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Does environmental explosive damage scale? (Pipes, tanks, cannisters etc...)


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Hi, just wondering does anyone know if the damage to enemies from exploding barrels/pipes etc... scales at all? I'm having a right good time playing on high difficulty and going out of my way to use the environment to my advantage, but then I thought... hang on... this is Bethesda... are these explosions going to start getting less and less effective as the enemies get larger and larger health pools? This may affect my long term build so I would rather find out sooner rather than later. I would like to think that a tank exploding in a generic pirates face will kill them no matter what level your at.


Also, on a different but slightly related subject, does the damage of mines/grenades scale? I didn't use them at all on my last play through but I noticed that at around level 40 most of my guns were doing about 3 times as much damage as a frag mine does and I can only see one perk that would increase the damage (and only by 50% as well). If not, the only thrown weapons useful at high level would be the stun ones (cryo, stun etc...)


Strikes me that IF all of the above DOESN'T scale, that as soon as the mod kit releases this needs to be a priority. Maybe have them do X% of health damage dependent on the type of opponent (humans 100%, robots 75% etc...) We know % based damage is in the game as burning does this. Really hoping this is already the case though so eagerly awaiting responses! Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, explosions scale. Explosion forms seem to have a similar data structure to the one from Fallout 4. They were designed to have a scale factor by default. It's determined mainly by radius (distance) and damage "force" value. Until the full structure is dissected, I can't be sure of all explosions though.

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