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Inquiry about creation club prompt


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i recently updated and im now getting this "fun" new prompt

whenever i remove a mod

"would you like to search creation club for this mod" yes/no

yes brings creation club, no dosnt load or do anything

is there a disabler or mod up, i spent most of the morning trying to discern what i need to do to nuke this annoyance but im asking now as im just getting frustrated 

i do have the AE edition and the ae mods that came with it, but i dont use creation for anything directly

I do note it had me do a  login before i played which i hadnt need prior and now this keep occurring, so im unsure of a work around  

Edited by Duzellx
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Hmmm, that's very interesting. I wish there was some way to flag a post and save it for later - just in case -  because I have a feeling I might need it in the future. 

I do get the impression that the Creation Club area is WIP.  Yesterday **my** game was seriously stable, didn't crash, didn't axe half my mods but I haven't been back there today... 

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On 12/28/2023 at 11:06 AM, zixi said:

Hmmm, that's very interesting. I wish there was some way to flag a post and save it for later - just in case -  because I have a feeling I might need it in the future. 

I do get the impression that the Creation Club area is WIP.  Yesterday **my** game was seriously stable, didn't crash, didn't axe half my mods but I haven't been back there today... 

Id suggest to make a bookmark of the thread in a browser ,if you feel it will be usefull or jot down on notepad the issue and fix

i will note,  i did launch default skyrim fully, then SKSE skyrim launcher after via vortex to make sure the default settings were run to set quality level. (not sure, but that might be an important step...) 

 only just gotten back into the game ( cancer ....)   as this update occurred, typically i do mod ports or mod testing /troubleshooting

ae creation stuff seemed stable initially ill say,  but with the new updated/paid mods they are promoting seems they try to lock /punish people using non creation mods with this prompt, so handy to know a reset trick if one runs into it


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13 hours ago, Duzellx said:

bookmark of the thread in a browser

Ex computer scientist who is hopeless at bookmarks and suchlike! However, you have unwittingly given me the handle to remember by mentioning that c word. Been there and done that so I'm now going to express solidarity with you and wish you every good wish you want and some more. Take the greatest care of yourself and enjoy the game!

I'll will be doing strategy b though - add a note to my little book (I keep a note of useful Linux commands) so I'll add it to a page there. 

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I have just encountered this issue myself.


Game was working fine until I removed a few mods today and now I cannot start my save unless I add those mods back in. I intend to simply stat a new game for now as that save was only about an hour long anyway and because I REALLY dont want to add the removed mods back into the game.


I see you say you found a fix but for the life of me I cannot understand what you say you did to fix it. Any chance you can give me an 'Idiots Guide'?


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On 12/30/2023 at 10:01 PM, ASavageEye said:

I have just encountered this issue myself.


Game was working fine until I removed a few mods today and now I cannot start my save unless I add those mods back in. I intend to simply stat a new game for now as that save was only about an hour long anyway and because I REALLY dont want to add the removed mods back into the game.


I see you say you found a fix but for the life of me I cannot understand what you say you did to fix it. Any chance you can give me an 'Idiots Guide'?


 if you have steam (im not sure how on another platform) 

step1: select steam app -> library  (locate skyrim) 

step 2: right click elder scrolls V-> select properties  

step 3: select the " installed files " tab

step 4: select "verify integrity of game files" [Let this do its thing] 

step 5: select default game loader select optimization setup 

step 6: close and run per vortex/custom launcher/ SKSE and prompt that locks to creation club will be gone

On 12/30/2023 at 2:16 AM, zixi said:

Ex computer scientist who is hopeless at bookmarks and suchlike! However, you have unwittingly given me the handle to remember by mentioning that c word. Been there and done that so I'm now going to express solidarity with you and wish you every good wish you want and some more. Take the greatest care of yourself and enjoy the game!

I'll will be doing strategy b though - add a note to my little book (I keep a note of useful Linux commands) so I'll add it to a page there. 

understandable , best of luck

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  • 1 year later...

I found the proper solution. While prompted to go to the creation club, choose yes. In CC, go to option, choose disable creation club check on missing content (of similar text). Reload the game again.

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Click "no" to not go into Creations menu library (if you downloaded mod from NexusMods here, you shouldn't really go into that much anyway, much less use free mods from both Nexus and Creations), click "yes" to continue loading, when game save loads, make a brand new save.  Quit to menu, delete all other saves except for that newest one.  Load that save, no more warning prompt!

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