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Quest properties on restart

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According to this:



if I were to restart the MCM quest for my mod, any script properties for that quest would be reset, but if I updated the script with new properties I would need to restart the quest in order to access the new properties? Is this true if the new properties are set in the script as 'hidden' and therefore do not show up in the CK?



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As usual I'm wrong! I can't restart an MCM quest because of course they are star game enabled:)

New properties in the script however show up hidden or otherwise, bu tany new aliases of course are not filled. Which with a quest that doesn't already have a player alias attached leads me to a circle.

If the playeralias was filled I could use the OnPlayerLoadGame() event to fill aliases? But how to fill the player alias:)

I've found that if I attach a new script the quest then an OnInit event seems to fire for it. Is this a reasonable way to then fill some new aliases or this not a good way? Figured I'd fill the playeralias then in future the OnplayerLoadgame event can be used for more changes.



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