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Blender Trouble


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When mentioning blender woes, be sure to specify what versions of related software you are using and what steps you took to get the error. It also helps to note what kind of object you are creating...maybe even a screenshot of it in Blender, the export screen, NifSkope view, etc.


If it might be related to buggy features in the latest versions of software, you might want to try the software version in this package.



  • Blender 2.47
  • Python 2.5.2
  • Blender NIF Scripts 2.3.7
  • NifSkope 1.0.12
  • PyFFI 1.0.0

If the object is invisible in NifSkope, it could be one of many things...not assigning a texture, cannot find the texture path, not the right texture format (DDS vs PSD), reversed normals, etc.



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That is what I thought at first since it is a common mistake by very new modelers but he said "invisible" which made me think he could select it but could see through it.


If there is no object, no NiTriStrip/Shape, then I'd have to agree that he did not select all before exporting.



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Ah, you used the wrong word in your original post then....


i can find --> i cannot find


When you click File --> Export --> Netimmerse/Gamebro, make sure you note what path it is saving the NIF to. Also, you need to use the mouse to click the buttons, do not press ENTER to go to the next screen.



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That's odd... Maybe post some screenshots of youur settings? If you're selecting the model before you export and you're specifying where you want to export it to I can't think of anything else... :/ Maybe try it with a different model? Just to test it out.
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