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StarfieldCustom.ini wont work


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Hi guys. Don't know if this question has been answered before. Tried google it but could not find any proper answer.

Not new to Bethesda since Fallout is my "go to game" and i know there's several bugs you have to live with 🙂 Trying to run the game at 21:9 (3440x1440) and the mouse are acting funny ( slow on the Y)

Found several solution on the web, but non of them works

In the StarfieldCustom.ini i tried 

fMouseHeadingYScale = 0.05017

None of them works. It does not matter if i put fMouseHeadingYScale = 0.99999 instead, it does not change a bit. What do i do?

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Jag gillar ditt namn stenskarpt. Min lillsyrra älskar min lilla ponny så hon har dem överallt.  😄  Så coolt. 

My own reflection about how the mouse actually works in game is that it is hard coded and controlled by the game engine, not the operation system and the reason i make this conclusion is how the mouse differ in feeling in different menus. I do know that Skyrim or was it Oblivion do have a setting that we can change, to allow the game to actually let the mouse to use the hardware instead of software and i guess you need to play around with that setting first. I am not at home, well i live in Kungälv as I am in Högsbo right now but I can test this later tonight, as i go home in an hour or so to Kungälv as i wanna play the game rather then sit here, sleeping more or less.  😉  Writing no sense at the forum...  😉 

The mouse acts extremely slow in the menus and extremely fast when we try to stear that bloody ship and I bet you want to get better control over your ship. Not flip around like a nutcase in space. This did happen to Armstrong in the Gemeni project. let me try to find that video that explain what did happen that day. Well he almost died. Armstrong did play with death so many times when they tested the Apollo equipment so lets see 2 videos.

I have crashed into the space station, several times until i figured out the E and  R button 😄  The computer that saved Neil, is not smarter than a calculator.  😉 and it was also hard to program it.

By the way, where do you come from?  Swedes are not common at the forums, but no wonder, we live in a small country out in no where, and it rains, and it is wet and boring  😄


The other film is about the Lunar landing capsul and not so dramatic as the film above as he did ride with a rocket chair, otherwise he would had been dead.


Neil Armstrong had nerves made of steal. he was not scared to test anything and he suceeded in all tests. Not many know about this as they do not actually care but this is how space flight really works.

When he and Buzz Aldrin did land on the Moon, they had 8 seconds of rocket fuel left. Buzz almost pushed the button that would have taken the Eagle back to the Lunar orbitter but neil who was the higher officer, said NO, we will land.

We do know now that this was not a simple walk. they did fall around, wearing the 130 kg heavy space suit in 0.17 gravity. What a torture they went true to actually pull this off. 

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20 minutes ago, Pellape said:

Jag gillar ditt namn stenskarpt. Min lillsyrra älskar min lilla ponny så hon har dem överallt.  😄  Så coolt. 

My own reflection about how the mouse actually works in game is that it is hard coded and controlled by the game engine, not the operation system and the reason i make this conclusion is how the mouse differ in feeling in different menus. I do know that Skyrim or was it Oblivion do have a setting that we can change, to allow the game to actually let the mouse to use the hardware instead of software and i guess you need to play around with that setting first. I am not at home, well i live in Kungälv as I am in Högsbo right now but I can test this later tonight, as i go home in an hour or so to Kungälv as i wanna play the game rather then sit here, sleeping more or less.  😉  Writing no sense at the forum...  😉 

The mouse acts extremely slow in the menus and extremely fast when we try to stear that bloody ship and I bet you want to get better control over your ship. Not flip around like a nutcase in space. This did happen to Armstrong in the Gemeni project. let me try to find that video that explain what did happen that day. Well he almost died. Armstrong did play with death so many times when they tested the Apollo equipment so lets see 2 videos.

I have crashed into the space station, several times until i figured out the E and  R button 😄  The computer that saved Neil, is not smarter than a calculator.  😉 and it was also hard to program it.

By the way, where do you come from?  Swedes are not common at the forums, but no wonder, we live in a small country out in no where, and it rains, and it is wet and boring  😄


The other film is about the Lunar landing capsul and not so dramatic as the film above as he did ride with a rocket chair, otherwise he would had been dead.


Neil Armstrong had nerves made of steal. he was not scared to test anything and he suceeded in all tests. Not many know about this as they do not actually care but this is how space flight really works.

When he and Buzz Aldrin did land on the Moon, they had 8 seconds of rocket fuel left. Buzz almost pushed the button that would have taken the Eagle back to the Lunar orbitter but neil who was the higher officer, said NO, we will land.

We do know now that this was not a simple walk. they did fall around, wearing the 130 kg heavy space suit in 0.17 gravity. What a torture they went true to actually pull this off. 


Man får tacka! 🙂 Ingen gillar att bli dödad av en liten ponny, det skapar bara mer ilska 🤣

The engine seems really relative to the Fallout 4 engine. Did not have any problem with that game except some mods from Nexus. Starfield seems more hard to modify 😞

The menu is not the problem, it is the game. But i think i get the hang of it since the last update solved the most of the issues. It's not perfect, but i'm getting there soon enough.


Umeå btw. Nexus har allt, även Svenskar och glöm inte att Norrland vinner alltid 🤣

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Jag kom precis till Kungälv, har tjuvåkt buss genom hela stand och ingen ville låna ut sin laddkabel, inte ens busschaförerna, sicka jävla as och sån är Göteborg. Ingen hjjälper nån här för alla är livrädda  för ficktjuvar och annat patraskt på lördagskvällarna. Jaja, jag klom hem helskinnad och utan att åka dit i någon kontroll.  😄   Sicket äventyr.

Vi skall snacka my little pony. Syrran är ju extremt cool och gört saker i verkligheten som vi bara kan drömma om med hästarna. Hon har häst strax söder om Kungälv och där ser det ut så här just nu.


Snacka om att den hästen är bortskämd  😄

Hon blev avkastad för 2 år sen och är yr i skallen sen dess men innan så sköt hon oxo med composittbåge från hästryggen. Hennes videos är ju så bra.  😄  Hon är oxo en duktig rollspelare så hon o jag har ju spelar en massa olika spel tillsammans där vi har bökat runt o haft svinkul ihop.  Jag måste visa ett kort på henne från rinken, precis när hon skall fyra av bågen och visst ser det coolt ut?

Uj, skrev allt på svenska, det tänkte jag inte på, men men if someone wanna read it, use google translate.  😄 

She really like bows and horses. So beware if you meet her, her temper makes her deadly so if you say the wrong word to that girl, you might get an arrow right between your eyes. 😉  She wont miss or she will send her dog after you. Thats the only way to live in Erksbo north side of Gothenburg...  😉   I hear gunshots every damn night during the weekends as well....  People are crazy here these days.  I bet Luleå is a bit calmer right? Or do the Laps and Finlanders run around shooting as well?  I bet one day somone will get hit by a bullet that do not deserve it or get in the line of fire by mistake. Vikings? Well yes and also no, it is not only the scandinavians here that cause trouble or. Last summer I saw something nasty from the bus. A whole team of AIK fans running around hunting a gaisare all over Brunnsparken and he ran for his life and I cant recall I seen anyone running so fast as he did, amazing. Damn succer holigans, al they wanna do is to cause problems and fights in town. So crazy...  😮


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Here is what I did find with google this evening. Ever known ini file setting. It is a lot of reading and I do hope you find wheat you are looking  for and if you do and the game feels better, then share it with us so we also can get better control than we have right now.  😄



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There are many settings in the Engine that are possible, but not all of them do apply to the game. All you can do is to try them out and see if they change anything. If you do test them, make sure nothing else is overwriting them. So you can put for example a setting in the StarfieldCustom.ini and then run a batch file at the start of the game that overwrites the setting in the INI File again. Yes, also "INI-Settings" have a load order. Pretty much all settings you can set in the INI, can also be changed during the runtime of the game through console commands and apply immediately.  Same is valid for commands you can use in the console, there are many more, but not all actually do anything to the game or you don't have the right environment for them to work. Some Debug commands for example will only work for Bethesda in their specific environment. As user you can execute them, but nothing will happen. Commands in the console are nothing more than calls to functions in the engine, if the game doesn't use a function the command will do nothing. Sometimes you can also have commands/functions, that are artifacts from previous versions of the engine, but which got replaced by something else. So don't rely on the fact, that a command or setting has to cause a change or effect. 

I am pretty sure that the setting ugridstoload still exists in the engine, but as far as i know Starfield is not using this anymore. So you can set it in your ini and it will be loaded, but won't work or do anything. Just don't try this out now, i can't say for certain that this setting doesn't cause anything negative and in the past it was already a critical setting one shouldn't play around with.

Also be aware that some settings, as mentioned above, can be critical and that changing them might work but also cause unforseen problems in the long run. And not all variable names do explain exactly what this setting does under the hood. Some seem innocent enough and in the end make your game unstable and constantly crash. As always, keep backups before you start messing about with settings you don't know exactly what they do and how they function. Everything you find on the internet you can take with a pinch of salt. Most of the time that are just educated guesses based on the names and that is not really reliable unless you know the source of that information is trustworthy. With trustworthy i don't mean that for example IGN is a great site for gaming, but rather people like Ian, the developer of SFSE and previous iterations, the development team of xEdit. They are peopple who take the game apart in detail, look at the code, know what certain functions do and how. If they give out information you can pretty much rely on it being as accurate as it can be. Not always 100% but definitely in the upper 90 percentile. Combined they have decades of knowledge and experience about the innermost workings of the games. 

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