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Change notification colors and/or location


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NOTE: I don't know what they are called, the messages that pop up in the upper right corner. I read on one mod that they were notifications, so I am going to call them that here.


When a notification comes up, I can barely see it. It is just ordinary and small. Nothing that screams, "I am here." I was wondering if you can change the color of the background and or the text of the notifications. Also it would be nice if you could move the location of the notification as well.


I hope this is doable before the modding tools come out from Bethesda.

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I have StarUI HUD installed and all or most the other StarUIs (they release them so fast, it's hard to keep up). I opened the StarUI Configurator and looked at tall the options and nothing resembling the Mod suggestion is there. If I am wrong, please let me know.

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