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Blind Moth Priests


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See? See!

Now, when I'm not around, they're leaving the confines of the monastery and the library to mingle with the ordinary folk and spread terrible lies about me! They will confuse the masses into believing their plans. I won't be safe wherever I go!


Why, Master?

Why did it have to be this way?

you seek but wonder, you ask but turn a deaf ear. Believe only that which you mind knows is reality.Speakers oft spin webs like the spider to catch the unwary. Be not the prey,be the hunter!

like the mantis,watch and wait and follow what you know to be true and then strike when your sure it is within your grasp!



So...does this mean I get to kill all of the moth priests? I think that is the only logical answer to this problem.


Truth lies within the darkness. Find the truth and light with guide your way. Like a lion stalking its prey, invisible to the eye until the time of victory when the prey is struck down in pool of blood, only then will you find the light, in the darkness of death.

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But once you withdraw so far into the darkness, can you ever learn how to not fear the light again? Can you ever come back?

Do you lose yourself on purpose, only to later realise that you can't find yourself again?

You may welcome it into your heart, but it consumes you when you turn a blind eye. Then you are gone without even noticing...

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One surrounded in darkness is not blind, but hidden by the shadows, it is the light that is blind! Blinded by justice! One should seek the darkness, and be found and realize that justice is a LIE!


You can not loose what you have already found. Thus you can not be found if you haven't been lost.


Seek the darkness my friend, and find the lies of the light.

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But once you withdraw so far into the darkness, can you ever learn how to not fear the light again? Can you ever come back?

Do you lose yourself on purpose, only to later realise that you can't find yourself again?

You may welcome it into your heart, but it consumes you when you turn a blind eye. Then you are gone without even noticing...

beware those eager to enlighten your path.many paths are but detours to the unknown.Stay the course,follow your instincts and never doubt your senses!

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The path that is lesser traveled is the path that chooses your own destiny, not the path that is worn with lies and scorn worn by the tired hands of those who've gone before. Only then when you seek your own destiny hidden by the shadows of the darkness will your answers be revealed.


Do not listen to the unwise that travel the same roads, only lies and dishonesty ensue.

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