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My mods are simply unalived


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First of all, i am not native english speaker so don:t mind grammar.


The problem is that with latest game update all my mods (like 50 of them) just won't work anymore. I have used all possible ship building modes, but now no mather of what i do Derretech and TN's mods behave like they are not even installed. Same with other esm mods.

I reinstalled game, did clean mod installation with Vortex, Mod organizer, Starfield mod launcher and manually.  Tried with disabled data folder, still no results. My custom ini and plugins text are ok, cleared even that and started over. I am loosing my sh*t here, vanilla is not my thing for an icecream, even less for a game.

Any ideas?

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First thing I would check is to ensure you have the plugins.txt enabler loaded and running.

Then check that in your documents that have the mods in the plugins.txt file. C:\Users\YOURPCUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Starfield\Plugins.txt is the default location but may vary depending on where you keep your documents.

Also check that your Starfield ini didn't reset. I had to add the following to the ini to get mods working:

Under the General section:

bEnableMessageOfTheDay = 0

And also in the Archive section:



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 You are all misunderstanding him. He is saying that in the shipbuilder the Derretech and Tn mods are no longer registering. I have the same issue with normal habs disappearing and ship builder interface issues with everything correctly configured. Try the combination of TN's ship mods, Derretech and Ship Builder Categories, throw in all the potential patches too. IF it works once. go to the load order function change around the order of the mods. Go back to the Ship builder function and then VOILA ! your habs and the Derretech and tn categories in the ship builder interface are gone.

It seems that load order is very important with the combination of TN, Derretech, and Ship Builder Categories. The new Load order function in Vortex is disrupting load order and just placing everything alphabetically which is causing categories to disappear in the ship builder interface which in turn is destroying existing habs on ships as well. We really need somone or something to give us a good sort for our plugins but neither LOOT or Vortex is risking that I guess. Would sf1edit be useful in creating some sorting order?

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1 hour ago, ghostmaker00 said:

 You are all misunderstanding him. He is saying that in the shipbuilder the Derretech and Tn mods are no longer registering. I have the same issue with normal habs disappearing and ship builder interface issues with everything correctly configured. Try the combination of TN's ship mods, Derretech and Ship Builder Categories, throw in all the potential patches too. IF it works once. go to the load order function change around the order of the mods. Go back to the Ship builder function and then VOILA ! your habs and the Derretech and tn categories in the ship builder interface are gone.

It seems that load order is very important with the combination of TN, Derretech, and Ship Builder Categories. The new Load order function in Vortex is disrupting load order and just placing everything alphabetically which is causing categories to disappear in the ship builder interface which in turn is destroying existing habs on ships as well. We really need somone or something to give us a good sort for our plugins but neither LOOT or Vortex is risking that I guess. Would sf1edit be useful in creating some sorting order?

So it's vortex screwing things up...... They just are not doing well with starfield.....

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Copying this over from a community post. Also yeah Vortex and its stupid auto alphabetical ordering is messing things up.

OKay. Not going to like this. Tried everything to get this mod to work with TN AIO ship + Derretech +Junk In your Trunk + Place Your Door. Gave up and just installed the less dependencies version of TN + Derretech + Place Your Door. Lost Junk and thrusters but my ships no longer hollow out and I don't lose default habs, weapons, or get infinite loading. I still have to keep a certain load order (using sf1edit to help on that) but its not as sensitive.

So my solution right now is not to use SBC if you ahve certain combinations of ship mods.

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