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Hey I want to install the "Theives Arsenal" mod and I need OBSE.


1. Were do I get OBSE

2. How do I use OBSE in conjuction with the mod.

3. Do I have to launch Oblivion through OBSE?

4. what in the world is OBSE lol.




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Hey I want to install the "Theives Arsenal" mod and I need OBSE.


1. Were do I get OBSE

2. How do I use OBSE in conjuction with the mod.

3. Do I have to launch Oblivion through OBSE?

4. what in the world is OBSE lol.




OBSE, Oblivin Script Extender.

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If I may elaborate OBSE adds a plethora of new scripting functions and commands that can be used to completely alter the nature of Oblivion. For example, with OBSE unconciousness, TRUE unconciousness is possible (something you will see in Thief's Arsenal), levitation, fortified jumping, teleportation, and many more startling capabilities are unleashed. OBSE is perhaps the greatest thing to happen to Oblivion modding, not to say that non-OBSE mods are any less fantastic or anything but scripts are arguably the most powerful tool available to modders and OBSE amplifies that power ten-fold I would highly suggest the d/l Thief's Arsenal alone makes up for the d/l and install, Deadly Reflexes (UBERLY IMPRESSIVE!) and Supreme Magicka make OBSE all the more worthwhile, and I'd say wthin the next year or so OBSE will be incorporated far more to create more impressive mods.
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When I launch the game through OBSE does it give me a place to check Data files? Also, I download OMOD or OMMD or whatever its called. I never use it, so should I delete it.


I downloaded OBSE but I thought I did something wrong so I uninstalled it.

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OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager)is the program that contains the OMOD capability. NO do not delete it. It will work alongside of OBSE. In fact, it has a built in Oblivion launcher that will automatically check to see if OBSE is installed, and if it is, launch OBSE first, then Oblivion.


OBSE does not have the check data files capability, but OBMM does. And the ability to change the load order of mods which the standard game data does not have and which you will need if you load more than two or three mods.

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Alright, thanks everybody for your help. I can't wait to try out Theives Arsenal and Deadly Reflexes. Haha, off to do everything. Don't leave though I may have a few more questions. :D





About OBMM....

On the left side is the load order, correct? Whatever is at the top is loaded first and the bottom is loaded last?

Next, how do I use OBSE with OBMM?


Do I launch OBMM, set the load order, exit out, then start up OBSE?

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When I launch the game through OBSE does it give me a place to check Data files? Also, I download OMOD or OMMD or whatever its called. I never use it, so should I delete it.


I downloaded OBSE but I thought I did something wrong so I uninstalled it.

Install OBMM then add your mods to it. If you have OBSE you must launch your game from it.

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About OBMM....

On the left side is the load order, correct? Whatever is at the top is loaded first and the bottom is loaded last?

Next, how do I use OBSE with OBMM?


Do I launch OBMM, set the load order, exit out, then start up OBSE?

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About OBMM....

On the left side is the load order, correct? Whatever is at the top is loaded first and the bottom is loaded last?

Next, how do I use OBSE with OBMM?


Do I launch OBMM, set the load order, exit out, then start up OBSE?

hmm, yes, but you don't need to change or confirm the load order every time you play.

an easy use of OBSE is creating a shortcut to it in the desktop (you can change the icon to resemble that one of Oblivion)


So the procedure to play is simply starting OBSE, but if you install a mod or for whatever reason need to change the load order, go for the OBMM first

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