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[LE] Condition of legendary skills


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No condition functions that I know of. Unless the condition function GetActorValue would be of use.


With SKSE, Papyrus has ActorValueInfo.GetActorValueInfoByName(actorValue).GetSkillLegendaryLevel() which could be used as follows:



If ActorValueInfo.GetActorValueInfoByName("Sneaking").GetSkillLegendaryLevel() != -1
  ;skill is legendary or capable of being made legendary
  ;skill cannot be legendary at this time


If necessary, the above could be used to check a skill's legendary level and then set a global variable to a specific value that you could then use in your condition. To trigger a check, the story manager could be used with OnStoryIncreaseSkill.

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No condition functions that I know of. Unless the condition function GetActorValue would be of use.


With SKSE, Papyrus has ActorValueInfo.GetActorValueInfoByName(actorValue).GetSkillLegendaryLevel() which could be used as follows:

If ActorValueInfo.GetActorValueInfoByName("Sneaking").GetSkillLegendaryLevel() != -1
  ;skill is legendary or capable of being made legendary
  ;skill cannot be legendary at this time

If necessary, the above could be used to check a skill's legendary level and then set a global variable to a specific value that you could then use in your condition. To trigger a check, the story manager could be used with OnStoryIncreaseSkill.

thanks, i'll try this

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