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FO4 'game mileage' & Lifespans of our little AI friends


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who the heck else is a kind and considerate enough human being that they would choose a long playthrough mileage and long living NPC friends (AI's) over and above:

~ unnecessary questing and save file bloating
~ to many mods selfishly installed at the expense of long lives for the settlers

~ what's more important to you? long living settlers and AI's or every stitch of lore? (you can't have both)

~ you only need a dozen settlements max, are you doing settlers, workshops, playthrough lifespan a favor with 30?


will be nice to hear how some of you take steps to perpetualize your NPC's


Edited by Drivinghard
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Got to be honest here.

When I walked into the ballpark and saw it had become (and has been) a shanty town for nearly 200 years?

I figured settlers were a complete waste of time. :D

certainly millions of engines that don't have them

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I always try to give my settlers the most secure and best supplied settlements posible.

I have a mod ot remove size limits, and I firgure larger communities are safer so mine get large, up to 60 settlers bigger than diamond City.


but there is stenght in numbers in the hostle wasteland.

Also I keep my farm girls tending farm in the middle of the settelments where they are more secured and my tough dudes ( usually cheat console spawned Far harbor settlers for their signiifcantly higher default levels) as armed and armored guards.

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