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Vortex doesn't see Kingdom Come: Deliverance


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I decided to play Kingdom Come: Deliverance again but when I tried to install mods, I noticed that Vortex stopped detecting the game. I played this game twice, previously there was no problem with installing mods via Vortex, and now I can't add it to the "managed" tabs in Vortex program. 
Screenshot of Vortex

And when I tried to install mods manually by placing them in /epic games/KingdomComeDeliverance/Mods my game doesn't work (after starting I cannot interact with items and NPCs, all characters stand still and do not move, and mods do not work). 

Can you please tell me what the hell happend and how to fix it?

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7 hours ago, Pickysaurus said:

Also check that you haven't disabled the extension

Extensions -> Show bundled -> Search for Kingdom Come

xD Yeah I did. Don't know how but I did it.  Thank you a lot ❤️ 


Now I have different problem andI don't want to create additional threads, so let me ask here.

My problem is with Mod Mercher which didn't detect the game's location at first. On the Nexus mod website I've found advice to make a copy of the Win64MasterMasterEpicPGO folder and rename that to Win64 (when I changed the foler name without making a copy of it, Epic wouldn't let me run the game). 

After I did this, mod mercher started seeing the game folder but now doesn't see mods. I have a lot of mods installed, and after trying to detect conflicts, mod merger shows me that it has only detected 2 mods and there are no conflicts between them. Of course, after starting the game, the mods do not work.

Screenshot of mod merger
Copied folder
Mod folder


Do you know what should I do now?

Edited by Talibowy
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