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Auto Repair the Outposts


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Stuff at my outposts gets broken and  there seems not not be any ways to repair them other then doing it by hand and if we sign up staff  to an Outpost, they really should be able to repair broken stuff and or Repair Robots. I checked the web before I made this topic and others say the same, This is Ridiculous.

I did send a  ticket to Bethesda about my thoughts and if they are unwilling to come up with any solutions, we really need to see if the Modding Community will be able  to do anything about it when CK comes. I do think the only way to solve  it is to hard code it into the SFSE engine. Anyone that disagrees?   😉

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No mod should be hard-coded into anything. Modding is about choice, removing that choice is not a good thing.

I haven't done a lot with outposts though, and I don't know that I have ever had to actually repair anything..... But, I do agree, that if you have crew at your outpost, with anything resembling the right skills, they should repair the broke stuff, even if you aren't there. (assuming they have the materials to do so.) Repair robots definitely should be a thing. 😄

Do you have defenses set up at your outpost???

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