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This mod adds a Shield and a Blade to the game, nothing special. You can download it at MW summit or here at Tessource in a couple of days!


Here's some screens of it :D

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Spiffy. ^^ Looks very nice.


How is the armour mod itself coming along? Close to a release yet? It was looking pretty good when you last previewed it.

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Oh, then you must have missed my las post on that topic, it has already been released on mwsummit, I have tried to get it released on tessource aswell, but it doesnt seem to wok for me, I have had problems with stuff like that since I installed Service Pack2 :/ Im gonna uninstall it, and then trying to get it up on Tessource.


I will be releasing an update to the armor tomorrow, so please download it after it has been updated, it will fix some bugs and correct the colours of the armor to more blue intead of purple!

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Oops. Still, I have looked on MWSummit... and there's nothing there. Just your two plasma shield mods. I enter "plasma" into search by title with the search tool and it turns up your shield mods and nothing else...


Are you sure it's there? Or did you give it some less obvious name? ^^; It doesn't turn up this mod either.

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Its just called Oceanic Armor, pretty sure you will find it if you search for that.


I suggest that you wait downloading it until tomorrow, then V1.1 will be uploaded and it looks better. Check my Oceanic Plasma Armor topic :)



I think that I have confused some people with the words "plasma" and "Oceanic". I will release a bigger mod in the future containing all the Plasma/Oceanic items I have made for sale in its own shop.

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