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Reset function ModPCMovementSpeed if applied for no reason

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I am trying to make a sprint key by using the ModPCMovementSpeed function, and would like to figure out a way to reset that modifier in case it is applied for a reason or another when the key is not pressed. This is the reset block I made using GetPCMovementSpeedModifier function :

; Reset the Speed Modifier if applied for no reason
if KeyPress == 0 && Check == 0 && GetPCMovementSpeedModifier == 60 ; if sprint key is not pressed, but sprint bonus of 60 is somehow applied
   ModPCMovementSpeed -60
   Message "Speed Modifier Reset"

Is this going to work ?

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Try changing "&& GetPCMovementSpeedModifier == 60" to "&& GetPCMovementSpeedModifier != 0"

Maybe, for some reason the modifier (being a float) is not exactly 60.


Next I would try this:

float SpeedMod

; Reset the Speed Modifier if applied for no reason
set SpeedMod to GetPCMovementSpeedModifier 
PrintC "SpeedMod = %f  Keypress = %g  Check = %g", SpeedMod, KeyPress, Check  ; NOTE this may flood the console depending on how often it's hit
if KeyPress == 0 && Check == 0 && SpeedMod != 0 ; if sprint key is not pressed, but sprint bonus of 60 is somehow applied
   set SpeedMod to SpeedMod * -1.0
   ModPCMovementSpeed SpeedMod
   Message "Speed Modifier Reset"
Edited by GamerRick
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Instead of assigning extra key it would be better to apply speed when we want player to move and he is already in run mode?

short speedMod

if IsControlDisabled 0 == 0 ;0 - forward control available
	if IsControlPressed 0 != 0 && player.IsRunning != 0
  		if speedMod == 0
			ModPCMovementSpeed 60
			set speedMod to 1
	elseif speedMod != 0
		ModPCMovementSpeed -60
		set speedMod to 0
else ;if not
	if speedMod != 0 ;return speed if mod applied
		ModPCMovementSpeed -60
		set speedMod to 0

 Also don't forget that function variables get reseted after every run, so the ones you need to remember must be saved elsewhere, like in quest or global variables.

Edited by RomanR
typos and bugfix
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I'm sorry, but I noticed a bug in my script post. I forgot to add a check if speedMod variable is at zero when adding speed, without it speed would add always when holding a forward control key. See this post again please.

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