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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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Captain America stood in his red and white body-armored suit and held in one hand his amazing shield and, in the other, a large pistol of exotic design. Around him were elite American soldiers from the USA with special body-armor and automatic weapons, all of them experimental prototypes. Except there were also some British Commonwealth soldiers with the same sort of gear, along with a Frenchman with the same.


Captain America frowned hard. "What are you, who are you and where do you come from?"


"I am Karl the Leader." Karl gave a half smile. "We are enemies of the Nazis, old or new types of them, and we rebelled and killed many of the new clone creatures. We escaped down into the Old Nazi complex beneath the other one of the PureReich. After we took what we could that seemed important, that we could move, the self-destruct mechanisms destroyed that other base. We took what survivors that we could but all were transformed by the evil ones in charge of that base. Some were in too much agony, were too crippled, to do anything but give them peaceful death."


Captain America nodded. "We would have infiltrated that other base ourselves, if we could have done so, but something tells me it would have been damned difficult to penetrate."


Karl nodded. "Only our taking the New Nazis by surprise, and the surprisingly small numbers of clones or altered humans there, allowed us to do what we did. That and the interesting powers that some of us have. That black creature that you wounded, it is something that came out of a strange armored box in the back of one of the German vehicles in a large chamber not far from here. I found its mind most alien, most disturbing. Yet it is only a hunter and can not breed or so I glimpsed from its mind. It is a hive entity with out any guidance from its hive. Yet we must find it soon and either terminate it or capture it to study it. I suspect termination is best. It killed at least one of my people and the other two have either been killed or have escaped. They are, or were, all tough survivors."


"Some of your people are likely to be Allied soldiers or aircrew." Captain America studied the odd creatures with me. "Is that true for any of you?"


One stepped forward, a distorted muscular humanoid, and nodded. "I was Dan Brown, a pilot of an American bomber brought down by one of the new enemy super-weapons. I am not so sure I would be accepted back in the US as anything but a freak to be experimented on and locked away from the good citizens as some kind of threat."


Captain America nodded. "Arrangements can be made for you all to become part of the Special Free Alliance Special Operations Agency, the SFASOA. We are part of its combat infiltration section. The war is pretty much over. The enemy has vanished except form those it left behind as expendable. Where the enemy went, how they got there, we have no idea except for some odd clues. The Western Allies and Soviets are moving towards Germany with impressive speed. The German people, even their elite forces, are surrendering to the Western Allies and fleeing from the Soviets so they can surrender to the Western Allies. This is despite that Stalin died under mysterious circumstances some months ago and he Soviet Government is going through reforms that would have seemed impossible not so long ago. Political, economic and social reforms towards greater democracy, the freeing up of the economy and the freeing up of the culture."


It was surprising stuff and Karl would liked to have spoken more about such issues, to have learned more, but they had a monster to deal with.



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Hunting the hivaca hunter beasty was hard for it seemed to be well evolved not just as a hunter but in being prey escaping from hunters, which said a good deal about the world that its kind had arisen on that even hivaca need to escape some times. Yet it was wounded and the drops of acid-toxic blood left behind a nice, though scattered, trail.


Karl and Captain America led the hunting party. They glimpsed the hivaca again and again only to loose it again and again. Then they had it cornered in a big metallic chamber. It attacked with mindless savagery and they gunned it down even as it managed to almost reach one of Captain America's soldiers. The thing fell backwards to the floor and burned a fairly large, shallow hole in the rocky floor of the partly artificial chamber.


The monster was dead but in dying it had led them to a very strange location, a place that was very unlike the Old Nazi underground base. It was very ancient, it 'felt' that way, with strange symbols and half columns buried partly into walls, with clever archways and distorted, terrible statues in archway entranced alcoves. These were the ancient left overs of the OldOnes, the amphibious fishy humanoids who worshiped dark gods. There was a strange, disturbing feel about the place, along with that of its great age. Then they saw the line-drawings of hivaca, of black biometallic monstrosities like the one they had just killed. Pictures showed stories of OldOnes fighting the hivaca with bizarre energy and projectile weapons, of winning the war but of the civilization, if you could use that word, becoming so weakened by the war that it collapsed.


So where had the Old Nazis gotten the hivaca hunter creature and why had they brought it to the underground base? Perhaps they did so just to study it or where they aware of that chamber and others like it that might be in the area?


"I thought they were just foolish stories of the fishing people of the area I grew up in." One of the GIs spoke. "I come from a fishing town in the USA that is fairly isolated, along with some close neighboring towns. There are stories of the OldOnes, of Cthulhu the evil god and other entities be they deities or peoples. The OldOnes were greatly evil but if they were invaded by those hivaca then they probably met their match."


Captain America frowned. "Perhaps we should let this ancient evil lie undisturbed. I say we go to the Old Nazi base and that we work out some kind of arrangements there for what we are going to do in future. The Old Nazis are no longer a threat, the PureReich has vanished, the Japanese Empire has changed sides, the war is ended. We could return later to do more investigating. I suspect there will be scientists and others wanting to explore, to research this place."


It was then that one of the missing followers of Karl stumbled into the chamber, strange burn marks on his tough hide. He came crashing to his knees, looked at Karl with an expression of relief, and spoke with difficulty. "Fish creatures, nasty smelling with horrible weapons. They came chasing me and they chased the black acid blooded beasty. That is why I escaped, for a while at least. They come and they have fishy beasts with them on four legs with big fangs, like their version of dogs." Then he fell forwards but Karl caught him before the follower could hit the cold, hard stone floor.


The man was sick with some kind of odd poison and, as they moved quickly to the base, I did my best to heal the sick one with my increasing new abilities. The sick follower did not die but full recovery took many days.



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It was a young woman who came into the junkyard. She was attractive, slimly voluptuous, in a yellow minidress with matching mid-heel boots that went to her knees and shoulderbag plus a yellow ribbon in her blonde hair. She locked the gate behind herself and walked up to the small house. She paused to look at the blue police box in surprise but then shrugged to herself as if such 'surprises' were far from abnormal in that place. Then she was halting as the Doctor stepped out of the blue police box wearing greasy coveralls and wiping a dirty spanner with a dirty handkerchief. He stopped in apparent surprise and then smiled. "Hello, you must be the granddaughter."


The young woman sighed. "One of many granddaughters thanks to grandpa's charming ways when he was younger, the dirty old man. A loveable dirty old man, that is. I suppose you are one of his homeless strays that he picks up now and then."


The Doctor smiled. "Please, call me the 'Doctor' and no I am not homeless as such. I am visiting London for a range of reasons. I really do want to visit the British Museum."


"A tourist, then." She snorted in mild disdain as if it was more habitual as a gesture than truly meant. "I suppose the blue police box is yours."


"Yes, indeed, it is!" The Doctor walked closer to the young woman. "I paid for your father to go see a specialist but he will not be back for some time, probably tomorrow. I owed him a favor, you see. Yes, a favor."


The young woman gave him an odd smile. "No need to play word games with me. Grandpa's past is his business. Womanizing was not his only secret though not much of a secret in that case. He still dares not go some places and a few men still hate him, including one of his sons."


The Doctor sighed. "In truth I was never much close to your grandfather, had very little to do with him directly. Is there anything I can do for you?"


"My name is Emily and yes, you can let me into grandfather's house. He won't mind at all." She smiled warmly at the TimeLord. "He trusts me, really he does."


The Doctor shook his head. "No, he doesn't! Now what is it that you really want?"


She frowned at him. "Some cash, of course, or something that I can sell quietly and quickly. Grandpa owes me that much, at least. He seduced my grandmother, who was married to another man, she got divorced and abandoned, I grew up in poverty because it went on for the next generation, so grandpa owes me."


"Enough of your nasty nonsense, Emily!" The attractive older woman came through the partly open gate in a knee length dress, a hat and pulling a large, bulky two wheeled shopping-cart with apparent ease. She smiled at the Doctor. "You saw through her easily enough. Normally she uses her looks to influence men, the vixen. She has caused more damage to marriages than father ever did and I should slap her for her damned lies about her childhood. Yes, I am her poor unfortunate mother. Poverty? Father, her grandfather, made sure we were well off enough. As for grandmother, not only was she not married it turned out that she really preferred women over men in more than one way."


"A lesbian, she was a lesbian." Emily snorted in annoyance but more at having her plans spoiled than that her grandmother was not heterosexual. "She still is, as far as I know."


The older woman frowned. "What do you want money for, Emily? Too often it is for something no good. Perhaps you owe money to somebody who is nastier than you are? Or is there some luxuries you want to buy?"


The younger woman scowled. "I have had enough of this... this... I am going!" She turned and walked out through the gate, was soon gone.



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Jack Harkness and Gwen sat at a local fish-chip shop looking at newspapers while waiting to be served with plates of fish, chips and very basic green salad. They already had surprisingly good tea in over sized teacups that was also very well priced. Jack was viewing headline articles on the front page of the London Daily Times that spoke of the growing superdrug problems in London but also in other parts of the world, the successful test launching of a Union American atomic rocketship, being unmanned in this case and the on going war between the French and Communists in Vietnam. Would the first manned mission into space be launched soon? Would the Vietnam War be joined by the United States of America openly sending in Union American Soldiers?


Gwen was looking at much the same headline articles on the front of the British Commonwealth Bulletin but with an added internationalist emphasis. "I don't know if I trust to those atomic rocketships much."


Jack Harkness snorted. "This world should not even have such things at this time nor those new Super Fission Power Stations or those other big atomic wonder machines that are being built. Something is not right, not right at all!"


Gwen nodded. "I respect you enough to believe you, Jack, but even Torchwood Central HQ does not seem to want to believe you. It says here that the Soviets are close to having their first test flight of an unmanned atomic rocketship. The first atomic long range submarines are being constructed by us British, the Union Americans and the Soviet Russians."


"I am not really British!" Jack opened up the newspaper. "Now, here is something worth reading, the comic strips. Peanuts, Mickey Mouse, Andy Cap and yes, a new comic strip called...." He looked up with a shock on his face. "Torchwood. Somebody has brought out a comic strip starring us. Except not all the details are accurate. I am called Colonel John Harkness and you, Gwen, are portrayed as a Black African woman. Still this is most strange. It will need to be investigated."


There was the sudden sound of gunfire coming from outside. Sitting close enough to a big shop window to look outside, both Jack and Gwen turned in time to see a savage, leathery skinned, big headed creature running along the footpath beside the shop. It was hairless, ugly and had a huge mouth filled with great big teeth. It was naked but seemed to be sexless in nature, a neuter. As it ran it growled and roared in turn, showing both fear and anger. It was a weathel, a type of creature that had been coming out of the Rift in the city of Cardiff, Wales. What was one of them doing in London and out in the open in daylight. Weathels normally hated sunshine, brightness making it difficult for them to see and causing them to be dizzy; they also preferred enclosed spaces to open ones, even if they were large enclosed spaces.


Gwen went to go after it but Jack signaled her to sit down. She gave him a puzzled look so he explained. "Too many witnesses and the Police seem to have the situation in hand. Remember the Police have been secretly dealing with the weathels in Cardiff for over five years now."


Some bobbies ran past in the distinctive blue uniforms and peaked rounded helmets. They all had revolver-pistols holstered at their sides, one had a pump-action shotgun but the other three had big electric cattleprods. High voltage electricity had more effect on weathels than it did on humans. They were ready to bring the humanoid creature down.


Jack stood up. "You stay and wait for our meals. I don't know when we will get to eat after this. I am going to use the coin telephone in the corner to telephone somebody who just might be able to give us some useful information." As he often did, Jack was clearly intending to keep the identity of his contact to himself.


By the time Jack got back, the police had knocked down the weathel with the cattleprods and had carted it off in a lightly armored police van. Police bikes, cars and vans were arriving to not only let out common bobbies but also Police Troopers in body-armor and using automatic weapons such as autorifles and autoshotguns. All carried semiautomatic pistols holstered at their sides along with smaller electric handprods. Some carried big electric shock-tridents or special throwing nets. At once the Police Troopers headed out in smaller squads and bigger platoons.


Jack did not look pleased as he sat down to his meal, the food having arrived while he was trying to get some information while trying to sound like he was having a normal conversation. "Weathels and other things have started appearing in the Tube (London Subway Network), down in some long abandoned network tunnels and stations. What ever is going down there is far from pretty. Reports speak of superthugs, weathels and strange reptilian monsters, giant spider things and big bat like creatures. HQ wants us to investigate an energy spike in the same area we have been investigating the distribution, and use of, superdrugs in; they insist this is more important than us blundering around London. Finish your meal. I am going to order some more tea. I must remember this place, the tea is very good, especially for the price."


The food turned out to be quite good also, especially for the price.



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The mature woman turned to the Doctor. "She was such a fine young woman until two years ago she... well I don't really know what happened to her."


The Doctor looked at his wristwatch, a rather exotic looking one with far too many dials or so it seemed. "What if I make you a nice cup of tea?" He looked up and smiled at the woman. "You can tell me more about your daughter, if you wish. I would like to know about the change that she went through."


The woman gave him a smile but was checking him out. Then she nodded. "Yes, that would be good! Father is not so fast to trust people so there must be something special about you. He has always been an excellent reader of character. My name is Martha. Where is my father?"


"I owed him a favor so both the dog and he are off getting special treatment. The treatments are hush hush new and I can not say much except that I am paying and he is safe. I did the same for the dog, Rover." The Doctor smiled. "Old Joe is keeping my blue police box in safe storage for me. I collect such things. Some of those superthugs came into the yard before, to attack Old Joe, but we managed to deal with them."


Martha frowned hard. "Superthugs are bad, very bad, and have something to do with superdrugs. Everybody knows it but the government doesn't seem to be doing much about it."


The Doctor shook his head. "The government is being secretive about it but, from what I can pick up, is very worried about what is happening. You may notice that the bobbies are all armed these days and that Police Troopers, the new paramilitary force, are quite common."


Martha frowned. "The newspapers are surprisingly quiet about it all, even the gutter press with their Page 3 Girls exposing themselves like they do. Emily was a Page 3 Girl for a few months, at least until she was kicked out by the newspaper for trying to cheat them. That was back, soon after, she vanished for about a month. After she vanished, she was like a whole new person, a very unlikeable person."


The Doctor led Martha into the small house. "My granddaughter, Susan, is also with me in London but she is out visiting parts of London like a scholarly tourist might. Would you like some biscuits? I went to the corner shop and bought some from that very interesting man there."


Martha sighed. "That is one way to describe Albert Arkwright! I take it that he sold you something useless, then."


"No, but he tried to do so very cleverly for a man with a noticeable stammer." The Doctor led the woman through a very short hallway and then into the moderate sized kitchen. "I convinced him to give his unhappy nephew the day off and to increase his wages along with giving Granville every Sunday off. Granville left the shop in a great hurry, almost as if he feared his uncle would change his mind once I left."


Martha looked upon the Doctor with astonishment even as she sat on an old, lightly padded wooden chair. "So, miracles can occur! A man who can out talk, can influence such as Albert. I suppose you have met our 'erstwhile' shop owner before."


"No, that was the first time." The Doctor lit the gas on a stove top and put a kettle of water onto it. "Water is still warm from the last pot of tea so it will boil soon." He began getting a larger teapot ready for making tea with, not being the smaller teapot he had used before, which was cleaned and put away. The kitchen was generally neat and tidy, quite clean, but not polished. The items in it were neither overly cheap or overly expensive but clearly chosen for reasons of practical efficiency. There was no real attempt at decoration but there were some interesting items through out the cottage, having come from many places of that world.


Martha shook her head in obvious deep surprise. "Well, wonders will never cease."



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"You say that Emily vanished for a month! Was it about the same time that the superdrugs began to make their appearance in London?" The Doctor put a cup of tea down in front of Martha along with three biscuits on a small plate. Then he sat in front of his own cup of tea and biscuits. "It might seem like an odd question."


Martha shook her head. "Not odd at all! Old Joe came up with the same sort of questions. About the same time that Emily vanished, so did at least a hundred other young people. From gossip I have been picking up, it may have been over a thousand 'taken' through out Greater London. The government hushed everything up but there have been stories of armed police, special agents and even soldiers coming into the capital. There are extra soldiers outside of Buckingham Palace and not all have fancy costumes on but look like proper modern soldiers. Also the Territorials (Army Reserves) have been busier, people being called up. The Americans seemed to be getting involved."


The Doctor took a sip of his tea and then spoke while holding the cup almost daintily. "I would suggest that Emily is addicted to a superdrug that has altered her in a fundamental fashion. Emily, the one that came into the yard today, is not the same Emily that you have known for many years. If she is after money, it may be to buy some superdrugs. Something told me, when I was near to her, that she is no longer quite humans any more than those superthugs are quite human anymore. Yet she is no superthug, lacking their overt physical aggression."


"Yes, you act just like somebody out of my father's past, being all mysterious and exotic beneath a normal exterior." Martha sighed. "I have been feeling more tiredly recently, having strange disturbing dreams and so are many people that I have been talking with. It has been happening not just in our area but... well all over London, it seems."


The Doctor, Susan and Tardisia had been gathering all kinds of data through the TARDIS including samples of air. They had found tiny traces of something that was very alien to the Terran environment. They were still trying to analyze it, to comprehend what it was. They needed better samples of the substance.


Tardisia spoke to him through a hidden network-system inside the Doctor's body. "Two humans, a youthful appearing man and a young woman, have appeared at the gate. They are entering the yard. Susan is going out to talk to them. She is in local clothes and other gear."


Doctor spoke secretly back to Tardisia. "Please ask Susan to bring the newcomers into the cottage. Are the K9s fully active yet?"


Tardisia: "K901 to K910 are now fully operational and active. I will send K901 to you at once, if you wish."


Doctor: "Please do so! Send out the other nine K9-units to start sentry and patrol duties in the junkyard."


Martha yawned and sighed. "I could do with some sleep. Perhaps a short nap in the spare bedroom, after I finish the tea."


Susan came into the room in tight blue denim jeans, boots and a Tshirt beneath a cardigan. With her came Gwen and Jack Harkness of Torchwood pretending to be a couple looking for bargains, for antiques to fix up and to resell, along with being collectors of certain items. They supposedly had heard that Old Joe had a large shed full of collectibles and possible collectibles, all carefully protected and cataloged; this was true. Susan smiled. "This is Jack and Gwen Sunshine."


Martha smiled at the newcomers. "Old Joe, my father, is away for the moment but you can deal with me. This is the 'Doctor', is an old friend of my father."


Jack Harkness smiled at the Doctor, gave him an odd smile that the TimeLord was not sure that he liked. The TimeLord got the powerful, subtle, impression that Jack Harkness had met, in his past, a 'future' Doctor. Which meant the situation could get quite complicated quite quickly. Time travel was only done under special circumstances and with great care, even by the TimeLords.


The Doctor had been through the junkyard, knew what was there, but had no desire to play games. "Susan, my granddaughter, please meet Martha. Martha and Susan, please meet Jack, who is an 'alien' just as Susan and I are, though of different kinds. Please meet Gwen who is a transformed human with enhanced physical and mental abilities. Gwen's transformation appears to come from the use of some kind of 'alien' technologies."


Martha just sighed. "Sounds like one of my father's mad stories. He and Professor Quatermass met little green men and spoke friendly with them and then they fought nasty little grey men."


Susan frowned. "Greentori and Greytori of life and antilife. The TimeLords have dealt with both, have helped destroy Greytori colonies and the infection-infestations they have caused."


Jack grimaced. "Yes, my people met the Greytori in our space expeditions from our home world." Then he smiled. "Still, my people also met the Greentori, a very nice event indeed." Then he turned to the Doctor. "You are a TimeLord and so is Susan. Is she really your granddaughter. Susan is very attractive."


Gwen shook her head and sighed. "Jack, could we please keep focused on the mission."


At that moment a quite large Alsatian dog wandered in, being K901 with a nice leather collar with a name, a registration code and the address of the junkyard. 'Banga' came in quietly and sat on his haunches next to Susan. The authentic seeming robotic dog panted, her eyes blinked and she even scratched behind her ear for a moment. Susan scratched the robotic canine on the head and got licked once.



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Emily made her way quickly along a laneway that ended, in theory, in a brick wall. A small number of dead end laneways led to secret entrances to the Secret Den of the MaskedLords, the ones who had kidnapped Emily and used superdrugs to change her, to fundamentally addict her and to enslave her to the control of the MaskedLords. Her body ached for the sensuous, sexual and other pleasure highs of the type of superdrug they used on her, as opposed to the kind they used on the superthugs, the superbrains and the others. She served the MaskedLords as a thief, a courier, a spy, a prostitute and much else that was needed of her. Emily hated the MaskedLords but even more she hated the idea of not having her next dose of Superdrug03a1.


That laneway did not lead to a secret entrance at the end of the laneway. The end of the laneway was a false secret entrance leading to a trap that could easily be turned into a deathtrap. High overhead flew an old type prop driven airliner of a kind that was being slowly and steadily phased out of service. Tourism to London had suffered since the crisis had begun but people still came in large numbers, including tourists. It was said some tourists came because of the strange stories arising about, and from, the big metropolis. Emily considered such people to be quite stupid.


She stopped in front of a panel in one lane wall, behind it being a normal looking brick double level apartment building of a kind recently built for the poorer masses of London. She rapped three times, paused, then wrapped twice. After a moment, she 'sensed' herself being closely observed, the panel slid back and to one side. Knowing it would not remain open for long, that she had to move quick for her own safety, she rushed through the opening. One other superdruggie puppet had lost his left foot when he was too slow getting through and from then on had to use one horrible foot thing melded onto the end of his left leg.


It was a normal apartment inside and there was a pretend poor family there. An old man came into the room, it was made out to look like a bedroom, and frowned at her hard. He was not a druggie puppet but was a genuine follower of the MaskedLords, being one of those that Emily considered also to be idiots. The followers were called the MaskedOnes.


The man spoke. "The MaskedLord Prime03 has been expecting your return. I hope you have either the artifact or some useful information, for you sakes."


Emily frowned. "I have no artifact for there is a stranger living in the junkyard now, a stranger whom I 'sense' is far more than he appears to be. He has come with a blue police box that is now close to my grandfather's cottage. Old Joe, was supposedly gone for some kind of healing at some kind of clinic, and the same was true for his dog. Or so the stranger said who called himself the 'Doctor'. My mother, Martha, also arrived at the junkyard soon after I did. Between her and the Doctor, it was made impossible to get into the cottage. The superthug attack on Old Joe, and his mutt, failed somehow. I saw no sign of the superthugs."


"That is important information." The MaskedOne frowned but not as hard as he had been. "You have earned your next dose of superdrug and most likely other rewards along with your basic salary. Go down ramp and get food, a shower and some sleep while you can. Something tells me that the MaskedLord Prime03 will want to talk to you before too long."


He slapped her bum but the gesture was more out of habit than desire. She went through a secret door, into a small secret room, down through a secret hatch and down a safety-ladder. The MaskedLords were security conscious to the point of being paranoid but perhaps they needed to be. Emily did not care! She would have betrayed them in a second if she could have either ended her addiction or gained her own reliable supply of the same; either seemed impossible. There was a large set of basement type chambers used to serve puppet people like herself. One was a dining room served with a short menu of basic food and drink. At least the tea was good and it was all free though not given in overly generous amounts. Emily ate some mashed potato, two beef sausages, some semiraw carrot and two small, slightly stale, buttered bread rolls. With it she had a big cup of tea with a splash of milk and one sugar cube.


As she sat there, two big muscular superhulks, slow powerful superdrug transformed men, hauled a body-bagged corpse of a superdruggie who had suffered some kind of terrible side effect from the superdrug he was superaddicted to. Emily took one look, guessed she would learn the details with later gossip, and went back to her meal. Soon she would shower in a shared area with both men and women. Then she would use an empty bunk bed as used by all. The superaddicted of the common kind, her kind, only had one metal locker each and one locked safe space in another room.



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Sorry, this was double posted and the next post is better edited! Edited by Maharg67
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