepped out of the 'blue police box' casually, as if this was a perfectly normal thing to do. He wore a thick coat against the cold of early winter, of the northern hemisphere of that world, though his TimeLord body felt the cold less than humans would. He carried a rolled up umbrella in one hand, had a small floppy hat on his head, wore casual good trousers with extra pockets and wore nice shiny black boots.


He smiled at the other old man, though the TimeLord was in fact many centuries older than the human. The Doctor had taken time for the TARDIS to give him some transforming preparations for this world and now he spoke many human languages fluently. Then he spoke. "A nice clear night! A bit cold but good enough to keep one clear headed."


The human old man frowned, looked into the Doctor's eyes, and lost his frown. "Don't know what it is but something tells me I can trust you, that I may even get to like you. Now how come you came to be in my junkyard like you did with that police box?"


The Doctor sighed. The old dog wandered up to him, tail wagging madly, and gave the TimeLord's hand a good licking. The Doctor scratched his head. "Would you please come into the 'blue police box'. Nice old dog, what is his name?"


"Rover! I have never had much imagination and it was all I could think of when his mother dog gave birth to him and the rest of the litter. All the others died off years ago. Rover is the last. Like me, he misses the others." The old man sighed again. "He does not normally take to strangers like he has to you, like you are an old friend. My rational side says to me, don't trust you but my guts says to do so. Okay, lets have a quick look inside this 'blue police box' of yours though I do not expect to see nothing but the insides of a normal 'blue police box'. By the way my name is Sam but the locals call me Old Sam because, generally, they have as much imagination as I do. That is except the kids who call me Junkyard Sam because I own this junkyard. The lack of imagination is being inherited."


The man walked into the 'blue police box' with the dog following him. There was a startled cry of surprise, Old Joe came out, walked around the TARDIS and stopped to face the Doctor. "Okay, you got me there. Is it some kind of magic? I read stories, when I was younger, about magic houses that were bigger inside than outside."


The Doctor shook his head. "Not magic, not in this Alternate Universe, but very advanced science. This is a TARDIS disguised to look like a 'blue police box'. It is bigger inside than out, very much bigger inside than out, and has other tricks. I stole it recently so there is much about it that I even do not know for it is an experimental prototype, not a standard type of TARDIS of which I would know much more about. Susan, my grand-daughter, is with me. We are TimeLords though Susan just recently graduated and I graduated a very long time ago."


The old man coughed fiercely for a moment with a handkerchief over his mouth and when he took it away, the cloth had some spots of fresh blood on it. "You couldn't give me and Rover here new bodies, could you?" The human spoke jokingly.


The Doctor smiled. "I can fix up your bodies to make you fitter, healthier and more youthful with out changing your appearances too much."


Old Joe gave a mild grin. "Go for it Doctor and in return I will tell you much of what you really need to know about London Town to truly get on here. I was not always the owner-manager of a junkyard, far from it. Most locals would be very surprised if they knew the true history of Old Joe."


So an agreement was made and later extended, refined.



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Captain Jack Harkness strode along the brick walled laneway in a big coat and boots but made surprising little sound. Then he was aiming the strange looking device at the ground. The alien unit gave a strange, soft, triple binging noise and something flashed red on it. The very handsome man put the alien scanner away and frowned softly. He spoke to the young, attractive woman who walked up to stop beside him, her name being Gwen, and she being in a denim skirt and a leather jacket. "The exotic energy patterns led us to here but here appears to be nothing but a dead end."


Gwen shook her head, holding a 9mm calibre semiautomatic pistol of standard British Army issue. It had a silencer attached. Torchwood got to use some amazing secret technologies, the best of accessible human technologies but much of what it used was general in nature. This was deliberate for reasons of secrecy. Torchwood had bases in London and other cities across Great Britain. There were even three outposts in the Republic of Ireland thanks to a secret agreement with the government there. The main base was in London itself, well hidden and much larger, more complex than most people would think possible.


She spoke. "Reliable witness statements note that superthugs have been seen, by locals, entering or leaving this laneway over a dozen times."


Jack was only in charge of his special investigations team which was made up of Gwen, Owen, Toshiko, Ianto, Stella, the Shivanta Sisters, the Brando Brothers, Tulipa and Stanwood. Others came and went as needed, from the main Torchwood population, and there was Gwen's boyfriend, Rhys, who was almost a member of the team. Gwen, Toshiko, Ianto, Stanwood and Rhys were the only humans, though even they were enhanced by alien technologies. Jack was an alien who could not die. Owen had died, was 'undead' but his condition had improved from the terrible one it had been in and he could now live more his old life as a human being. Stella was an alien-human hybrid shapeshifter. The Shivanta Sisters and Brando Brothers were clones often pretending to be, while in public, sets of identical triplets or twins. Tulipa was the product of foolish human experiments using alien technologies; Torchwood had managed to stabilize her plant-human body and her special abilities were very useful to the team. Linked with the team were others hidden in the teams home base in the city of Cardiff, Wales.


Torchwood Central had 'asked' Jack to bring a small team to London to help investigate the spreading of dangerous superdrugs of unknown nature that altered people who used them. One was turning people, mostly young men, into superthugs that the British Police were finding very hard to deal with. So much so that now Police Officers in London were issued with pistols, shotguns and even submachineguns. A special paramilitary police force was being created to help deal with the superthugs and other threats, such as the weavorks coming through the Rift with their huge mouths full of hard, sharp fangs and powered by huge jaws.


Jack was not pleased at being pulled away from Cardiff, from the site of the Rift, yet the more he was involved in this new case, the more he came to appreciate its challenges and the mystery behind it. It was a real change from dealing with rogue aliens coming down from space and things coming through the Rift or other matters he had dealt with in back in Wales. The team had analyzed samples of the superdrugs, as had Torchwood specialists in the main base, and had come up with startling conclusions. The superdrugs were not only alien in nature, they were actually a kind of unknown, bacteria sized living organism that transformed humans into something that were not quite human. Superthugs were but one of the results, depending on what superdrugs were used.


Then he noted the discrepancy, the very small way that part of the brick wall, a secret door, had failed to seal up properly. The dead end wall of the laneway was an entrance to a hidden area of some kind. Yet Harkness had a strong, subtle 'sense' of waiting danger and decided that the secret entrance was dangerous in itself or led to danger or both.


Jack spoke. "We keep mapping such places for now and come back later with more people and better gear. I suggest we leave before some superthugs show up."


So they did!



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Old Joe, and his dog, went into a healing chamber where the process of rejuvenating them began. There were great limitations, by TimeLord standards, of what could be done for them, to them, while keeping up their old appearances to a great extent, but by human standards of that time-place it was a good deal. TimeLords did not normally choose to meddle in this way but the Doctor knew he needed the cooperation of this man. Also he had quickly got to like both the dog and the man but he needed a nice 'formal' excuse for various reasons.


Old Joe had been trying to get a local movement going to deal with the rising troubles with superthugs. He had found himself gaining very strange allies from police officers to local criminals, angry housewives, radical feminists, vigilantes, bikies and a few others. The movement, the wary alliance, was surprisingly successful but then the superthugs began to attack key members of it. It was as if they were being given vital information by somebody high up in the movement and treachery was soon suspected. There was threatened fragmentation but then it was discovered that the main meeting rooms chosen by the group, were bugged by small microphones hidden in various places. The ones who found the microphones were one Jack Harness and some of his people who spoke of being 'public servants' but refused to say anything more than that except that they were attempting to deal with the superthug problem.


The upshot of this was that the three superthugs attacking Old Joe, the ones that the Doctor had dealt with, were there because of the local movement's general successes against the superthugs. Clearly they had meant to make a major strike against Old Joe and the movement. Yet there was treachery involved for the superthugs had not broken in but had used copied keys to get through three large, well made padlocks with thick steel chains and the heavy duty, good quality, lock of the heavy steel gate itself. The junkyard was well protected, Old Joe having upgraded and added to it over the years as the neighborhood slowly and steadily degraded into slums.


The Doctor set the TARDIS on security surveillance of the whole junkyard. Then he began picking up local radio and television public broadcasting, two-way radio communications and then even telephone communications. He did not like to spy on people but the situation was not a good one. The TimeLords needed to discover more about the superthugs and who, what, was behind them. Tardisia took over the role, easy for her, to do the monitoring and recording of communications; she used key word and other forms of filtering systems to try to pick out relevant data.


The Doctor walked around the junkyard, examining things carefully, and went into the house with out going into Old Joe's bedroom. He did not touch anything that seemed at all private in nature. The TimeLord had a very good 'sense' of such things that came with his long experience of life and TimeLord nature. He fixed up a big old colored television, 2D cathode ray-tube of course, and then did the same with a record player. Then he improved the performance of a big old white refrigerator, washed some dishes, mopped the floor, washed some clothes before putting them out to dry, and then went to an old storage shed, being very sealed for one. This had many stacks of old newspapers, boxes of books, bookshelves of more books, stacks of magazines, boxes of records and a good deal else.


He was still zipping through newspapers, learning a few things but mostly wondering at all the nonsense generated by human mass media, when Tardisia alerted him that somebody was coming through the front gate of the junkyard.



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  • 2 weeks later...






We woke the less malformed of the creatures in that terrible secret chamber and gave them the choice of living, with our assistance to better their lives, or to be mercifully put to death. None of them chose death except for one and even then I had it put into status until I could do something for it. The others joined the ranks of our group and they told us what they knew of their terrible times with the Super Nazis, as they called them. The unnaturally young superhumans were indeed evil, with out any form of conscious, wisdom or inhibitions. Once they had been normal humans, though geniuses, and had helped create their own doom. In the end they were calling themselves, each other, the Grand Professors. There were other such twisted Super Nazi superhumans including military commanders, soldiers, political leaders, engineers and much else. The changed Gestapo was there, was controlled by such superhumans, and was far more evil than even the old Gestapo had been.


The fate of these Super Nazis was not known by the creatures who were freed from the secret chamber. One day they had been rounded up and put into the capsules, put into suspended animation, and that was that. There had been great tension through out the base, aggressive arguments between Old Nazis and New Nazis and even some shooting. Yet the great impression was that both factions feared something else more than they did each other.


Realizing that I had no name as such, just a codename with numbers, I recalled my older name of Karl that I had had as a German youth. Or was I German? I knew my homeland, my heritage, had something big to do with Germans and Germany but what? Still, my name was Karl and perhaps my last name was Marx. Yes, I could have been one Karl Marx. Right now I was happy enough using my old first name of Karl and so others began to call me Karl or Karl the Leader.


We found a hidden storage vault full of frozen goods, the freezers were still functioning fine, and other luxury goods. Sharing out items so all could have a taste, we had champagne, wine, fine cheeses, pate, caviar, ham, veal and other food and drink. Gramophones were set up in new commonrooms along with musical records to listen to. Artworks were put on display, except for the awful Nazi ones that nobody seemed to like. There were many items officially banned by the German Nazi Party that were to be found there from books to artworks and movies. There were Nazi books, including Hitlers own work called Mein Kampf, that in English meant 'My Struggle'. There were also other documents done by Hitler, many of them chilling such as his plans for the 'final solution'. On impulse I then had all the Nazi stuff, including Hitler's works, put into a special locked storeroom that already held many old Nazi documents and other items.


Some of the others, who were more intelligent, intellectual and scholarly by nature, came to assist me in my new research project to find out more about what had been happening and how we had come to be in that place, as we were, at that time. I knew it would be a difficult task but was determined to learn much more than I did and perhaps to recover my lost, or taken, memories.



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The relationship between the deeper bunker complex and the newer one above it, turned out to be more complicated than I had first thought as had the history to go with it. There had been treachery as an elite of geniuses, and their cronies and followers, had betrayed the Old Nazis. The betrayers had ended up in the Pure Reich complex above while helping to murder off those who had been left behind. Yet they had left behind stuff in the old complex that I would have assumed they would have taken with them; had they intended to come back one day to salvage what they could? If so they had not done so for nothing had been looted in the secret chamber of horrors or elsewhere.


No, the actual story was turning out to be a mystery begging answers.


I, Karl the Leader, went seeking more answers not only to what was else in the complex, what really happened there, but for an escape from the Pure Reich. Did I dare go to the Allies for assistance? Would they take us as monsters to be exploited, to be experimented with? I had no real answers but it seemed to me at the time that only the Allies could help us, only they had the power and resources to do so. If I was to go to the Allies, I wanted to go to the Western Allies and not the Soviets. Nobody trusted the Soviets.


Secret areas became opened. More hidden stores were found including a chamber full of hidden stolen artworks from France, Poland and Holland. When I examined the Mona Lisa, perhaps the most famous painting in the world, I was stunned by what I had found. The artworks had been carefully stored away and were returned to that condition. It was at that time that some of my people accidentally found a dark secret that should not have been allowed free. Yet it began with the unexplained vanishing of three of my followers in a more isolated part of the Old Nazi complex. At first I was not informed as others assumed I was too busy to concern myself with just three missing of our people. I got angry when I found this out and made it clear I was to be informed of all such events in future, as soon as possible. Then I joined the search.


In a great garage workshop cavern, evened out and with artificial structuring added, there were carefully stored German military vehicles including a big staff car, four halftrack vehicles, four of the Volkswagen versions of the jeep, some courier motorbikes, a motorbike with a sidecar and some armoured cars and battletanks. Most of the vehicles were trucks, most of them having canvas backs though one was a lightly armoured headquarters vehicle. The missing had last been seen going towards this cavern.


The strange metallic trunk was in the back of a truck, surrounded by the long dead bodies of Nazi Stormtroopers. It had been levered open by a crowbar and the crowbar was still there. It was one that one of the three missing had carried. I shook my head at the stupidity of opening such a strange container but I had to admit that a few of my followers were not well equipped with intelligence and-or common sense. With assault-rifles, other weapons, and adjusted body-armour, a group of us tracked small splashes of blood, a gristly trail, across the big cavern chamber. I figured that the thing, what ever it was, had been just delivered by truck to the hidden underground complex, when the nerve gas had been released. It was some kind of terrible creature if it had dragged away three of my big tough followers, for the missing were strong if not smart.


Then we found the one dead follower, his body partly eaten, his face twisted in an expression of horror and agony. There were also some strange burn marks that had created small, fairly deep holes in the hard stone floor. It seemed to be some kind of acid that had been very powerful but which had become harmless fairly quickly. I crouched and carefully examined the holes. Then I was struck by a psychic vision that shocked me. The glistening black monster had a bizarre 'banana' shaped head ending in great metallic fangs inside of fangs; it was biometallic, biomechanical, in nature and had a long spinal tail ending in a great hard, sharp tip. It was about a metre and a half tall and yet I got the distinct impression it was still growing, was only young.


I scowled and sent orders for others to get some special equipment and supplies from different parts of the complex, and to hurry. Psychic glimpses had given me strong hints at the weaknesses of the monster and I intended that we would take full advantage of those weaknesses.



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The bunker complex held some very exotic resources so I was able to spray some unpleasant smelling gunk over body-armor, clothing, boots, helmets, to resist the acid-toxic blood of the alien biometallic creature. I also chose some fine prototype energy weapons and some automatic weapons along with other items that would do well against it. Yet I knew we were running out of time if we hoped to find any survivors. I feared that the most that we could do would be to save them from some kind of terrible death.


What I did not know then was that the creature was known as a hivaca hunter of the hivaca species who dwelt in bizarre, terrible hive like, hive minded communities with queens, subqueens, male winged drones, huge guards, more common soldiers, hunters, workers, special castes, larvae, eggs and even bizarre biometallic herd creatures. The creatures had been struggling to survive on their home world, where they had savage competition and prey to deal with along with a brutal environment. Then they had somehow gotten off world to become a drifting menace across the Universe. Nor did I know about the Pack Predators who seeded worlds with them so they could prove themselves, gain trophies, in terrible genocidal hunts.


Even if I had known better what I was up against, I would have gone hunting for the monster for I knew that it had to be dealt with as quickly, as efficiently, as possible or we would all be under some kind of threat.


We were soon threading through a maze of cave systems, old concrete tunnels, other spaces that were mixtures of both and odd chambers. The damned creature had moved far too quickly for my liking and had left no real traces except for valuable psychic impressions. Picking up the psychic impressions was necessary to do but far from pleasant for my poor mind. The glimpses of its mentality, that I gained, showed a creature that had no conscious, was amazingly brutal and had a strange, cunning and deadly alien intelligence.


Suddenly, with my enhanced hearing, I heard the distance and barrier muffled noises of a battle taking place. There was the sound of guns firing, of men shouting and screaming, of grenades exploding. We rushed forward to find out what was happening, wondering if the humans that I 'sensed' were fighting the alien hunter monster were going to be friendly or not. Would they be allies against the threat in that place or just one more threat to deal with?


We splashed through some murky water as the noises of battle grew louder and then suddenly ceased. Yet I 'sensed' that the humans had all survived, though at least one was wounded, and that now the monster was actually damaged.



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