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Slender Man as Courier


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My friend got scared by the courier when it walked up to them in the middle of the woods. Gave me me an idea of how to make it scarier. Could it be done to create a character model to replace him, and possibly have the area darken when it happens? I figured the courier would work best as it is one of the things that makes you unable to move, and focus on him.

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A while ago, someone got this crazy conspiracy theory about the curiers.

Man, they can find you anywhere!

How do they do that ?

The basic idea was, that the curiers are undercover psijic monks.

Think about it.

You literally just cleared a dungeon. You step outside, maybe visit the nearest city/village, and BAM, ''I've got something I'm supposed to deliver. Lets see here...''

I call hacks. lol



Just kidding.

But it sure does make sence.

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