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SkyUI not working & New ENBseries update???


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Hello, I had been following a load order guide by Vlad 254 for version 1.6.640. It had me load SkyUI from here https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604?tab=description. From my research all I find is SkyUI only needs skse. The guide had me download skse and engine fixes. Upon going into console skse verifies by calling up the version number, yet I cannot get SkyUI to work. In game using a controller it pull the vanilla menus. Upon more research I discovered the SkyUI 5.2 SE Plugin with Master Added mod here https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/67166?tab=files. I installed it hoping it might work and got the same result.

The guide I was following suddenly became hidden and I have been in the process of trying to get contact with the author on Steam to activate it, so currently I am unable to see if there are further steps I need to take. The guide also had me download Immersive HUD and MCM Helper mods too. Would anyone have any ideas to what could be causing skyUI not to run?

Also upon launching the game and after it shows the ENB info, it says there is a new ENBseries update. As I just started this load order a few days ago now I knew I got the latest version but thought it may have been updated. There is no new update and I am using the latest version of 0.499 so I have no idea why it is saying that either. I figured I should mention it in case it is a flag to someone. Thanks for your time!

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Don't worry about the enb your game will continue to work with the older version. You might check the version number for skyrim.exe. It recently got a new version and Steam installs it without asking or informing you. If you have the latest skyrim update you would need the newer versions of SKSE and  the address library for SKSE mods and probably any other SKSE dependent mods.

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Thank you for the reply greyday01. I got the enb update message fixed. After researching SkyUI it appears there is a bug https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604/?tab=forum&topic_id=13526051 see the top thread. A fix is posted at the top of the thread but it requires the use of a few mods, not just like a patch. The problem with this for me is I am following a LO guide by Vlad 254 on Steam and it mentions nothing about those mods. So, I am not experienced enough to know if trying them will make for problems in the LO for the mods the guide uses. I'm not knowledgable enough to know what in what kind of mods will break something. I just learned removing heavily scripted mods mid game messes things up, but just  picked that up in passing reading on steam. I just learned all that about the bug so guess now would anyone know if the recommended mods for the fix would break my game if I tried them???

I just got a copy of the guide as the steam site is having issues and not displaying it. Steam is working on it as I am told. I can send the file of it if someone needs to see the mods being used. Thanks!

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Oops, forgot to mention I got a confirmation about skyUI having a fomod, yet none appears for me during install. I seen on Gamerpoets video that MO2 users had problems installing it. His fix was to download manually, unzip, delete the fomod, archive, and back to M02. I tried it and archived it then dropped into vortex, but same result as before.

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I read everything and previewed the download contents for the mods for the fix. I didn't see any esp, esl type files so I tried them. I also missed that the guide has me using the Fix Note Icon for SkyUI. Running the game I can enter the vanilla menu for weapons, etc so no skyUI. But, when I press the menu button on the controller to view saves, etc I got a CTD. Usually testing I leave my browser, etc open until I see problems. Then I exit and close everything and try again. I did that now and both times got a CTD.

I then disabled the difficulty persistence fix mod and returned to game. Still got the vanilla menus but no CTD using the menu button.

In the forums for SkyUI SE - Difficulty Persistence Fix https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106418?tab=posts I read that Quest Journal Fix for SkyUI https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/108618 works with the new version over the difficulty persistence one, basically, so I tried it after reviewing the mod page.

In game I got the same vanilla menus and pressing the menu button again caused a CTD. I tried all combinations reinstalling SkyUI after each with the same CTD when the menu button is pressed. I disabled them all and went to game and still at the same place as before. No skyUI and all seems stable. I will now uninstall them all so I don't loose track of them. So none fixed or broke my game.....I'll call it a break even lol.

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These are the steps and changes the guide had me make.

This Next Mod is a 2 part install - part 1 with Mod Manger and part 2 Manually
[3] SSE Engine Fixes (skse64 plugin)[www.nexusmods.com] version 6.1.1
A) Install (with Vortex) "(Part 1) SSE Engine Fixes for 1.6.629 and newer" (should be 2nd file)
[4] B) Manually Download "(Part 2) Engine Fixes - skse64 Preloader and TBB Lib".

  1. Place it on your desktop
  2. with either 7zip or Winrar / Choose "extract here"
  3. drag the 3 .dll's: "d3dx9_42.dll", "tbb.dll", and "tbbmalloc.dll"
    to your Skyrim Special Edition folder located in:
    SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition

Now you can delete the items you just placed on your desktop
NEXT: Settings for SSE Engine Fixes (I use these settings which I highly recommend)
Go to: \steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins
open EngineFixes.toml with Notepad or Notepad++ (++ will show line #'s)
Line 11: Set MaxStdio to 8192 (Raises max file handle limit from 512 to 2048, which should fix "False Save Corruption" bug in most cases
Line 13: Set RegularQuicksaves to true (I don't use QuickSaves but this is a precaution)
Line 66: Set SaveGameMaxSize to true (Changes max saves from 64MB to 124MB for large load orders and/or long playrthrough's)

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You need to look on the Engine Fixes comments page for more up-to-date information.


19 December 2023, 11:14AM

Folks, there is no single mod or item that is borking your game with the 1.6.1130 update.  It's a series of things you will need to address based on core changes made by Bethesda to .1130.  SkyUI, Engine Fixes and SKSE all work with .1130. Below is a decent starting point to check once you have updated your game -- you are always free to downgrade your game back to 1.6.640 to get things back in order:

Skyrim 1.6.1170 Notes
Most of the adjustments listed below for Skyrim 1.6.1130 still apply with the following tweaks:
  • SKSE must be updated to version 2.2.6 for the Steam edition of the game. GOG users must wait for a separate update to SKSE.
  • USSEP does not require any update for 1.6.1170.
  • Update any dll-based SKSE plugins to 1.6.1170 versions. Mods that have not been updated must be disabled.
  • Address Library must be updated to the 1.6.1170 version.

Skyrim 1.6.1130 Notes
  • SKSE must be updated to version 2.2.5
  • Use the latest version of USSEP for 1.6.1130 if you use this mod
  • Add the SkyUI SE - Difficulty Persistence Fix to address changes to the menu structure by Bethesda
  • Update any dll-based SKSE plugins to 1.6.1130 versions. Mods that have not been updated must be disabled.
  • If using Engine Fixes (or any other SKSE plugin that requires Address Library), Address Library must be updated to the 1.6.1130 version. Also make sure you are using Part 1 version 6.1.1, NOT 6.0.2.
  • If using Engine Fixes, settings in EngineFixes.toml must be adjusted (open it in Notepad) to work around the exclusion of Steam integration by Bethesda with its update. Set to false the below options in the toml file, or use Zanderat’s SSE Engine Fixes - Modified .toml File Only For SSE v1.6.1130. After changing the toml, also check to see if your plugins have been disabled in your mod manager and be sure to re-enable them. Use the Achievements Mods Enabler as a workaround for Steam achievements.
EnableAchievementsWithMods = false
SaveAddedSoundCategories = false
SaveScreenshots = false

I had some crashes in game from tbbmalloc, had to disable it in the Engine Fixes .toml.  Didn't help much, just new crashes in Faster HDT-SMP and other mods that I am still working out.

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