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Fallout 2


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You are the Chosen One, the direct descendant of the Vault Dweller. The village elders have selected you to wear the sacred Vault-suit of your grandsire and, in time, to ascend to the leadership of your people. First you must prove your devotion to your people. Your tribe needs help.
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Unfortunately I have not played Fallout, but I have extensively played Fallout 2 and, I must say, it is a really GREAT game. What I really loved about it was its open-endedness, as you had several ways of solving almost any quest, and you weren't stuck with having to be a good guy all the time. The graphics, of course, would look quaint today, but they served their purpose well, and besides I never judge a game by its graphics. The storyline and dialogues are in my opinion just great, and even though the main focus of the game is in combat, you can also roleplay a more "pacific" character who can talk his way out of any situation... although I must admit it's rather hard to survive at the beginning if you choose that option.

As it's a really old game, you can probably buy it for really cheap... if you like roleplaying, and post-apôcaliptic scenarios, buy this game :)

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Sadly I never played any of the Fallout series. A friend tried to get me into it a couple of months ago but the graphics destroyed my gameplay value. Sadly it does get like that for me..a bit like Starcraft. Tried to go back to SC a year ago and ended up uninstalling after 30 minutes because I failed to see how that big blue square was a tank, and that little blue dot was a soldier. You get the picture...
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all. I'm either the dumbest game player around, or possibly Fallout2 doesn't work well with Win2000. How does one get beyond the locked door in the Temple of trials? I have killed all the Ants & Scorpians, and searched all the rooms, etc, but I can't find anything to help me unlock the door. What am I missing, or not doing right? I do hope someone can give me some insight.


I've even downloaded a walkthrough to see if it would help, but I'll be darned if I can find any dynamite anywhere.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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The graphics did not stop me, if you keep a look out, you can actually spot very cool little details. (One of the first pieces of clothing/armor I found was an EXACT replica of Mad Max's leather outfit in The Road Warrior)


However, the combat system totally put me off...I just found it too slow. Perhaps I should try again with a little more patience.

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I just love being able to mutilate your enemy with the weapons you find. Being able to blow off limbs with pistols... upper torsos with burst guns... chunks out of their side with a shotgun blast... melting them with plasma weapon... Good times. Good times.
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