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Mod in Collection Deleted, 403, Failed to download

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Short: Am I supposed to be able to download a collection's mod that have been deleted? Or does that mean I have to just have that dependency missing?


I downloaded a collection, and 1 mod hosted by nexus failed its download. Going to the mod's page on Nexus, makes it look like the mod was deleted. on the website the collection has the name of the mod changed to end with "DELETED" but generates the page preview properly.

When it tries to download the mod it says it "failed" that the 'requesting url... failed with status "403'." That this code means that the link has expired or that I lack permission. I assume this means that I do lack permission, that I am not supposed to be able to download this mod, though I thought that mods in collection continued to be accessible for that collection.

There is also a red error reporting "HTTP (403) - Request Failed" stating the same (expired or lacks permission)

Once the mod fails to download, I can retry in the downloads tab, and a tab opens in my browsers at the mod's page stating "Not found" with the mod title ending in Deleted

So the question is: am I supposed to be able to download the mod, or is this working as correctly? It would be good to know going forward, should I avoid any collection with mods that have DELETED appended to the name, should they be important dependence of other mods in the collection.

This specific mod in question is not a dependency of anything else. I used it before, and remember liking I could change the carry handle and its texture on the PKM, and in general have liked the authors mods, but its not vital to the collection. Also I don't intended to cause any trouble for the author, I don't know any sort of history or drama around this mod, I did see them comment they removed a lot of mods due to their feeling of the quality of the mods, but that is not really the topic. I really just want to know how Vortex is supposed to wrk.

Collection: Zappy's big stinking zombie pack
Mod: "PKM ZenitCo Addon - DELETED" or "PKM ZenitCo Addon - s#*! mod" or "s#*! mod" or "s#*! mod-65274-0-1-1555296526.7z"
Vortex Version 1.9.12
Game: Fallout 4
Mods do you installed: about 460
Environment: Windows 11 (version 22H2 build 22621.3007), 64-bit, 32GB RAM, i5-13600KF,

Other notes: The collection on Nexus states there are 463 mods, the list that shows up in Vortex has 460. 3 other mods failed to download, they were 3rd party link though. One seems to have been expired. The others seem to be issue with the website's UI and Vortex, and I could get it at the website manually.

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Hi there,

This is something you should report on the collection page.

When a mod is removed by a moderator, it will cause this problem for any collections that use it.

You can right-click the mod in the collections table to ignore it if the collection can work without it. 

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Yes, it's rare for a mod included in collections to be removed by a moderator, but it does happen sometimes. 

At present there isn't a way to know this easily, but you can look at the list of mods and see if any of them have the "- DELETED" suffix added. 

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