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Dungeon Siege


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Just for the record, I really enjoyed Dungeon Siege when I first got it. (The first - and only! - thing I've ever won! Thank you, PC Gaming World, r.i.p.) Yes, it was repetitive, but the fun was in exploring the very well-designed areas and in levelling up and seeing your character look progressively cooler/harder as the game wore on. Recently, though, I've reinstalled it on my nice new shiny PC (which will play Oblivion! Hurrah! :D ) and am having a half-hearted attempt at replaying it. And I've got to say it really is quite dull. Particularly in the early levels. So much of the game is well thought out - the one key pick up for inventory, for example - but the lack of optional quests, party interaction etc means its replayability quotient is virtually nil.


All of which leads me to the following questions:


Is the expansion pack, 'Legends of Aranna' any good? (One of the things I'm particularly interested in is whether it adds new items/equipment/areas to the original game or is it all self-contained in a brand new adventure?)


Is the sequel, 'Dungeon Siege II' worth getting?


I await your answers with great anticipation...





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DS2 was alright. I played through it all (about 10 hours long). Just make sure you have a few new music albums to listen to in the background.


There's a few gameplay additions, like a move towards a Diablo 2 style skill system. No upgrade in the graphics though.


Just expect a new storyline and locations to play through.

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I liked DS, except for that cheating thing. And ofcourse the hacking tools or something people used to make uber items, and other things that make the game boring and unfair.


One thing i did like is going to chicken world with a friend, while we are both not that strong yet. Chicken world rocks! And at the end fight on who gets the chicken gun...

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Can't see multiplayer being great to be honest; not open enough for it. If you want to play a game like DS multiplayer I'd recommend Diablo 2. If you want to play a linear story get NWN.
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