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.nif UV map altered after Blender


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I imported the .nif of the LAER to Blender, did some altering and then exported it back to .nif form. When I examined the model in Nifskope I noticed there were dark gaps in the textures that were not there before. Looking at the UV maps I could see that somewhere along the way that had been altered. Vertices close to each other were merged, about which I attached and image below.

Textured view in Blender did not show these gaps, so I figure it must have somehow happened in the export process. I tried switching on and off the different settings on the left column like "Stripify geometries" and "Smoothen inter-object seams" and "Export skin partition" and "Combine materials to increase performance". However, none of those made a difference. Can anyone help me figure out what is happening here?


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The issue seems to be that Blender merges the UV because they belong to the same object and lie so close together, you can fix this by simply moving the small UV island of that strip far away and put it back in the original place afterwards so the UV isn't merged on export. I don't know if there is any other way to fix this, but I also don't understand why the mesh was created this way in the first place.

Edited by AusAllerWelt
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