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Fixing Starfield...


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Don't get me wrong, I like the idea behind starfield.. but I find the implementation lackluster. I wonder how long it will be til someone spruces up the main/side quests... Honestly I am just comparing and contrasting quests in this game vs cyberpunk, and there is a clear winner...


Heck it wouldn't take much to turn neon into a more lively city. Heck we could even have max tech and trauma team. Create a modified 'space ship' that drops off the units... for cyberware, that should be fully possible as well..


Anyhow I just wanted to ramble after doing a quest and thinking to myself, man, cyberpunk did these type of encounters far better. For example approaching an npc, in cyberpunk they will often brandish weapons or stand in a threatening manner. Starfield, they are relaxing and look like they want to ask me out for a cup of tea. (In other words, the stance of the npcs should match the tone/situation, brandish weapon, get in my face etc.)


edit: Which also leads into problem number 2. New game+ Seriously they need to add more to that. Show us getting the ship/suit at the very least. Also add in some way to bring *something* back with us. Maby a single outfit and two weapons. That way it doesn't feel like a waste finding/creating something unique just to bin it once you run through the game.. at the same time the limit on carrying over items would make you scramble for filling in gaps in your armory and ammo. Also, imo should probably tweak new game+ to add in some more unique things. (From staring out with a bounty, starting as a member of a faction... having the adoring fan type npc without the trait..)


edit2: Oh and ships.. Us bringing new ships into new game+ would break the game. However they should add in a blueprint saver.. No way am I spending hours creating my perfect ship to just trash it. (Also some of the ships others have come up with are amazing looking, and I want.. -- Which also reminds me of we should be able to "buy" robot companions. That way my one ship I use for knocking over banks doesnt have narcs aboard.

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All great observations and ideas. My memory tells me Todd's own brother is in charge of 'animation' and NPC design. Need anything more on that subject be said?


Rest assured that space fanatic modders have a vast number of things they are chomping at the bit to take on, but all depend on tools. When the official tools release, the possibility of using them for quality mods will become apparent. More important will be the documentation, and then reverse engineering so as far as possible, new systems and frameworks are introduced into the core game.


I honestly believe we'll eventually see almost everything external to the core re-coded, redesigned, and as many new frameworks as possible created on which future mods can depend. This is a lot of work. It won't be a matter of how skilled the best modders are- they'll be leagues ahead of anyone on the current Beth team. It will be a matter of doability, for the one things mods will not do is recode the core. The core game must be capable of supporting new frameworks that fix combat, animation and body work, and the general travel system- most particularly space.


As most know here, most games are almost unmoddable to any decent degree. This was certainly the case with Cyberpunk and GTA. Both these titles were much better in their core systems than Starfield, but then again mods could do little to nothing to change the game experience in those worlds, save for mostly visual tweaks.


Starfield is a rotten game, as most have now concluded, and a massive out-of-the-box disappointment. BUT peeps do love some SF and space gaming, and Starfield is at least coded for modern multi-core systems with decent amounts of RAM and a modern GPU. This means the inherent limits in its version of the Creation Engine should be much better than earlier Beth games. Not great- certainly not great, but "better".


Little hacks to the vanilla game are a WASTE of time. For sure, everyone would have liked them to be there in their first play-thru, but terrible as the game is, one could still witness the game as Todd intended unmodded. What we now want from the modded Starfield is the real Star Citizen. Or a true space version of Skyrim or Fallout. I have long dreamt of a time when Nexus hosted a fully crowd-sourced title, almost wholly made by the modding community. Sadly Nexus lacks the vision to do such an obvious project. Starfield looks like being a second best to that idea, where the over-hauled version in say 5 years time will bear little resemblance to the form the original released as.

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All great observations and ideas. My memory tells me Todd's own brother is in charge of 'animation' and NPC design. Need anything more on that subject be said?


Rest assured that space fanatic modders have a vast number of things they are chomping at the bit to take on, but all depend on tools. When the official tools release, the possibility of using them for quality mods will become apparent. More important will be the documentation, and then reverse engineering so as far as possible, new systems and frameworks are introduced into the core game.


I honestly believe we'll eventually see almost everything external to the core re-coded, redesigned, and as many new frameworks as possible created on which future mods can depend. This is a lot of work. It won't be a matter of how skilled the best modders are- they'll be leagues ahead of anyone on the current Beth team. It will be a matter of doability, for the one things mods will not do is recode the core. The core game must be capable of supporting new frameworks that fix combat, animation and body work, and the general travel system- most particularly space.


As most know here, most games are almost unmoddable to any decent degree. This was certainly the case with Cyberpunk and GTA. Both these titles were much better in their core systems than Starfield, but then again mods could do little to nothing to change the game experience in those worlds, save for mostly visual tweaks.


Starfield is a rotten game, as most have now concluded, and a massive out-of-the-box disappointment. BUT peeps do love some SF and space gaming, and Starfield is at least coded for modern multi-core systems with decent amounts of RAM and a modern GPU. This means the inherent limits in its version of the Creation Engine should be much better than earlier Beth games. Not great- certainly not great, but "better".


Little hacks to the vanilla game are a WASTE of time. For sure, everyone would have liked them to be there in their first play-thru, but terrible as the game is, one could still witness the game as Todd intended unmodded. What we now want from the modded Starfield is the real Star Citizen. Or a true space version of Skyrim or Fallout. I have long dreamt of a time when Nexus hosted a fully crowd-sourced title, almost wholly made by the modding community. Sadly Nexus lacks the vision to do such an obvious project. Starfield looks like being a second best to that idea, where the over-hauled version in say 5 years time will bear little resemblance to the form the original released as.

I genuinely like the game.... The minor tweaks also makes the game much more playable for me. And I run a bunch of 'em..... It's a beth game. I got more than what I expected, and I am very much enjoying what I got. The little tweaks only make it more enjoyable.

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