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Farcry 2 any good?


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I'm thinking of buying Farcry 2, but i have read so many mixed reviews, some say it's an amazing FPS snadbox game, and some say its basically crap.


So has anyone got the game? What did you think about it? What makes it good/bad?


Yeah, thanks.

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Well, the graphics are good, but it's in a word, repetitive. A lot of the quests are thinly veiled copies, so there are basically only several mission types. After you blow up a rival weapon dealer's shipment truck for the twelfth time, you'll be sick of it. And even though there's miles to explore, it's just the same dull scenery all the time. Gameplay isn't too varied either - shoot up some thugs, rest in a safehouse, buy some weapons, pop a malaria pill, rinse-and-repeat. If you can handle that, then no problem. If you can't, FC2 probably isn't the game for you.
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Well, i think i'll rent it, and if i like it i'll buy it. It does look good, and to be honest most games are repetetive. Even Oblivion is repetetive.


So yeah i think i'll rent it and then maybe buy it.

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I thought it was a completely and utterly abysmal game. The massively repetitive missions got very boring, very quickly, and while the idea of a massive open world was nice, it wasnt very varied, and the guard posts every couple of hundred metres stuffed full of constantly respawning soldiers made travelling anywhere more frustrating than enjoyable.


The shooting wasnt bad, though other than the fire effects which were hyped up so much, theres not a lot to make it stand out. And the fire effects, while better than many games, are ruined somewhat by the fact that only some oobjects can burn. Those objects which can't burn include such slightly odd things as wooden crates, boxes, and planks. It was quite dissapointing to be honest.

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Yeah, I bought Far Cry 2 recently.


For the first four hours I was like: OMG THIS IS AWESOMENESS!!!!

The next few hours where like: Ummm What? No other sorts of missions?


So I left it for a while, but I've just come back to it. I relised its not suited to long gameplay sessions, instead the game is a lot more fun if you play it slowly, a little bit every day. If you can do that, its the game for you.

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Hmmm, thanks.


Theres a sale in my local game store, and Farcry 2 has 75% off, so i tink i'm going to buy it. If its crap then ill take it back.

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the game is long and a bit fun in places but as it been said its going thou the same type of missions over and over again i swear if i did the same mission again and again i would have explored everywhere with out noticeing


but hey everyones tastes are diffrent hehe

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Well, you need to spend at least a week with Far Cry 2 before you decide whether you like it or not. In the beginning you'll love it, but after a while you'll realize that it doesn't matter that every mission target's face looks different, it still feels as if you've done it before. As a rule, I complete almost every game I play, boring or not, but I've been stuck on 27% completed on FC2 since last November and I have no intention of finishing it now either. It's like they took a large map, made spawning points for enemies, placed a few missions, outposts and vehicles, and just left the player to do what he wants. It's a FPS alright, but it does nothing innovative.
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Try it before you buy it. Try the full version.


I played Far Cry 1 demo. Loved it.


Was extremely disappointed with the full game when I got my hands on it. Hated most of it.

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Bought the game for on ebay for like VERY little money. And, i am enjoying it. The map editor is great, and the game looks AMAZING!!! (graphically)
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