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Tweaking player voice mod

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i came across with this plugin, and i like him....but i want same some tweaks, can somebody help me?

That mod sure give your charachter unique voice from existing in game NPCs, but there is one problem, its apply to both male and female genders
So i want seprated folders for both genders, of course there is olso version with male voices but work the same only voices are male.

Those voices not subtitled, so where i can change that?

And last Third
one of nice touch are if you dies you olso had unique voice not taken from hit voice pool, but there is one porblem
Its only heared once per chachter, so if you load game and die again it gonna plays regular hit voice not death, so i wanted fix that

I think that all

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I remember the mod but I never used it


#1 - You need to install the voice pack for the voice you want your PC to have. They all use the same .esp

#2 - As they use the same .esp that's what you'd need to change to add subtitles. As all the voice packs contain different files using different lines you'd need to change the .esp for each different voice pack.

#3 - No idea

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