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Problem importing Fallout New Vegas model into Blender


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Hello, as the title suggests, I have a problem when importing a Fallout New Vegas model into Blender. It's incomplete, but this only happens with certain models. Let me give you an example: in screenshot number 1 in the (GECK) software, the model is complete, but in screenshot number 2 in Blender, the model is incomplete. Additionally, as you can see in screenshot number 3, there are errors during the model import. If anyone knows the answer, it would help me a lot.

Screenshot n°1//

Screenshot n°2//1704804063-capture-d-ecran-2024-01-09-13
Screenshot n°3// 1704804063-capture-d-ecran-2024-01-09-13

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Is it possible for you to show the model/nif you are editing in nifskope too?
You could simply be missing additionally meshes as some world objects are madeup of multiple nif files.

I don't have experience with niftools in newer versions of Blender but I do edit world objects in earlier versions.

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Yes, on NifSkope, the model is complete, but I absolutely know nothing about this software. For instance, I selected the monorail rails, and I see the name (nv_curveup01:4 [6]), but when I look for the Nif model in the folder I extracted from the Fallout NV game via FOMM, the only available file is (nv_mrcurveup01).



Edited by nukajack1500
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On 10/01/2024 at 17:50, MuteSignals said:

Est-il possible pour vous d'afficher également le modèle/nif que vous modifiez dans nifskope ?
Il se peut simplement qu'il vous manque des maillages supplémentaires, car certains objets du monde sont constitués de plusieurs fichiers nif.

Je n'ai pas d'expérience avec niftools dans les versions plus récentes de Blender, mais j'édite des objets du monde dans les versions antérieures.


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The only errors you have in the pop--up in Blender are missing textures which isn't a big deal,

Can you show the import settings you use when you bring the .nif into blender?
If all the geometry is included in your nifskope screenshot, idk why its not all loading in,
I guess we can compare import settings to see if the issue is there.

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7 hours ago, MuteSignals said:

Les seules erreurs que vous avez dans le pop-up de Blender sont des textures manquantes, ce qui n'est pas grave,

Pouvez-vous afficher les paramètres d'importation que vous utilisez lorsque vous importez le .nif dans Blender ?
Si toute la géométrie est incluse dans votre capture d'écran nifskope, je ne sais pas pourquoi tout ne se charge pas,
je suppose que nous pouvons comparer les paramètres d'importation pour voir si le problème est là.

Hello, I found the solution to my problem.

[1] Start by opening the Nif file you want to import into Blender using NifSkope.

[2] Then use the "Remove By Id" function.

[3] Don't touch anything in the window that opens, just confirm by clicking OK.

[4] Save your Nif under a different name so you can easily identify it.

[5] You can now close NifSkope and open your model with Blender.

If someone else encounters the same issue, here is the link to the solution. [https://wteamoblivionmod-for.forum2jeux.com/t172-inutile-blender-importer-exporter-un-fichier-nif]

Thanks to
MuteSignals for trying to solve my problem👍.

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