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I, Ella12321, and the supersoldier DaveAlpha012, went further into the Abandoned Zone of the Perfect City. Now we knew that we faced the terrible power of something called the Perfect Nightmare. The monster had been killing and hurting muties, along with others, dwelling in that place. It was linked with the Perfect Dreamer. We found that muties, humans and other entities had been gathering in bigger settlements, forming wary alliances, for mutual protection against this and other threats. Yes, there were other threats for the Perfect Exterminators were busy in packs of deadly cyborgs.


Supersoldiers had also been glimpsed, being controlled by the Perfect Awakened. DaveAlpha012 knew many free minded supersoldiers had escaped from the Perfect Palace, being outwardly a graceful beauty but inside a monstrous fortress. He did not know where they had gone and had been unable to contact them in any way, including by any psychic means.


I was not sure why I was doing what I was doing. What did come to me was that it 'felt', that it 'seemed' somehow the right thing to do. We rebels had been doing poorly against the very strange, oppressive rule of the Perfect Dreamer. We did not even fully understand the real nature of the Perfect Dreamer. What was he, who was he, just where was he in the great Perfect Palace? The rebel network had learned that the Perfect Dreamer was a male but were not even certain that was true. DaveAlpha012 could not do much to help except that he had heard of something called the Perfect Sleepers who somehow supported the Perfect Dreamer. The Perfect Dreamer was protected by the Perfect Guardians of great power and menacing nature.


As we went deeper into the Abandoned Zone, the two of us came upon signs of abandoned outcast settlements, of mutie places and other former habitations. I, Ella12321, could 'sense' threat, as could DaveAlpha012, but if anything in turn 'sensed' us it did not approach the pair of us. Perhaps we were being stalked but if so it was by an entity of amazing ability. Days went by as the supersoldier, and I, traveled deeper into the Abandoned Zone.



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I, Ella12321, and the supersoldier DaveAlpha012, encountered the first signs of the strange invaders who were like distorted Nazi Germans. The cyborgs had come through from something that had left a big burn patch across part of a wall and floor, roughly disk shaped. Much energy had been active there for a moment. A dead cyborg, a chunky armored humanoid, lay on its back close to a wall with a swastika symbol with a serpent-dragon wrapped around its edges. The cyborg had been stripped of much, including parts, leaving only little more than the 'chassis' and skeletal remains behind. DaveAlpha012 had spoken of fighting such human-cyborgs but also engineer mutated created monsters like serpent-dragons, beast-cyborgs and shadowy things that seemed to only part exist, that could possess some people under certain conditions. A PerfectLord had led the campaign with PerfectOnes leading different subgroups such as fighting brigades and service-support brigades along with one research-archival brigade.


We left the dead cyborg-soldier behind and kept moving onwards through the Undercity. The supersoldier was unable to tell me if the invaders had been successful in their invasion, for sure, but it did not seem that they had been. Instead they appeared to have gone through to yet another world of some kind, using the Perfect Metropolis as a staging area. DaveAlpha012 even suspected that some kind of deal was made to allow the intruders to enter and leave the Undercity with out further battle so that soon they were gone though there had been many of them.


"The Perfect Dreamer supposedly dreams the Perfect Dream that make us all happy and lead us to true fulfillment but I have seen no evidence of it." The supersoldier spoke as we went deeper into the darker depths of the Undercity, away from any of the better known inhabited areas. "You rebels at least are aware of that much."


"We rebels are having a hard time of it." I admitted yet again. "We lack every kind of vital resource that you could mention. As for going up against the Perfect Nightmare, I do not know how we could begin to do such a thing. We need allies and perhaps we can find them on the world that those strange Nazis came from? Perhaps they were driven from there by enemies and the enemies of our enemies could become allies. It is a vain hope perhaps but better than no hope at all. I do not know why the idea has risen so strongly with me."


In truth there was not much that I did not or was sure of. Why was I in that terrible place facing great danger with only one supersoldier as a companion."


Which was when we met a large, loose detachment of supersoldiers and other superfolk including workers, specialists and even animals and camp followers. There were over a hundred of them seeking safety from the Perfect Dreamer and the Perfect Nightmare. At first they were mostly wary of me but soon I was offering rebel assistance and alliance with their people; it was an alliance that both sides needed badly. We kept moving quickly, quietly as possible and I carried a infant boy in a special harness.


It was then that I first learned of what the superfolk called the Flickering Gateway that seemed to lead to another world, the very world that the Perfect Reich Nazis had come from. Problem was that the Flickering Gateway was deep inside a dangerous area and not just because of the Perfect Nightmare. There were savage muties, former citizen rogues, PerfectOnes as monstrous cyborgs and too many others including the environment itself. It was so bad that it was forbidden for normal military or paramilitary forces of the Perfect State to go there.



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Why we were going into an extremely dangerous area, I was not sure but it seemed like it needed to be done. I, Ella12321, and the supersoldier named DaveAlpha012, were going to try find the so called 'Flickering Gateway' and yet I also had the strong, subtle, feeling that there was more to seek in that place than just the gateway.


I had managed brief empathic-telepathic contact with some other rebels and had passed on the information that I could. In turn I learned that the Perfect Awakened was driving a big purge against not only rebels but others in the Perfect Metropolis; this purge was not so effective in the Undercity for many understandable reasons. The rebel factions were gone to ground, as were organized crime networks, renegade artists and many others. None seemed to know why the Perfect Awakened had begun the purge but it was accepted that the true instigator of such would have to be the Perfect Dreamer.


As we went deeper into the sector, we came upon signs of wererat activity, the rat version of werewolves, who could become tough wiry humans, nasty rat-humanoids or even nastier giant rats. These, and other creatures, were said to be products of the Perfect Sleeper's nightmares that were not to be confused with the Perfect Nightmare itself. Yet even wererats, by the clues we found, seemed to be leaving the area in large groups for mutual protection. Normally wererats preferred to keep to smaller packs so this was no small thing. When we found proof that wererats and goblins were working together, we were deeply surprised. They were traditional enemies of each other and only extreme circumstances would have them working together.


The tunnels and chambers were sometimes more medieval in layout and appearance, sometimes more fantastic and sometimes more modern, more mundane with such as concrete and steel alloys. Yet the 'sense' of decay, of oppression, of isolation, grew stronger the further into the sector we went.


When the NightmareThing attacked us it came crashing out of sewerage brown water, which held no actual sewerage, and leapt towards us with huge fangs bared and great extended claws. Its eyes gleamed with amazing hatred and terror that drove incredible aggression. We both whirled and shot it out of the air at the same time, slamming it with powerfully destructive pulses of energy. The thing screamed in rage and agony, but also in relief, as it vanished away. At its core the creature had not wanted to exist as it was, had been forced to do so.


'Sensing' other NightmareThings approaching us, we began to run lightly along a big metal catwalk beneath cheap but durable lights that gave out moderate levels of illumination. As we ran we ran past a big metal sign that read, in Russian, UNDERGROUND SERVICE HYGIENE TUNNEL DD-098A11. I wondered how such a sign, more a thing of a human city than anything created by the Perfect Sleeper, had ended up there. Yet more surprises were to come for suddenly we were entering a great chamber of massive columns with archways between them, of great open spaces between the columns, and throngs of people. They were Russian urban commuters in furs and other warm gear. They were going to or from big silvery monorail trains. They were all translucent, ghost like, and did not seem to really exist at all. Were they some kind of memories or projections of the Perfect Sleeper? I had no real solid answers!


The frail looking old man came out of the crowds, he not being translucent but fully visible, in his heavy fur coat and a big wolf companion showing some grey hairs. He was dusky white of skin with pale grey hair, including a small busy beard that badly needed a trim, and large piercing eyes of pale blue. He used a heavy wooden walking-stick and yet I got the strong, subtle, impression that he was far stronger than he looked. DaveAlpha012 seemed wary as if the supersoldier also 'sensed' something of the truth. Yet I had no 'sense' of danger.


The frail looking old man smiled warmly. "Brave, very brave, but foolish for you to come here at this time but necessary. So I will help you as much as I can, as much as I am allowed to. There are laws to obey, even for such as myself, that we can bend a little but never break. You may call me Old Sam Beckett or just Old Sam. You are safe here! The NightmareThings or worse, the NightmareOnes, will not come into this chamber for various reasons. Now please follow me to my humble abode where we will be even safer and we can have a nice cup of hot coffee, a warm snack and do some talking."


So we followed him, just like that.



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  • 2 weeks later...





A brief explosion of reality, burning bright, lying in a fancy hospital bed with nurses ready to attend me. The nurses were in white minidresses, zips down the front, attractive and young but they were actually androids. It was an expensive private hospital floating in low orbit around the Earth, inside a big quad wheel space station, two wheels spinning clockwise and two wheels spinning counter-clockwise.


Yes, reality, with a nurse bending over to show off smooth, warm cleavage. I sighed and wished I was less tired and could appreciate such things more. Around me the sterile white chamber was largely bare despite some furniture, fittings, decorations, the advanced medical hitech and the four android nurses. The nurses were designed to be cute and sexy, one being oriental, one being a blonde white, one being red brown and one being white with red hair.


Who had ordered, paid for, such expensive services? Why was I up there, in low orbit?


Just what was I suffering from?


I smiled at the android nurses and then, closing my eyes, went back to sleep.



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I, Karl the Leader, welcomed our new allies to our underground base complex. Captain America was eager to see what information we had on the Old Nazis and Pure Reich Nazis. I gave him access to the records we had placed into a big chamber but warned him it was largely in a mess. Still he seemed to get a great deal from what was there as he went through the various files of pages, photos and other data. We sat watching some movies, black-white, of horrible experiments, of officers showing off strange inventions of machines but then there was one that took our interest more.


The longer film showed elite German SS Soldiers moving through an old European forest and with them some small tracked machines pulling trailers of equipment. Then the camera view was shifting, was showing the crashed grey flying-saucers, half buried into the ground. Dead aliens, little grey men, lay in strange silvery spacesuits and transparent bubble-helmets. German scientists were examining them while technicians, and other workers, set up equipment. There were other movie cameras being used along with cameras and some artists were doing sketches. More soldiers kept coming until the area was quite busy.


Then there was some excited activity as an alien slowly stood up and looked around at the humans with big, slanted black eyes. There was something coldly unnatural and disturbing about the alien creature. Then it pulled out a bulky looking raygun, a kind of energy pistol, with amazing speed and shot a German soldier. The whole soldier, including his prototype assault-rifle, glowed and then vanished away to leave only a roughly circular shaped burn mark on the ground. Four SS Stormtroopers raised their assault-rifles and riddled the creature with bullets, exploding holes through it and its spacesuit. The thing died, falling to the ground, but as it writhed horribly a strange grey-green gas jetted from the holes in the suit.


The grey-green gas struck some of the Germans and the men, soldiers or workers or scientists, began to choke and to clutch their throats. Others rapidly withdrew and gas-masks were hurriedly issued. Those that chocked, died and lay still for a length of time but then they began to shamble to their feet even as their bodies visibly changed, as their skin thickened, as hair fell out, fingernails grew into claws that sometimes stabbed through gloves. Teeth became fangs and the creatures hissed and made other horrific inhuman sounds. One charged at the gas-mask wearing others and a volley of bullets exploded into its chest and head, killing it at once. The body collapsed to the ground and writhed a short while before become still.


The movie came to an end, the reel having run out.


Karl sighed. "So far we have found no more information of the incident. There are many boxes of files, boxes of loose sheets, boxes of photographs, even boxes of slides and movie reels along with a great deal else. Some of my people are doing their best to sort things out but not many of my people are suited to such work."


I did not have to state the obvious, that the general intelligence level of my people was not very high. Many had lost the ability to read and write. Many were also too erratic, too poorly disciplined, to do such work.


Captain America nodded. "There was a civil war in Germany between older factions and the Pure Reich. The Pure Reich vanished, the Old Nazis were destroyed and then Germany surrendered to the West while conceding about a third of Eastern Germany to the Soviets to appease them. Yet the fighting is not done up there on the surface. There are swarms of monsters and sometimes a bitten person becomes a monster. Some are immune but are carriers. Few are immune but are not carriers. I came here to try to find information that might help us to better understand what is going on and how to deal with the plague and the plague-monsters."


I frowned softly, feeling concern suddenly for myself and my people. "We will not become circus acts or experimental subjects for the Western Alliance or the Soviets. We will have our freedom."


Captain America nodded. "I myself was transformed during an experimental process. I am seen as a monster, a freak, by many people. I promise that I will do my best for you and your people, even if it means going against the orders of the US Government and Military. Your people have clearly been through enough. There are people who may be able to assist you. They run Sanctuaries for those who are different, for those like you and like myself. They are known as the Sanctuaries Network. The nearest Sanctuary is hidden fairly close to here, an emergency Sanctuary because the main one, linked to it, was destroyed when Dresden was fire bombed by the British."


I considered the options and then I nodded. "Yes, we will try to reach the Sanctuary that you speak of."


So the deal was done.



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Jack Harkness and Gwen departed out into London again, seeking more information, and with them went Susan.


The Doctor gained some samples of superdrugs from Jack Harkness, small amounts but enough for him to work on well with his TimeLord instrumentalities. It was soon confirmed that the superdrugs did not originate on that world, that the sciences behind them were far too advanced and that some ingredients were very alien to that world. From what Jack had said, it was as if some force was using the superdrugs to enslave humans; the enslaved humans would then gather resources and do other tricks for their very secretive masters or master?


Old Joe, and his doggy companion, emerged from the TARDIS much healthier and fitter, more youthful, than they had been. Old Joe met with Martha and made arrangements for his daughter to move into the junkyard cottage. Martha's house was in an area where the superthugs had been causing much trouble and the other houses had become abandoned and locked up. Only the police and soldiers seemed to be busy in the area except for the superthugs. Normal criminals feared the superthugs and kept away even with all of the houses that could be stolen from.


The Doctor knew of the weathels, the big mouthed humanoids with their big strong jaws and many big, hard, sharp teeth. As for the reptilian, spider and bat like monsters, he needed more data to make any accurate deductions to what world that they came from. Torchwood guessed that were coming through the Rift and the Doctor had no good reason to doubt the idea. He decided that he needed to go down into the London Undercity, into the networks of sewer tunnels, underground train tunnels and other kinds.


Old Joe went off with Martha, in his aged but well cared for Morris Van, to pick up some of her stuff and to help her lock up the house. She had an old cat but it got on well enough with Rover, they basically ignored each other, and would do much the same with the K9 robotic dogs. Old Joe had a fairly good supply of petrol since he only drove the van about once a fortnight. He used it more often to help others than to help himself. The Doctor provided him with two extra jerrycans of petrol, which pleased Old Joe for the stuff was getting difficult to obtain in London.


The Doctor did another check on the security of the junkyard and improved it even more, making sure that it would be difficult for anybody, or anything, to get into the junkyard from below.


Jack and Gwen returned, along with other Torchwood people. There were the main team but also Torchwood Auxiliaries such as some techs, security guards, a medic and even a caretaker. The five, highly trained, security guards wore body-armor and carried submachineguns and semiautomatic pistols, trying not to be seen when the gates to the junkyard were opened. All of the Torchwood Auxiliaries were some kind of cloned humans, were enhanced and augmented with some cybernetics. Almost at once they got on quite well with the K9 robot dogs.


British SAS (Special Air Service) Soldiers had gone down into the London Undercity, had gone in well armed platoons, and the elite soldiers had skirmished with superthugs, weathels and other threats. The SAS Detachment had been ordered to work with Torchwood, which was something they had done before. There was also UNSIT, the United Nations Security Intelligence Taskforce, who were international in nature. There was the Fringe Division based in the USA, that was linked with Homeland Security, the FBI and the CIA. Other Special Forces were moving units into London including American SEALs and French Foreign Legionaries.


When a grubby, dirty, exhausted SAS Platoon showed up, they did so with two wounded soldiers, two strange bodies somehow squeezed into human body-bags, and some some very interesting information. They came up through a man hole cover to be greeted by clone security guards and K9 robots. The Doctor was soon surprised, and very concerned, by what he found in the body-bags.



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Susan, Jack and Gwen took some special equipment and there was Susan's special abilities as a TimeLord. They noted that civilians were leaving the area, often with government assistance, except for some who did not want to go and some in special services. The latter were often being shifted to smaller, well protected blocks. Looters were generally not a problem because of the superthugs but the superthugs did some looting themselves. Weathels, that did not normally come up to the surface or in the daytime, were becoming more troublesome.


The civil police were leaving the area slowly and the military were steadily taking over. Regular Army, Territorials, British SAS, Australian SAS and UNSIT Soldiers were more commonly seen. Armored cars, wheel troop carriers, trucks and even tracked warmachines, were more common.


Jack got them passed patrols and checkpoints by flashing a special authorization badge. Yet it was a scene where vehicles had come to cluster together, including three ambulances, that drew them. They got passed the cordon with soldiers in body-armor and with FN-FAL SLRs (big powerful automatic guns known as Self Loading Rifles). The murder scene was horrific with much blood. It was a laneway and an open gate, a gateway and part of a work yard. Something big and fast had torn apart four local men and a large guard dog. The men, who had been identified with some difficulty thanks to fingerprints on record, were local criminal thugs. They had been armed with shotguns, revolver pistols and a semiautomatic pistol. Only a few shots had been fired off as if the victims had hardly had a time to react much before they were all dead. The dog had been killed, according to the evidence, trying to escape through the open gateway.


What was it that had attacked? Jack, Gwen and Susan examined the bodies. Of them Susan was the least disturbed. She also quickly picked up that the monster was a distorted human, a transformed monster that had once been human. Yet it was Jack Harkness who thought of a possible identity for the monster and who did not like what he guessed.


Jack spoke, with a frown. "Doctor Jekyll was his name and he misused science, along with an element found in strange plants from a very isolated part of the Amazon Rainforests, to create a serum that turned him into a monster that came to be known as Mr Hyde. Torchwood dealt with the case, with some special assistance, and Doctor Jekyll ended up in a special secret prison, in a quite luxurious cell, hidden on one of the English Channel Islands. We tracked down the source of those plants in the Amazon Rainforest and found they had come from a crashed 'flying-saucer'. The same plants have since been carefully controlled but have led to some important medical breakthroughs such a regenerative medicines, anticancer treatments and even limited longevity treatments known as rejuvenation treatments."


TimeLord Susan frowned. "Medicines perhaps not meant to be used by a species as basically destruct, self destructive and selfish as this one is. Question is, what else is it secretly being used for? Could it have something to do with the superthugs and with what has happened with Emily and other young adults who vanished? What of this monster? Is it another Mr Hyde or something worse? I would like access to all Torchwood Files."


Jack Harkness sighed. "I will do my best to convince Torchwood HQ but they tend to like their dark little secrets kept strictly to as few people as possible."


They, and some well armed soldiers in body-armor, searched the property. Army dogs kept alert for danger and helped find clues. They found the basement laboratory workshop where thug criminals had been studying samples of the superthug drugs and had been trying to copy them. A dead chemist, and two assistants, were in the big basement along with two dead thugs who had been guarding them. The scientist was a known criminal, as were the others, who normally helped to process illegal drugs for organized crime. The big monster had come up through a manhole from the sewer tunnels and had attacked before vanishing the same way. There was no point in trying to track such a beast in the huge network of the London Sewer Tunnels.



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The Silver Beatles were playing live at a local amphitheater, being Paul, John, Ringo, Mike, Stella and Liz. The posters were plastered even in places where they were legally not supposed to be placed. In one of the safer, Green Zones, of London the man walked quickly, effortlessly along footpaths past shops, commercial offices and other establishments. He was of the TimeMasters, was a TimeMaster Initiate of an infiltrator. Now he was doing some trouble shooting for his angry overlords. TimeMaster traitors had escaped and taken with them highly valuable resources. They had set up in that city, of that world, and had started experimenting with superdrugs. The traitors had been clumsy and had drawn attention to themselves, which was something that the TimeMasters would never have done.


Harold came to a small, meek, discrete looking bookshop tucked away between a big fancy record shop and a fancy women's clothing boutique. He slipped in through the door and then was in a real vintage and collectors' bookshop selling not just older books and special editions but other exotica in print. It was also known, unofficially of course, that the shop sold under the counter pornography, fanatical political and other publications of the kind legally banned. So, along with the large majority of more typical customers, there were buyers of the illegal stuff from terrorists to gangsters and those with dark addictions.


Harold picked up some rare books, of the sort that he both typically bought and actually enjoyed reading, then took his stuff up to the counter. He smiled at the young woman behind the counter, in her minidress and matching high-heels. She smiled warmly at him but her eyes remained hard, somehow. She was another servant of the TimeMasters, as were others there, and the bookshop was a TimeMaster outpost. In her case she was but a clone, though a very sophisticated and dangerous cyborg-clone. They chatted but said nothing much. She processed the sale but when he left the shop, in his bags were three items that he had not openly paid for.


In a small, moderate quality, apartment that was his official home, Harold put the bought books and comic-books to one side, then carefully placed the other three items on the kitchen-dining table in front of himself. His official girlfriend, Nancy, was making some coffee and toasted sandwiches. She was another cyborg-clone and also dangerous. Most of the top floor apartment was genuinely human but some relatively small features had been altered. The television antennae was far from being just that but still kept good television reception. A small upright piano hid some surprises and yet played as a normal piano would.


Item one was a small resupply package. It had new ammo in the form of 9mm calibre pistol bullets, loose, in a box, some bottles of vitamin mineral pills, and a few other useful items. As much as possible, as was efficient, the TimeMaster infiltrators used local technologies.


Item two was a very compact multiple function advanced device that was in the form of a basic silvery bracelet. Harold was surprised. The device was one that he would only be issued with in case there was special need for it housed some TimeMaster secrets inside it. That it would be given to a mere Initiate like himself, well that meant a great deal. He slipped bracelet onto his right wrist, leaving the left wrist free for the wristwatch that was not just a wristwatch. A short, sharp jab of pain went through him as the device melded to his body and linked itself to his brain.


Item three explained the situation, in a round about way. It was a neat stack of large, colored, 2Dphotos of local type and of relatively good quality. They showed views of Torchwood Agents Jack Harkness and Gwen but also a young woman whom had not appeared before. Harold focused on this woman because he had already gained other photos of the Torchwood Agents. He studied her features carefully and then he frowned. There was something familiar about them. Then he knew and he was not pleased. They were features of the last known, documented, regeneration of the Doctor, the TimeLord who was a strong possible threat. With great difficulty, and a spending of valuable resources, the TimeMasters had placed one infiltrator into the TimeCitadel of the TimeLords. They knew that it was only a matter of a short time before the infiltrator was caught.


Not just a TimeLord but perhaps more than one TimeLord and they were on the target world where the TimeMasters had decided to set up their future base for a great timespace empire. Now that plan was at possible risk and, with it, the wasting of many valuable resources. The TimeMaster Command Council would be far from pleased about this new development. Harold was as concerned about what they might do next as he was about the TimeLordly appearance and the activities of the traitors.



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Weavorks and weathels were coming through the rift, both being humanoids with huge mouths full of great teeth but weavorks were bigger, stronger while weathels were weaker but faster and more agile. Weavorks lumbered along too quickly, each a third again bigger than an average human adult. Some of both were coming along the big sewerage tunnel of red brickwork, recently repaired and upgraded for security reasons as much as because the tunnels needed working on.


The British SAS Soldiers were fighting alongside British Commandos, Australian SAS Soldiers, New Zealand SAS Soldiers and American SEALs. It was a large taskforce for such a search and destroy mission, being five platoons plus special support elements. Nobody seemed to know why so many rift-monsters were showing up in the London Sewer Tunnels and other underground areas.


Along with weavorks and weathels, there were reports of strange reptilian monsters, giant spider things and big bat like creatures. Not just reports of dubious nature but from workers, police and even soldiers who had dealt with them. So far the wounded had shown no dangerous infections but all were taken to the one heavily secured underground hospital anyway.


Shots rang out as soldiers crouched in a well placed defensive line, picking off weathels that came racing towards them, howling with rage. Specialists tried shooting them with tranquilizer darts, if given a chance, but were not always given one. A weathel normally took at least two darts to knock them out, a weavork at four darts.


The screaming howl of a bat monster came echoing through the tunnels. An American SEAL cursed softly and got frowned at by his sergeant though most their felt like doing the same. None of them had been trained to deal with that kind of threat and their fighting experience had not exactly prepared them for such battles.


Big bulky FN-FALs fired along with other automatic weapons like American assault-carbines. A fragmentation hand-grenade exploded in another tunnel. Something screamed out in alien agony. Then a soldier screamed, a noise that was far too quickly cut off. Sometimes the big, amphibious, reptilian monsters came lunging out of the flowing channels of sewerage water. An 40mm calibre grenadeshell exploded in that other tunnel.


The fighting went on but with what result? The monsters were harder to kill than humans and they were coming in increasing numbers.



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